Comments by "Scented-leaf Pelargonium" (@scented-leafpelargonium3366) on "GBNews" channel.

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  40.  @swiftlydoesit8480  Yes, that's true, evolution and all kinds of theories are pushed on kids to accept without much 'choice,' and I guess all parents in all religions pass on their religion to their children, unless they decide to disengage with it themselves, which a greater majority do now. I guess kids have little choice in the ideologies that adults put onto them until they grow up, but by that time sometimes it's too late for too much independent thought, unless one is a bit of a maverick. Most people are like sheep and tend to follow along, just like the Bible says. 🐑 I guess the woman has a parental right to object to a secular and sexualised agenda being presented to her child, as much as an atheist or Buddhist mother might object to their child being subjected to unwanted Christian doctrine, like when churches organise seemingly innocuous events for kids, such as summer camps and activities, or like a local church here, putting sweets ("candy") through the door of homes in the hope to entice some of them. However, "LGBT lifestyle" as you put it cannot be erased from humanity any more than we can erase the "heterosexual lifestyle," and to grow up feeling "wrong" must be a very terrible thing. Life as part of a minority group is not easy, and Christians themselves are beginning to realise this increasingly as their grip on society and morals lessens over the decades, making them too a marginalised minority group that many people love to hate, mock and condemn. It's just a pity the two discriminated groups of human beings could not find common ground.
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  47.  @A.D.540  Well, seeing as you rely on the Biblical story of Adam & Eve as a written code for examples of perfect human unions, the Bible records that that the Edenic couple had two sons, Cain & Abel, without any evidence of any females being born. So is one to conclude by reading that same story that the whole human race descended from a pairing of these two brothers? 🤔 At least the Gospels record that Yeshua, later re-named "Jesus" by the Gentiles, had brothers AND sisters, even though not all sects of Gentile Christianity recognise even that much. King Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived, had hundreds of wives and concubines, who later would cause Him to stray from the God of Israel to go to worship the foreign gods of his wives. 🤯 Funny how a man could have lots of women at once, but women did not have multiple men, at least not all at one time. Yeshua never married at all, so that wasn't that 'natural' to do either. So Yeshua could be considered 'unnatural', which is the accusation many lob at homosexuals. My own parents were "one man & one woman", the way it is "supposed to be," as you say, but the woman left when I was 12, leaving the man for another man, and the three siblings separated. So for all that people laud heterosexual unions for, a lot of them don't even last. And if you're gay, the multi-partnered imperfect heterosexuals tell the homosexuals quite categorically that they can't have anyone. At least these unequal partners truly teach inequality!
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