Youtube comments of rohan Dybala 21 (@rohandybala2152).

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  5. @Chloe Hoover : To some extent or not to, I struggled a lot in my semester years to write clear, concise and "an expected personal touch" essays on literature topics and so on. My teachers used to say that being original in literature is as important as doing experiments in science even if it's abnormal to human beliefs. And so I let myself be that, but after all these years of toiling what I found is, whenever I tried to put my views, my "very-own interpretations" about that topic on the paper, it felt like it was already plagiarized. It was not like I was actually integrating my own originality into it but rather I was plucking up someone else's sentences. Without me being conscious of it and at one point it almost drove off my interest altogether. I personally think the reason why literary writers produce efficient and original content is mostly because of their non-conformist attitude towards the human society. You see, most of the classics were written on certain choices that fuelled the deepest desires of the then writers, which was satisfied only through writing. It can be personal choices, a questionable view on ethics and ethnicity, socio- political choices, even views on gods and what humans would have been if there was no society. It can be anything and that anything can work magic when you mesh it with your own views and imagination, which would then only finds it way in to the paper. Writing of that kind of thinking is extraordinarily unique as you will be amazed by your own abilities. It works like an instinct and you'll never know how. I figured out this thing only after I was criticized for my writing for the 9th time in my final year. And from that day on, I gave up and only read until I came on to this discovery statement made by Bertrand Russell where he said(I'll paraphrase cause I don't remember the exact lines) " if you have no purpose in life and feel like a waste, I tell you, to go and live different lives. Live the life of a beggar, a fisherman, a hawker and many more and go on until you find something that murders your sleep every night. It's only then when you goona find a reason to live and fight for, which will never be clear but will make you to write and write." I wasn't aware of what that meant, but after about a week more, going full dry on papers and cleaning my kitchen sink, I found its meaning. EXPERIENCES.....that's it. Experiences will create Impossibles which will irk you and take others off their seats.
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  40.  @hassanasad27  let me tell you kid, that islamic invasion of india was carried out brutally until the kings and locals fell into the command of Turks, ghaznis and moghuls. The conversion took place as more and more people were put to the end of their life, either die or convert. And to be more precise, Indus valley civilization goes beyond islam and islamic cultural. A fine example would be Afghanistan, look how prosperous Afghanistan used to be when it was under the elite rule of Hinduism and Buddhism but once islam took control of it, it went downhill. Look at its state now!! The ancestry part of Pakistan is still in controversy as people during the Indic civilizations had intermixed with Greeks who came on to conquer the greater parts of Sindh and punjab. But telling islam to be the righteous faith and belief is the utter hypocrisy for the last 1400 years. No cultures, no civilizations, no other faiths had survived under islamic rule as they were hell bent to convert all the people. Similarly the prophecies of ghazwa-e-hind and imam Mahdi run on the same directions as well, to conquer india and kill the Hindus, as well as to conquer the world and convert everyone. The beat example would be the demonic destruction carried out by ISIS when they tried to do an "Ethnic cleansing" of yazidis and Kurds. Look what happened to the yazidi and Kurdish women under the hands of Islamists and radicals. Rape, rape, rape and sex slavery, that's all they did. But I got surprised when muslims and Arabs cheered on it as a "righteous act." Think kid!
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  49.  l A  quite true of what you say, I won't argue about that. But, about 6-7 years ago I read somewhere that a guy was beheaded in Abu Dhabi because he was voicing out the indignity and supression he faced in the country. And oddly, the Arabs took it as a harm to their faith, they felt he was being uncivilized by shouting out on Christianity and so they executed him. Is it true that someone who protest for the mistreatment and lack of safety are beheaded on the context of " harming Islam" ? We already know how miserable and dreadful the conditions of the labourers are in Arabs. If you're a football fanatic you will know better. Besides, I also know how minority groups are berefted fromtheir basic human rights and are suppressed to low levels . But quite astonishingly, when Islam are in other countries thry shout out for special laws on them and about their safety and that they shouldn't be forced into any conversion or maltreatment. Is it any true? I don't know the perfect answer to it but I can assure you blindly that cases like these had been recorded in history books for long. It happens frequently. We can't ignore or bypass this fact just because Islam should be protected from any hate cause it has a bad view in the world. But when you go to islamic countries, they kill or disgust the minorities to a point where they have no other way other escaping or dying. Isn't it strange how a big religion like Islam, whose holy book preaches about equality and indifference, massacres and tortures communities who are minor?
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