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Democracy Now!
Comments by "bohemianwriter1" (@bohemianwriter1) on "Democracy Now!" channel.
As a veteran who's been a peacenik for two decades, this makes me want to bring with me a few fellows, go there fully armed and given those criminal thugs in uniform an ultimatum: LEAVE NOW OR DIE TODAY INSTEAD OF IN YEARS AFTER AN OIL SPILL!
Man made climate change is not a scam. Climate change denial is. And it's only the richest tax evaders and polluters who bitches about taxes and how their pollution doesn't cause any problems.
So native Americans cannot go where ever they want on their own property? WOW! Why am I not surprised?
I'm Norwegian and I am painfully aware of the situation. It's a disgrace. Wonder how the CEOs and their minions would like it if someone bulldozed the greves of their family members rotting corpses so they could make money and destroy the ecosystem at the same time
It's official! Hillary hates Native Americans and love criminal trespassers and oil addled land grabbers!
Really? So who own the grave yard their ancestors rests in then? A foreign oil company? I bet you are all for building a wall at the Mexican border because you don't want "illegals" on "your land".... Yet here you claim that the Sioux nation doesn't own the property their cemetery is located as if every treaty signed with them is not valid.
Now the Army Corps is going to use force to get people off their own property on behalf of foreign trespassers and a fat cat who lives far away from the pipeline.
I didn't see any gun. Did you see any gun? Or do you believe in what the cops says at face value every time they make claims?
Cops doing violent home invasions for running a top sign? Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?
Can't stand either Shillary or Drumph speak. So I track it right to where Jill Stein speaks, since she is the only candidate not completely nuts...
DN has become my new #1 source for world headlines... I use others as well, but this is the most objective one. Yet face anti 1st Amendment persecution for reporting on the NEWS rather than spouting propaganda and celebrity "news" in corporate media.
The spirits of Crazy Horse, Geronimo, Sitting Bull, Red Cloud and all the great chiefs should arise and take back what belongs to their granddaughters and grandsons. I don't think that even peace mongers like Gall or Chief Joseph of the Nec Percè would stand idly by and witness this without some form of reaction. I can imagine that the only time corporate media would cover this is if 500 veterans from the 500 nations would arm up and stare down the criminal powers who desecrate the graves of their fathers and mothers...and sometimes their children. These thugs are only brave when facing unarmed people. In real life, they are all cowards. As a veteran from Norway, and an aficionado of the Native American culture and history since childhood, I stand with you and wish I could be there with the protectors at Standing Rock. My blood boils when I see this.
I dig it! Even the buffalo wants these oil invaders off the land...
The only pedophiles you will find is within the Church and within the White House, s where you get this garbage from outside Alex Jones or some fruitcake site with a bad sense f humour is beyond me.
I wish Obama did what you wish on your fellow citizens to your fat white slobs calling themselves teabaggers, bitching about someone else getting access to health insurance. showing up armed in D.C... I wish Obama could have closed Gitmo and investigated war crimes done during Bush jr rather than covering up for them, going after the whistle blowers. At least now we know what RWer supports free speech and the constitution and who are not supporting the Bill of Rights.. Perhaps if BLM started arming themselves and acted a bit more like the Bundy's, eh? I can't wait to see your orange slob being impeached. He is the most hated president to ever be elected in U.S. history. And his "populism" only applies to a certain segment of the population who can not call themselves the majority nor representative for USA. Even though, it is sometimes easy to lump every single American in the same bag as a Drumpf supporter. But that would be unfair to real progressives who represents USA and humanity far better than any crypto-Fascist who now supports this regime of elitist, white collar criminals. It's going to be fun watching Drumpf turn your swamp into an even worse place of swamp creatures and drive your bloated empire down the drain. I hope he takes as many of you useful idiots down with you as humanly possible. As far as I'm concerned, you have deserved the fate that awaits you. To Drumpf, you're nothing more than expendable cannon fodder who still have your use as apologist for his police state.
I'm sure "pro-life" conservatives will manage to defend Big Government Over reach and "law & order"..
You seem to have zero compassion....pretending you're so in favor of "law & order"... Thinking living and working there for decades is somehow a crime worse than Roy Moore's child molestation, and republicans raping the land for profit. Are you European? The WTF are YOU doing there? Shouldn't you go back to Europe and join the Brown Shirts or something you fucking illegal criminal?
Because just like their treaty breaking predecessors they don't give a flying rats ass about the people they stole the land they want to destroy it from.
White people vandalising nature gets away with it. Native Americans protecting their land and their rivers and the people reporting on it face cruel and unusual punishment. And both parties in Washington love it.
Red Cloud and Sitting Bull are rolling in their graves as we speak. Crazy Horse is about to burst out of his and extract justice upon these humanoids hiding behind metals and steel...
The sites that European aliens claim they own as if they have any connection to the land whatsoever; the burial grounds and the river was never ceded. It's just European immigrant leaders who chose to ignore the treaties signed with the property owners of the land. From now on, I will consistently call every white person calling themselves "patriotic" American and endorses the actions of this foreign oil company and their henchmen by their proper characteristics: European illegal squatters. I'm sure no white person would sit idly by and watch some out of town company bulldoze their grandmother's grave for the company's financial convenience. Even with the protection of Big Government - the police.
So the guy who disarmed an infiltrator terrorist and issued an arrest warrant on the civil arrester. That certainly sends a message regarding the sheriff's attitudes towards the LAW!
Care to explain the Clinton Foundation taking money from Saudi Arabia and Bahrain and all of a sudden both dictatorships got their arms deals to use against their own population or civilians in Yemen? Care to explain Hillary's support of the military junta who illegally committed a military coup against the democratically elected government in Honduras`? Care to explain the glee in Hillary's eyes when she talks about obliterating the entire Iranian population? Care to explain her and your hatred towards the Palestinians?
The property does not belong to your heroes, the alien oil companies. It belongs to the people living there.
Right Anonymous! We should all start to follow "real" 'news" like FOX & Infowars and Worldnet Daily who hasn't served a single line of propaganda in their entire existence! Because Amy Goodman is a global elitists who runs the errand for the oligarchs, muslims and the gay mafia in the satanic church of Sodomy! And those protesters? All paid actors on the payroll of George Soros! Look it up!
Nope Racism is based on fear of what is percieved as threatening and unknown...Racism is based on tribalism and social control.. Other than that...I agree...Free your mind and your arse will foll0ow...
3 chasing the dragon... having conquered it...:-)
That crowd looked AWEFULLY WHITE! Where are al the African Americans and latino moms in this crowd?
The Fact is Hillary, is that you colluded with DNC & Corporate media to smear Bernie Sanders as well as a range of other discrepancies and transgressions during the Primaries. If all these facts were out before the scandalous Democratic Convention, and Comy did his job, Bernie would be on stage right now, leading Trump by 20%... You on the other hand would be under indictment, being forced to drag everyone down with you all the way to the Bushies or sacrificing yourself to protect your fellow conspirators.
You get real news here that you won't get anywhere else. Especially not in the corporate funded propaganda networks...
Perhaps all you who claims rightful ownership over the land that your ancestors stole should consider to get your fat, freeloading, entitled arase back to Europe where you'd have to WORK for a living... Where your white rpivilege is is ingrated in the culture, but a hell of a lot more hospitality to refugees than a country of land grabbing, genocidal maniac with bad ideas.
Jovan Mitrić Was it ever?
I think we should let the respective extremists of all countries and cults fight it out against each other, with sticks and stones. Televised off course.
That oil CEO shouldn't be interviewed as he was a respectable citizen, but a criminal; An eco-terrorist, trespasser, inciting riots, assault, kidnapping, conspiracy to a mass murder, and vandalism of private burial grounds... Have I left anything out?
NoName NoFame That sort of goes against everything that Scott Walker their favorite waterboy has done in Wisconsin.
USA still conducting mass murder of Natives. Still a large portion of US population will vote for Trump because according to him, THEY are the ones "screwing" the "American" people.
Imagine if the cops treated the Koch funded teabaggers the same way.. America a democracy? What an F'ing jooke!
'Salut from a supporter from Norway! If I were you, I would get the tribal police and arrest these criminal elements who commits these crimes ASAP.. Geronimo, Sitting Bull, Chief Joseph, Crazy Horse, Red Cloud, Cochise...They would all be livid. They are twisting in their graves as we speak....
Specially when those people arrest being subject to violence from private security for private oil companies. They think that anything is up for grabs. And when they take it,, they fence it and call it "private property"...
So the genocide still continues.. Wonder who has the motivation for this perpetual murder..
Because only white people ar allowed to destroy land for their own pleausure. Because only white people are entitled to arm themselves and take what does not belong to them and then claim property right, "moral" and "law & order"...AFTER they have committed crimes themselves. Which reminds me. All land west of Mississippi River is stolen land. Not a single state or state government is legit since it's cemented in broken treaties and repeated violations of the LAW the last 200 years. So I wonder when entitled RWers and land grabbers will start taking responsibility for their own actions instead of destroying other people's lives for profit instead of crying "white guilt".. Only the TRULY guilty who have never taken responsibility once in their entire life and live of the crimes of their fathers cry "white guilt" in order to avoid standing accountable. I suggest you piss off from the continent your filthy, unwashed, disease ridden drunken religiously perverted ancestors stole from the real owners of the land. Not that we would want any of you filthy ilk back into our midst.
But you don't give a shit about the Sioux who tries to keep the water safe and the cemetery safe from white trespassers. That land does not belong to you nor any of your freeloading ilk. It belongs to the NATIVE Americans and not some freeloading descendant or a of mass genocidal Christian illegal aliens from Europe. Neither does the cemetary spot belong to foreign oil companies whose CEOs would cry if someone took a barrel of oil and soiled it right on his momma's grave. If you want a pipeline? Accept them build one right through what you claim to be your property! Don't expect others to sacrifice and lose theirs just for your selfish, eurocentric, yet deluded concept of property rights!
These shows exists solely for one purpose: To keep us stupefied, mentally preoccupied, while stuffing us with pink goo with sugar, and red alert news to keep us scared...We are their test animals for their Pavlov's experiment. "Be afraid! The Enemy is afoot!" Which means "Look that way and ignore our theft of democracy! We'll be back after these commercials! -Having an issue? Buy our oxycodone and the newest gadgets you can record the next Bieber concert with! Vote for the Billionaire! He'll keep you safe, and make you rich!" -Next: Dancing With the Stars and the latest news from the Kardashian Saga!" How Lewis Black would have put it: HOLY FUCK! You're all FUCKED and too drugged up on shitty drugs and worse TV to REALIZE IT!
Adolf only showed us Europeans what we Europeans have done to the rest of the world for 500 years...Exemplifying our crimes against other peoples and cultures on us...
She's more liberal than any republican.
It must have been a paid troll channel. No content. No info. Nothing. You think it was a David Brock troll, or a Trump troll?
That's strange.... Ever since I was a kid, I considered Wonder Knee a massacre and Custer's last Stand a victory.
So people who lose their homes and get their drinking water are not people but corporations are? You certainly have a warped view on what is personhood. You don't believe in the Constitution. You believe in the rights of corporations to kill and commit acts of eco-terrorism to enrichen themselves on a mountain of corpses. I you lived 250 years ago, you'd side with the corporation East India Company, because EIC was a person. The native Americans are free to destroy any tool used to destroy their property. So if you or any thugs would trespass on their land to commit acts of vandalism and eco-terrorism, you should be held accountable. You''re also a moron with a white entitlement complex.
@clarapilier We live in a world filled with religious people whom insists that their invisible sky daddy exist.. Whom then again claims the authority to define others, and determine whether other people whom does not live up to the standard of the book of their sky daddy has the right to existed, far less protected by law as equal citizens.. This is the same cult whom destroys the nature and planet they insist their god created for their disposal and dominion for profit and fake morality. Top of Irony is when these bible wankers whom elevates themselves to bible experts conveniently ignores Matthew 19.11-12 which was directly attributed to their beloved supply side Jesus with a gun in one hand, and new commandment in the other which says "Anything queer or transgender are banned from the Heaven of my prosperity gospel televangelists".. Jebus has turned into a wild eyed televangelist with a tax free stock portfolio from the donations hidden in Delaware.
On the side note, you' be siding with the East India company over the revolutionaries 250 years ago. You're a racist stooge for rich white royalties that takes land they have never had any ties to, bulldoze the homes of others because they, just like you want others to carry the burden and suffer for your selfish convenience.