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Ian Arn
Taylor The Fiend
Comments by "Ian Arn" (@ianarn) on "Taylor The Fiend" channel.
@19:49 She’s attractive in appearance but ultimately full of old toffee! Talk of Astrology is really creepy especially is she has her Star Sign tattooed onto her.
Yeah i feel sorry for the men more intelligent than me! That aspect of life must be harder!
Well for the first woman it seems the gutter really is better than the rose garden! Ugly woman anyway! Attitude and looks! Hard to watch it really!
Yes we don’t like mystery as this implies deceit if we think your off fucking Chad and Tyrone or alluding to this in any way! (Even if it’s probably true).
Strength training, combined with sensible diet, telephone etiquette classes and deportment classes will help this lady through her post wall years.
Like a typical narcissist she cannot self reflect!
I think cold approaching a woman works in a a third of one per cent of the approaching that most men who are any good at it make.
That’s a more healthy approach than only wanting the man for a baby and pressurising him into it within months of ‘relations’ beginning. No man wants to feel only valued as sperm and a wallet. If it happens it happens!
14:22 totally telling the truth about being an ‘old dog’.
It’s not even what she wants it’s what she absolutely believes that she is entitled to.
It’s a sign that somebody is high on the malignant narcissistic spectrum! They haven’t matured emotionally and have little to no empathy. Like narcissist they rely on what is reflected back to them to generate self worth.
@SchemingGoldberg I’m afraid the 30 plus crowd only want men for children and a wallet! She’ll act out to get him to walk away once she has those things particularly if the guy has knocked her up in the first two years before the full horror of her personality and fallen mask has played out before his eyes.
@27:38 the problem is they want you to throw commitment at them in a very short period of time and knock them up all while they haven’t been particularly committed to you and when say sorry this is too soon they go into an absolute rage. I don’t go on FB anymore or Insta as it is what i would. Call a woman’s space! I just say happy B’day to some friends and only like women’s pictures if a man is in the picture or relatives obviously. All of it is taken far too seriously by women and is used as a tool of abuse as I’ve had similar experience with women as documented in this video on that platform.
Women just have to be pretty which can be improved through cosmetic methods, control their weight to a normal bmi, have a wash and be sexually available to her man at least 3 weeks of the month. Really not difficult and in the west nobody starves if their not spending every penny on drink and cigarettes at least not in the highly feminised Northern Europe.
Their attitude indicates their not worth a crack addict who works smoking his supply on a public park bench! 16:22
How sadistic they are! Unfortunately there is alot of women actually like this!
Women are far more likely to murder children and the elderly than men!
Feminism can be about hating other women especially if they give joy to men such as the SWERFS ( Sex Worker Exclusionary Femenists) who actually campaign for the criminalisation of men using sex workers thus endangering women by attacking their income and security options.
This woman really is a nutcase! Such an easy cherry picking.
@daze507 I think that if you know your not Chad and don’t get laid fairly regularly at least once or twice a year by just going home to her place or her come to you without shelling out masses of money on dates then you might as well just use hookers or go completely monk rather than try to beta bucks girls by expensive dinners and promises of trips etc.
@1:40 straight away she brags lols
I had one with all those virtues and was still monkey branched and schemed against. They may have a great personality but still a shit character!
How lovely to have these women write and say cryptic things about you on social media!
You could turn these trivialities into a film couldn’t you? One girls struggle to find her cat set against the background of the 2nd World War!
It’s because of the lying! Believing you were invested in something that is obviously otherwise than it appears! I think this video is fake but is a common occurrence! In a way its quite natural as sperm competition in the woman’s body wouldn’t be a biological fact if it wasn’t. Just not fair on the man in this type of scenario!
@0545 looks like that’s a cat on the bed too! How many red flags can you fit into a picture.
Priced themselves out of the market then moan like a victim! Lols
As much control of their emotions as a 3 year old! Abusive emotionally and physically totally histrionic and will flirt with other men in front of you.
Wow i hope that first woman was satire but i think my ex was listening to her😮 Spiteful histrionic creature!
It absolves them of responsibility for their terrible actions and poor character so that they are never accountable! Somehow “the star sign” is.
They just have a lot of sometimes “friendly” acquaintances. Women particularly the more histrionic types will assume that their “friendships” are far deeper than they are in actuality.
@13;36 i think “energy Vampire” is the term you seek and very fitting to the channel’s theme.
@sweetsteven217 Not even worth critiquing her cooking and then going to her room for the action and then pulling up your clothes and leaving in two hours but I’m sure a man will get this from her.
Who cares she’s in her 30s and probably has a tonne of behavioural issues that make any man committing to her suicidal!
Incredible how serious they take their social media! They can publicly humiliate you as much as they like on it but if you like another social media picture of a female then they end the relationship as you don’t care enough for her feelings.
I think the statistic is only 5% of the time the actual affair works out into a marriage. It’s just the euphoric stage of the first 6 months that many of those women featured are after! Then it will start to disintegrate if not before, not worth ending a marriage for unless the man hits her face or cheats maybe alcohol and drugs.
@07:45 can the woman take the discipline that the man is providing for her and the child?
If your sub 6 feet or even sub 6.2 and not flawless in the face with all your own teeth and hair and in the age range she requires then she will always look at you as just a dick with a wallet attached to it and intimacy will become totally transactional to her. Literally like being with a glorified amateur prostitute for many men with the added charm of being left at the drop of a hat if something “she” considers a better option comes along or if. You suffer misfortune.
@12:23 translation : you will have to deal with the judgements coming from her coven! The relationshit will not just be with her.
@01:49 we know she’ll never share her pot of gold with us as we would with her and if she did she’d resent us for it.
@02:34 he’s a real simp that lawyer! You can tell most of his clients are women who go to sob in his office for the payout divorce.
@03:38 that woman would be abusive and bossy you can see it in her threatening way she waves her finger and that psycho type of hiss she has. Women like a man’s personality they just don’t give a F about his character apart from sometimes in his 30s they might be interested in a transactional ‘relationship’ with a man of good character if he’s a fixer and pays for stuff and knocks her up and is happy to have intimacy rationed off to him.
@06:23 this woman is only interested in the euphoric stage of the relationship’ it sounds like 4-5 months is Waaaaay to soon to be offering up commitment. You’d need at least a year 18 months no break ups everything sorted out through talking, no slilent treatments or romantic triangulation with other men. Then it might….might ….might be worthwhile!
Not every question is an intelligent one deserving of an answer.
It’s because none of them are virgins. And they try to marry too old so they are unsuitable for marriage. There is a reason that (pre Markle) the establishment around the Royal family would forbid marriage with divorcees.
@03;00 this is nonsense there’s no real long term studies that testosterone is lower. Most of the men that pay out for the testosterone tests thinking they can get some juice for bodybuilding are rebuffed that they’re in the normal range and cannot have any more otherwise it would metastasise into oestrogen (basically turn you into a girl). When you have to compete for the same jobs as women she looks at the man like dirt when he cannot single handedly give her the majority of resources to fund the relationship and the lack of respect forces the relationship to collapse.
I’m glad that you don’t over police the comments like some MGTOW people who literally believe themselves to be the messiah or some kind of prophet.
@02;00 i hate that when they caste aspersions over your character and relationship because of Astrology. Usually they want a tonne of commitment from you on your end while offering little to no commitment towards you or the relationship for that matter. The “no hookups” meme is just a classic form of blame shifting towards the man so that she doesn’t have to take responsibility for kicking the men who could have been good for her out of her life.
They force the man out of the relationship and house when he can no longer be her best possible option. Usually by coldness and withdrawal of affection and sex. Then they will gaslight him that they are somehow the victim when she saw the father of her children as something disposable despite him largely bringing the same benefits to the table while she is older, probably already cheated on him, and has blipped out to twice the weight of when you met her.
@02:51 Never date a woman with these facial piercings they were used against me while i was being love bombed to create facial injury for supposed crimes against her “feelings” while she was love bombing me. That along with tattoos are a massive sign of insecurity and narcissism and you will suffer as she covertly gets away with causing physical trauma to your nose when kissing her. I figured out what she was using them for as she showed no real sympathy when my nose became bloodied and raw.