Comments by "Phaneendra Rao" (@phunnyrao) on "The CJ Werleman Show" channel.

  1. Thanks a bunch, CJ. You are the MAN! Your journalism has inspired me to look into Islam objectively. I have now stopped worshipping all idols. I cannot fathom the thought of an elephant, snake, monkey, pig, lion, tiger or statues with multiple colours and limbs as Gods. It just doesn't make sense anymore. Things are the same whether I pray to them or not. Infact, I may have wasted my time doing that and reared superstitious beliefs for long. There is a sense of Peace and tranquility knowing there is a GOD but He or she isn't limited to a form, He is Supreme and beyond His creation's imagination as He should be. He is respected, Loved and Feared like no other as He should be. I found this explanation the most logical till date. I live in North India in one of the most vilest and toxic parts. Our city is also called the "r@pe capital of the world" for a reason and Muslim bashing is prime time entertainment in this part of the world. I use VPN to watch your news. Thanks for the IT skills. Actually, thank God for those skills. I now understand why a noble person like Dr Zakir Naik is witchhunted and banned in India. The insecurity, the hypocrisy and the envy is appalling. They say Dr Naik's "fans" did the Bangladesh attacks. Well, on that measure, the butcher of Gujarat - M0DIs fans committed a Genocide in Gujarat, Delhi, UP, Haryana, Punjab etc yet he is still the PM of India. Double standards lose their meaning the way our country is into Fascism at the moment. Unfortunately it also has full support from the West, now that the Rishi Sunaks are at the helm of western politics. Its just a very toxic and hateful environment. We wake up to complains, disgust, Hate mongering and goto sleep doing exactly the same. The effect of this on Indians mental health is not measured but it will have a very long lasting detrimental effect. No idol God is able to bring any sense anymore. No statue is helping or has ever answered our prayers. Drinking Cow Urine and bathing in sh¡t cannot be religion. I refuse to conform to my family "values". Being a Saraswat Brahman myself, I took off my Janev last week. I think it devalues me into thinking I'm somehow a superior race compared to my other Hindu friends. I'm not allowed to infact make any Muslim, or Backward Class, Scheduled Tribe or Scheduled Caste Hindu friends. I want to make some friends from these communities now. Your journalism has been an eye opener. Thank you very much again. God bless.
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  36.  @_akshitt  - I'm a Pandit myself and have lived through the period of 89. I don't deny we weren't killed. But there is a totally different story shown in the film to what happened in reality. Read on: - The BJP governor gave the ultimatum to the pundits to vacate their homes without consultation. They had their own agenda, which was: 1. Move Pundits from the line of fire (sounds noble) 2. Create a rift between Pundits and Muslims and make it a religious issue instead of a citizenship issue. You know why? Because Kashmiri Pundits were also fighting for a separate state. We dint want to be part of a sh¡t h0le country. 3. Pundits who dint cede to the demand of BJPee were killed by the Fidayeen. Who? The counter insurgency force funded and run by the Indian occupied forces. How? They kidnap the mothers, sisters, and other relatives of young Kashmiris aged between 15 - 25 and give them only one option: work for them. It's not even paid except survival and arms to kill Kashmiris on command. - Pundits can be categorized into three: Find out which one your parents were from? 1. The pundits who lived in Jammu and had no connection with the valley. They simply exploited the free handouts and the quota issued to the Pundits through fake IDs and stories. They saw us Pundits as intruders and ripped us off with exorbitant rents and commodities. Most of us had to sell our valuables to pay for survival in Jammu. 2. Pundits who were displaced from Valley and had nothing to lose. These were from the low lying areas such as Habakatal, Ganpatyar, Rainawari etc. Ever heard of it? No? You may be just a paid BJPee troll? Anyway, if you aren't then read on. These slum dwelling pundits gave their daughters to Dogras and were happy to embrace the pathetic refugee lives in Jammu. 3. This category was the majority category because most of the Pundits were well off in Kashmir. Infact we ruled it despite being a minority. Most of the businesses and govt offices were run by us. We had magnificent properties in the Valley. A parallel of which cannot be found elsewhere in the sh¡t h0le country in the south. Anyway, we were first forcefully displaced by the BJPee governor, then made refugees and then exploited by all the above category ppl. We were the ones who lost our family more than anybody else. But truth be said, it wasnt more than 89. Because the army would count us accurately and count the Kashmiri Muslims 10:1. Don't be surprised. Ask any army personnel and they'll confess without hesitation. The 1,00,000 number which CJ gives is WRONG. it's 10,00,000+ I bet. For every killing a Kashmiri may have done they kill 10 of more. My problem is that despite all this killing. We aren't yet satisfied with the blood thirst. We want more Muslims to be killed. I don't understand what's the fun? What are we benefitting with this? The community doesn't even respond or react anymore. They are like a dead body, yet we keep punching, gagging, kicking, wounding and torturing them. Why? Why can't Hindus just live and let live???
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  41. I'm overwhelmed by the support in this comment thread. Thanks a bunch. I see there are categories of people in this section: 1) The supporters who seem to be genuinely praying for me and in general: Thanks a bunch to all of you. It overwhelms me to know that you pray for a stranger like me. 2) The Advisors: I never asked for any advice, Stop it. Nor did I say "Muslims" compelled me to look into Islam. It is the oppression my community unleashes every single day and the honest reporting of facts by a handful of journos like CJ which compelled me. Infact, it is cringeworthy to be part of a coward community like the Muslims in North India. Even insects have more balls than the so called Muslim men here. Well, people advising me to look into Quran, how many of you have looked into it today?? No Sorries for being blunt but Muslim women are brave and hardworking as they're on the fore front right from the household chores to protests, they lead the way. Whilst Muslim men are the most opportunistic and coward beings. You guys fear Modi than God, I can guarantee that. 3) The Defenders: There is a Sanatani leech in the comment thread which has tried to attack me and there were these defenders who attacked this mongrel. Thanks a bunch to these brave defenders. Yes, it matters! These ignorant leeches are paid Rs.2 per comment on YouTube and they're part of the BJP IT cell. They play a very important role in the age of "Information Wars" where the mood of the world is gauged by the "popular narrative" and these despicable leeches are trained to hijack that narrative. Ignorant people may think its not important to counter them, but I bet, it is. So, thanks to the people who've been doing so.
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  45.  @onuryokus8313  - I agree with your assessment and experience. It's not ISLAM in my opinion its the manipulation of its interpretations from what I can see so far. Example: the basic necessity and etiquette of Cleanliness. I haven't seen ANY other religion explaining the hygiene in such detail as ISLAM, like Torahah (Don't quote me on the spelling, I'm new to this). On the other hand I've seen ISLAM also being abused through some absolutely unIslamic interpretations killing the very premise on which it is built, example: Grave worship, Saints etc. If I'm not wrong Turkey is inflicted with these practices too which they call Sufism. In India the same lunacy is called Barelvis. One of the vilest and most Islamophobic writers on the planet is the Bangladeshi Tasleema Nasreen. I always wondered why she was so HATEful towards her own people. I read her book "Lajja". Just scratching the surface I realised the flavour of Islam practiced in Bangladesh is NOT even Islam, it is HINDUISM coloured in Green. Tasleema grew up watching her Mum goto Baba's for their blessings behind the closed doors, and sometimes with open doors. The abuse her Mum went through scarred her for life, and the reason for her trauma were the Men in Green caps, and robes calling themselves "Saints". Well, what an incredible disservice. Firstly, of those sleazy horny saints, and next Tasleema herself for not differentiating the true Islam to the manipulated versions. Don't fall into the latter category, is my advice. As a Hindu, I'm too well versed with the Pagan practices. Infact, as a Saraswat Brahman, whose ancestors invented one of the world's oldest religions "Hinduism" and placed themselves on the top of the pyramid (convenient, thanks Grandpas, RIH now), I have seen it all. I DO NOT Find these practices in Quran or Hadees. And I know EXACTLY WHERE Muslims in the subcontinent found the wayward practices. Cheers.
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  51. Thought provoking episode, CJ. Excellent work. As an Indian, I genuinely feel the Muslim world is rich in competent, and sincere human resource. The brotherhood of this cohort despite the diversity is unparalleled. However, due to their poor political representation and corrupt leadership, this quarter of the human population is directionless. You made an excellent point regarding having a singular and righteous voice. There is such a great opportunity for this. Of all the existing Muslim leaders, I feel perhaps Imran Khan is the most viable leader to lead Muslims. No other leader has represented Muslims the way Imran Khan did at the UN few years ago. However, it's the general Muslims who need to work together in whatever capacity they can to realise the goals the community has. Most often than not, I see the goals of Muslims do not go beyond: free food/ clothing, handing money, building mosques, wells, orphanages, schools etc. It's time to look beyond the lowest level and think about participation in the "system". My community (Indian Hindus) actively takes part in the governments across the world, and its paying BIG time. We've an incredibly huge but 'covert' network of support right from Councils to Parliamentary level in almost all democracies. This participation has meant Indian Hindus are not only in control of the Indian govt but also many other countries like: US UK Mauritius Fiji Ireland Guyana Portugal Singapore Malaysia Seychelles South Africa Suriname Tanzania Trinidad & Tobago Our boy - Rishi Sunak is trying hard to get India a permanent seat at the UN security council (Veto power). I asked many Muslims in the recent past regarding this and none of them have any idea what Rishi is doing for us. Talk about ignorance. Long way to go, but if RSS can do it with people who defecate in the open and make PMs out of them, then there is a lot of potential in the Muslim community. As long as each one of them takes it upon themselves rather than expecting the change maker to be someone else or worse enough their leaders.
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  118. From personal experience and watching things on both sides of the fence i.e. the Oppressors and the Victims, I can say, MUSLIMS (Coward males) in particular are to be blamed for the condition of Muslim Community. To make my point, I have been a Saraswat Brahman all my life until my reversion to Islam few months ago. And I see on a daily basis how my people including my family has deep rooted HATE for Muslims. Most of the Hindus are busy today spreading Misinformation, sharing false news over whatsapp, indulging in Hate and glorifying lynchings, discriminations, ban of Muslims etc very actively. Even a Hindu rickshaw puller in India 🇮🇳 is focused on building a narrative against Muslims. However, on the other side, instead of challenging this head on and atleast sharing with the outside world what's going on with them for which they got undeniable evidence, Muslims either push the blame entirely on Allah by saying they trust in Allah, Allah is sufficient, nothing happens without the will of Allah, Islam will prevail, Alhamdulillah all is well, we have to be content in whichever state we are etc. OR the other set of them blaming their own community, their leaders, their preachers, their Imams without doing anything themselves. The Oppressing side has a field day. Whether it's Murica, Israel or India 🇮🇳. Muslims are a community of zombies. They freely allow their dehumanisation without realising that it has desensitized entire countries against them, their sufferings, even the loss of their honour, wealth or property. They have learnt nothing from the story of the great Prophet Muhammed who was not only a preacher but also a brave & strong warrior. Who refused to be humiliated or oppressed for long. Who migrated when he was pushed to the wall and then conquered to establish sanity. I see this disease of Cowardice is mainly in the male Muslims folks, who are like SCUM as referred by the great prophet Muhammed in one of his sayings. These males refuse to be MEN, even swines are better than them. I, therefore, do not have a single Muslim male friend. I see them as "NAPUNSAKS". In 🇮🇳 they fear Modi more than Allah. I bet. Their faith is superficial, they can't even protect their women anymore. They do not represent ISLAM. They represent only themselves and their self centric petty lives. Disgraceful!!
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