Comments by "GilbertdeClare0704" (@GilbertdeClare0704) on "'The West is made being made to forget who they are, and it's NO accident' | Neil Oliver" video.
I too, will ALWAYS remember ! Old school photos going right back to 1958 and 1961 ,in EAST LONDON, totally homogenous, with Christmas Carols in the main Town Church, the excitement around Guy Fawkes Night (no american Halloween yet), standing STILL while the NATIONAL anthem played in the Cinemas after the last performance, that air of Patriotism and PRIDE on the TWO Battle Of Britain Days each year.
But above all, that feeling of peaceful SAFETY, and KNOWING that it was SAFE to play out late into the evening.
First Motorcycle without ANY security locks or ignition KEY, because it had been designed when THEFT of vehicles was rare !
I WILL remember ! !