Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Buddha Statue in Egypt: Proof of India’s Ancient Global Links | Vantage with Palki Sharma" video.
Much of Indian History is distorted by British (Un-intentionally). I'm not saying Ancient Egypt was a part of Indian Civilization but large parts of Afghanistan (Gandhara), Pakistan (Sindhu), Iran (Kamboja) and Kyrgystan (Kuru) definitely were. All these places find mention in Ancient Hindu Epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata along with their Capital cities, Life, Culture, Kings, War etc. The Zoroastrians and Hindus even worship the same Gods, Indian Sanskrit and Persian Avesthi script is 97% similar !!!
Instea of blindly referring to Greek sources, Historians must start fresh research on studying History of Middle East from Indian Civilizational Pespective. Assyrians are probaby "Asuras" in Hindu Epics. Ancient Egyptians with their shaven heads and Sandalwood smeared body were the "Gandharva" (Translation : Gandaha + Arva, One who applies Sandalwood), The Hyksos (Hittite) Horse Tribals who were eternal enemies of Egyptians were the "Yakshas" mentioend in Hindu Epics. There are accounts of Yaksha being Supreme and even coming into conflict with Ancient Indian Kings and defeating them.
If we start looking at whole world in Hindu Epics as diffrent races, then everything soon begins to make sense. The Rakshasa, Asura, Deva, Kinnara, Kimpurusha, Garuda, Dhanava, Gandharava were all different races of people who came into contact with Indians and thus Hindu Epics like Ramaayana and Mahabharata are full of stories of these exotic people.