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Comments by "Strife" (@strife2746) on "TAKASHii" channel.
The girls at 09:00 definitely make a good point. Even in multicultural countries or cities you see that most people just prefer to stick to their own group. It's a lot easier to interact if you come from the same cultural background where people have a similar mentality.
@RouterSystem-70 Citation needed.
@PremierCCGuyMMXVI Not really, it's just human nature. It's another reason why Japan should stay homogeneous and not embrace multiculturalism like the west has done.
@PremierCCGuyMMXVI You don't have to worry about racism in a homogeneous country.
@PremierCCGuyMMXVI They shouldn't. You seriously need to stop forcing your ideals on everybody. If it's not race, it's local differences, height differences, dialect differences. Even in homogeneous Japan, the people from Kyoto and Tokyo can't stand each other and diss one another all the time just to give you one example. Discrimination will never go away. It's just in human nature. Let the Japanese be.
@peace6566 LGBT is punishable by law in literally every country where your religion is dominant. You're just straight up lying at this point.
@truckkun5034 Try being LGBT in any of these countries. Then talk about "brotherhood". 😂 If you're gonna justify it in any kind of way I'm reporting you.
@unreal.creations Mate, the majority are not interracial, accept it. Studies have shown that people prefer to be with something recognizable, i.e ethnic, religious or racial background. Why is this so difficult for you to accept?
Most immigrants will not mix in with Japanese culture. I've noticed the more they live there the more they start separating themselves from Japanese society and interact mostly with people from their own background. Multiculturalism didn't work in Europe. It doesn't work in the US, Canada is on the edge as well. I think it's better if Japan doesn't accept multiculturalism.
@peace6566 Look at how peaceful muslim countries are with LGBT, jews and apostates. 🤣
Japan has a very unique culture, so I think it's not a good idea for Japan to accept globalism.
@peace6566 Less than 10% of muslim women are unemployed in western European countries so you're talking crap. And two wrongs don't make a right. It's hilarious how you don't even try to counter-argue what I said. Now try to have an LGBT'er get a job in Saudi-Arabia. THAT'S impossible.
I mean she is ethnically Japanese but they're both from the US. So culturally you can't really call it a bicultural relationship either. I'd more like to see an interview with a bicultural couple where the Japanese man/woman actually grew up in Japan.
I honestly don't understand this mentality at all. My parents come from different countries too. I never really struggled with identity. I was just being me, regardless of my background. I don't need to put a lable on it.
@peace6566 Also a hijab and burqa are two different things. Kosovo, Azerbaijan, Tunisia and Turkey have banned the burqa in public schools and universities or government buildings. Then you have countries like Chad, The Republic of Congo that pushed for an even more strict ban. Also, Algeria passed a law banning the wearing of full face-veils, called burqas or niqabs, for female public servants while at work. There are actually more muslim countries that have (partial) bans on the burqa or a hijab. What do you make of that?
Look at how your people are behaving in France. Such peaceful people.
Look at how your people are behaving in France right now.
@Marc-io8qm Finally, someone who gets it. If you replace the demographic of a country, you will incontrovertibly chance the culture, norms and values of said country and Japan will stop being Japan. The Japanese culture will change into something it is not and that is not a good thing. Not saying Japan is perfect, it has many flaws. But I think those flaws can be addressed without the use of mass immigration.
It's not stereotyping if it's true.
@unreal.creations Just because they want to doesn't mean they will or that it works out. And apparently you didn't even read properly because I gave an example. Just to give you another one. In Amsterdam, over half of the people are not Dutch, yet only 14% of couples in Amsterdam are interracial. You see similar numbers in other hotspots like London, Paris or Berlin.
@peace6566 Algeria isn't the only one. It's multiple non-western countries but you don't want to talk about that. Hilarious how you blame the west for doing this when MENA countries do the exact same thing. And how does your religion take care of an entire society when LGBT, apostates and other religious minorities are thrown under the bus? How does being LGBT negatively affect society? Why do you think western countries have a higher standard of life than islamic countries? Why do you people come to the west if your country is so much better?
@SpikedCollar666 An exception is not the status quo.
Also a liar with a victim-mindset.
Probably won't be a popular opinion on this channel. If muslims come to Japan to build mosques, halal restaurants, islamic calls to prayer and start praying in public places, they don't belong in Japan. Japan is for the Japanese culture and mindset and foreigners who take their culture and religion with them shouldn't be welcomed. Integration and assimilation is of utmost importance and you simply don't see that with muslim immigrants. It's better if they stay home.
@nathansnead7371 It's still true.
@PremierCCGuyMMXVI Why is that a good thing?
I want to live in Japan because of the culture but also because of how homogeneous it is. I'm from Canada as well and all that multicultural diversity is our strength nonsense is something I've gotten sick and tired of.
"You don't look like a terrorist." I'll take 500 for things that never happened.
@BeeBee-pl9ly Her comment about someone saying she doesn't look like a terrorist never happened. She just wants to weep about stereotyping.
@MrJimShorts Doesn't really explain it when you have 4th generation immigrants in Amsterdam, Berlin and Paris who still stick to their own kind.
@PremierCCGuyMMXVI Except my opinion comes from well established studies that you don't want to acknowledge.
@ryuukakhadijah7766 Give it a break. I may have been hyperbolic, it doesn't change my assertion. You want more islamic culture in Japan. What is it with you people? Why do you move to non-muslim countries to make it more islamic? Why don't you just leave?
@andret508 Good for you. They still misbehave and shouldn't be in Japan.
@BeeBee-pl9ly Maybe she was lying and enjoys playing the victim. It's a common trope amongst her people.
@andret508 I am. You don't see me acting the way Arabs do. Nothing wrong with calling them out.
@MrJimShorts True, but that doesn't change how even in multicultural cities, after generations of different cultures living together, people still tend to stick to their own group. Multiculturalism is a failed concept.
@Apollyon47 Good for you. Don't come to Japan.
@PremierCCGuyMMXVI And ironically, all those opinions disagree with you, right?
@andret508 With the way they're behaving in Europe and Canada, I do.
@Greenforrest7342 That isn't what I said at all. What are you on about?
@xXVibrantSnowXx Not really. I have a great job that's still going strong during the inflation. I'm treated with respect and have been given promotion on two different occasions. I've got a great group of friends. Met a great girl. Recently reconnected to an old friend of mine. I have a roof over my head, food on the table and a warm bed to sleep in. I'm very happy, actually. So you can shove that pity where the sun doesn't shine.
You don't pray in public places. Especially not in Japan. Just no. If you're going to Japan just to insert your religion into Japanese culture, you're better off staying home.
@Dushmann_ Multicultural countries definitely exist. Don't be ridiculous.
Salman Rushdie got stabbed for his book. I want a direct answer from you. Do you support the attack on Rushdie's life, yes or no?
@PremierCCGuyMMXVI Just because someone has a different opinion doesn't mean they're ignorant.
@kiiro5813 The truth may work like a finger down the throat to those who don't expect it.
@iKhxledd They practice the most conservative interpretation of islam, Wahabbism. That isn't compatible with a secular society like Japan.
@PremierCCGuyMMXVI Not everyone is an American like you, kid.
@truckkun5034 Kosovo Albania and Bosnia are all terrible places riddled with poverty. How is this in any way a good example?
@Apollyon47 It doesn't matter what you think. LGBT is accepted in Japan and they're allowed to openly express that. That is what you consider to be bothersome for your kids and family. Too bad for you, the rules in Japan are different and you're just going to accept that. You don't have the right to tell other countries what to do when you migrate there.