Comments by "Scented-leaf Pelargonium" (@scented-leafpelargonium3366) on "GBNews" channel.

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  6.  @dareemmanuel6079  There are at least five different Hebrew words rendered as "Law" in English translated copies of the Bible, and they are not all the same in meaning, nuance or application. For instance a HOK or HUKKIM is a law or rule pertaining the Temple, the Tabernacle and in particular blood sacrifices that were nailed to the Tree, as the New Testament points out. When I lived in Israel and something "illegal" was being referred to, it was called "LO HOKI," or "not legal/lawful." However the word most commonly attacked by Gentile denominational Christians as "LAW" is the Hebrew word "TORAH," which is the rough term also given to the first five books of the Bible, but its intrinsic meaning is "TEACHING," which does not sound so legalistic as "LAW." In fact my Hebrew teacher in Tel-Aviv was called a "MORAH," which is the linked root word for "TEACHER," which is also the intrinsic meaning of the name of the site where the Temple was built and where also Yeshua taught in its precincts, which was Mount Moriah, as "MORI-YAH" means "The LORD is My Teacher." Thus in Hebraic terms the TORAH or LAW OF GOD, is more accurately understood as the TEACHING OF GOD, and even Yeshua's TEACHING in the New Testament is the very same word TORAH rendered into Greek, and then into English often as "DOCTRINE." So you are RIGHT to say that the LAW is a (school) TEACHER, as the Scriptures are actually affirming its intrinsic meaning and purpose, to TEACH us about God and about sin. The Bible says that sin is a trangression of the Law, so if the School Master has gone away, as you put it, then you are saying that GOD'S TEACHING ("TORAT ELOHIM") is a worthless thing, and if TORAH is rejected by Christians under grace through faith, then that would include the teaching of Yeshua too ("TORAT YESHUA"), as the two are bound together in the same meaning & word. If Law isn't necessary now, as you say, then there is no recorded measure for right and wrong, and we all do what we feel is right in each man's own eyes, which is a Biblical description of when men stray from God, which makes Gentile Christians basically LAW-LESS, the one thing that Yeshua will cite on that day when those who did great things in His Name (most likely the man-made "Jesus" over the God-given YESHUA, meaning "salvation"), "I never KNEW you. Depart from Me, you who practise LAW-LESS-NESS." Being saved does not cancel out God's TEACHING, which most Gentile Christians refer to in rather a limited and negative understanding as "LAW." God's TEACHING/"LAW"/ "TORAH" may be written in our hearts now because we heed it and honour it, not because we reject it, ignore it, break it, or teach that it has been done away with, as the written LAW/"TORAH"/"TEACHING" still stands. Yeshua came as no one can keep it 100%. But that does not mean that God's standards have changed, but that through faith we obey. There is already enough confusion about what is inspired by the Holy Spirit or not with so many differing demoninations and sects all claiming inspired truth direct from the Holy Spirit, yet they strongly disgree. A house divided against itself cannot stand. That is why God gave the Bible in written format as no one can argue with or doubt the written word, yet many make it obsolete, by refusing to honour or heed GOD'S LAW or TEACHING, which Yeshua said not one jot or tittle would pass away from until ALL BE FULFILLED, and that will not be until He returns again. You also have some knowledge, which for me too is refreshing. However I have difficulty with your analysis and matching it to what the Hebrew Bible says in its original intention & meaning. You say that the LAW/"TEACHING"/"TORAH" was "never final," so what will God use to on Judgement Day to assess those who have fallen into sin, or will He just rely on the Holy Spirit? Noah also found GRACE in the eyes of the LORD in the Old Testament BEFORE THE LAW ("TEACHING") was written down at Sinai, yet He knew the distinctions between CLEAN & UNCLEAN animals, as God boarded them upon the Ark in TWOS & SEVENS, the smaller number for UNCLEAN scavenging animals just for breeding purposes, as they were created to play a vital ecological role in cleaning the planet of detritus and rotting carcasses, whereas the CLEAN animals were boarded in larger numbers, seven being the number of perfection in the Bible, because God permitted them to eat as FOOD, long before there was any written LAW/"TEACHING," so Noah must have had it WRITTEN ON HIS HEART, just as you say Christians today do under grace. You mention Abraham, but the Bible says that Abraham kept God's Laws and Commandments, so he wasn't as LAW-LESS as today's modern Christians boast to be. You told me not to limit the story next time and to give the full picture, so I hope this is a bit fuller for you for you to analyse and compare to Scripture to see if it contradicts God's Word. Shalom-peace 🌿🕊
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  8.  @learningnevaends6026  I am not saying anything of the sort as the application of the video is about a Christian mother objecting Christian terms to what her child does in school. 🙃 My response was to point out that those same Christians indocrinate children with agendas of their own, albeit a religious belief or moral outlook, but it is still being foisted onto children in the same forceful and insidious way. If you want to apply the argument to other religions that is up to you, but I did not feel the need to as the subject was to do with a Christian's objections, not that of another faith. Why are you trying to drag me into a bigger argument that is not there? If it were a Muslim objecting in the video, then I might respond concerning a madrassa, but it is not, and considering it is only my own life experience to be forced to go to "Sunday School" in my culture, bribed by sweets and "prizes" in order to indocrinate me, that is all I can really refer to. I'm sure if a Muslim was concerned about madrassas they would express it, but very few adherents to a religion are brave or free enough to think beyond their indocrinated state. That's why it took Someone like Yeshua, whom the Gentiles later changed into "Jesus," to object to religious strongholds and hypocrisy which thrive whenever man-made tradition takes over. These self-righteous religious always act like the Pharisees trying to catch people out and trip them up by hypothetical arguments that have nothing to do with God, but is just THEIR opinion.
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  10.  @corvusglaive4804  It is not up to heterosexuals, whether they be Conservative or not, to decide the fate or practice of another segment of society made up of capable thinking human beings that can conduct their own affairs, likes and dislikes, and ways to establish a relationship. Why should gay people have to get permission from heterosexuals to do the same in ceremony what they do without having to check with the gay community if it is 'acceptable' in THEIR eyes?! Marriage is as much an exclusively heterosexual institution as much as paying tax is just a heterosexual thing. A rule and an obligation can apply to any group, not just a high "elite." Heterosexuals don't "own" marriage. They may have practised it up until now in order to have their unions recognised in public before their community, friends and family, but with new laws recognising the UNIONS of same-sex couples, there is no logical reason why they should be refused an identical basic right, and not to accept what heterosexuals have decided for them as "their own version of it," the "their" being the heterosexuals who are offering the "version." Why is marriage created for heterosexual couples, while "civil partnerships" created for same-sex couples? Who is doing the "creating" of these things and deciding who gets what? If gays can't marry, then let all heterosexuals just have "civil partnerships," because the gay community have decided that that is what is to be set up for them as a new "version" of marriage. Then everyone would be equal without marriage, but still forging life-long unions. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, and why should one group of society project their views and protestations over another group in telling adults how to unify relationships?! 🙃
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  12.  @gtaambassador744  Well, to answer your questions without attracting further condemnation, criticism or hostility from your good self, and I am not a fan of 'labels,' I think you would have to properly define your questions using the more accurate terms "practising Christian" and "practising homosexual," as it is possible to desist from practising both. I think whatever I answer I will still come under fire, which is why I have learned in life, especially in dealing with Christian people trying to find information on you, that one is perhaps best to keep one's own counsel, as I have suffered in the past at the hands of people for being open. The truth is that in my life I have experienced both camps, but never the twain can meet. At age 15 I was induced into Christianity by attending a local YMCA in my home town in Northern Ireland during the years of the Protestant-Catholic "Troubles," and I was led in the "Sinner's Prayer" by a couple in their living room who were volunteers at the YMCA in June 1981. However, at such a young impressionable age I had not yet encountered adult sexual matters, which began to develop in the next two or three years after that, but not in a way that I expected, and so I had to keep my feelings (towards members of my own sex) a very big secret, as I had already heard some very vitriolic sermons on "Sodomites," (a word I never found in the Bible specifying a homosexual) and I knew that I now faced a very lonely problem on my own to make sense of. Anyhow, as my teens progressed, after being quite a zealot giving out Christian literature in my town in the shelters where drunks hung out and in the bars and pubs as an underage minor, I realised that some of my former school friends were talking quite openly about being "gay" etc. It was not overnight, but just as a young heterosexual youth (if you can remember) starts to feel more attractions to the opposite sex, this was happening to me, but not with the opposite sex. No amount of prayers seemed to change those feelings to become solely towards women, even though I had plenty of opportunities with very many pretty girls, as I was the better looking of my younger twin brother and me. After a bitter divorce between my parents, I chose to remain with my father and brother, while my sister and mother left on Christmas Day when we were 12 to another man who would eventually become my stepfather. It was not a Christian home. I was the first Christian in my family, but within the course of time, my father, brother, aunt, uncle, cousins and grandmother all became Christians being somewhat influenced by myself, except for my mother and younger sister who had left to live in Great Yarmouth, England. My mother invited me to come to England to visit around that time, and I ended up getting a summer chef's job there in a holiday park. However, my boss there was gay and lived with his partner, and they were friendly with a lesbian couple who worked there as bar staff, and they often invited me to sit with them after work. I had also been cycling some miles to attend a little Assemblies Of God church there, but I was beginning to get an increasing conflict with my inner feelings, which I could see other people openly expressing in front of me, and with the teaching of the Bible which said these things were wrong. I returned back home to Dad's in N. Ireland after the summer and my boss had given me a black & white copy of a newspaper called Gay News which listed pubs and venues in Northern Ireland etc., which was found wrapped up in a towel in my drawer in my bedroom by grandmother looking for laundry. My father approached me that day with an ultimatum. "No son of mine is gay! This is a Christian house! Burn the newspaper or leave!" I said that burning the newspaper wouldn't solve anything, and I left. I was 18. I never lived with my father again. After this a school friend who was gay told me of an elderly gay landlord just across the road on the seafront of where my father's house was, and he could see where I was living. Many gay people frequented that house and soon I realised that I could not be gay and go to church. Northern Ireland is a very judgemental place to live, and I was not attracted to the narrow pulpitism that emanated from any congregations I had attended, and the hateful way they spoke of gay people, calling them "queer" and other pejoratives did not attract me to their brand. I ended up moving back to England where I got a job as Sous Chef in a good hotel, and my mother and sister ended up being supportive of my homosexual conundrum, and I ended up in a two-year relationship that ended rather dramatically after I found a letter from someone else under the stair carpet. I moved in with a Christian couple who rented me a room and I attended a small Elim Church there. I planned to return to N.I., but thought of a break in between and looked at the prices of a Holy Land Tour to Israel, but they were all very expensive, so I ignored that. Then another Christian guy renting a room in the same place handed me a Christian magazine called Jobs Abroad. It covered mostly clergy and missionary positions (excuse the pun) and I was about to set it down when I spotted a job for Chef/Catering Manager, Israel. I ended up writing off and I got a reply from the Anglican Church's 200-year-old Mission To The Jews saying that the post had been taken. The magazine was already 3 months out of date. However, they continued, another vacancy had opened up at our Guest House in Tel-Aviv, so if you still feel led, please apply. Soon I had an interview, and after training set off to live a missionary life in Israel. After 4 years I met a young Israeli on the beach and we became friends. I was in my twenties. At this point I was attending a group led by the Pastor of the Messianic Hebrew Jewish Christian Congregation or "Kehilah" that met on the premises where I was chef, and the group was for Christians (Jewish, Hebrew-speaking) struggling with homosexuality, about seven of us, both men and women. After a few weeks they said I needed to open up more, but with this friendship now developing into a relationship with the young Israeli guy, I knew I could lose my job. The pastor assured me that anything said within those four walls would go no further, and so I shared that I had met someone, but was not sure where it was going. I was due that week to go back to the UK at the 4-year juncture for a 3-month furlough, and they promised they would pray for me. In London I was able to stay with a Christian who had been a volunteer in Israel after I arrived in from the flight. The next morning I received a phone call from my boss from Israel asking about the relationship with the Israeli. The pastor told him everything. I lost my job. However, I got a job as Chef de Partie in King Solomon Fine Dining Restaurant at the Hilton Tel-Aviv where I fed the rich and famous, including both British & Israeli Prime Ministers. I felt betrayed by the pastor and stayed away from Christian congregations while adapting to life in Israeli society, staying another 6 years, with a Filipino partner for 5 of those years. He ended up becoming a Christian by listening to my Gospel CDs and reading my books and literature. After 10 years I returned home and bid Tel-Aviv goodbye or "shalom." I connected with the Irish Branch of the Missionary Society I had worked for in Israel and got voted onto their Committee and I got asked to do talks about Israel, do Passover meals and to teach basic Hebrew. For about 10 years I remained totally celibate and got involved in Messianic Jewish work by holding Sabbath meetings and teachings from a Hebraic perspective, and even testified on television about about being a Christian and struggling with homosexuality. The local newspapers published the story, but twisted my words somewhat to make it more favourable to the LGBT community, and as a result many Christians shunned me. That still goes on. My love affair with the Church and Christians was beginning to wear thin. Next the Messianic pastor confronted me about being gay, due to some gossip that had broken out. I admitted the fact, but assured him that I was living a celibate Christian life, but he said, "Until we can trust you, we need to ask you not to come to the congregation." Christianity & me did not mix! I attended an online Christian Counselling group during the Covid period, similar to the one in Tel-Aviv, and a Brazilan guy asked for my e-mail and we corresponded, but it awoke something in me that reminded me of my loneliness. Christians continued to shun and avoid me. In the end I realised that I will never fit in with these people, no matter what I do. I later met a person with a similar story to me and we connected. That was 2 years ago and we are both happy. The atrraction back to the condemnation of Christianity is not convincing. I hope that answers your questions, but most complain if a reply is too long. Shalom 🌿🕊
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