Youtube comments of ttkoh123 (@ttkoh123).

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  5. Very well written response but what do you think? Iris Koh’s response to Prof Tommy Koh suggestion to penalise unvaccinated persons as read in TOC news; Sir, As Singapore's former Permanent Representative to the United Nations, I find your points "Third, we should reward those who have been vaccinated and penalise those who have not been vaccinated without a valid reason. I there propose that we bar entry by unvaccinated persons to our markets, supermarkets, Hawker centres, restaurants, bars, concerts, weddings, sports events and places of religious worship. Fully vaccinated persons should be allowed entry to all such places. Fourth, I think we should once again allow in- house dining for fully vaccinated persons of groups of six persons." to be highly objectionable in my opinion. In my view, I believe it violates the Nuremberg Code. "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity."…/…/ccm3_019064/ The vaccine issue should not divide the country and I am extremely disappointed by your intentions to "keep our seaports and airports open" but to deprive your fellow Singaporeans basic access to markets, supermarkets and obtaining basic essential services because we can't or won't take the MrNA vaccine, being still in the experimental phase and has only been granted emergency status at this stage by all the regulatory bodies. The narrative that the non-vaxxed are to be blamed for the current situation is a highly dangerous one. When you make such statements, given your status and position, it gives others the permission to treat us like we are selfish and irresponsible when all we are trying to do is to do what is best for the country and for ourselves, with the limited information we have of vaccine injury and death numbers in Singapore. HSA's data just states injury numbers. Granting that all the injury numbers are not conclusively caused by the vaccine too, why not also include the death numbers? What are the criterias to say if an injury or death is caused by the vaccine? Should a third party be involved to verify the links since there is a clear conflict of interest in the administering party of the vaccine and the party saying whether it's linked or not linked. We should be fighting the virus together, not each other. I know of several friend's family members and people who have died suddenly after taking the vaccine, granting that it may or may not be related or due to the vaccine. But you must understand that as I have suffered these losses personally, I am unable to be fully assured of the safety of these vaccines. If we are indeed forced to take the vaccine by preventing our access to essential services and basically just the right to be able to live in Singapore by going to the supermarket/market, then perhaps the government ought to be totally transparent about vaccine injury numbers and deaths after taking the vaccine to the public and have a third party to verify the numbers reported. This is in the best interest of public health and safety. I have always respected and looked up to you sir. But today I feel very sad that if even someone who has been a champion for the United Nations can make such comments on your Facebook wall, then what hope can I have for others in Singapore to look out for basic human rights issues of citizens like me? Our Singapore Pledge says, "regardless of race, language or religion". Does it say that we must be vaccinated to enjoy the basic privileges of a citizen? I understand that you like many others must be worried and concerned about the current situation and I hope that you can reconsider the impact of your statements. I'm part of a group of people who are very concerned about vaccine issues and other ways to combat the virus and we hope that we can meet with you to have a constructive dialogue. Thank you.
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  166. It is even more irresponsible to "COERCE" or "Attempt to force" Singaporeans to vaccination when the vaccines are only approved for "emergency use" purpose. Why can't the government accept all liabilities and responsibilities including for any latent health issues? Has the Prof knowingly violated the EUA or HSA's PSAR interim authorisation especially when vaccination is on voluntary basis? Are Singaporeans being insulted by him? **Has the EUA or the HSA's PSAR interim authorisation for "emergency" use been "VIOLATED"? especially considering that the "emergency" here refers to "Medical Emergency" and not Economic Emergency or Political Emergency. Strictly speaking, do you think those odd cases in Singapore [aside from irresponsible imported cases] qualify as "State of Emergency" to risk administration of the for emergency use vaccine on the Population? The Covit-19 vaccines under the EUA or HSA’s PSAR framework have not obtained full Biologics License Application (BLA) approval example NOT FORMALLY APPROVED. Singaporeans should be aware that HSA’s PSAR interim authorisation is similar to the emergency authorisation framework currently adopted by other regulatory jurisdictions such as Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Interim authorization for emergency use is not a formal approval either by the FDA or the HSA. Approved for Emergency Use example Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) means FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions. The same goes for the “Conditional marketing authorization” for the Comirnaty. Does it seems like Free Clinical Trail void of liabilities to you? People should know and constantly be reminded that "VACCINATION" is "VOLUNTARY" and its not a mandatory requirement. Does the sentence " Interim authorization for emergency use" sounded safe to anyone? If so, they would have obtained BLA approval. Under the EUA Framework**, there are requirements to; 1. They must inform you about the EUA emergency use authorization. 2. They must tell you significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use 3. Voluntary Basis - They must tell you the option to accept or refuse administration of the product or alternative to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks. ** Ref: chap9-subchapV-partE-sec360bbb-3 Singaporeans should consider these; Responsibility, Liabilities and Insurance - Responsibility of individual to their loved ones and not to burden their family with subsequent heavy medical bills, Lifetime Liabilities and Insurance to be provided by the Govt including for any latent health issues.
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  168. Listen to what Lawrence Wong said in Parliament; Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, our main focus will no longer be on daily cases numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” Risking your lives and our families safety for the imports to benefits the rich, is it worth it?. Who give them the permission to gamble our lives away with non BLA approved Trial Drugs. It's a gamble because there is no credibility to any of such narratives without comprehensive long terms health damage data to support it. Everyone should really think about it come 2025 how to move forward. Worse, true numbers will not even be reported, the word should be "suppressed". Lawrence Wong also said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore?
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  434. Listen to what Lawrence Wong said in Parliament; Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, our main focus will no longer be on daily cases numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” Risking your lives and our families safety for the imports to benefits the rich, is it worth it?. Who give them the permission to gamble our lives away with non BLA approved Trial Drugs. It's a gamble because there is no credibility to any of such narratives without comprehensive long terms health damage data to support it. Everyone should really think about it come 2025 how to move forward. Worse, true numbers will not even be reported, the word should be "suppressed". Lawrence Wong also said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore?
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  595. It is even more irresponsible to "COERCE" or "Attempt to force" Singaporeans to vaccination when the vaccines are only approved for "emergency use" purpose. Why can't the government accept all liabilities and responsibilities including for any latent health issues? Has the Prof knowingly violated the EUA or HSA's PSAR interim authorisation especially when vaccination is on voluntary basis? Are Singaporeans being insulted by him? **Has the EUA or the HSA's PSAR interim authorisation for "emergency" use been "VIOLATED"? especially considering that the "emergency" here refers to "Medical Emergency" and not Economic Emergency or Political Emergency. Strictly speaking, do you think those odd cases in Singapore [aside from irresponsible imported cases] qualify as "State of Emergency" to risk administration of the for emergency use vaccine on the Population? The Covit-19 vaccines under the EUA or HSA’s PSAR framework have not obtained full Biologics License Application (BLA) approval example NOT FORMALLY APPROVED. Singaporeans should be aware that HSA’s PSAR interim authorisation is similar to the emergency authorisation framework currently adopted by other regulatory jurisdictions such as Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Interim authorization for emergency use is not a formal approval either by the FDA or the HSA. Approved for Emergency Use example Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) means FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions. The same goes for the “Conditional marketing authorization” for the Comirnaty. Does it seems like Free Clinical Trail void of liabilities to you? People should know and constantly be reminded that "VACCINATION" is "VOLUNTARY" and its not a mandatory requirement. Does the sentence " Interim authorization for emergency use" sounded safe to anyone? If so, they would have obtained BLA approval. Under the EUA Framework**, there are requirements to; 1. They must inform you about the EUA emergency use authorization. 2. They must tell you significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use 3. Voluntary Basis - They must tell you the option to accept or refuse administration of the product or alternative to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks. ** Ref: chap9-subchapV-partE-sec360bbb-3 Singaporeans should consider these; Responsibility, Liabilities and Insurance - Responsibility of individual to their loved ones and not to burden their family with subsequent heavy medical bills, Lifetime Liabilities and Insurance to be provided by the Govt including for any latent health issues.
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  709. Listen to what Lawrence Wong said in Parliament; Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, our main focus will no longer be on daily cases numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” Risking your lives and our families safety for the imports to benefits the rich, is it worth it?. Who give them the permission to gamble our lives away with non BLA approved Trial Drugs. It's a gamble because there is no credibility to any of such narratives without comprehensive long terms health damage data to support it. Everyone should really think about it come 2025 how to move forward. Worse, true numbers will not even be reported, the word should be "suppressed". Lawrence Wong also said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore?
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  993. Listen to what Lawrence Wong said in Parliament; Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, our main focus will no longer be on daily cases numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” Risking your lives and our families safety for the imports to benefits the rich, is it worth it?. Who give them the permission to gamble our lives away with non BLA approved Trial Drugs. It's a gamble because there is no credibility to any of such narratives without comprehensive long terms health damage data to support it. Everyone should really think about it come 2025 how to move forward. Worse, true numbers will not even be reported, the word should be "suppressed". Lawrence Wong also said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore?
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  1072. It is even more irresponsible to "COERCE" or "Attempt to force" Singaporeans to vaccination when the vaccines are only approved for "emergency use" purpose. Why can't the government accept all liabilities and responsibilities including for any latent health issues? Has the Prof knowingly violated the EUA or HSA's PSAR interim authorisation especially when vaccination is on voluntary basis? Are Singaporeans being insulted by him? **Has the EUA or the HSA's PSAR interim authorisation for "emergency" use been "VIOLATED"? especially considering that the "emergency" here refers to "Medical Emergency" and not Economic Emergency or Political Emergency. Strictly speaking, do you think those odd cases in Singapore [aside from irresponsible imported cases] qualify as "State of Emergency" to risk administration of the for emergency use vaccine on the Population? The Covit-19 vaccines under the EUA or HSA’s PSAR framework have not obtained full Biologics License Application (BLA) approval example NOT FORMALLY APPROVED. Singaporeans should be aware that HSA’s PSAR interim authorisation is similar to the emergency authorisation framework currently adopted by other regulatory jurisdictions such as Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Interim authorization for emergency use is not a formal approval either by the FDA or the HSA. Approved for Emergency Use example Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) means FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions. The same goes for the “Conditional marketing authorization” for the Comirnaty. Does it seems like Free Clinical Trail void of liabilities to you? People should know and constantly be reminded that "VACCINATION" is "VOLUNTARY" and its not a mandatory requirement. Does the sentence " Interim authorization for emergency use" sounded safe to anyone? If so, they would have obtained BLA approval. Under the EUA Framework**, there are requirements to; 1. They must inform you about the EUA emergency use authorization. 2. They must tell you significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use 3. Voluntary Basis - They must tell you the option to accept or refuse administration of the product or alternative to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks. ** Ref: chap9-subchapV-partE-sec360bbb-3 Singaporeans should consider these; Responsibility, Liabilities and Insurance - Responsibility of individual to their loved ones and not to burden their family with subsequent heavy medical bills, Lifetime Liabilities and Insurance to be provided by the Govt including for any latent health issues.
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  1110. Listen to what Lawrence Wong said in Parliament; Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, our main focus will no longer be on daily cases numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” Risking your lives and our families safety for the imports to benefits the rich, is it worth it?. Who give them the permission to gamble our lives away with non BLA approved Trial Drugs. It's a gamble because there is no credibility to any of such narratives without comprehensive long terms health damage data to support it. Everyone should really think about it come 2025 how to move forward. Worse, true numbers will not even be reported, the word should be "suppressed". Lawrence Wong also said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore?
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  1147. **Has the EUA or the HSA's PSAR interim authorisation for "emergency" use been "VIOLATED"? especially considering that the "emergency" here refers to "Medical Emergency" and not Economic Emergency or Political Emergency. Strictly speaking, do you think those odd cases in Singapore [aside from irresponsible imported cases] qualify as "State of Emergency" to risk administration of the for emergency use vaccine on the Population? The Covit-19 vaccines under the EUA or HSA’s PSAR framework have not obtained full Biologics License Application (BLA) approval example NOT FORMALLY APPROVED. Singaporeans should be aware that HSA’s PSAR interim authorisation is similar to the emergency authorisation framework currently adopted by other regulatory jurisdictions such as Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Interim authorization for emergency use is not a formal approval either by the FDA or the HSA. Approved for Emergency Use example Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) means FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions. The same goes for the “Conditional marketing authorization” for the Comirnaty. Does it seems like Free Clinical Trail void of liabilities to you? People should know and constantly be reminded that "VACCINATION" is "VOLUNTARY" and its not a mandatory requirement. Does the sentence " Interim authorization for emergency use" sounded safe to anyone? If so, they would have obtained BLA approval. Under the EUA Framework**, there are requirements to; 1. They must inform you about the EUA emergency use authorization. 2. They must tell you significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use 3. Voluntary Basis - They must tell you the option to accept or refuse administration of the product or alternative to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks. ** Ref: chap9-subchapV-partE-sec360bbb-3 Singaporeans should consider these; Responsibility, Liabilities and Insurance - Responsibility of individual to their loved ones and not to burden their family with subsequent heavy medical bills, Lifetime Liabilities and Insurance to be provided by the Govt including for any latent health issues.
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  1203. Let's hope the new President will call for a COI [Commission Not Committee of Inquiry under the INQUIRIES ACT 2007] on the Ridout case. "Commission of Inquiry Act" is called by the President under the INQUIRIES ACT 2007 whereas An Independent Review Committee, on the other hand, is similar to your annual dinner & dance (D&D) organising committee in a way - you can't use the law to 'force' anyone to do anything. Here are the inquiry powers of a COI from the Inquiries Act ( highlighted some points noteworthy): (2) For the purposes of conducting an inquiry under this Act, the inquiry body shall have powers to — (a) procure and receive all such evidence, written or oral, as the inquiry body may think it necessary or desirable to procure; (b) examine all such persons as witnesses as the inquiry body may think it necessary or desirable to examine, and determine the order in which those witnesses shall be examined; (c) require the evidence (whether written or oral) of any witness to be made on oath or affirmation (such oath or affirmation to be that which could be required of the witness if he were giving evidence in a court) or by statutory declaration; (d) summon any person in Singapore to attend any meeting of the inquiry body to do all or any of the following: (i) give evidence; (ii)produce any document, record or other thing in his custody or under his control; (e) issue a warrant of arrest to compel the attendance of any person who, after having been summoned to attend, fails to do so, and does not excuse such failure to the satisfaction of the inquiry body, and order him to pay all costs which may have been occasioned in compelling his attendance or by reason of his refusal to obey the summons; and (f) require a witness to execute a bond binding himself to attend when called upon before the inquiry body to give evidence. As you can see from the above, a COI is pretty powerful in getting answers.
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  1300. The Covit-19 vaccines under the EUA or HSA’s PSAR framework have not obtained full Biologics License Application (BLA) approval example NOT FORMALLY APPROVED. Singaporeans should be aware that HSA’s PSAR interim authorisation is similar to the emergency authorisation framework currently adopted by other regulatory jurisdictions such as Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Interim authorization for emergency use is not a formal approval either by the FDA or the HSA. Approved for Emergency Use example Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) means FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions. The same goes for the “Conditional marketing authorization” for the Comirnaty. Does it seems like Free Clinical Trail void of liabilities to you? People should know and constantly be reminded that "VACCINATION" is "VOLUNTARY" and its not a mandatory requirement. Does the sentence " Interim authorization for emergency use" sounded safe to anyone? If so, they would have obtained BLA approved. Under the EUA Framework**, there are requirements to; 1. They must inform you about the EUA emergency use authorization. 2. They must tell you significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use 3. Voluntary Basis - They must tell you the option to accept or refuse administration of the product or alternative to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks. ** Ref: chap9-subchapV-partE-sec360bbb-3 Singaporeans should consider these; Responsibility, Liabilities and Insurance - Responsibility of individual to their loved ones and not to burden their family with subsequent heavy medical bills, Lifetime Liabilities and Insurance to be provided by the Govt including for any latent health issues.
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  1527. **Has the EUA or the HSA's PSAR interim authorisation for "emergency" use been "VIOLATED"? especially considering that the "emergency" here refers to "Medical Emergency" and not Economic Emergency or Political Emergency. Strictly speaking, do you think those odd cases in Singapore [aside from irresponsible imported cases] qualify as "State of Emergency" to risk administration of the for emergency use vaccine on the Population? The Covit-19 vaccines under the EUA or HSA’s PSAR framework have not obtained full Biologics License Application (BLA) approval example NOT FORMALLY APPROVED. Singaporeans should be aware that HSA’s PSAR interim authorisation is similar to the emergency authorisation framework currently adopted by other regulatory jurisdictions such as Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Interim authorization for emergency use is not a formal approval either by the FDA or the HSA. Approved for Emergency Use example Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) means FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions. The same goes for the “Conditional marketing authorization” for the Comirnaty. Does it seems like Free Clinical Trail void of liabilities to you? People should know and constantly be reminded that "VACCINATION" is "VOLUNTARY" and its not a mandatory requirement. Does the sentence " Interim authorization for emergency use" sounded safe to anyone? If so, they would have obtained BLA approval. Under the EUA Framework**, there are requirements to; 1. They must inform you about the EUA emergency use authorization. 2. They must tell you significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use 3. Voluntary Basis - They must tell you the option to accept or refuse administration of the product or alternative to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks. ** Ref: chap9-subchapV-partE-sec360bbb-3 Singaporeans should consider these; Responsibility, Liabilities and Insurance - Responsibility of individual to their loved ones and not to burden their family with subsequent heavy medical bills, Lifetime Liabilities and Insurance to be provided by the Govt including for any latent health issues.
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  1548. **Has the EUA or the HSA's PSAR interim authorisation for "emergency" use been "VIOLATED"? especially considering that the "emergency" here refers to "Medical Emergency" and not Economic Emergency or Political Emergency. Strictly speaking, do you think those odd cases in Singapore [aside from irresponsible imported cases] qualify as "State of Emergency" to risk administration of the for emergency use vaccine on the Population? The Covit-19 vaccines under the EUA or HSA’s PSAR framework have not obtained full Biologics License Application (BLA) approval example NOT FORMALLY APPROVED. Singaporeans should be aware that HSA’s PSAR interim authorisation is similar to the emergency authorisation framework currently adopted by other regulatory jurisdictions such as Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Interim authorization for emergency use is not a formal approval either by the FDA or the HSA. Approved for Emergency Use example Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) means FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions. The same goes for the “Conditional marketing authorization” for the Comirnaty. Does it seems like Free Clinical Trail void of liabilities to you? People should know and constantly be reminded that "VACCINATION" is "VOLUNTARY" and its not a mandatory requirement. Does the sentence " Interim authorization for emergency use" sounded safe to anyone? If so, they would have obtained BLA approval. Under the EUA Framework**, there are requirements to; 1. They must inform you about the EUA emergency use authorization. 2. They must tell you significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use 3. Voluntary Basis - They must tell you the option to accept or refuse administration of the product or alternative to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks. ** Ref: chap9-subchapV-partE-sec360bbb-3 Singaporeans should consider these; Responsibility, Liabilities and Insurance - Responsibility of individual to their loved ones and not to burden their family with subsequent heavy medical bills, Lifetime Liabilities and Insurance to be provided by the Govt including for any latent health issues.
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  1607. "Commission of Inquiry Act" is called by the President under the INQUIRIES ACT 2007 whereas An Independent Review Committee, on the other hand, is similar to your annual dinner & dance (D&D) organising committee in a way - you can't use the law to 'force' anyone to do anything. Here are the inquiry powers of a COI from the Inquiries Act ( highlighted some points noteworthy): (2) For the purposes of conducting an inquiry under this Act, the inquiry body shall have powers to — (a) procure and receive all such evidence, written or oral, as the inquiry body may think it necessary or desirable to procure; (b) examine all such persons as witnesses as the inquiry body may think it necessary or desirable to examine, and determine the order in which those witnesses shall be examined; (c) require the evidence (whether written or oral) of any witness to be made on oath or affirmation (such oath or affirmation to be that which could be required of the witness if he were giving evidence in a court) or by statutory declaration; (d) summon any person in Singapore to attend any meeting of the inquiry body to do all or any of the following: (i) give evidence; (ii)produce any document, record or other thing in his custody or under his control; (e) issue a warrant of arrest to compel the attendance of any person who, after having been summoned to attend, fails to do so, and does not excuse such failure to the satisfaction of the inquiry body, and order him to pay all costs which may have been occasioned in compelling his attendance or by reason of his refusal to obey the summons; and (f) require a witness to execute a bond binding himself to attend when called upon before the inquiry body to give evidence. As you can see from the above, a COI is pretty powerful in getting answers.
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  1674.  @leelilian7514  Listen to what Lawrence Wong said in Parliament; Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, our main focus will no longer be on daily cases numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” Risking your lives and our families safety for the imports to benefits the rich, is it worth it?. Who give them the permission to gamble our lives away with non BLA approved Trial Drugs. It's a gamble because there is no credibility to any of such narratives without comprehensive long terms health damage data to support it. Everyone should really think about it come 2025 how to move forward. Worse, true numbers will not even be reported, the word should be "suppressed". Lawrence Wong also said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore?
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  1909. "Commission of Inquiry Act" is called by the President under the INQUIRIES ACT 2007 whereas An Independent Review Committee, on the other hand, is similar to your annual dinner & dance (D&D) organising committee in a way - you can't use the law to 'force' anyone to do anything. Here are the inquiry powers of a COI from the Inquiries Act ( highlighted some points noteworthy): (2) For the purposes of conducting an inquiry under this Act, the inquiry body shall have powers to — (a) procure and receive all such evidence, written or oral, as the inquiry body may think it necessary or desirable to procure; (b) examine all such persons as witnesses as the inquiry body may think it necessary or desirable to examine, and determine the order in which those witnesses shall be examined; (c) require the evidence (whether written or oral) of any witness to be made on oath or affirmation (such oath or affirmation to be that which could be required of the witness if he were giving evidence in a court) or by statutory declaration; (d) summon any person in Singapore to attend any meeting of the inquiry body to do all or any of the following: (i) give evidence; (ii)produce any document, record or other thing in his custody or under his control; (e) issue a warrant of arrest to compel the attendance of any person who, after having been summoned to attend, fails to do so, and does not excuse such failure to the satisfaction of the inquiry body, and order him to pay all costs which may have been occasioned in compelling his attendance or by reason of his refusal to obey the summons; and (f) require a witness to execute a bond binding himself to attend when called upon before the inquiry body to give evidence. As you can see from the above, a COI is pretty powerful in getting answers.
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  1941. "Commission of Inquiry Act" is called by the President under the INQUIRIES ACT 2007 whereas An Independent Review Committee, on the other hand, is similar to your annual dinner & dance (D&D) organising committee in a way - you can't use the law to 'force' anyone to do anything. Here are the inquiry powers of a COI from the Inquiries Act ( highlighted some points noteworthy): (2) For the purposes of conducting an inquiry under this Act, the inquiry body shall have powers to — (a) procure and receive all such evidence, written or oral, as the inquiry body may think it necessary or desirable to procure; (b) examine all such persons as witnesses as the inquiry body may think it necessary or desirable to examine, and determine the order in which those witnesses shall be examined; (c) require the evidence (whether written or oral) of any witness to be made on oath or affirmation (such oath or affirmation to be that which could be required of the witness if he were giving evidence in a court) or by statutory declaration; (d) summon any person in Singapore to attend any meeting of the inquiry body to do all or any of the following: (i) give evidence; (ii)produce any document, record or other thing in his custody or under his control; (e) issue a warrant of arrest to compel the attendance of any person who, after having been summoned to attend, fails to do so, and does not excuse such failure to the satisfaction of the inquiry body, and order him to pay all costs which may have been occasioned in compelling his attendance or by reason of his refusal to obey the summons; and (f) require a witness to execute a bond binding himself to attend when called upon before the inquiry body to give evidence. As you can see from the above, a COI is pretty powerful in getting answers.
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  1950. **Has the EUA or the HSA's PSAR interim authorisation for "emergency" use been "VIOLATED"? especially considering that the "emergency" here refers to "Medical Emergency" and not Economic Emergency or Political Emergency. Strictly speaking, do you think those odd cases in Singapore [aside from irresponsible imported cases] qualify as "State of Emergency" to risk administration of the for emergency use vaccine on the Population? The Covit-19 vaccines under the EUA or HSA’s PSAR framework have not obtained full Biologics License Application (BLA) approval example NOT FORMALLY APPROVED. Singaporeans should be aware that HSA’s PSAR interim authorisation is similar to the emergency authorisation framework currently adopted by other regulatory jurisdictions such as Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Interim authorization for emergency use is not a formal approval either by the FDA or the HSA. Approved for Emergency Use example Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) means FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions. The same goes for the “Conditional marketing authorization” for the Comirnaty. Does it seems like Free Clinical Trail void of liabilities to you? People should know and constantly be reminded that "VACCINATION" is "VOLUNTARY" and its not a mandatory requirement. Does the sentence " Interim authorization for emergency use" sounded safe to anyone? If so, they would have obtained BLA approval. Under the EUA Framework**, there are requirements to; 1. They must inform you about the EUA emergency use authorization. 2. They must tell you significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use 3. Voluntary Basis - They must tell you the option to accept or refuse administration of the product or alternative to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks. ** Ref: chap9-subchapV-partE-sec360bbb-3 Singaporeans should consider these; Responsibility, Liabilities and Insurance - Responsibility of individual to their loved ones and not to burden their family with subsequent heavy medical bills, Lifetime Liabilities and Insurance to be provided by the Govt including for any latent health issues.
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  2284. I think its mere Comfort Stories. If you read the 2013 PM Lee May day Rally Speech, the answers are all there; Quote: “…..very careful as we tighten up. Because business costs will go up, it will become harder for companies to operate here, our competitiveness can be affected, our cost of living can be affected. Because wages go up, costs go up, prices will follow. And we have to make sure we watch our competitiveness, and we do not overdo things. Likewise when we tighten up on PMETs; we have to adjust, we need to, we need to introduce safeguards for Singaporean PMETs. But if we make it too difficult for companies to get the skills and talent which they need here, they will go elsewhere. And I think that would be disastrous for our PMETs, for our workers, for our families and for Singapore. We have to stay an attractive place to do business.” UnQuote If you digest the statements and remove all the padding-in excuses, it essentially could be read as; “To allow in Cheap Foreign Labours and Cheap PMETs to sustain the Businesses in Singapore or they will go somewhere else. Singapore is in Survival mode or in the ICU, so to speak. So those Excuses of Not having Enough PMETs, No Talents, No Skills are all but mere excuses; 1. To shift the blames to Singaporeans 2. To hide the truths away from Singaporeans that the PAPi is incapable to improving the lives of all Singaporeans and made sacrifices at Singaporeans expense for Elite Businesses to Run. So, 8 years have passed and they continues to be out of ideas to better run the country but appeared to allow Singaporeans to be displaced, out of jobs for them to run their Businesses and continue to collect their taxes and collect their World Highest Salaries? I think is No Shame Whatsoever while Singaporeans are going through all the hardships? Can you accept to be forced to accept foreigners to your home lunch table eating your food and after expelling the most denigrating remarks on you and your family after the food?
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  2443. Is that the PAPi you have voted? Listen to what Lawrence Wong said in Parliament; Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, our main focus will no longer be on daily cases numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” Risking your lives and our families safety for the imports to benefits the rich, is it worth it?. Who give them the permission to gamble our lives away with non BLA approved Trial Drugs. It's a gamble because there is no credibility to any of such narratives without comprehensive long terms health damage data to support it. Furthermore, some of the vaccinated still died. According to CDC, there were 1063 death in 5492 vaccine breakthrough cases [vaccinated but still infected cases] example 19% of death were amongst those vaccinated and infected. Everyone should really think about it come 2025 how to move forward. Apparently, the Worse is, the intention to not report [suppressed] the rising infection numbers anymore. Is that the PAPi you have voted? Lawrence Wong also said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore?
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  2614. Listen to what Lawrence Wong said in Parliament; Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, our main focus will no longer be on daily cases numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” Risking your lives and our families safety for the imports to benefits the rich, is it worth it?. Who give them the permission to gamble our lives away with non BLA approved Trial Drugs. It's a gamble because there is no credibility to any of such narratives without comprehensive long terms health damage data to support it. Everyone should really think about it come 2025 how to move forward. Worse, true numbers will not even be reported, the word should be "suppressed". Lawrence Wong also said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore?
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  2679.  @lingth  In essence it’s like Selling Singaporeans Livelihoods for the rich, elite and business survival. As it continues, everyone will be affected sooner or later. Everyone should think about it in 2025 the way moving forward. If you read the 2013 PM Lee May day Rally Speech, the answers are all there; Quote: “…..very careful as we tighten up. Because business costs will go up, it will become harder for companies to operate here, our competitiveness can be affected, our cost of living can be affected. Because wages go up, costs go up, prices will follow. And we have to make sure we watch our competitiveness, and we do not overdo things. Likewise when we tighten up on PMETs; we have to adjust, we need to, we need to introduce safeguards for Singaporean PMETs. But if we make it too difficult for companies to get the skills and talent which they need here, they will go elsewhere. And I think that would be disastrous for our PMETs, for our workers, for our families and for Singapore. We have to stay an attractive place to do business.” UnQuote If you digest the statements and remove all the padding-in excuses, it essentially could be read as; “To allow in Cheap Foreign Labours and Cheap PMETs to sustain the Businesses in Singapore or they will go somewhere else. Singapore is in Survival mode or in the ICU, so to speak. So those Excuses of Not having Enough PMETs, No Talents, No Skills are all but mere excuses; 1. To shift the blames to Singaporeans 2. To hide the truths away from Singaporeans that the PAPi is incapable to improving the lives of all Singaporeans and made sacrifices at Singaporeans expense for Elite Businesses to Run. So, 8 years have passed and PAPi continues to be out of ideas to better run the country but appeared to allow Singaporeans to be displaced, out of jobs for them to run their Businesses and continue to collect their taxes and collect their World Highest Salaries? I think is No Shame Whatsoever while Singaporeans are going through all the hardships? Can you accept to be forced to accept foreigners to your home lunch table eating your food and after expelling the most denigrating remarks on you and your family after the food?
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  2761. **Has the EUA or the HSA's PSAR interim authorisation for "emergency" use been "VIOLATED"? especially considering that the "emergency" here refers to "Medical Emergency" and not Economic Emergency or Political Emergency. Strictly speaking, do you think those odd cases in Singapore [aside from irresponsible imported cases] qualify as "State of Emergency" to risk administration of the for emergency use vaccine on the Population? The Covit-19 vaccines under the EUA or HSA’s PSAR framework have not obtained full Biologics License Application (BLA) approval example NOT FORMALLY APPROVED. Singaporeans should be aware that HSA’s PSAR interim authorisation is similar to the emergency authorisation framework currently adopted by other regulatory jurisdictions such as Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Interim authorization for emergency use is not a formal approval either by the FDA or the HSA. Approved for Emergency Use example Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) means FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions. The same goes for the “Conditional marketing authorization” for the Comirnaty. Does it seems like Free Clinical Trail void of liabilities to you? People should know and constantly be reminded that "VACCINATION" is "VOLUNTARY" and its not a mandatory requirement. Does the sentence " Interim authorization for emergency use" sounded safe to anyone? If so, they would have obtained BLA approval. Under the EUA Framework**, there are requirements to; 1. They must inform you about the EUA emergency use authorization. 2. They must tell you significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use 3. Voluntary Basis - They must tell you the option to accept or refuse administration of the product or alternative to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks. ** Ref: chap9-subchapV-partE-sec360bbb-3 Singaporeans should consider these; Responsibility, Liabilities and Insurance - Responsibility of individual to their loved ones and not to burden their family with subsequent heavy medical bills, Lifetime Liabilities and Insurance to be provided by the Govt including for any latent health issues.
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  2814. ​ @brmin7312  Your reply is tantamount of saying that Singapore is doomed and must expect rising infection and the worse of miseries to come because it must keep its border opened? No, I don't think so and that is pure stupidity and incorrect. Singaporeans at large are ZERO TOLERANCE to ANY LEAKAGE OF THE COVIT-19 VIRUS into the communities, "knowingly uncurbed". Let's recall what Lawrence Wong said; Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, our main focus will no longer be on daily cases numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” Lawrence Wong also said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore? So the Questions; 1. When he defended the imports in May, have they forsaken those who are yet to be vaccinated or for valid reasons cannot be vaccinated? 2. From May Until July, are there any tangible improvement, from his statement in May? It cannot be denied that New Zealand success in controlling and containing the covit-19 virus are their Capable and Decisive Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and its Multi-Parties Ministers in Parliament and for their Preemptive, Proactive and prompt decisive action in fighting, controlling and containing the virus without necessitating silly devices like TraceTogether token or Apps or violating the vaccine authorization condition example Optional or Voluntary while respecting its people freedom of choices. Well done New Zealand and Patriots like me will have to stay to help make changes for all Singaporeans benefits and well-being.
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  2844. **Has the EUA or the HSA's PSAR interim authorisation for "emergency" use been "VIOLATED"? especially considering that the "emergency" here refers to "Medical Emergency" and not Economic Emergency or Political Emergency. Strictly speaking, do you think those odd cases in Singapore [aside from irresponsible imported cases] qualify as "State of Emergency" to risk administration of the for emergency use vaccine on the Population? The Covit-19 vaccines under the EUA or HSA’s PSAR framework have not obtained full Biologics License Application (BLA) approval example NOT FORMALLY APPROVED. Singaporeans should be aware that HSA’s PSAR interim authorisation is similar to the emergency authorisation framework currently adopted by other regulatory jurisdictions such as Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Interim authorization for emergency use is not a formal approval either by the FDA or the HSA. Approved for Emergency Use example Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) means FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions. The same goes for the “Conditional marketing authorization” for the Comirnaty. Does it seems like Free Clinical Trail void of liabilities to you? People should know and constantly be reminded that "VACCINATION" is "VOLUNTARY" and its not a mandatory requirement. Does the sentence " Interim authorization for emergency use" sounded safe to anyone? If so, they would have obtained BLA approval. Under the EUA Framework**, there are requirements to; 1. They must inform you about the EUA emergency use authorization. 2. They must tell you significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use 3. Voluntary Basis - They must tell you the option to accept or refuse administration of the product or alternative to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks. ** Ref: chap9-subchapV-partE-sec360bbb-3 Singaporeans should consider these; Responsibility, Liabilities and Insurance - Responsibility of individual to their loved ones and not to burden their family with subsequent heavy medical bills, Lifetime Liabilities and Insurance to be provided by the Govt including for any latent health issues.
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  3199. Listen to what Lawrence Wong said in Parliament; Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, our main focus will no longer be on daily cases numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” Risking your lives and our families safety for the imports to benefits the rich, is it worth it?. Who give them the permission to gamble our lives away with non BLA approved Trial Drugs. It's a gamble because there is no credibility to any of such narratives without comprehensive long terms health damage data to support it. Everyone should really think about it come 2025 how to move forward. Worse, true numbers will not even be reported, the word should be "suppressed". Lawrence Wong also said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore?
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  3208. **Has the EUA or the HSA's PSAR interim authorisation for "emergency" use been "VIOLATED"? especially considering that the "emergency" here refers to "Medical Emergency" and not Economic Emergency or Political Emergency. Strictly speaking, do you think those odd cases in Singapore [aside from irresponsible imported cases] qualify as "State of Emergency" to risk administration of the for emergency use vaccine on the Population? The Covit-19 vaccines under the EUA or HSA’s PSAR framework have not obtained full Biologics License Application (BLA) approval example NOT FORMALLY APPROVED. Singaporeans should be aware that HSA’s PSAR interim authorisation is similar to the emergency authorisation framework currently adopted by other regulatory jurisdictions such as Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Interim authorization for emergency use is not a formal approval either by the FDA or the HSA. Approved for Emergency Use example Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) means FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions. The same goes for the “Conditional marketing authorization” for the Comirnaty. Does it seems like Free Clinical Trail void of liabilities to you? People should know and constantly be reminded that "VACCINATION" is "VOLUNTARY" and its not a mandatory requirement. Does the sentence " Interim authorization for emergency use" sounded safe to anyone? If so, they would have obtained BLA approval. Under the EUA Framework**, there are requirements to; 1. They must inform you about the EUA emergency use authorization. 2. They must tell you significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use 3. Voluntary Basis - They must tell you the option to accept or refuse administration of the product or alternative to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks. ** Ref: chap9-subchapV-partE-sec360bbb-3 Singaporeans should consider these; Responsibility, Liabilities and Insurance - Responsibility of individual to their loved ones and not to burden their family with subsequent heavy medical bills, Lifetime Liabilities and Insurance to be provided by the Govt including for any latent health issues.
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  3229. Compare with these; Reference: MOM will resume entry approvals for work pass holders and their dependents with travel history to higher risk countries from 10 Aug. This was announced in the press release by the Ministry of Health on Friday evening (6 Aug).] After that we have mounting deaths, and cases shot up as high as over 3000 cases per day. If you look at the data and the graph from JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data, you can clearly see the peak begin from 20 Sept 21 and "SHARP" peaked on 11 Nov 21with 14 deaths on a 7 days average during that time. Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, [OUR MAIN FOCUS WILL NO LONGER BE ON DAILY CASES] numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” [ Note: Capitalized Words ] Lawrence Wong said [4 May 2021] in defending the imports – “We knew that there would be leaks from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant was already spreading in Singapore? And during that time, not many Singaporeans were even vaccinated. To make the matter even worse. MOM will resume entry approvals for work pass holders and their dependents with travel history to higher risk countries from 10 Aug. This was announced in the press release by the Ministry of Health on Friday evening (6 Aug). And LW said the virus would leak into the communities from time to time, so they knew.
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  3355. If the token is not even reliable and accurate to perform its contact tracing function 100% in view of life safety, then the requirement is as good as silly requirement wasting tax payers at least $50M dollars, which means it could be a very irresponsible and dangerous act. Giving a false sense of security and excuse to rush to Phase 3 at people expenses or what? What most People didn’t know is the token only sense at 5 minutes interval. Read what the GovTech Officer said [save a copy before its deleted away] I posted this on Gov Youtube page long time ago without a reply and subsequently it was secretly deleted. I repost it here about the “Reliability Problem” which remains unanswered till today. [The minister Vivian Balakrishnan emphasized the need on speed of entry or proximity registration as Singapore is progressively opening up for conferences and business-related events. He said of the need of Levels of granularity and to enhance the level of protection for the people concerned. [ %5D But the minister ought to know or failed to inform the public on the “Reliability” of the token used for the protection of lives, as he put it, providing the level of protection of its citizens concerned. I am of the opinion that it would be a crime if the token is proven to be unreliable since no Characterization and tests results have been shown, particularly as the minister put it, in the context of mass gatherings and crowd related events. My points are transient proximity [virus contact], mobility of individuals and token Bluetooth transmission data collision [even with spread spectrum or frequency hopping technology] preventing those proximities and contacts from detection or recording within the transient periods. I would refer the minister to the published paper “Analytical and Experimental Performance Evaluation of BLE NeighborDiscovery Process Including Non-Idealities of Real Chipsets” by [David Perez-Diaz de Cerio, Ángela Hernández, Jose Luis Valenzuela, and Antonio Valdovinos] Without delving into the technicalities, Table 6, therein, provided an example of the Probability (in %) that not all of the devices [200] are detected in the Active Detection Window of 5 seconds example, for a transmission interval of 500ms, the loss detection could be as high as 19.69%. Now, it must be borne in mind that the detection window used in the Table 6 is 5 seconds. Therefore, in comparison with the “Tracetogether” token implementation of 5 minutes interval [extracted from Government technology Officer], the Probability of non-detected devices would soar to unimaginable and dangerously sky-high percentage. I am hoping that the Minister will realize the matter in increased “Levels of granularity” and place importance on “Reliability” especially with citizens safety is of concerned here. I am proposing that the “Tracetogether” token be put to a mass gathering Characterization and test [the size of 340 tokens within proximity range in 18.6 seconds contact transient] carried out by impartial and neutral parties like NUS or NTU before mass distribution and implementation [mandatory?] to the public. I am against wasting time and tax payer money and polluting the earth of expended batteries and giving its citizen a “false sense of safety/security” [as the PM had put it on the donning of mask] Thank you. Next up, my Circle of 50m Characterisation Test Plan. Armadillo]
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  3427. What is the difference between a committee of Inquiry and the commission of Inquiry? "Commission of Inquiry Act" is called by the President under the INQUIRIES ACT 2007 whereas An Independent Review Committee, on the other hand, is similar to your annual dinner & dance (D&D) organising committee in a way - you can't use the law to 'force' anyone to do anything. Here are the inquiry powers of a COI from the Inquiries Act ( highlighted some points noteworthy): (2) For the purposes of conducting an inquiry under this Act, the inquiry body shall have powers to — (a) procure and receive all such evidence, written or oral, as the inquiry body may think it necessary or desirable to procure; (b) examine all such persons as witnesses as the inquiry body may think it necessary or desirable to examine, and determine the order in which those witnesses shall be examined; (c) require the evidence (whether written or oral) of any witness to be made on oath or affirmation (such oath or affirmation to be that which could be required of the witness if he were giving evidence in a court) or by statutory declaration; (d) summon any person in Singapore to attend any meeting of the inquiry body to do all or any of the following: (i) give evidence; (ii)produce any document, record or other thing in his custody or under his control; (e) issue a warrant of arrest to compel the attendance of any person who, after having been summoned to attend, fails to do so, and does not excuse such failure to the satisfaction of the inquiry body, and order him to pay all costs which may have been occasioned in compelling his attendance or by reason of his refusal to obey the summons; and (f) require a witness to execute a bond binding himself to attend when called upon before the inquiry body to give evidence. As you can see from the above, a COI is pretty powerful in getting answers.
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  3514. 'Sooner or later, many of us will end up catching' COVID: Lawrence Wong Many people in Singapore will end up catching COVID-19, and there is no need to be fearful or embarrassed about it, said COVID multi-ministry taskforce (MTF) co-chair Lawrence Wong. but we will have zero or mild symptoms (and) recover from home after a few days". Ninety-eight per cent, Wong said, of the cases in Singapore will experience zero or mild symptoms. My Question: How do you rest your children future with any 3G/4G who are bent on telling pin-hole truth? I mean, He should lead the way and walk the talk or have his family added to the counts and live to tell us "how painless" it is. Especially when the real expert said this; From Prof Leo [Executive Director NCID]; "Basically, we do not know ten years, twenty years down the line. Which strategy gives you the best, we don't know, and I think the important thing to know is that we do know how the covit19 virus can damage the body, and the effect can be long lasting, although we don't see it, so we don't know the price that you pay, the immediate price versus the longer-term price." From Prof Hsu; "6 to 7 death everyday, is that the number we might be willing to accept in Singapore?" "bleeding in the brain, they were not pick up in the clinical trial, the signal was not strong enough and only when you vaccinate millions of people that this thing started to show up, this adverse effect started to show up, so I think for children is a very difficult question because if the same vaccination show the same rate of Myocarditis as for young adults, then the risk benefit is will really be unacceptable for children to be vaccinated".
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  3557. Is that the PAPi you have voted? Listen to what Lawrence Wong said in Parliament; Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, our main focus will no longer be on daily cases numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” Risking your lives and our families safety for the imports to benefits the rich, is it worth it?. Who give them the permission to gamble our lives away with non BLA approved Trial Drugs. It's a gamble because there is no credibility to any of such narratives without comprehensive long terms health damage data to support it. Furthermore, some of the vaccinated still died. According to CDC, there were 1063 death in 5492 vaccine breakthrough cases [vaccinated but still infected cases] example 19% of death were amongst those vaccinated and infected. Everyone should really think about it come 2025 how to move forward. Apparently, the Worse is, the intention to not report [suppressed] the rising infection numbers anymore. Is that the PAPi you have voted? Lawrence Wong also said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore?
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  3618. Listen to what Lawrence Wong said in Parliament; Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, our main focus will no longer be on daily cases numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” Risking your lives and our families safety for the imports to benefits the rich, is it worth it?. Who give them the permission to gamble our lives away with non BLA approved Trial Drugs. It's a gamble because there is no credibility to any of such narratives without comprehensive long terms health damage data to support it. Everyone should really think about it come 2025 how to move forward. Worse, true numbers will not even be reported, the word should be "suppressed". Lawrence Wong also said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore?
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  3629. "Commission of Inquiry Act" is called by the President under the INQUIRIES ACT 2007 whereas An Independent Review Committee, on the other hand, is similar to your annual dinner & dance (D&D) organising committee in a way - you can't use the law to 'force' anyone to do anything. Here are the inquiry powers of a COI from the Inquiries Act ( highlighted some points noteworthy): (2) For the purposes of conducting an inquiry under this Act, the inquiry body shall have powers to — (a) procure and receive all such evidence, written or oral, as the inquiry body may think it necessary or desirable to procure; (b) examine all such persons as witnesses as the inquiry body may think it necessary or desirable to examine, and determine the order in which those witnesses shall be examined; (c) require the evidence (whether written or oral) of any witness to be made on oath or affirmation (such oath or affirmation to be that which could be required of the witness if he were giving evidence in a court) or by statutory declaration; (d) summon any person in Singapore to attend any meeting of the inquiry body to do all or any of the following: (i) give evidence; (ii)produce any document, record or other thing in his custody or under his control; (e) issue a warrant of arrest to compel the attendance of any person who, after having been summoned to attend, fails to do so, and does not excuse such failure to the satisfaction of the inquiry body, and order him to pay all costs which may have been occasioned in compelling his attendance or by reason of his refusal to obey the summons; and (f) require a witness to execute a bond binding himself to attend when called upon before the inquiry body to give evidence. As you can see from the above, a COI is pretty powerful in getting answers.
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  3644. Is that the PAPi you have voted? Listen to what Lawrence Wong said in Parliament; Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, our main focus will no longer be on daily cases numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” Risking your lives and our families safety for the imports to benefits the rich, is it worth it?. Who give them the permission to gamble our lives away with non BLA approved Trial Drugs. It's a gamble because there is no credibility to any of such narratives without comprehensive long terms health damage data to support it. Everyone should really think about it come 2025 how to move forward. Worse, true numbers will not even be reported, the word should be "suppressed". Lawrence Wong also said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore?
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  3655. "Commission of Inquiry Act" is called by the President under the INQUIRIES ACT 2007 whereas An Independent Review Committee, on the other hand, is similar to your annual dinner & dance (D&D) organising committee in a way - you can't use the law to 'force' anyone to do anything. Here are the inquiry powers of a COI from the Inquiries Act ( highlighted some points noteworthy): (2) For the purposes of conducting an inquiry under this Act, the inquiry body shall have powers to — (a) procure and receive all such evidence, written or oral, as the inquiry body may think it necessary or desirable to procure; (b) examine all such persons as witnesses as the inquiry body may think it necessary or desirable to examine, and determine the order in which those witnesses shall be examined; (c) require the evidence (whether written or oral) of any witness to be made on oath or affirmation (such oath or affirmation to be that which could be required of the witness if he were giving evidence in a court) or by statutory declaration; (d) summon any person in Singapore to attend any meeting of the inquiry body to do all or any of the following: (i) give evidence; (ii)produce any document, record or other thing in his custody or under his control; (e) issue a warrant of arrest to compel the attendance of any person who, after having been summoned to attend, fails to do so, and does not excuse such failure to the satisfaction of the inquiry body, and order him to pay all costs which may have been occasioned in compelling his attendance or by reason of his refusal to obey the summons; and (f) require a witness to execute a bond binding himself to attend when called upon before the inquiry body to give evidence. As you can see from the above, a COI is pretty powerful in getting answers.
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  3735.  @brmin7312  In essence it’s like Selling Singaporeans Livelihoods for the rich, elite and business survival. As it continues, everyone will be affected sooner or later. Everyone should think about it in 2025 the way moving forward. If you read the 2013 PM Lee May day Rally Speech, the answers are all there; Quote: “…..very careful as we tighten up. Because business costs will go up, it will become harder for companies to operate here, our competitiveness can be affected, our cost of living can be affected. Because wages go up, costs go up, prices will follow. And we have to make sure we watch our competitiveness, and we do not overdo things. Likewise when we tighten up on PMETs; we have to adjust, we need to, we need to introduce safeguards for Singaporean PMETs. But if we make it too difficult for companies to get the skills and talent which they need here, they will go elsewhere. And I think that would be disastrous for our PMETs, for our workers, for our families and for Singapore. We have to stay an attractive place to do business.” UnQuote If you digest the statements and remove all the padding-in excuses, it essentially could be read as; “To allow in Cheap Foreign Labours and Cheap PMETs to sustain the Businesses in Singapore or they will go somewhere else. Singapore is in Survival mode or in the ICU, so to speak. So those Excuses of Not having Enough PMETs, No Talents, No Skills are all but mere excuses; 1. To shift the blames to Singaporeans 2. To hide the truths away from Singaporeans that the PAPi is incapable to improving the lives of all Singaporeans and made sacrifices at Singaporeans expense for Elite Businesses to Run. So, 8 years have passed and PAPi continues to be out of ideas to better run the country but appeared to allow Singaporeans to be displaced, out of jobs for them to run their Businesses and continue to collect their taxes and collect their World Highest Salaries? I think is No Shame Whatsoever while Singaporeans are going through all the hardships? Can you accept to be forced to accept foreigners to your home lunch table eating your food and after expelling the most denigrating remarks on you and your family after the food?
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  3953.  @brmin7312  A subject of "National Importance" versus a tussle between 2 businessmen, the case which has been long resolved? You are apparently avoiding to answer the important and pertinent question and all Singaporeans can easily see just how insincere and despicable you are in apparently trying to discredit, Character Assassinate a Potential Good Candidate. Like I said; Incrimination, Character Assassination, Casting aspersion onto Political Opponents, We have seen many over the years. But like the Workers Party who had won the Seng Kang GRCs, the case against them automatically receded and disappeared into thin air. And the Party is apparently running the town council very well despite wild claims that they are not able to manage. I would say, the more they tried upon the Opponents, the more Worthy and Capable these Opponents are to serve to Improve Singapore for the Benefits of Everyone and not just the Rich and Powerful. Go read the PV manifesto. In any Case, Balance Up to induce Healthy Competition can only result in the Best of the *Real Talented in Parliament serving the People and the Country. I was a die-hard PAPi but I think I am wrong. Single Party Mandate has shown to be unwise judging from the imports and the leaks into the communities. These are admitted FACTS. The unsurmountable disruption and losses to Singaporeans are simply unspeakable, not to mention the lost of innocent lives. So you were talking about leaders? Before you are justified an answer, answer and clarify the below statement first which is of "NATIONAL IMPORTANCE", convince readers and without falsehoods. Singapore ramping up vaccine manufacturing capacity – LHL [CNA 5jun2020 before Election]. How do you intend to equate if you avoid to answer?
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  4007.  @xia0b0iix  Benchmark of success is not replicating New Zealand but the Preemptive and Proactive means and resolute of Pandemic Containment and Control. There are absolute differences between "Medical Emergency" to "Economic Emergency" and to "Political Emergency" as the latter two have no relation to Singaporeans life-safety whatsoever. Are you suggesting that the PAPi loves protecting the rich and those elites over the life-safety of Singaporeans? Example the careless daily imports of the Covid-19 can be said to have created all these problems. Especially when Lawrence Wong said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore? New Zealand would have stop all the imports without hesitation. Bearing the situation as you described, if Singapore will only to depend on financial services and tourism as the main source of income over the so many years of PAPi rules, then it is clearly wrong. This clearly proved the necessity to vote for Change, example for more real alternative talented People into the Parliament to lead Singapore into the right direction example Population Growth from 3.6 million to [ ~10 million?] is Wrong as it has not allowed lands for self-sustaining measures, the virus Pandemics other than economic growth benefitting the rich and those elites. It also proved that Single Party mandate is equally wrong or unwise. Your reasoning is unacceptably silly because it will lead to endless disaster to the whole Singapore economy ultimately. Just look at yesterday headline 92 new cases of COVID-19 infection in S’pore; 88 locally transmitted cases, 23 belong to KTV cluster and 37 to Jurong Fishery Port cluster. So clearly it is not the KTV alone. To many Singaporeans, life Safety to the protecting their Loved ones is more important than protecting the financial loses of others. The saying "keep your life, build again tomorrow" is more real and better than your excuse on money example "no idea whatsoever to contain and kill the virus to safeguard Singaporeans life-safety. No life is absolute dead. A life full of virus and bodily sickness, organ damage is even much worse. People should only risk for themselves or their family and not risk their lives for others especially protecting for other people financially.
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  4015.  @xeenslayer  Where the $584 psf came from? Answer: Based on CNN table in the CNN news the other day. Bank loan used as example because there are lesser restriction. Read the other news on contemporary rates hike. A bank loan can be better or worse. It's usually better. In any case SIBOR/SOR rates. 5% was based on comtemporary estimation. Given, even if we use your rate, it turns out to be $773,249 OR over 3/4 of a $million dollars for a 99 years lease apartment and here’s the kicker, you’ll keep being charged accrued interest even after you’ve fully paid back your loan, because technically you still ‘owe’ money to your CPF-OA account! There are voices raised so Whether is "easy or affordable" or not is NOT, I repeat, "IS NOT" for you to say as it depends on the household’s income of the individuals and whether there are left over for other necessities like food, transportation, and health care, children, elderly, saving for retirement etc... But according to a reliable survey some time ago: 2 in 3 working Singaporeans do not have savings to last them beyond 6 months. According to CNA News the other day, Credit companies see rise in people applying for personal loans, for daily essential included. Furthermore Someone Said HDB Revert to Zero Value at the end of lease. It means the "Would-Be-Retirement-Saving" all gone or depleted in Value? The bad news is some households are what economists call “severely cost burdened.” Well, Singapore is a Representative Democratic. Singaporeans have choices to make in 2025. Some people don't like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster. [ElonMust] Time to help ourselves in 2025.
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  4029. Only Square brain would think that the Covid-19 virus remain static and dormant to the current vaccination and the idea to live with the Covid-19 virus could be the foolishest suggestion ever made. According to “REAL” Politically Neutral “Experts”; The longer a virus is around and the more people it infects, the more the virus will change/mutate. And the more those changes accumulate, the more chances the virus has to evolve into something more dangerous. Watch this to understand [ ] …so, if we want to stop the variants, we need to stop the virus “everywhere in the World”. So, which points to the ever problems of the variants Importation, as we recalled how it leaked into the communities; Lawrence Wong said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore? So logically, if there is no seriousness to tackle the main problem, then it would be valid to say; Risking Vaccination to enable them to import in Cheap Labors to benefits the rich and to bring in New Variants into Singapore is the foolishest thing to do. Stop all importation of the Virus except returning Singaporeans. Contain the virus to kill it. Just look at how successful the multi Parties New Zealand Parliament had control and contain the virus. There is no 2 ways about it.
  4030. Listen to what Lawrence Wong said in Parliament; Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, our main focus will no longer be on daily cases numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” Risking your lives and our families safety for the imports to benefits the rich, is it worth it?. Who give them the permission to gamble our lives away with non BLA approved Trial Drugs. It's a gamble because there is no credibility to any of such narratives without comprehensive long terms health damage data to support it. Everyone should really think about it come 2025 how to move forward. Worse, true numbers will not even be reported, the word should be "suppressed". Lawrence Wong also said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore?
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  4106. Is that the PAPi you have voted? Listen to what Lawrence Wong said in Parliament; Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, our main focus will no longer be on daily cases numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” Risking your lives and our families safety for the imports to benefits the rich, is it worth it?. Who give them the permission to gamble our lives away with non BLA approved Trial Drugs. It's a gamble because there is no credibility to any of such narratives without comprehensive long terms health damage data to support it. Everyone should really think about it come 2025 how to move forward. Worse, true numbers will not even be reported, the word should be "suppressed". Lawrence Wong also said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore?
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  4133.  @brmin7312  Please do not intentionally digress from the subject of poor performing MTF and do not continue your stupidity as nobody ever ask Singapore to close its border "forever" to purposely strew the issue out of proportion. Do you know how much Households, Individuals and Private Companies are losing from the uncurbed Virus-leak into the communities? Do you know the cost of a Human Life? In any case, such a small country cannot even control and contain the virus properly and you want to compare to those bigger giant? Nevertheless since you asked; Japan GDP is 13.48510911 times of Singapore South Korean GDP is 4.356072545 times of Singapore and even Taiwan GDP is 1.785597906 times of Singapore, so all of them are doing much better than Singapore. Furthermore, Educated Singaporeans can easily see through your fallacies and understood "Personal Consumption Expenditures" in making comparison especially the HIGH COST OF LIVING, high GST and taxes with little or NO social benefits to the citizens unlike some other countries, FREE EDUCATION, FREE MEDICAL CARE, UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS AMONGST SO MANY OTHERS BENEFITS. These FACTs are further substantiated with the followings truths; 2 in 3 working Singaporeans do not have savings to last them beyond 6 months: OCBC survey. Poll results show nearly 50% of high-income earners in Singapore face money issues [SJP Asia Survey] Singapore ramping up vaccine manufacturing capacity – LHL [CNA 5jun2020 before Election. Singaporeans at large are ZERO TOLERANCE to ANY LEAKAGE OF THE COVIT-19 VIRUS into the communities, "knowingly uncurbed". Let's recall what Lawrence Wong said; Lawrence Wong said [26 Jul 2021 in Parliament] - “As we do so, we must expect cases to rise, partly because there is still on going critic transmission in our communities which can easily breakout into new cluster with an increase activity level. Also, as we open our border for people to travel without SHN, we will see more imported cases and infected person slipping through from time to time, but at that stage as you heard just now, our main focus will no longer be on daily cases numbers because the vast majority by then would have been vaccinated and even if they catch the virus, they are much less likely to become very ill.” Lawrence Wong also said [4 May 2021] in defend of the imports – “We knew that there will be leak from time to time. We know that these Risk could happen”. Would you doubt that he put the citizens and the nation to “RISK” because as early as April 2021, Singapore sequencing reveals the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant were already spreading in Singapore? So the Questions; 1. When he defended the imports in May, have they forsaken those who are yet to be vaccinated or for valid reasons cannot be vaccinated? 2. From May Until July, are there any tangible improvement, from his statement in May?
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  4156. It was published that a return flight between London and San Francisco has a carbon footprint per economy ticket of nearly 1 tonne of CO2e. With the aviation industry expected to double to over 8 billion passengers by 2050, that would be an enormous CO2e from International aviation alone. If Climate Change is so pressingly important then the question is WHY such a Long-term global "aspirational goal" (LTAG) allowed [Note, "aspirational" not even a mandate] for international aviation of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The question is why are we made to pay for carbon tax now to "ABATE" their so large and enormous CO2e emission? When the minister talked about achieving NET-ZERO carbon emission, can we know and will it be openly transparent to Singaporeans what are included OR excluded from the equation, for example, will the domestic/international aviation and our fighter jets and war machines be excluded for the equation? I think the question is whether Singaporeans will want to pay four or five dollars for their petrol in the future or electricity hikes?; While we know by now that the COP27 agreement on emissions was a step backward from Glasgow progress example “phase down of unabated coal” rather than “phase out of coal”. Do you think US, China and India will stop burning Coal? Will the Govt consider the burdens the Nett Zero Goal will affect on the cost of living on Singaporeans? BTW; Two Camps. Those who truly care for the Climate and those who exploit the situation and the scientists for more revenue collection AND lavish spending.
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  4276. "Commission of Inquiry Act" is called by the President under the INQUIRIES ACT 2007 whereas An Independent Review Committee, on the other hand, is similar to your annual dinner & dance (D&D) organising committee in a way - you can't use the law to 'force' anyone to do anything. Here are the inquiry powers of a COI from the Inquiries Act ( highlighted some points noteworthy): (2) For the purposes of conducting an inquiry under this Act, the inquiry body shall have powers to — (a) procure and receive all such evidence, written or oral, as the inquiry body may think it necessary or desirable to procure; (b) examine all such persons as witnesses as the inquiry body may think it necessary or desirable to examine, and determine the order in which those witnesses shall be examined; (c) require the evidence (whether written or oral) of any witness to be made on oath or affirmation (such oath or affirmation to be that which could be required of the witness if he were giving evidence in a court) or by statutory declaration; (d) summon any person in Singapore to attend any meeting of the inquiry body to do all or any of the following: (i) give evidence; (ii)produce any document, record or other thing in his custody or under his control; (e) issue a warrant of arrest to compel the attendance of any person who, after having been summoned to attend, fails to do so, and does not excuse such failure to the satisfaction of the inquiry body, and order him to pay all costs which may have been occasioned in compelling his attendance or by reason of his refusal to obey the summons; and (f) require a witness to execute a bond binding himself to attend when called upon before the inquiry body to give evidence. As you can see from the above, a COI is pretty powerful in getting answers.
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