Democracy Now!
Comments by "bohemianwriter1" (@bohemianwriter1) on "Standing Rock: Police Arrest 120+ Water Protectors as Dakota Access Speeds up Pipeline Construction" video.
You are right.
The oil companies and their criminal tools, the Sheriff's dept. should get the hell off the private burial grounds belonging to the Sioux nation by treaty.
But then again, white people have never cared about treaties if those treaties are getting in the way of their lust for riches (mostly on other people's expense)...
These people have been living there for thousands of years. The oil company is more alien to the land than a million immigrants swarming over the border from Mexico.
Native Americans didn't have the resistance against alcohol like Europeans. Which was exploited by white illegal aliens who used the army to get access to Sioux land to dig for gold.
If you think that criminals like the oil company you support and the criminal bankers who wrecked the economy from people they use violence against (for protecting their water, while you call them liars and leeches), you are either a paid troll or just a disgusting human being with no respect for other people's graves.
What you have done to the Native Americans is not an ounce better than what Adolf did to the Jews and Gypsies in Europe.
And here you are, like a fucking Nazi criminal demanding respect for illegal aliens coming to another man's land to destroy it for profit.
Why didn't the Jews respect the German troops more?
Why don't you respect the people whose culture and ideology is far superior to your ideology of takers, thieves and murderers?
To throw you teabagger a bone, I'm sure you are deliriously happy about the Talybundy's being acquitted for conspiracy and a range of other charges.
I'm sure you think that the Bundy gang was in their rights while the people being brutalized and thrown in jail for days and charged without having their rights read to them, or being bitten by dogs are the real criminals..
You whitey's owe them far more than food stamps. You owe them to get the fuck out of their land and stop vandalizing their property and stand accountable in front of humanity and history in the way you destroy this planet for cash.
Nothing else matters to you than money. And you stinkers think that all the wealth in the world belongs to you by default. If you're so fucking fond of oil companies vandalizing graves, why don't you let them do it on the grave of your own mother's worm feast of a corpse? It's not like that spot or her rotting flesh has any importance?
If you want shit, get it properly and legally. Don't be thieves and then claim property rights over stolen goods afterwards.
Start taking responsibility for your own actions, your own life, your own lifestyle and how that impacts this planet. If you want something, PAY FOR IT!!
As far as I'm concerned, every single immigrant from Europe, Asia or Africa are legally living on stolen land. Because old treaties were broken....But then again, you don't give a shit about law and order if you can just take it anyway like the race of thieves and psycho killers you are. The poverty of the native Americans are your fault. Your people butchered their main source of income, replacing it with cattle from Europe. And now you expect them to sit still and watch what is worse than some "illegal alien" from south of the borders come and destroy their family graves to build an oil pipeline way too close to the river. Besides, they never got the permits from the army core. They are in fact breaking the law with the local, corrupt police dept. in their pockets, getting their marching orders from a deeply corrupt republican governor...
You are also obviously supporting the cops breaking the law and arresting hundreds of unarmed water protectors in their own homes under false charges and not reading them their rights. In other words, you're support criminals who are as "law abiding citizen" than Al Capone.
And if you should get your will and have the rest those property owners killed or removed for oil and their prophecy be fulfilled with a disastrous oil spill right in Missouri River, you will be judged by your own grand kids who might not have the world that you take for granted, and expect others to sacrifice for, just because you are as addicted to oil as Rush Limbaugh is to fat food and opiates.
But then again, you RWers never seizes to amaze me with your stupidity, self righteousness and white privilege and false sense of justice, law & order.
P.S! Don't get kids! You are about to fuck up their future because you think that a Sioux burial ground is the private property of an oil company not remotely related to the land or its history. They are going to hate you and anyone who looks and thinks like you for it.