Comments by "Kenneth Hammond" (@kennethhammond6683) on "Al Jazeera English"
TheNaturalust Unless you can cite the resolutions granting Israel territory it acquired during the '48 war I will have to defer to my understanding that the UN cannot violate its own Charter,let alone customary international law I very much doubt that the UN has officially recognised territory acquired by Israel in 1948, as Israeli territory, in fact after the '48 war ended Israel filed a request that territory it acquired in that war be deemed as Israeli territory, the UN Reconcilliation Commission denied the request, pointing Israel to the General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949
“Article V. 1. The line described in Article VI of this Agreement shall be designated as the Armistice Demarcation Line and is delineated in pursuance of the purpose and intent of the resolutions of the Security Council of 4 and 16 November 1948.
2. The Armistice Demarcation Line is not to be construed in any sense as a political or territorial boundary, and is delineated without prejudice to rights, claims and positions of either Party to the Armistice as regards ultimate settlement of the Palestine question.”
Article XI No provision of this Agreement shall in any way prejudice the rights, claims and positions of either Party hereto in the ultimate peaceful settlement of the Palestine question.
It is illegal to acquire territory by force/war and Israel has never legally annexed ANY territory outside the extent of it’s declared Sovereignty.
The laws regarding territory acquired during war are not tempered by aggressive/defensive criteria, the laws apply to all and any war. A lot of people seem to confuse the Palestinians offer of peace based on the '48 green line in exchange for recognising Israel on the same lines as a done deal,this proposal is simply an offer that has not been taken up by Israel to date, as such the border between Israel and Palestine remains at the '48 partition lines.