Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Biden Claims "Xenophobia" is Hurting India's Economy | Vantage with Palki Sharma" video.

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  3. Is India really Xenophobic ??? Let's check History for 10 Instances. 1) Scythians in 600 B.C migrated to India Buddha was a Schythian King, All Indians have utmost respect for Buddhism !!! 2) Parthians in 250 B.C. integrated with India Hindus began co-existing with Parthians, Parthian coinage from Persian era show Hindu Gods !!! 3) Greeks in 150 B.C integrated with Indian Culture. A Buddhist - Greek Kingdoms existed for a long time, Where Indians happily lived under Greek - Buddhist king !!! 4) Huns invaded India in 100 C.E but were defeated by Indian Kings. They were not enslaved or Killed, But assimilted, Some Hunnic Kings like Tormana and Mihirakula even ruled over India !!! 5) South East Asians migrated to North East India in 100 B.C. Indian Kingdoms were never in clash with these Migrants, They infact traded and co-existed with each other !!! 6) Persian Nativea fled their Homeland when Arabs invadfed Persia in 650 C.E. These Refugees called Parsees are so succeeful today, They are all Rich and Own Million Dollar Bussinesses !!! 7) Shia Muslims fled Sunni Muslim persecution in Middle East in the 13th Century and took refufe in India. These Shia co-existed peacfully in India. Infact some Hindu Kings sent their armies to aid Shias n Battle !!! 8) In late 1800s, Ottamans were carrying out Attrocities on Armenian Christians They were forced to flee to India, Where their descendants continue to live and Prosper even today !!! 9) Tibetans were persecued by Communist China in 1950s, So they fled to India. We welcomed Dalai lama and shelterd Tibetan Refugees, Despite being on Friendly terms iwth China back then !!! 10) Bangaldesh was a disaster and a Failed Nation created in 1971 with extreme Poverty. This meant, every year Millions of Bangladeshi poured into India, Still India allowed them all in !!! Do all these Actions appear Xenophobic to you ? India is the Mother of all Civilizations, We have always welcomed everyone - Friend, Foe alike with open arms and somehow managed to co-exist with them in Peace. To call such a Civilization "Xenophobic" is not just Stupid but Ignorant.