Comments by "GilbertdeClare0704" (@GilbertdeClare0704) on "'It's anti-British!' | Pro-Palestine marches on Armistice Day blasted by Belinda De Lucy" video.
@johnholden-white2045 Very well said my friend. I feel that grand experiment may have worked, IF, and I do say IF, every human on the planet already thought alike ? I would guess there would be enough similar values among European, or any western nation who already shared similar values based on Human rights, reason, and secular debate having evolved from a period of Enlightenment and consequent separation of Church and State.
BUT I fear it has been a WESTERN experiment based on that ERRONEOUS, deeply ETHNO-CENTRIC belief.
Very sadly, the people who would have NO hesitation in declaring we NOT allow "Nazis" like General Pinochet into our country, in other words they DO FULLY recognise that NAZIS don't think like us, are the same people who REFUSE to see how other CULTURES that have NOT undergone a period of ENLIGHTENMENT, and actually PERSECUTE their OWN people who want reform such as the Ahmadis, will NOT be in any way compatible, NOR WISH to assimilate with OURS.
Conflict then will be inevitable, as THAT culture believes that LACK of "resistance" is Allah's WILL, mashallah, and a LACK of piety on OUR part for NOT defending OUR faith. If Allah did NOT want their dominance, it would be ALLAH who gave US strength to STOP them, it would be mashallah !