Democracy Now!
Comments by "bohemianwriter1" (@bohemianwriter1) on "Brutalized in Taliban Captivity After Fleeing War He Opposed, Bowe Bergdahl Charged with Desertion" video.
Paul Wood Obama a muslim?
Don't tell me you're a birther too, eh?
Kidding aside... it's a funny disguise if he was a muslim...going to a church run by a Vietnam veteran in Chicago... Personally I think he just pretends to be "Christian" in order not to estrange the people that hate him anyway... people like you.
But hate is so rampant in USA today. Don't you get tired of wasting so much of your energy on hating people you have never met? Tell us what is so constructive in hating things. And why hating me? Have I done anything to you?
Have I hurt you directly or indirectly in any way?
How has Amy Goodman hurt USA in any way? By using her 1st Amendment right and report on news that is not mainstream media like FOX, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS and MNSBC?
And what gives you the right to hate people who actually went to Afghanistan and did the dirty work you were never man enough, or "patriot" enough?
Like said, as much as my contempt for people who willingly marches into war is endless, my contempt for people who cheer for wars, and want others to fight the war for them to be plain cowards. My contempt is substantiated unless you prove me otherwise. As far as your hate for me, as without merit. Unless you have an issue with people who call out BS when we smell it.
Paul Wood You know why? Because there are more than 10 000 gun deaths in USA every single year. She is covering situations that are out of the ordinary. She don't cover any murder where the killer is behind bars. She covers murders where the killer goes free, and point out the institutionalized racism against non-"whites" in USA.
So please. Don't give me any impression that "white" people is a persecuted minority, being subjected to slavery, subjugation, and institutionalized discrimination, rendering them 3/5th of a person, and not allowed to vote.
Don't even give me the impression that African Americans and Europeans started out on equal terms after the Civil Rights movement in the 60's.
If people could own what one built, the entire Wall Street would have been owned by African Americans today. Since that part was built by African slaves. Wonder what the value of that large piece of property is in real value with all it's assets is worth today.
Or how about Manhattan entirely? Swindled by European settlers for 20 dollars of bling.... The Natives misunderstood the whole deal, and thought of those as gifts. They never thought of land as a piece of commodity to be bought and sold. So the rightful ownership would in fact be the Native Americans.
Instead, a white guy who represents an ethnic group that never built the Mekka of Capitalism themselves. Neither built their fortune by their own hands. When not killing Native Americans, stealing their ideas of a confederacy, perverting it completely immediately, whipping their black labor into working harder, or cutting off a limb after an escape,
The only channels that spends most of it's time to demonize people are FOX and RW radio. Amy Goodman is a beacon of sanity in an insane asylum.
And as a journalist, she does her job!
If you find news about some KKK member being lynched in Harlem by a gang of Black Panthers or Nation of Islam, and they get away with it, let me know....