Comments by "bohemianwriter1" (@bohemianwriter1) on "Black Lives Matter Activists Chain Themselves Together to Block Inauguration Checkpoint" video.

  1. I wish Obama did what you wish on your fellow citizens to your fat white slobs calling themselves teabaggers, bitching about someone else getting access to health insurance. showing up armed in D.C... I wish Obama could have closed Gitmo and investigated war crimes done during Bush jr rather than covering up for them, going after the whistle blowers. At least now we know what RWer supports free speech and the constitution and who are not supporting the Bill of Rights.. Perhaps if BLM started arming themselves and acted a bit more like the Bundy's, eh? I can't wait to see your orange slob being impeached. He is the most hated president to ever be elected in U.S. history. And his "populism" only applies to a certain segment of the population who can not call themselves the majority nor representative for USA. Even though, it is sometimes easy to lump every single American in the same bag as a Drumpf supporter. But that would be unfair to real progressives who represents USA and humanity far better than any crypto-Fascist who now supports this regime of elitist, white collar criminals. It's going to be fun watching Drumpf turn your swamp into an even worse place of swamp creatures and drive your bloated empire down the drain. I hope he takes as many of you useful idiots down with you as humanly possible. As far as I'm concerned, you have deserved the fate that awaits you. To Drumpf, you're nothing more than expendable cannon fodder who still have your use as apologist for his police state.