Comments by "Scented-leaf Pelargonium" (@scented-leafpelargonium3366) on "Christian mother takes her son's school to court for 'forcing' him to take part in a Pride parade" video.

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  6.  @nadiar.7788  God never told Solomon to have multiple wives, but he did ask him what he did want, and he said he wanted wisdom, and as a result he was the known as the wisest man on earth, and seemingly with that God-given wisdom he accumulated a whole host of females! 🙃 On the other hand, one could view it that it was the females that caused him to lose that wisdom! God never told millions of Gentile denominational Christians to hold a day on the first day of the working week to venerate the resurrection either, but men will do as THEY see fit. If God's Son is the SAME yesterday, today and forever, how come His holy given Name, YESHUA, which means "salvation," has CHANGED COMPLETELY into the man-made transmogrified name "Jesus" which He would never have heard in His lifetime? Men will do as THEY see fit. 🙃 God's Commandments are righteous and everlasting, yet I know that countless professing Christians totally disregard the Fourth Commandment concerning keeping the SEVENTH DAY holy as the Sabbath of the LORD, which even Yeshua said was "made for MAN," and which He reiterated in the New Testament by saying it was "LAWFUL to do good on the SABBATH." I do recall Sodom & Gomorrah ("S'DOM & AMORAH") and most Christians misapply the story to be an exclusively male homosexual plot, and thus even words like "Sodomy" and "Sodomite" have entered the English vocabulary as words to describe gay people, often very pejoratively by self-righteous Christian ministers and by heterosexual homophobes within "straight" society. This all stems down to one small word in Genesis 19:4 where the English Bibles read that "MEN" surrounded Lot's house wanting to carnally "know" the two angels who had come there. However, Hebrew is a very chauvinistic language, and plurals are always written exclusively as MALE, unless it is a group of ONLY FEMALES, then the word will be spelt as a FEMALE PLURAL. However, for gatherings of BOTH MALES AND FEMALES, the group would be described as MALE, as in this instance as "MEN," which in some cases could be ONLY MEN, but we can only know from context, and so we must look for it in the passage. There are different words for "MEN"/"MAN" in Hebrew, such as ADAM, GEVERIM, ISH, and ANASHIM, all with differing roots giving them different nuances. The word used here is ANASHIM, which is related to root word ANUSH, meaning "HUMAN," not just strictly "male," but more accurately describes "PEOPLE." But this "MEN" anomaly gets repeated throughout Scripture when describing MIXED-SEX groups of people as "MEN," such as "men of Jerusalem" at the Day of Pentecost in Acts, and "men of Galilee" when the angels addressed the crowd after the Ascension on the Mount of Olives. These were not "men only" events, even though the word "men" is used and rendered so in English. The same applies when the New Testament refers to "sons of God," it does not mean that no women will get to heaven or receive salvation. We come across this male plural in the Bible. However, this is DOUBLY backed up in the Sodom verse (19:4) as it ALSO has the SINGULAR word for "PEOPLE," in English when it cites "PEOPLE from every quarter" (of the city), and not only "MEN"! However, narrow-minded bigotted people will not want to hear this truth. This is the small Hebrew word "AM," as in "AM ISRAEL" or the "PEOPLE OF ISRAEL," so even if you insist that the word ANASHIM is 100% "MEN" (even though it is not elsewhere in Scripture), this secondary usage of the word "PEOPLE" clearly proves that this was an event concerning "PEOPLE," and not just a gathering of exclusively male homosexuals. Why would Lot offer his daughters to a crowd of homosexuals?! 🤔 Rather, the fate of Sodom (and Gomorrah, for it was not linked to the event at Lot's house) was decided by God in the PREVIOUS CHAPTER when Abraham bargains with God on behalf of his nephew Lot to save the cities, but it was revealed that there were not even 5 righteous people in the two cities (apart from Abraham's relatives) and so their fate was sealed. It was already PREDETERMINED before this incident outside Lot's house. If it was only concerning that, then God owes Gomorrah an apology, for they were not even involved in it. 🙃 The truth is that the whole city (or both cities) were corrupt and depraved, and although I am sure homosexuality and lesbianism was practised there alongside every other kind of sexual deviation, such as adultery, fornication, lust, orgies, incest, voyeurism, bestiality etc etc. This crowd were bent on sexually molesting these two angelic visitors that Jude mentions as going after "strange flesh." The Hebrew grammar shows that this is a MIXED-SEX gathering. So, you ask me to recall Sodom & Gomorrah, and I do, but not in the same exclusively homosexual way that most Gentile Christians do, who are focussed only on the word "men." That in know way lessens the gravity of where the Bible proscribes homosexuality in both the Old and New Testaments, so it is not a "get out clause," but just an honest reading of the text. I spent time explaining this to my father, who replied, "I still prefer it the old way"! 🙄 Man-made influence holds strong, even over the authority and truth of Scripture, which is why Yeshua said that the TRADITIONS OF MEN make the Word of God of none-effect. Thus is true here of the intetpretation of Sodom, of cancelling out the Sabbath of the LORD, in favour of the uncommanded "Sun"-day named after the SUN but not the SON, and replacing the Passover of the LORD, on which date Yeshua died and asked to remember His atoning DEATH, not ever His birth or resurrection, "as often as ye do this" i.e. celebrate Passover, not "do this as often as you like," which is basically what happens in most Gentile churches on their Roman "moveable" feast of "Easter," named after the pagan godess Eostre/Eastre with weekly and annual "Lord's Suppers" being held at breakfast time when it is illegal normally to drink wine. God may not change, but Christians have changed much about Him and His Word in order to fit into their own doctrine. At the Name of YESHUA every knee shall bow, but who will know it? 🤯 Shavua tov - have a good week! 🤗
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  18.  @dareemmanuel6079  There are at least five different Hebrew words rendered as "Law" in English translated copies of the Bible, and they are not all the same in meaning, nuance or application. For instance a HOK or HUKKIM is a law or rule pertaining the Temple, the Tabernacle and in particular blood sacrifices that were nailed to the Tree, as the New Testament points out. When I lived in Israel and something "illegal" was being referred to, it was called "LO HOKI," or "not legal/lawful." However the word most commonly attacked by Gentile denominational Christians as "LAW" is the Hebrew word "TORAH," which is the rough term also given to the first five books of the Bible, but its intrinsic meaning is "TEACHING," which does not sound so legalistic as "LAW." In fact my Hebrew teacher in Tel-Aviv was called a "MORAH," which is the linked root word for "TEACHER," which is also the intrinsic meaning of the name of the site where the Temple was built and where also Yeshua taught in its precincts, which was Mount Moriah, as "MORI-YAH" means "The LORD is My Teacher." Thus in Hebraic terms the TORAH or LAW OF GOD, is more accurately understood as the TEACHING OF GOD, and even Yeshua's TEACHING in the New Testament is the very same word TORAH rendered into Greek, and then into English often as "DOCTRINE." So you are RIGHT to say that the LAW is a (school) TEACHER, as the Scriptures are actually affirming its intrinsic meaning and purpose, to TEACH us about God and about sin. The Bible says that sin is a trangression of the Law, so if the School Master has gone away, as you put it, then you are saying that GOD'S TEACHING ("TORAT ELOHIM") is a worthless thing, and if TORAH is rejected by Christians under grace through faith, then that would include the teaching of Yeshua too ("TORAT YESHUA"), as the two are bound together in the same meaning & word. If Law isn't necessary now, as you say, then there is no recorded measure for right and wrong, and we all do what we feel is right in each man's own eyes, which is a Biblical description of when men stray from God, which makes Gentile Christians basically LAW-LESS, the one thing that Yeshua will cite on that day when those who did great things in His Name (most likely the man-made "Jesus" over the God-given YESHUA, meaning "salvation"), "I never KNEW you. Depart from Me, you who practise LAW-LESS-NESS." Being saved does not cancel out God's TEACHING, which most Gentile Christians refer to in rather a limited and negative understanding as "LAW." God's TEACHING/"LAW"/ "TORAH" may be written in our hearts now because we heed it and honour it, not because we reject it, ignore it, break it, or teach that it has been done away with, as the written LAW/"TORAH"/"TEACHING" still stands. Yeshua came as no one can keep it 100%. But that does not mean that God's standards have changed, but that through faith we obey. There is already enough confusion about what is inspired by the Holy Spirit or not with so many differing demoninations and sects all claiming inspired truth direct from the Holy Spirit, yet they strongly disgree. A house divided against itself cannot stand. That is why God gave the Bible in written format as no one can argue with or doubt the written word, yet many make it obsolete, by refusing to honour or heed GOD'S LAW or TEACHING, which Yeshua said not one jot or tittle would pass away from until ALL BE FULFILLED, and that will not be until He returns again. You also have some knowledge, which for me too is refreshing. However I have difficulty with your analysis and matching it to what the Hebrew Bible says in its original intention & meaning. You say that the LAW/"TEACHING"/"TORAH" was "never final," so what will God use to on Judgement Day to assess those who have fallen into sin, or will He just rely on the Holy Spirit? Noah also found GRACE in the eyes of the LORD in the Old Testament BEFORE THE LAW ("TEACHING") was written down at Sinai, yet He knew the distinctions between CLEAN & UNCLEAN animals, as God boarded them upon the Ark in TWOS & SEVENS, the smaller number for UNCLEAN scavenging animals just for breeding purposes, as they were created to play a vital ecological role in cleaning the planet of detritus and rotting carcasses, whereas the CLEAN animals were boarded in larger numbers, seven being the number of perfection in the Bible, because God permitted them to eat as FOOD, long before there was any written LAW/"TEACHING," so Noah must have had it WRITTEN ON HIS HEART, just as you say Christians today do under grace. You mention Abraham, but the Bible says that Abraham kept God's Laws and Commandments, so he wasn't as LAW-LESS as today's modern Christians boast to be. You told me not to limit the story next time and to give the full picture, so I hope this is a bit fuller for you for you to analyse and compare to Scripture to see if it contradicts God's Word. Shalom-peace 🌿🕊
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  20.  @learningnevaends6026  I am not saying anything of the sort as the application of the video is about a Christian mother objecting Christian terms to what her child does in school. 🙃 My response was to point out that those same Christians indocrinate children with agendas of their own, albeit a religious belief or moral outlook, but it is still being foisted onto children in the same forceful and insidious way. If you want to apply the argument to other religions that is up to you, but I did not feel the need to as the subject was to do with a Christian's objections, not that of another faith. Why are you trying to drag me into a bigger argument that is not there? If it were a Muslim objecting in the video, then I might respond concerning a madrassa, but it is not, and considering it is only my own life experience to be forced to go to "Sunday School" in my culture, bribed by sweets and "prizes" in order to indocrinate me, that is all I can really refer to. I'm sure if a Muslim was concerned about madrassas they would express it, but very few adherents to a religion are brave or free enough to think beyond their indocrinated state. That's why it took Someone like Yeshua, whom the Gentiles later changed into "Jesus," to object to religious strongholds and hypocrisy which thrive whenever man-made tradition takes over. These self-righteous religious always act like the Pharisees trying to catch people out and trip them up by hypothetical arguments that have nothing to do with God, but is just THEIR opinion.
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  28.  @corvusglaive4804  It is not up to heterosexuals, whether they be Conservative or not, to decide the fate or practice of another segment of society made up of capable thinking human beings that can conduct their own affairs, likes and dislikes, and ways to establish a relationship. Why should gay people have to get permission from heterosexuals to do the same in ceremony what they do without having to check with the gay community if it is 'acceptable' in THEIR eyes?! Marriage is as much an exclusively heterosexual institution as much as paying tax is just a heterosexual thing. A rule and an obligation can apply to any group, not just a high "elite." Heterosexuals don't "own" marriage. They may have practised it up until now in order to have their unions recognised in public before their community, friends and family, but with new laws recognising the UNIONS of same-sex couples, there is no logical reason why they should be refused an identical basic right, and not to accept what heterosexuals have decided for them as "their own version of it," the "their" being the heterosexuals who are offering the "version." Why is marriage created for heterosexual couples, while "civil partnerships" created for same-sex couples? Who is doing the "creating" of these things and deciding who gets what? If gays can't marry, then let all heterosexuals just have "civil partnerships," because the gay community have decided that that is what is to be set up for them as a new "version" of marriage. Then everyone would be equal without marriage, but still forging life-long unions. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, and why should one group of society project their views and protestations over another group in telling adults how to unify relationships?! 🙃
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  31.  @gtaambassador744  Well, to answer your questions without attracting further condemnation, criticism or hostility from your good self, and I am not a fan of 'labels,' I think you would have to properly define your questions using the more accurate terms "practising Christian" and "practising homosexual," as it is possible to desist from practising both. I think whatever I answer I will still come under fire, which is why I have learned in life, especially in dealing with Christian people trying to find information on you, that one is perhaps best to keep one's own counsel, as I have suffered in the past at the hands of people for being open. The truth is that in my life I have experienced both camps, but never the twain can meet. At age 15 I was induced into Christianity by attending a local YMCA in my home town in Northern Ireland during the years of the Protestant-Catholic "Troubles," and I was led in the "Sinner's Prayer" by a couple in their living room who were volunteers at the YMCA in June 1981. However, at such a young impressionable age I had not yet encountered adult sexual matters, which began to develop in the next two or three years after that, but not in a way that I expected, and so I had to keep my feelings (towards members of my own sex) a very big secret, as I had already heard some very vitriolic sermons on "Sodomites," (a word I never found in the Bible specifying a homosexual) and I knew that I now faced a very lonely problem on my own to make sense of. Anyhow, as my teens progressed, after being quite a zealot giving out Christian literature in my town in the shelters where drunks hung out and in the bars and pubs as an underage minor, I realised that some of my former school friends were talking quite openly about being "gay" etc. It was not overnight, but just as a young heterosexual youth (if you can remember) starts to feel more attractions to the opposite sex, this was happening to me, but not with the opposite sex. No amount of prayers seemed to change those feelings to become solely towards women, even though I had plenty of opportunities with very many pretty girls, as I was the better looking of my younger twin brother and me. After a bitter divorce between my parents, I chose to remain with my father and brother, while my sister and mother left on Christmas Day when we were 12 to another man who would eventually become my stepfather. It was not a Christian home. I was the first Christian in my family, but within the course of time, my father, brother, aunt, uncle, cousins and grandmother all became Christians being somewhat influenced by myself, except for my mother and younger sister who had left to live in Great Yarmouth, England. My mother invited me to come to England to visit around that time, and I ended up getting a summer chef's job there in a holiday park. However, my boss there was gay and lived with his partner, and they were friendly with a lesbian couple who worked there as bar staff, and they often invited me to sit with them after work. I had also been cycling some miles to attend a little Assemblies Of God church there, but I was beginning to get an increasing conflict with my inner feelings, which I could see other people openly expressing in front of me, and with the teaching of the Bible which said these things were wrong. I returned back home to Dad's in N. Ireland after the summer and my boss had given me a black & white copy of a newspaper called Gay News which listed pubs and venues in Northern Ireland etc., which was found wrapped up in a towel in my drawer in my bedroom by grandmother looking for laundry. My father approached me that day with an ultimatum. "No son of mine is gay! This is a Christian house! Burn the newspaper or leave!" I said that burning the newspaper wouldn't solve anything, and I left. I was 18. I never lived with my father again. After this a school friend who was gay told me of an elderly gay landlord just across the road on the seafront of where my father's house was, and he could see where I was living. Many gay people frequented that house and soon I realised that I could not be gay and go to church. Northern Ireland is a very judgemental place to live, and I was not attracted to the narrow pulpitism that emanated from any congregations I had attended, and the hateful way they spoke of gay people, calling them "queer" and other pejoratives did not attract me to their brand. I ended up moving back to England where I got a job as Sous Chef in a good hotel, and my mother and sister ended up being supportive of my homosexual conundrum, and I ended up in a two-year relationship that ended rather dramatically after I found a letter from someone else under the stair carpet. I moved in with a Christian couple who rented me a room and I attended a small Elim Church there. I planned to return to N.I., but thought of a break in between and looked at the prices of a Holy Land Tour to Israel, but they were all very expensive, so I ignored that. Then another Christian guy renting a room in the same place handed me a Christian magazine called Jobs Abroad. It covered mostly clergy and missionary positions (excuse the pun) and I was about to set it down when I spotted a job for Chef/Catering Manager, Israel. I ended up writing off and I got a reply from the Anglican Church's 200-year-old Mission To The Jews saying that the post had been taken. The magazine was already 3 months out of date. However, they continued, another vacancy had opened up at our Guest House in Tel-Aviv, so if you still feel led, please apply. Soon I had an interview, and after training set off to live a missionary life in Israel. After 4 years I met a young Israeli on the beach and we became friends. I was in my twenties. At this point I was attending a group led by the Pastor of the Messianic Hebrew Jewish Christian Congregation or "Kehilah" that met on the premises where I was chef, and the group was for Christians (Jewish, Hebrew-speaking) struggling with homosexuality, about seven of us, both men and women. After a few weeks they said I needed to open up more, but with this friendship now developing into a relationship with the young Israeli guy, I knew I could lose my job. The pastor assured me that anything said within those four walls would go no further, and so I shared that I had met someone, but was not sure where it was going. I was due that week to go back to the UK at the 4-year juncture for a 3-month furlough, and they promised they would pray for me. In London I was able to stay with a Christian who had been a volunteer in Israel after I arrived in from the flight. The next morning I received a phone call from my boss from Israel asking about the relationship with the Israeli. The pastor told him everything. I lost my job. However, I got a job as Chef de Partie in King Solomon Fine Dining Restaurant at the Hilton Tel-Aviv where I fed the rich and famous, including both British & Israeli Prime Ministers. I felt betrayed by the pastor and stayed away from Christian congregations while adapting to life in Israeli society, staying another 6 years, with a Filipino partner for 5 of those years. He ended up becoming a Christian by listening to my Gospel CDs and reading my books and literature. After 10 years I returned home and bid Tel-Aviv goodbye or "shalom." I connected with the Irish Branch of the Missionary Society I had worked for in Israel and got voted onto their Committee and I got asked to do talks about Israel, do Passover meals and to teach basic Hebrew. For about 10 years I remained totally celibate and got involved in Messianic Jewish work by holding Sabbath meetings and teachings from a Hebraic perspective, and even testified on television about about being a Christian and struggling with homosexuality. The local newspapers published the story, but twisted my words somewhat to make it more favourable to the LGBT community, and as a result many Christians shunned me. That still goes on. My love affair with the Church and Christians was beginning to wear thin. Next the Messianic pastor confronted me about being gay, due to some gossip that had broken out. I admitted the fact, but assured him that I was living a celibate Christian life, but he said, "Until we can trust you, we need to ask you not to come to the congregation." Christianity & me did not mix! I attended an online Christian Counselling group during the Covid period, similar to the one in Tel-Aviv, and a Brazilan guy asked for my e-mail and we corresponded, but it awoke something in me that reminded me of my loneliness. Christians continued to shun and avoid me. In the end I realised that I will never fit in with these people, no matter what I do. I later met a person with a similar story to me and we connected. That was 2 years ago and we are both happy. The atrraction back to the condemnation of Christianity is not convincing. I hope that answers your questions, but most complain if a reply is too long. Shalom 🌿🕊
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  35.  @gtaambassador744  I think you will find if you join your religion that people will be told what is acceptable in that religion and be expected to imbibe many new concepts "by faith", including many stories from written texts taught and explained every week by a trained teacher aimed at both adults and children in order to change their previous views of the world, humans & God. If that is not "brainwashing", what is?! How many original thoughts and views are you now allowed to express or uphold since you agreed to embrace the theology of your chosen religion? So your brain is not even rinsed a little? Or do you have enough of your own personality left to be able to ignore or reject what is being systematically taught to you week by week? Hardly. Christians may not like to admit it, or find more acceptable terms to describe it, but they are systematically indocrinated, even if it is by choice. And they contend that that religion is good! They just do not like the fact that other people with free and open minds and lifestyles different to theirs may not accept their potted views and judgements on humanity and the whole of society that they believe they can impose on others, no matter how others may feel about it. That is why some may view their religion as "bad", as you put it, due to their own "telling people" how to live and whom they can form a life partner with. If gay people have to accept that a man and a woman can marry in order to publicly declare their relationship, then the same acceptance should be available to non-heterosexuals who as human beings wish to similarly express that. The fact that religious heterosexuals cannot accept that only proves how brainwashed they actually are. Gays can marry. Get over it. Keep your own religious views to yourself. That way no one will bother you at all or even care what condition your brain is in or how good or bad your religion is. Just keep your nose out of other people's business. Thank you.
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  39.  @DaeFranklin  They ARE victims because they are being SINGLED OUT by heterosexual bigots and blinkered Christians whose world view is about as small as a grape. If you think heterosexuals are "victims," as you suggest, don't forget that they have the whole world with them and don't need to fight for anything, not rights, not recognition, not tying of the knot of their relationsnips, and not even to seek affirmation for desiring to hold their partner's hand or some other simple expression of emotion which they can flaunt in public with impunity all the time. Maybe if the shoe was on the other foot you might find a shred of empathy or compassion. You have your rights already, and they aren't being impugned any time soon. You say you don't see Christians forcing God in schools or in education systems. That is simply because they already have built an indocrinating educational system within the churches called "Sunday School," which the poor kids have little choice in attending, which is pretty systematic to me. From what I can see from all the street preachers on egotistical YouTube videos shouting through megphones in public places and even disturbing and interrupting civil gatherings and events of non-Christians on this platform, not to mention all the church camps and children's activities, I do think they are in the streets parading God and forcing other people's children to join in. That is a clear Christian practice, and it is practised widely against LGBT people. "Force" being the same clever entrapment "invitations" that many groups use to invite others. Homophobic means they are "afraid of gays." They're not. I just use the real term: ANTI-GAY. Let him without sin cast the first anti-gay stone. Remember how they all walked away? Why? 🤔
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  43.  @observersnt  Calm down. I am well aware of the Christian antipathy of Islam and vice versa, a position that is irreconcilable, as they both claim the same supercedence, dominance, unique path to God, ambition to convert the world, truth of their religion and both display the clear human hypocrisy by many of their adherents. I may be ignorant, but I have lived among Moslems & Jews alike for a decade of my life in the Middle East in the 1990's during some heady times. They are generally less argumentative and more palatable to converse with than the majority of Gentile denominational Christians no matter how "right" their doctrinal position claims to be. You find no comparison with Muslims, in the same way as Semitic Arabs vehemently find no comparison with their cousins the Jews, yet I could spot many similarities they would deny. Islam is totally different as a religion to Christianity, although the Koran has adopted some tenets from both Judaism and Christianity, but as with Roman Catholicism has added much on top. They may differ in how they wish to convert, but they both aim to convert as the "true faith". That both reject the claims of the other is just more proof than in some ways they are alike. Some Islamic authorities may discriminate in the way they treat non-Muslims, as with Jizyah and being a Dhimmi, but even authorities and individuals within the churches discriminate against non-Christians, such as Muslims & Jews, by showing disdain for their religion and by expressing in the strongest of terms that there is no comparison between Christians & them, none at all. Such an attitude will still diminish a person's religion and culture more than any tax. I am no fan of Islam, but humanly speaking I am no fan of nit-picking arrogant Christians either. They can both argue it out who is right without any further displays of ignorance from myself.
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  48.  @gtaambassador744  No, I am male. I fell asleep due to exhaustion. It can take it out of me to type all these answers, and my carers tell me off. The points are still the same no matter the gender. There is neither male not female in Christ, neither Jew nor Greek. So it doesn't matter necessarily if a Christian is male or female or Jewish or Gentile. It goes deeper than that. Obviously male and female, and Jews and Gentiles, are still valid distinctions, but not something that should be an issue. Yeshua is a male Jew so we can identify with half of Him. A Jew can identify with the whole of Him, as they can understand better His language, meaning of His Name and titles, His Semitic familial lineage from Judah, the calendrical timings and "MOADIM" or "Appointed Times" that He observed right until the day He died on the Day of Passover on Nisan 14th, which He asked us to remember ("as often as ye do this," not "as often as you like") which the English translators clumsily render as "seasons" in the book of Genesis. Gentiles may fully recognise males and females in Messiah, but learn very little about Jews. This I encountered during my 10 years in Israel when the Sabbath-keeping practices of Messianic Jews were identical to the practices of the pre-Roman Celtic Church of Britain and Ireland who remembered the Lord's death on Passover, not the Roman invention of "Easter," until the Synod of Whitby in 664 when King Oswy of Northumbria, England, was swayed by the wily Roman prelates out of the fear that St Peter would be at the gates of heaven, and the Roman Church venerated Peter as their pope, whereas the Irish Christians took their practices from the Apostle John who wrote the book of Revelation, who founded all the Sabbath-keeping churches across Asia Minor, now parts of Turkey and Greece, before he died at age 110, the last Jewish apostle to die still upholding the Jewish Sabbath-keeping practices of the early Jewish Church, which still met in the Temple (according to the book of Acts) for 40 golden years of the Church until European Gentiles from Rome razed the Temple of the LORD to the ground, after which the Jewish Church retained its primacy in Jerusalem with some 12 successive Jewish bishops after Ya'akov/Jacob the first one, whom the Gentiles renamed "James", over the first 100 years until the European Gentiles from Rome completely razed the Holy City forcing the Jews, including the Church to flee, as Yeshua prophesied, when He told them to pray that their flight would not be on the Sabbath, as that would impede their escape, after which Gentiles became bishops there. John's churches became known as the "Quartodecimans" as they kept the 14th Nisan instead of the Roman "Easter," which was not ratified until the councils held in the 4th century at Nicea and Laodicea at which no Jews were present to object to these changes, and Passover was viewed negatively from then on as an undesirable and unneccesary "Jewish" observance, even though Yeshua was a Jew and all the apostles, and He instructed to remember His death on it, not on a "day of the week" as the Gentiles do, but on the actual Biblical DATE, ordained by God. All these changes brought about "Sun"-day, named after the SUN, but not the SON, as a replacement for the Sabbath of the LORD, with the reasoning that it is the resurrection day, but this reckoning comes from a Gentile misunderstanding of Biblical "Appointed Times," by tying their calculations from "Friday," the day preceding the Sabbath day on "Saturday," where it says Yeshua had to be taken down from the cross before the onset of the Sabbath, which began at sunset, as with all Biblical days. However, they fail to appreciate that the Bible calls this Sabbath "an HIGH DAY," (KJV), in other words, not an 'ordinary' Sabbath, but it was in fact an ANNUAL SABBATH, namely the First Day of Unleavened Bread on Nisan 15th, as there were TWO Sabbaths or "rest days" that week, and the latter could fall on ANY day of the week, so not be tied to "Friday," and so the "Friday-to-Sunday" reckoning is from this misunderstanding. "Friday" or the Sixth Day (YOM SHISHI) is not specified anywhere in the Gospel accounts, only the term "PREPARATION DAY," which precedes either a WEEKLY or an ANNUAL Sabbath, which in this case was an ANNUAL Sabbath, so the calculations do not start from Friday. Yeshua was put in the tomb JUST BEFORE SUNSET before the onset of the ANNUAL SABBATH. The first visitors came to the tomb very early on the first day of the (working) week after observing the Sabbath ("according to the Commandment") while it was still dark before dawn to find Yeshua was NOT THERE, but had ALREADY RISEN, but no one saw Him rise, so that occurred some time BEFORE that. Yeshua gave the 'sign' of Jonah of 3 days and 3 nights (72 hours) to an unbelieving generation as a prophecy of the exact timing when He would rise from the grave. The only point that would be 72 hours later JUST BEFORE SUNSET would be not long BEFORE the first visitors appeared at the EMPTY tomb, which would be JUST BEFORE SUNSET on the weekly Sabbath just BEFORE the onset, but NOT ON, the first day of the (working) week, now re-named by Gentiles as "Sun"-day. Thus Yeshua rose from the dead on the SABBATH, not on "Sun"-day as Gentile ecclesiastical tradition and assumption concludes and commemorates, making Him truly Lord of the Sabbath, but not of "Sun"-day, so this Christians do in vain. Count back 72 hours from this point and you arrive at WEDNESDAY for the crucifixion day, and not Friday at all, not that it matters on which day these things happened, but it is the Gentiles which make a thing of trying to tie these events to a "day of the week" and venerating them on special days which the Scriptures do not inform us to do, rather than heed the actual DATES that we have in the Bible, which do not change or move like the "moveable feast" of "Easter." So Jews in Christ are essential alongside Gentiles to help keep things in balance, just as having males and females helps keep balance too. But no indocrinated Gentile will listen to this. 🙃 Thus Christians wilfully break the Commandments of God just as much as homosexuals do.
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  56.  @youtubesucks8995  Yes, it is odd, but these independent Pentecostal Word of Faith type of churches do exist and influence people. I came across leaders from such a church who were working as drop-in volunteers in the local YMCA in my home town whose aim it was to seek out young teenage converts there to join their church, one of which I was at the tender age of 15. Needless to say, I eventually bought some of the records back, as they weren't "heavy metal" or anything, but more tame pop stuff, like ABBA, Boney M, etc., and last year I went to London to the new ABBA concerts in London and met Benny from the group on the gala Opening Night. (!) I later worked as a missionary for the Church of England in Israel but lost that job for moral reasons. Thus I'm a kind of island now, not really belonging anywhere, especially after being kicked out of another independent congregation who asked me to come and speak about Israel, and some gossipping and labelling there resulted in me being expelled, even though it wasn't even true their suspicions of me. So it's not only YouTube that bans people, though I hate that too. There is no more free speech on such a platform, and I would share some of your views. I am a terminally ill kidney patient with Amyloidosis post-transplant, and therefore immunosuppressed, and the pressure on me to get vaccinated was huge, but I resisted. Now, my healthy friends who did get vaccinated are all sick with blood clots & regular colds. Of course there's nowhere one can share these things, and this may not even get published. They "shadow-ban" which mean you see your own posts, but the public don't. Pretty sneaky. You are right about the mainstream media channels and even I have been misrepresented by them when I was interviewed over homosexuality and the church and I lost friends as a result. So, yes, some people may become more fragile as life batters them about and often comments on such platforms as YouTube can have a really negative effect, even from professing Christians, who will fight to the bitter end over some point of doctrine while trampling someone's spirit into the ground. They may even be "right," but they often lack the compassion that Yeshua had. "A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoking flax He will not quench." God has mercy. I first came onto YouTube to pass the time during nine years of chemotherapy and kidney dialysis, as I could no longer work as a Hilton chef and I needed some hobby or recreation. However, I had to change my user name from my actual name to a life-long hobby of mine (growing plants) as I felt very unsafe after some of the comments from some Christian folk. Perhaps I shouldn't be on the internet, but I am not that fragile that I didn't overcome five years of gruelling double-strength chemotherapy and blood-draining dialysis that I wouldn't wish on anyone, and I have endured many eye-watering painful medical procedures along the way. In that sense one finds an inner strength, even if the outer body is frail, but mental fragility is worse still. I have not garnered hope through Christians, but I maintain an inner faith in God. Shalom 🌿🕊 Anyhow, I need to be careful as I have been chided before for writing too long a reply.
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  61.  @corvusglaive4804  Well Christians may shelter any kind of person with the co-aim of converting them to their indocrinated view, so I don't envy the gay person who has ended up under your roof. I became a Christian 40 years ago and was a Christian missionary in Israel for 10 years. You didn't know that DID YOU!? 🧐 Life can be multi-faceted and can cover many scenarios. So I know how Christians operate. I am not bigotted, but I believe in levelling the platform. I live in a very bigotted country of Northern Ireland so I am no admirer of bigotry as it surrounds me every day, as does homophobia and Christian hypocrisy. Yes, Christians are all sinners, but they don't need to concentrate on only one sin all the time while keeping conveniently quiet about others. Even the Bible doesn't concentrate all its focus on just one particular sin. I have engaged with many professing Christians and I often find them to be rude and contemptuous. I have engaged with gay people too and found them to be civil individuals. Now that I am terminally ill with End-Stage Kidney Disease & Amyloidosis I no longer am involved in any church activity, although a local minister phoned me yesterday to ask me to do a Passover demonstration for his congregation based on my 10 years in Israel which included being a Hilton chef and having to learn to read, write and speak Hebrew fluently, but I think this year I will give it a miss. It's kinda more fun with the Jewish community anyhow. The only contact I have with Christians is on here, where I only seem to see them judging and picking on others in a very condescending, arrogant and condemnatory way, which is why my annoyance can rise too, and sometimes I feel sorry for the underdog rather than with them. Of course backing underdogs became a regular defence mechanism while living in Israel. You are right. I should refrain from disingenuous engagement with others in the future, as it is a pretty futile pastime communicating with strangers blindly who often insult and nit-pick. I similarly do not wish you any ill will, and I am happy to disengage with you. Shalom. 🌿🕊
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  66.  @philc1773  Only Christians read this book for the most part. So that's pretty limiting. They push that book onto others, not God. Israel reads part of that book. They don't agree to differ. Thousands of differing Christian denominations disagree on how to interpret this book. Some ignore huge swathes of it concerning the commanded Sabbath, the eating of unclean animals, keeping feasts like Passover now replaced by feasts not found in that book, yet they instruct others what to do, saying, "It"s in the book." Even hypocrites read the same book. Sexual orientation is as old as the book. Heterosexual sin is as old as the book. Heterosexual choice to indulge in bigamy, polygamy, incest, voyeurism, paedophilia, bestiality, fornication, divorce, infidelity, group sex, sex toys, anal sex, fellatio, sad-masochism, does not result in stabilty for children. Some gay people end up looking after these damaged children. Some bisexuals do have biological children, so LGBT preference can be to do with family, marriage and bringing up children. Any human being can bring up a child. That is adoption. Even Christians are accepted into the faith by the spirit of adoption, crying, "Abba, Father." Christians do not become children of God via the channel of biological sex, but by adoption. What do copulating heterosexuals have to do with this? The answer is nothing. Marriage desecrates itself by infidelity and selfishness without any influence by gay people. Thus it fails to be a stable environment for children to grow up and turn into well rounded, intelligent, strong minded, truthful and caring adults. Some even turn out gay. Despite the book. The book exists. Men exist. Often the twain never meet. Many professing Christians have never even read this "library of books" in its entirety. They cherry-pick from this book in order to make pronouncements from it. They are often judgemental, quick to condemn and discriminatory, as it's in the book. People have murdered and carried out atrocities in the name of this book. War and bloodshed have been carried out in the name of this book. The book is called a sword. The book alters by translation. Even holy Names are translated so that they become unrecognisable. The central Figure of this book is thus rendered nameless. The god of this world has retained "satan" untranslated from Hebrew to English. This book was translated in 1611 without the letter "J" being in English. This became named after an English king who was bisexual. The book was later revised and subsequently included the new letter "J." The central Figure of this book for the past 400 years has thus been named with a "J." The brother of the central Figure in this book had an epistle in this book. He was the first bishop of Jerusalem. The English translators changed his name to "James" in order to flatter the king. 👑 The king seeing his own name in this book would be more inclined to sponsor it. Bishop James is properly called Ya'akov or Jacob, but its taken out of the book. So people add to the book. People subtract from the book. People don't even read the book. The book condones slavery, polygamy, death by stoning, all carried out by heterosexuals. What a fabulous idea! It's in the book! People also read other books. They espouse less hypocrisy. 🙃
  67.  @philc1773  You make a lot of points to reply to in one text, and due to the fact that I can tire easily as a terminally ill kidney patient post transplant immunosuppressed with Amyloidosis, I don't always relish replying to a complete stranger who will undoubedly reject anything I say in response anyhow, so it is often a meaningless exercise to engage with indocrinated people. You make many assumptions about my character, calling me a hypocrite and a bigot, that I throw my toys out of the cot and make too much up, while you only can supply 'proper facts'. I face such judgements a lot from self-righteous Christians who despite their disparaging tone claim to show the love of God, mercy, forgiveness and compassion, which I don't feel very often. You say about my point about the Bible "Your right people don't read it." Is that MY right, as in YOUR right (to read), or is that " You're right," as in "you are right"? I know that you must be right. 🤔 You say that belief in a higher power is "up to you," but even the devil 'believes' in God, for the Bible says "even the demons BELIEVE and tremble," so is that an example of such core 'belief'? You state from nowhere, "You haven't read the book either have you!" (Question mark [?] omitted by you, not me.) Actually I have read the Bible many times through over some 40 years in both English and Hebrew, after learning that language fluently living in Israel for over 10 years. Thus the points of marriage that you claim come solely from the Bible and God also include polygamy (it's in the book!), and levirate marriage, duty to marry your brother's wife if he dies, (it's also in the book! - so copy it). You say if "you live and fail to act in the way of God you forfeit the right to marriage," but many athesists completely reject the idea of God yet they retain that right. Also adherents to other religions and gods that are not included in your "Christian-only" ethos that you claim comes from "the book" also marry without ever referencing the God of the Bible. You pronounce that "gay people can have civil partnerships," like you dole out human rights. People marry because they want to publicly declare a lifelong commitment, whether they are Christian or not, so if the religious component is removed, as it often is, why prohibit gays? I agree with your points about women being in the home and not at work. Let tthem stay at home. Suits me. You say in regard to putting children first, "Don't like that? Don't have kids." Well, that's just as population depleting as many claim homosexuality to be. Kidless couples. The demise of family values is not due to LGBT people, who make up such a small minority of the population, but the demise has been increasing apace for decades already despite LGBT. There may be successful heterosexual couples in all of this, as you state, but many gay couples are successfully matched and happy, and child abuse can occur even in stable straight families. You say you're not a bigot, but you are clearly prejudiced against homosexuals and them being allowed to marry in the same way as other citizens, and all because it says it in "the book." You are now engaging with someone who has read "the book," as you state that, "I simply want them to read the book before they mouth off about things they know so little about!" You declare, "I didn't make up the rules! They are in the book." Seeing as you promote obeying "rules" from "the book," you may be able to explain why so many professing Gentile denominational Christians ignore the "rules" about eating unclean animals, which God calls an ABOMINATION 4 TIMES IN 2 VERSES in Leviticus 11:10-12 concerning sewage-imbibing shellfish etc., in the VERY SAME BOOK (LEVITICUS) that Gentile Christians use to quote about homosexuality being an "abomination," yet they ignore God's Word on shellfish? "I didn't make up the rules! They are in the book." The same applies in ignoring the Sabbath on the 7th day, on what Gentiles now call "Saturday" in honour of the god Saturn, which directives are VERY CLEAR in the Fourth Commandment. Also the Passover of the LORD upon which day the crucifixion took place is now replaced by the man-made Roman "Easter," named after the goddess Eostre/Eastre, according to the venerable Bede, despite the words in "the book" stating to REMEMBER the Lord's death "AS OFTEN AS YE DO THIS" (i.e. celebrate Passover on the actual date that He died, on Nisan 14th) and not "do this as often as you like," which is what Gentile denominational Christians do, calling it a "supper" at breakfast time when no one in society would normally be seen drinking wine before pubs open. Those things are not in the book! He never mentioned His birth or resurrection as "holy days." Sometimes even denominational Christians mouth off about things they know little about too, to use a term borrowed from yourself, as I so admire your erudition and Christlikeness in speech. A plank in one's eye can often oscure one's vision. That one's in the book too. But of course you have read it all and can cite all the "proper facts" and sins from it. And, as you say so rightly, "everyone can sin," and that "the Bible teaches people to repent (of) their sins in the name of God. Or face the consequences." - Also for eating pork & shellfish! Most of His followers don't even know His given Name, YESHUA, which means "salvation," as the Gentiles have changed His holy Name into the transmogrified "Jesus" which He would never have heard in His lifetime, and before which EVERY KNEE shall bow, at which time He will say to professing Christians (not those in the 'world') that did many great things "in His name," but He will say, " Depart from Me, I never knew you, you who practise LAW-LESS-NESS" (law-breaking). Many won't know His Name, or proudly refuse to acknowledge it (Christians on earth now) and cherry-pick from God's laws which ones THEY like to keep, while conveniently ignoring others. You are right, human beings are fallible, and I don't blame the book. I never have. But JUDGEMENT BEGINS AT THE HOUSE OF GOD, not in the world, so the Church would be better getting its own house in order before trying to spout off to those in society on morals. You call me a hypocrite, but I met more hypocrites in the churches than in gay nightclubs. 🙃 That leaves a very distasteful and unconvincing message in any gay person's ear. Shalom 🌿🕊
  68.  @philc1773  Okay you made "some" points then. Sorry to offend and upset. My aplogies. Some Christians get very jittery and defensive in their responses. I did say that they would undoubtedly reject anything I say in response, and so it is a waste of valuable time and energy to engage. Interestingly you accuse me of bypassing "MANY" of your points, although you objected to me using the words "a lot" of points, but you yourself seem to admit you made "MANY" points which you say I bypassed! 🙃 Rather I did not have total space and time to answer each and every point at length. Am I obligated to answer you one-by-one in a systematic way to meet your demands? This is why at first I hesitated to reply as I have encountered this negative kind of rebuke from so-called Christians before, who seem to plough the internet looking for doctrinal arguments. If I bypassed "some" of your points, you equally, if not more, bypassed nearly all of mine with no good Biblical reason, such as ignoring the 7th day Sabbath ("IN THE BOOK"), polygamous and levirate "marriages" ("IN THE BOOK"), observance of the Roman Catholic "Christ-Mass" & "Easter" (NOT "IN THE BOOK"!), YESHUA's Name being covered up (replaced by "Jesus" in the English book), so you also are guilty of ignoring, bypassing and refusing to look to "the book." I don't know what made my "word salad" UNDIGESTABLE, (or would that be "INDIGESTIBLE"?), unless you have some learning disability like dyslexia, as I didn't write any more a difficult style than the Bible is written in. How do you manage the "word salad" in the length of a book like the Bible? Do you respond to the Author of that very lengthy document in the same derogatory way? Yeshua spoke of those who had eyes, but did not want to see, and ears but do not want to hear. Maybe you just don't WANT to read what I have written, but expect me to accept what you write. I can accept your point that human rights didn't always exist, and that "the book" that promotes Christianity (and Judaism) teaches that all men are equal, notwithstanding the roles that Christian slaves and wives have to play quite subserviently, but all in relation to the Christian doctrine and life. We don't share the same attributes, as you say, which must include sexual attraction. "Back to the original topic..." You ask if it's not prejudice to uphold YOUR beliefs, and that it's REASONABLE to DENY marriage to gay people. You say that it is hypocritical (of anyone) to DENY you that RIGHT. What about the "BELIEFS" of other people? They may wish to extend marriage to gay people. Or gay people may feel that it is HYPOCRITICAL of some with other "beliefs" than them to DENY them that RIGHT (to marriage). It is all really down to differing belief systems down the ages. You say, "Why gay people have an interest in marriage is beyond me." I would ask why heterosexual people have an interest in it, if it is only a Biblical thing? 🤔 I know a lot of brides in picking their dress and wedding venue also stink of "me,!" So that is not an exclusively gay trait (the same with "birth-days") that you seem to attach to them in your assertion. You say, In the end it is hypocritical to ignore others(') [apostrophe mine] beliefs for one's own gain," which is a two-edged sword, for many Christians will IGNORE the "beliefs" of those who support gay marriage due to "THEIR BELIEF", which would be for THEIR OWN GAIN, in that it promotes their own RELIGIOUS AGENDA. In this they are not allowing any other "belief." You say, "It's simple. Want to get married choose to avoid sin. That's it." Maybe you should be writing that to some married people out there, not to me. I am concerned this will be too long a reply and will not get published by YouTube as a result, as I have attempted to address as "many" of your points as I can, to use your own desription so as to to avoid further ire from you for using the words "a lot." At least "many points" is from you! I will break my text here and continue my word salad in a following text, not that any of what I write will satisfy your lofty expectations, as so far has been proved by your rejectful tone.
  69.  @philc1773  Part 2 reply to "some", "many", but not "a lot" of your points: 🦐 You say that using examples of SHELLFISH to try to discredit that text (I am asuming about homosexulity in Leviticus) is a WEAK ARGUMENT. I would say it is the BEST argument! As it's "IN THE BOOK"!! !! 🦐🦐🦐🦀🦀🦀🦂🦂🦂🦞🦞🦞🐚🐚🐚 "ABOMINATION!! " (X 4!!) You can't quote one abomination yet totally ignore another, not if the Author of it is GOD and it's "IN THE BOOK" ! The SHELLFISH example is emphasized (by God) FOUR TIMES as much as in the verse on homosexuality. Surely it should be the other way around, by the emphasis you give to gays? If the Gentile Noah, who found GRACE in the eyes of the LORD, OBEYED GOD concerning the distinctions between CLEAN & UNCLEAN ANIMALS boarding the Ark in TWOS (unclean) and SEVEN PAIRS [14 animals] (clean, permitted for FOOD), before the Law was given at Sinai, then it makes up the "NOACHIDE LAWS" that Christian pastors teach apply to ALL GENTILES to keep! Still a lot of selective "cherry-picking" going on in that "book" that you says condemns others. No, not all relationships are monogamous, and you say that compared to "gay couples(') [apostrophe mine] sexual behaviour though, the vast majority (of heterosexual couples) are saints!" You say, "If I think OTHERWISE I am lying!" (Add that to the other accusations.) That is a heavy judgement as the book of Revelation states quite categorically that ALL LIARS will end up in the lake of fire, which would include, of course, ALL the parents, teachers and even Christian ministers who LIE to innocent children wilfully, repetitively, year in, year out, with no remorse, unrepentedly, about Santa Claus and his flying reindeer on December 25th. 🎅🔥🔥🔥 One aspect you failed to mention is the many UNFAITHFUL "HETEROSEXUAL" MARRIED MEN who HAVE SEX WITH MEN BEHIND THEIR WIVES' BACKS, which would straddle their behaviour between what you cite as not "exactly monogamous" and the "saints" that you have juxtaposed against each other as a "comparison," but in such cases the two distinctions actually merge. So I do think OTHERWISE, yes, but only because of life experience that hetties would miss. Many of them are the "B" in LGBT, although most almost exclusively hide their activity up. That is largely due to the guilt from Christian teaching and fear of being condemned as "gay." Yet, they will still be considered "saints" by people such as yourself, and of course, by their darling unsuspecting wives, and not to mention children, friends, colleages & church folk. If you give me a BIBLICAL reason why I should IGNORE something that God described as an ABOMINATION in His Holy Word then I will DISOBEY HIM AT YOUR BEHEST! 🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐 Just state the reason from "the book." 🦞 One prohibition seems as clear as the other. 👬 If my argument is WEAK, please provide a STRONG ONE to replace it with one that is foolproof! I avoided the "childhood trauma" point (as I never got to it), but also because I cannot personally testify about that as I did not experience that. I do know a lot of heterosexual people, however, who were SEXUALLY ABUSED BY HETEROSEXUAL PAEDOPHILE CLERGY here in Ireland, but most Christian apologists are not quite as interested in that topic as they are in the "gay" statistics. Maybe it's a bit too close to home. Also I know some awful incest stories non-gay. I am sorry that I do not fit your statistic to match the studies that you cite. I do not doubt that the world has "a lot" (I am afraid to use those two words now!) to thank Christianity for, but it also depends on what historical narrative you choose to get your information from. When I lived among the Jews in Israel, they taught me more about Church history than I ever learned in any church or school where I grew up, as they did not seem to recall any of the murders, bludgeonings, pogroms, malicious slander, (and they weren't even gay) and discrimination viciously meted out against the earthly kinfolk of the Messiah, the Jews, in the name of "Christ." Of course, most Jews do not recognise that Yeshua is a Jew just like them, as the Gentiles have successfully CHANGED His given Name (originally meaning "salvation") into the transmogrified Gentilized "Jesus," which would mean NOTHING to any Jew, except that He must be an imposter Messiah as He has no Hebrew Name and even the title Messiah is invisible. To them He is just a swear word on television who must have written lots of anti-Semitic things in the New Testament that causes His followers to hound and condemn the Jews so fully. I never said I wasn't interested in it, but anyone with same-sex attraction can never be a part of the church, and even if they try, the only options are to force oneself to try to marry a woman they are not attracted to, or to live a lonely marginalised life within a typical family-focussed church, and viewed with suspicion and mistrust. Believe me, I have tried. It's a nightmare! 🤯 I don't really need to discredit Christianity, as many of its adherents already do that quite successfully, if not remarkably, plus many observances and traditions found within Christendom are NOT found "IN THE BOOK," yet they are taught as "truth" with the help of man-made doctrine, such as with "Sun"-day observance, named after the SUN, and not the SON, when the resurrection actually took place at the end of the weekly SABBATH, just BEFORE the onset of "Sun"-day, and the crucifixion 3 days and 3 nights earlier on WEDNESDAY, not Friday, as the Gospels NOWHERE say Friday, but the mixing up of the ANNUAL PASSOVER SABBATH (which was a "high day" and can fall on ANY day of the week) with the regular weekly Sabbath has resulted in the "Friday-to-Sunday" equation, but a closer look at Biblical timings reveals the SABBATH as the True Resurrection Day 💥 - not that Yeshua asked anyone to venerate it anyhow. I may not have answered ALL your points, as you require - not that you made "a lot" of points, (God forbid I should say that!), but again, space (and my energy levels) simply did not allow. I guess I can anticpate from you further rejection and repudiation of my comments. Shalom 🌿🕊
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  79.  @A.D.540  Well, seeing as you rely on the Biblical story of Adam & Eve as a written code for examples of perfect human unions, the Bible records that that the Edenic couple had two sons, Cain & Abel, without any evidence of any females being born. So is one to conclude by reading that same story that the whole human race descended from a pairing of these two brothers? 🤔 At least the Gospels record that Yeshua, later re-named "Jesus" by the Gentiles, had brothers AND sisters, even though not all sects of Gentile Christianity recognise even that much. King Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived, had hundreds of wives and concubines, who later would cause Him to stray from the God of Israel to go to worship the foreign gods of his wives. 🤯 Funny how a man could have lots of women at once, but women did not have multiple men, at least not all at one time. Yeshua never married at all, so that wasn't that 'natural' to do either. So Yeshua could be considered 'unnatural', which is the accusation many lob at homosexuals. My own parents were "one man & one woman", the way it is "supposed to be," as you say, but the woman left when I was 12, leaving the man for another man, and the three siblings separated. So for all that people laud heterosexual unions for, a lot of them don't even last. And if you're gay, the multi-partnered imperfect heterosexuals tell the homosexuals quite categorically that they can't have anyone. At least these unequal partners truly teach inequality!
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  87.  @garethmccartan3636  Unfortunately I DO understand what Christianity actually is after over 40 years being tangled up in it, where I was constantly pressured to change my sexuality to match the doctrine, with my aunt even advocating deliverance from demon possession, which many Christians actively believe. The result when one cannot meet these lofty ideals that are being presented to you is that you end up being marginalised, shunned amd rejected within most family-focussed congregations. It's not so much believing the doctrine of grace and salvation, which I have no problem with, but that in reality that paradigm may not totally fit some people. The indocrination feeling comes from trying to change your own inner convictions and feelings in order to fit into the belief around you, even though some churches present things more sympathetically, but when the rubber meets the road you gotta knuckle down to their ways. Gambling must be a terrible thing, so I sympathise with your story and glad that Christianity has worked for you. That is good. But I find the area of attraction and emotion harder to erase. No amount of prayers or counselling helps, although some claim that it does. In the end you are left to draw your own conclusions that some people will never fit into that tidy concept called church. When you get kicked out of a congregation & lose a church job you know it's not for you. The free will you describe from God the Father still has some parameters which is control. Understanding what Christianity is, and realising it as a viable option for all areas of one's life are two different things. At the end of the day it only offers a lonely existence of celibacy. 🙃
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  97.  @swiftlydoesit8480  Yes, that's true, evolution and all kinds of theories are pushed on kids to accept without much 'choice,' and I guess all parents in all religions pass on their religion to their children, unless they decide to disengage with it themselves, which a greater majority do now. I guess kids have little choice in the ideologies that adults put onto them until they grow up, but by that time sometimes it's too late for too much independent thought, unless one is a bit of a maverick. Most people are like sheep and tend to follow along, just like the Bible says. 🐑 I guess the woman has a parental right to object to a secular and sexualised agenda being presented to her child, as much as an atheist or Buddhist mother might object to their child being subjected to unwanted Christian doctrine, like when churches organise seemingly innocuous events for kids, such as summer camps and activities, or like a local church here, putting sweets ("candy") through the door of homes in the hope to entice some of them. However, "LGBT lifestyle" as you put it cannot be erased from humanity any more than we can erase the "heterosexual lifestyle," and to grow up feeling "wrong" must be a very terrible thing. Life as part of a minority group is not easy, and Christians themselves are beginning to realise this increasingly as their grip on society and morals lessens over the decades, making them too a marginalised minority group that many people love to hate, mock and condemn. It's just a pity the two discriminated groups of human beings could not find common ground.
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  99.  @observersnt  I have a lot of postings on here and not sure exactly which one you are orginally referring to for me to re-read it and examine the exact points you are reacting to. I notice that some texts, including some of yours do not show up on the public platform that I can see, so there may be some shadow-banning going on, which makes it difficult to trace every comment, and my immediate memory can fail me considering the amount of immunosuppressants I am on daily that can cause fatigue and it can be challenging to chase up every nuance I have written. However, I can reply from my overall belief in the subject you are defending so that you don't misunderstand my direction of thought. Firstly, I DO agree with you on the atrocities meted out by Islamists and Muslim governments and leaders over the years and down through the centuries, including the scourge of suicide bombs and attacks that affected daily life when I lived in Jaffa-Tel-Aviv, where it became dangerous to go into crowded places like markets, on buses, and even at religious gatherings on particular Jewish holidays that the Muslims are well aware of, not to forget choosing to attack Israel on the holiest day of the year in the Hebrew calendar, namely Yom Kipppur, or the Day of Atonement, when many soldiers would be off on leave in order to attend synagogue, and thus Israel was at a disadvantage for Arab armies to surprise attack, and indeed Israel nearly lost that war in 1973 if it were not for the biggest tank battle in history eventually regaining control, even pushing the Syrians back as far as Damascus, with Israel taking the Golan Heights in the process, and wresting control of the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee where previously the Syrian president used to dip his feet in the Galilee water. This secured safety for the Israeli kibbutzim in the Galilee that had previously sustained regular shelling from Syria along with Arab snipers raiding Israeli kibbutzim (collective communities) and moshavim (community farms) killing children and anyone else they could. So I understand the aims and threats of Islam and Muslim extremism, as I lived among it for many years, and as a result had my own gas mask and sealed room in my Tel-Aviv apartment just like any Israeli Jew would have in order to protect from surprise attacks from the likes of Scud missiles and poison gas from Saddam Hussein in Iraq back then, and much of Tel-Aviv was shelled, and I often hunkered down in public underground bunkers, including under the Hilton Hotel where I worked as a chef in north Tel-Aviv, even after the British Embassy ordered all British nationals out of the country except for essential skeleton staff in embassies and consulates and high-end business management, yet I chose to stay and live among the Jews during this spectre of Islamic terror, so I am not in support in any way of what Islam stands for religiously or politically, which is often interlinked anyhow. Nonetheless, I befriended individual Arabs, both Muslim and Christian, as well as with Israeli Jews, and I was often surprised at how well they could get on with each other, despite the horrors and atrocities, and the differences that divided them, and so I do not judge Muslim people who live under the yoke of Islam who are as human as you or I, but are really enslaved in a brainwashing religious system with barbaric beliefs. However, my love affair with Christianity is by no means perfect either, and I guess at age 57 after nine years of chronic illness and much mistreatment by self-righteous Christians over the years, I do find myself very disinclined towards them, even if the kernel of their message is true in spiritual terms, and they are by no means as barbaric as Islamic torturers or extremists, but nonetheless Christian history is not devoid of cruel persecution, pogroms, murder, rape and even clerical paedophilia all under the dark cloak of Christianity, not of Islam or even Judaism. The Jews view the Holocaust in enlightened Europe as a Christian thing, as it was not carried out by Muslims, and Adolf Hitler was quoted as saying he was doing the Lord a favour by exterminating the Jews. That theology originated in the Church stemming way back to the first vitriolic anti-Jewish sermons and teachings by the early Church Fathers, such as St John Chrysostom, who was called the "golden mouthed," yet he spewed out anti-Semitic vitriol more than any Arab (although Arabs are Semitic too!), which seeped into Church theology and Christian perception of Jews as evil etc for having killed Christ, and so they were persecuted wherever they lived in the Christian lands, and fared less well among the Christians than they did living among the Muslims in Arabia, with Spain expelling all Jews in 1496 (not sure of date?), and England expelling them under Edward I in 1290, the first European country to do so, as he did not want to pay them back the money he had borrowed to build so many royal palaces. Nit-picking Christians may be more tolerable in your view because you are a Gentile Christian (I presume by your defence), but if you were a Jew I can assure you that you would be ultimately safer living among the Muslims than living among the Christ-loving Christians who meted out much hatred and murderous plots against the earthly kinfolk of the Saviour with impunity. I know there are some "nice" Christians too, but by and large they are a venomous lot. One can only write that from experience. Jews with Holocaust tattoos do think the same.