Youtube activity of "" (@minsooyoo) on "Phillip Choi" channel.
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Comments by video
"21 coding projects that will give you an UNFAIR advantage"
"3 Coding Habits you should start today if you aspire to be a high salary senior developer."
"3 types of projects to make you into a GOD of coding"
"5 things that every programmer must keep in mind before starting their career"
"A Month Update After I Got Laid Off | Senior Dev Team Leader"
"A cozy realistic coding vlog (of a senior software engineer / entrepreneur in Korea)"
"A lot has changed."
"A month in the life of a software engineer | becoming a tech lead again"
"After a Coding Bootcamp... | Senior Developer (No CS Degree)"
"Avoid coding tutorials so you don’t cap out as a junior developer (FULL GUIDE)"
"Building Our First JavaScript App with my 40-Year-Old Dad Student | Senior Dev (No CS Degree)"
"Coding Saves Lives."
"Coding is for you (if you hate your current situation)"
"Coding is not for you."
"Coding saved my life (Loser to Senior Dev)"
"Create a landing page for your own business with react.js!"
"DO THESE 3 THINGS In 2024 as a Junior Developer | Senior Developer (No CS Degree)"
"Day in the life of a senior software engineer (building my own start up with my coding skills)"
"Day in the life of a software engineer working from home in Korea (Cozy, Productive)"
"Deploy your next website for $4/month and break into tech!"
"Did my student pass my coding interview? (Very easy algorithm but tricky)"
"Did we just code the most useful typescript function ever? (ft. my mentee)"
"Every Programmer must learn to write this file to advance their career. (It isn't code)"
"Everything I taught my devs to become AI proof (how you can steal these too)"
"Firebase Authentication | JavaScript JOB READY Free Course (2024)"
"How I Code Money Apps SOLO within 3 months (what I teach my juniors)"
"How I Learned to Code After 30 u0026 Became a Senior Developer (No CS Degree)"
"How I made coding FUN with these simple tricks (to hit all my deadlines)"
"How to ACTUALLY get your first programming job FAST (Advice from Senior Dev)"
"How to make DOUBLE the money as a programmer (Real Advice from Senior Dev)"
"I Started Teaching a 40-year-old Dad How To Code (Complete Beginner) | Senior Developer"
"I almost lost everything (ex-senior software engineer in Korea)."
"I got laid off | Senior Developer Team Leader (Part 3)"
"I got youtube partnered in 6 weeks."
"I just got laid off | Senior Developer Team Leader (Part 2)"
"I started a a unicorn | Update on Life after Lay Off"
"IMPORTANT The 3 Pillars of Programming | Senior Developer (No CS Degree)"
"If You Are Stuck, Watch This (Burn Outs in Programming)"
"Intro to React.js | JavaScript JOB READY Free Course (2024)"
"Is it TOO LATE to learn coding? (No CS Degree, 30+ years old)"
"It couldn't get any worse... | Senior Developer Team Leader"
"Junior Developer, it's okay to fail and make bad decisions (Senior Dev, no CS degree)"
"Kanban Board with HTML, CSS, JavaScript | JavaScript JOB READY Free Course (2024)"
"Learn Any Programming Framework from scratch! (FULL GUIDE)"
"Most effective way to get those Programming Jobs in this terrible job market (it’s not coding)"
"Most realistic coding vlog of a senior software engineer WFH | My thoughts on AI chatbots"
"My 7 year software engineering career in 17 minutes"
"My Zero to Hero Journey to Becoming A Software Developer / Senior Dev (No CS Degree)"
"My first coding project that helped me become a high salary senior developer (job market in 2025)"
"My first tech job that validated me as a software engineer (realistic coding vlog)"
"My job is being a #1 dad and not a 9 to 5"
"No one is coming to save you, junior developer."
"Nobody cares about your coding projects (but here's how to make them care)"
"React-hook-form, the best way to do form validation | JavaScript JOB READY Free Course (2024)"
"Simple Express Server | JavaScript JOB READY Free Course (2024)"
"So…you want to start coding?"
"Teaching my 40 year old student with no experience programming | Arrays and Objects"
"Teaching my 40 year old student with no experience programming | DOM Manipulation"
"Teaching my 40 year old student with no experience programming | Data Types"
"Teaching my 40 year old student with no experience programming | For Loops"
"Teaching my 40 year old student with no experience programming | Functions"
"Teaching my 40 year old student with no experience programming | More Conditions"
"Teaching my 40 year old student with no experience programming | Operators"
"The MOST powerful way to solve coding algorithms (any LeetCode problems involving arrays)"
"The Top Tech Stacks that improved my coding skills the most (100+ apps built)"
"The fantasies of working from home as a software developer"
"This code will help your career as a successful senior developer."
"This is How You Should Learn (in Programming)"
"Watch this before you go into your behavioral coding interviews to make a great first impression."
"You will break into tech in 2025 as a software engineer"
"You will fail if you keep coding alone, junior developer."
"coding my startup (ep2)"
"coding my startup (ep3)"
"coding my startup from start to finish | the idea (ep.1)"
"daily schedule that made me a senior developer FAST (no cs degree)"
"day in the life of a software engineer (a way to break into tech today)"
"day in the life of a software engineer (helping a 40 year old dad get his first programming job)"
"day in the life of a software engineer | 4 hour productivity | a new project with my juniors"
"day in the life of a software engineer | 4 hour productivity | our full-scale app is close to MVP"
"day in the life of a software engineer | 4+ hour productivity | building my software company"
"day in the life of a software engineer | 5 hour productivity | debugging with my junior"
"day in the life of a software engineer | 6 hour productivity | 2 full-scale apps for launch"
"day in the life of a software engineer | 6 hour productivity | building a social networking app"
"day in the life of a software engineer | 6 hour productivity | coding the next big react native app"
"day in the life of a software engineer | 6 hour productivity | my juniors are leveling up"
"day in the life of a software engineer | 6+hour productivity | my next mentees to break into tech"
"day in the life of a software engineer | 7+ hour productivity | building a new chatbot for fitness"
"day in the life of a software engineer | 7+ hour productivity | coding the next best app for SWE's"
"day in the life of a software engineer | 8 hours of productivity | coding with my junior"
"day in the life of a software engineer | holiday productivity | my junior came to visit me in Korea"
"how I would learn to code in 2024 (if I could start all over again)"
"how chatGPT RUINED programming forever (but not really)"
"i used to cry as a junior developer"
"i18next tutorial (to equip your app with all languages)"
"imposter syndrome isn't REAL (in Programming)"
"my ultra work from home desk setup for 6+ hour productivity | senior developer things"
"the coding project that improved my skill the most (senior developer, no cs degree)"
"the future of coding in 2025"
"the pain of not being able to find a software job..."
"what do software engineers really do?"
"year in the life of a senior software engineer who got laid off"
"“I am not good enough” to be a software engineer."
"🔴 LIVE CODING: Let's Build a To-Do List App | BACK END PT1 | (React, Vite, MongoDB and Molecular JS)"
"🔴 LIVE CODING: Let's Build a To-Do List App | FRONT END SETUP PT 2"
"🔴 Let's Build A Text-To-Audio Generator in PYTHON for Beginners (Live Coding)"
"🔴 Let's Build An Audio-To-Text Generator in JAVASCRIPT for Beginners (Live Coding)"