Youtube activity of "Father son?!" (@fatherson5907) on "Bernie Sanders" channel.
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Father son?!
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""I Wrote The Damn Bill!""
""The way that we work, it's meant to mentally break you down.""
"2023's Successful Organizing and Strikes"
"30 Years of Speeches"
"7 days."
"A $15 minimum wage is long overdue."
"A handful of corporations control what we see, hear, and read"
"Academic Workers Are Being Ruthlessly Exploited"
"Actors Are Fighting Back Against Corporate GREED"
"Amazon workers are sick of being exploited."
"Americans are disgusted by the destruction of Gaza."
"Announcement from Senator Bernie Sanders"
"Bernie u0026 Killer Mike: 2020"
"Bernie x Cardi B"
"Bernie: The Podcast | Episode 1 - The Political Revolution"
"Bernie: the Podcast | Episode 9: Bill McKibben"
"Biden's Rescue Plan Is A Good Start"
"Billionaires and their corporate PACs cannot buy our democracy."
"Billionaires are not above the law."
"Brandon Johnson for Mayor of Chicago"
"Cancel all student debt."
"Congress Must Walk and Chew Gum At The Same Time"
"Congress must LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE, not campaign contributors."
"Congress must move forward vigorously and help the American people"
"Corporate greed."
"Democrats Must Be Bold Now"
"Despair is not an option."
"Disruptions, delays, cancellations."
"Does the Republican Party believe in democracy or the Big Lie?"
"Donald Trump’s hypocrisy is outrageous."
"Drug companies should be nervous."
"Education should be a right for all, not a privilege for the few."
"End Pharma's greed."
"End endless wars."
"End starvation wages."
"Every right enjoyed by workers today was fought for."
"Flight Attendants Join Picket Line for Actors and Writers on Strike"
"For billionaires, when is 'enough' going to be enough?"
"GOOD NEWS: Working people are fighting back."
"Government must respond to the needs of working people."
"Grassroots Movement in Ohio"
"HOW MUCH MONEY does Jeff Bezos REALLY need?"
"I make no apologies for fighting for the working class."
"I voted against the $858 billion Pentagon budget"
"If every other major country on the planet can look out for the needs of its people, why can't we?"
"If you're sick, you should be able to go to a doctor and get the care that you need."
"Inauguration Day Mittens"
"It's time for the public funding of elections."
"It's time to get Big Money out of politics."
"Jeff Bezos: What is your problem with allowing workers to organize for better wages and conditions?"
"Jim Cramer is dead wrong"
"Joe Manchin is sabotaging the president's agenda."
"Let's go forward together."
"Let's stand up for workers."
"Let's win this election."
"Meet Sen. Cruz's "Slackers""
"My message to Fox News viewers."
"My message to Kellogg's."
"My message to election-denying Republicans."
"My promise to you as incoming chairman of the HELP Committee."
"My weekend plans."
"Netanyahu's Government is Starving the Palestinian People"
"No Austerity Politics"
"No Cuts to Income Eligibility for Direct Payments"
"No More U.S. Funding for Netanyahu's War"
"Our People Deserve A Vibrant Democracy"
"Our economy must work for all of us — not just the wealthy few."
"Our government should fight for the working class."
"Outrageous Texas Abortion Story"
"PROGRESSIVES are STANDING UP for the needs of working families."
"Rail workers deserve better wages and better working conditions."
"Raise the corporate tax rate."
"Raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour."
"Raise wages to end labor shortages."
"Raising the Minimum Wage is Long Overdue."
"Republican Extremism."
"Republicans have turned their backs on the needs of working families."
"Republicans want to cut Medicare and Social Security."
"STARVATION WAGES at the "Happiest Place on Earth"?"
"Scrap the cap and EXPAND Social Security benefits — don't cut them."
"Send Greg Casar to the Congress."
"Solidarity with striking CNH workers"
"Solidarity with striking Temple graduate students."
"Some good news on health care"
"Summer Lee for Congress."
"Tax Excessive CEO Pay."
"The Agenda Americans Need"
"The American people are ready to fight back against corporate greed."
"The American people are saying to Congress: We elected you. Do something."
"The American people do not support Netanyahu’s horrific war."
"The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza is Horrific"
"The Midterms"
"The Republican Agenda."
"The Sackler Family has faced ZERO criminal charges."
"The Writers For Your Favorite Shows Are On Strike"
"The bank who begged for deregulation is the same one who begged for a bailout."
"The billionaires who fund AIPAC also want to protect corporate interests."
"The choice in Wisconsin."
"The corporate media."
"The crooks u0026 the swindlers on Wall Street."
"The day will come when we will succeed in making health care a human right."
"The greatest threat, facing our country and all of humanity."
"The major division in our country today."
"The most consequential legislation for working families since the 1930s."
"The path ahead."
"The present health care system is a DISASTER."
"The problem is not a labor shortage — the problem is low wages."
"The problem with corporate media."
"The right-wing will try to divide us."
"The time is now to pass the Build Back Better Act."
"The wealthy are finally going to pay their fair share."
"There's not a 'labor shortage' in this country — there's a good jobs shortage."
"These are extremely difficult times for our country."
"These are not normal times."
"This is an existential threat to humanity."
"This is what corporate greed is all about."
"This week, we saw the hottest day ever recorded on Earth."
"Walmart Can Afford to Pay Its Workers a Living Wage."
"Walmart can afford paid sick leave for its workers."
"War is a horror."
"We Can Pass COVID Relief With Reconciliation"
"We Have Unlimited Money for Bombs"
"We Must Give Nightmares to the the Billionaire Class"
"We Owe Our Veterans a Debt of Gratitude"
"We are beginning to make some progress."
"We can do better. We must do better."
"We can do it. Despair is not an option."
"We can't give in to doomerism."
"We cannot negotiate forever."
"We do not want to see American democracy undermined by Donald Trump"
"We don't want a shady president."
"We have an affordable childcare crisis in this country."
"We must cancel all medical debt."
"We must cap prescription costs for ALL Americans."
"We must cut military spending."
"We must expand — not cut — Social Security."
"We need Medicare for All NOW."
"We need a government that works for all of us — not just the people at the top."
"We need an economy that works for all of us."
"We need to move to the public funding of elections"
"We will not allow the billionaire class to take down strong progressives like Jamaal Bowman."
"What's it like living in Norway 🇳🇴?"
"Where would the United States of America be today without protests?"
"While Bezos is in space, workers are organizing."
"Who is listening to working people?"
"Why American Health Care Makes No Sense"
"Why don't we hear the terms working class or ruling class from our media or political establishment?"
"With huge increases in technology and worker productivity, who is going to benefit?"
"Yesterday, Mr. Netanyahu lied."
"You're not powerless."
"Young People Can't Afford Life in America"
"Young voters made the difference."
"Your Damn Emails | Bernie Sanders"
"“I disagree with Kamala’s position on the war in Gaza. How can I vote for her?” Here is my answer:"