Youtube activity of "Ian Arn" (@ianarn) on "Dr. Todd Grande" channel.
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Comments by video
"'No Empathy' Billionaire Sends Aggravating Email to 2.3M Federal Workers | Elon Musk Email Analysis"
"10 Signs of a Wife with Borderline Personality Traits"
"Did Preschool Misbehavior Predict Mall Shooting that Killed Eight? | Robbie Hawkins Case Analysis"
"Disturbed Teenager Caught with Human Head in Closet | Warren Barnes u0026 Brian Cohee Case Analysis"
"Good News for Scott Peterson? | Analysis of LA Innocence Project Effort to Prove Actual Innocence"
"Immature Narcissist Sets His Entire Family on Fire | Rowan Baxter and Hannah Clarke Case Analysis"
"Jodi Arias / Travis Alexander Relationship Analysis | Weaponizing Sex"
"Man Uses Industrial Blender on 'Catwalk Walking Instructor' Wife | Kristina Joksimovic Case Analysis"
"Oval Office Erupts in Anger as Trump and Vance Demand Respect from Zelensky | Dangers of Narcissism"
"Peaceful Husband Secretly Records Coercive and Controlling Wife | Sheree Spencer Case Analysis"
"Physician Dies After Illegally Riding in Trailer to Watch Eclipse | Monika Woroniecka Case Analysis"
"Socialite Kills Two Boys While Racing Lover on Residential Street | Rebecca Grossman Case Analysis"
"Was PhD Abandoned on Mount Aconcagua Murdered? | Janet Mae Johnson Case Analysis"