Comments by "Deus Ex Homeboy" (@DeusExHomeboy) on "Munchies" channel.

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  4. Outside of human societies, where most "moral values" are presonalised, arbitrary and herd-serving. The act of eating a sentient organism's body is not immoral in itself, but what makes the participant moral or immoral, is whether they (a) needed to kill it for their own survival, and (b) whether the organism died of natural causes. No matter how you justify it, ultimately it is unnecessary, denies billions of sentient organisms a natural life and then has them killed and dismembered to satisfy the habits of humans. Doing something undesired to one sentient organism is objectively equivalent to doing the same to another innocent sentient organism. If you wish to live by subjective morals that are detached from reality and can be bent anytime to preserve one's sense of "decency". I'm sure you'd have a little more problem with a human baby being raised in loving care, shown kindness and kept well and cozy, randomly strung up and decapitated one day unnaturally, then chopped up and packed for buyers to consume. But somehow you seem to conveniently presume that only your own specie and a few other cherry picked species of sentient organisms that you are "familiar and comfortable with", have some magical property that raises them above everything else. It's all made up, completely detached from reality. You might as well wear fake elf ears and ride a horse around while holding a bow, acting like you're Legolas the eld from Lord of the Rings universe. It's equally detached from objective reality. Why even try at this point? Your whole statement is a contradiction to itself. "probably not", I am doubtful now, as to whether you've done sufficient research to have confident in what you believe. It seems your statement is more of a symbol to convince yourself.
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  12. Al Simons No, not necessarily.  Think of this guy as a Hummer.  Huge, strong, and had made itself dependent on huge amounts of energy to function, But 20,000 is not the number. The more energy his body gets, the LESS efficient his body will need. Because there is  Morbid amounts of energy being supplied constantly.  Here's another, clearer example: US military.  They get  a lot of funds,to do their things, right? So they spend it, here and there, throughout the year, building things, training people etc. Say, it gets around 50 Billion in funding. But only ends up spending, say, 30 billion out of that. At the end of the year, they say "50 billion well spent, we were stretched thing, but we managed, it is the exact amount we need to work. Now, someone else might be sceptical about the figures, how is it even possible to spend 50 billion when the OUTPUT is NOT tallying up. And then, some "patriot" comes, and tells them, "Hey, you need to shut the fuck up you bigot anti-american guy, you don't know what they're doing, they're protecting us from the islamists, bla bla bla, fallacy of appealing to authority, blabla bla". So, this is the situation with Robert, and all the "calorie patriots" here. Remember Ends do not justify the means. And Co-relation does not IMPLY causation. Like if I ate 50 newborn chicks everyday, and then grow to be 8 feet tall, I can just attribute it to my growth, so I can justify eating a stupid amount of baby chicks, and nobody can say anything, since they haven't done the "exact same things as me", which according to most people here, is the only way you can judge someone else's actions, lol.. Yes, he got something, and lost something. Well, he isn't a "smartman" after all, so I shouldn't even have taken his "conviction of 20000" seriously, and just ignored it, but you see all these other kids and their butthurtly dumb comments? Hilarious. Here is something to weigh it around: There will be Dozens if not hundreds of HUGE and MASSIVE strongmen, who actually won a GOLD, and in multiple occasions(unlike our 20000 calorie god), and DID NOT  need 20000 calories to do it, let alone the training leading up to it. Does this not show that he DOES NOT NEED it? He might WANT IT, but  he Literally, Does Not Need it.  He might say he does, but that does nothing to change reality otherwise.  Oberst might be something special probably, thaa chosen golden child. We'll just have to wait and watch ;).  Or not wait, just watch randomly if the thought returns 20 years later. :D
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  16. CurrencyPrime "One of the best".  Claim made, prove it. I don't see any trophies, and there's tens of thousands of strongmen in the world, if not more, and you have nothing to deny that there's people who do better than him at lesser, overall calorie cost, conclusion; his diet, and causally, body is inefficient.  People like you only suck up on other people's beings and leech off them, just to feel less worthless. The typical "Oh, since you're not a participant in the action, you cannot criticise it, but oh yes, all praises are welcome, since we're little butthurt kids who can't deal with any kind of scrutiny, due to psychological inadequacies."  Sorry, now I know ^-^. All I did, was accurately describe his incorrect overestimation of what he needs. He fucking feels dizzy not doing anything if he doesn't get all that flesh deep in him. If he DID actually have a clear understanding of how HIS body worked, he wouldn't be looking like a pig, but would be fitter.  But then of course, most people like you, like to warp the idea of fitness to suit yourself and your ideas, rather than admitting fault. "I am the best in the world at doing X activity, because nobody else does it, so I am the champion and the authority and everyone else is wrong.  Oh look, we have a competition where people numbering from hundreds to thousands, and not 7 BILLION, let's pull titles out of our steroid filled asses, like "world's strongest man", because logic.  Good job sucking the fuck out of this ideology tho :D.
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  27. ***** Oh good god, yes I have, since it was IN the video.  Of course I won't be running behind a strongman trophy, just how I won't be running behind a figure ice skating. They're all petty titles that people chase all their lives, when all they ever had to do, was to realise their strength themselves, lol.  A "TITLE" is a TITLE, not the "TRUTH".  "Miss Universe, DOES NOT MEAN, Mistress of the universe. "Mister World, DOES NOT mean mister of the world.  "Strongest man trophies" DO NOT make the person "The Strongest man".  It's just a human concept, and equally petty. Just because a bunch of people start caring about these things, doesn't change their worthlessness and arbitrariness. What does the number of trophies he has, have anything to do with anything?  If a guy who has 1 more award than him, comes an tells him that he is an idiot, then you will probably believe him instantly, because of the 1 more trophy he has, lol. I Guarantee to you, that even if he wanted, he wouldn't be able to hold his breath for more than a few seconds, and would lose to little kids. Should I call him a loser who can't even hold his breath for longer than little Children, but still calls himself a "strongman"? Lol, no. Because that's how idiots think.  He didn't win trophies on calorie utilization mastery, nor did he win the  national trophy of knowing what to eat, and knowing how much one needs to eat. I Can use the same trophy argument in the other direction and just say "Nope, he doesn't count for shit, since he has no world championship trophies."  But then I would just be deliberately lowering my logic, just to feel like I am making sense.
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  50. Don Megga Oh god, another one.  I just hope you didn't go disliking my videos just to feel like you won anything, like most people do. It's really a pain in the ass, lol.  Now, here's something for you to consider: the 9 above him, didn't take his diet, and outdid his ass IN EVERY WAY(which is why he lost). You can only burn so much energy in a day, and 20,000 is not it, not with his "workout", which probably consists more of  cooking, eating and shitting than training. That's why he's so fat, he's probably not seen his own dick in ages. I don't know what you are even defending. There is a DIFFERENCE between a Nutritional diet, and a CALORIE heavy diet. GUESS which one his is??   If he actually ate Proper food, he wouldn't be able to stuff enough to get that much. That's why he eats shit full of shit, where everything is replaced with calories.  If he actually gave a shit about doing HIS VERY POSSIBLE BEST.  He wouldn't look like a pig who just got lucky at being big as well. He doesn't care about that, he doesn't mind being the freak if people throw money at him for doing it. Talk about "Being a strong man competitor".  He's just like you; Lost in numbers, medals, and the fad of his time period, and defending and continuing it, because it saves him from more cognitive dissonance.  "bla bla bla, Look at his medaaaalsssssss look at the moulded, plated metalll, it means so mucchh, it is soo much proooofffff, Loook thizzz facctzzz". jee.  Petty Argumentum ad populum and Ad hominems.