Comments by "Scented-leaf Pelargonium" (@scented-leafpelargonium3366) on "‘It was a total surprise’ | Finnish MP on facing criminal charges for tweeting BIBLE quote" video.

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  12.  @Leira-et9bw  I don't see the word RITUALLY in there. Adding that gives a doctrinal slant. We are not to add to God's word. It's the same when they add the word CEREMONIAL to the Hebrew word TORAH usually negatively rendered as LAW by Gentile translators, although it's intrinsic meaning in Hebrew is the much more positive "TEACHING" from the related root word "MOREH/MORAH" meaning "TEACHER" as in Mount Moriah, which is MORI-YAH, God is my Teacher. It is just the word "LAW" ("TORAH"/TEACHING"), not "CEREMONIAL LAW" in the original text. Translators can have a doctrinal agenda when choosing words in order to give an impression that will influence the reader into his/her persepective, but not necessarily what God wrote. For example there is no "RITUALLY" in the same verse in the NKJV where it says: "Hear and understand: Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man." It wasn't about what people eat, but about commiting sins by one's mouth. He was previously dealing with a bunch of religious hypocrites keeping traditions of men, but not of God, such as religious people today can just as easily add their own vain traditions. As Yeshua pointed out in vs 9: "And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men." Such additional traditions include Christ-Mass, Easter, Lent etc. We should not quote Scripture with the main purpose to dilute and cancel out God's law. For in that day, He will say (to professing Christians who did great works like casting out demons etc), "Depart from Me, ye who work LAW-LESSNESS." You can only be lawless if you disregard or minimize God's law/"teaching" for sin is a trangression of the law, not just a twinge of our own conscience. Adding the word "RITUAL" suggests that one is obeying God in vain.
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  15.  @christinapsalmist4267  But truth is often twisted in their message and practice with so many man-made creeds and traditions on top just like the religious Pharisees in Yeshua's day. He did not invent the Mass of Christ ("Christ-Mass"), "Easter" named after the pagan goddess Eostre/Eastre, "Lent", the abolition of the Sabbath rest day on the 7th or last day of the week, or the relegation of the Passover of the LORD on Nisan 14th, the date upon which Yeshua died, to be forgotten, when Yeshua asked to remember His sacrificial atoning DEATH "as often as ye do THIS" (i.e. commemorate the date of Passover), not "do this as often as you like," which is what badically happens in most Gentile denominational churches today with mini "Lord's Suppers" being held at breakfast time when it is illegal elsewhere to buy or consume wine in public, and often with leavened bread instead of unleavened bread as leaven is a symbol of sin which was why the unleavened bread which was the bread of affliction for the Israelites in Egypt is the perfect representation for His sinless body broken and afflicted for us to bring us salvation. The abomination of eating unclean animals and sewage-imbibing shellfish is also ignored by grace-filled Christians who without the Sabbath and God's law are both restless and lawless. If truth is to be preached, taught or shared, it must not be tampered with or added onto in these ways, otherwise it is like adding brick dust into a bag of flour as the product you are promoting is adulterated to a point that it can become worthless. The truth will set you free, but not error! 🤯
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  17.  @FirstLast-rb5zj  I have left Christianity because as a gay man I will never be accepted unless I force myself to become heterosexual to fit in with their ideology and expectation. I am not atheist but I do stay away from these aggressively indocrinating people for my own good. I have noticed that many heterosexuals engage in sodomy as well as only homosexuals, which if outside of the purpose of procreation must by your own words be either imprpoer or ambiguous. It is good you believe in a life with some enjoyment. The Church takes this away. Christians will always quote "God said" to suit their own nuanced or discriminatory beliefs, such as with sexuality and morality (even though there are many cases of paedophile clergy), yet they are not consistent in that they ignore what God says on eating sewage-imbibing shellfish etc. I am a 57 year old terminally ill kidney patient with Amyloidosis, now immunosuppressed after a kidney transplant, and I attended Church and even took my own meetings for over 40 years. I led many years in a celibate lifestyle in order to meet the Church's expectations for gay men who are unlikely to marry, but two years ago I met a wonderful man, who himself has been through the whole trajectory of Christianity as a former minister, but was clearly disillusioned. We struggled in the same way for most of our lives and had so very many interests in common. Thus I have ended up at this juncture of my life, when health-wise I felt I was on the scrap-heap of life, (for who wants to take interest in a sick person?) now experiencing great happiness and an inner peace I did not have with all the turmoil, condemnation and negativity of Christianity. All men may have sin, which is why Yeshua (before His given Name was changed to "Jesus" by the Gentiles) said, "Let him without sin cast the first stone," and with whatever judgement you measure out to others it will be measured out to you. People don't like this judgementalism. People will walk over you if you let them, and Christians are also very good at this, only with hobnail boots! It has takem me 40 years to arrive at this conclusion, but it's the only choice. Shalom-peace 🌿🕊 💕
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  25.  @kodiak64  Who told you that? 🤔 The Bible never once uses the term "ceremonial" in connection with eating unclean animals, and where it does appear in some English translations of the Bible it is added by the translator as it does not exist in the original text or "Word of God." Would you consider Peter as head of the Church as a grace-filled Christian or a Jewish heretic? Some 15 years after the resurrection the book of Acts records him refusing three times TO GOD to eat unclean animals and the sheet containing them went three times back up to heaven. He did not sit and dine on monkeys, horses, crocodiles, dogs, rabbits, pigs, camels or shellfish. 🤯 Rather it was just a vision, not reality, in which God was using this stark image that was against all Scriptural instruction to jolt Peter into accepting non-Jews into the Jewish Church. God's law ("Torah") has the instrinsic meaning of "TEACHING" in Hebrew as opposed to the negative legalistic tone of "law" rendered by Gentiles from Hebrew into many English Bibles. The animal sacrifices pertain to a different Hebrew word, which is "ordinances" or "Hukkim," and those were fulfilled by Yeshua's Passover sacrifice as the Lamb of God (not an "Easter" Bunny) and were nailed to the cross as the New Testament clearly points out, but Yeshua clearly stated that He came not to abolish the law of God, which includes ALL the law, but not "ordinances" pertaining to the Temple and blood sacrifices, along with the altars, incense and priestly vestments, which some Gentile denominations try to re-employ under grace in their churches. If eating unclean animals, which are mostly scavengers (as a chef I can testify) does not apply in the New Testament age, then why did it apply before Israel with the grace filled Gentile Noah? If you can quote your source to prove your claim I would be most appreciative. In Catering College I was told by my SECULAR tutors that pork and shellfish are "HIGH RISK" foods that must be stored, cooked and handled with utmost care so as not to poison anyone. Now that I am a terminally ill kidney patient post-transplant my doctors warn me not to eat pork or shellfish, yet all the Gentile Christians I know in the churches tell I am to doctrinally eat them! Some of them also chided me for having a transplant instead of relying on God for a miracle. Just because a Christian says or believes something, I have learned, does not mean that what they say or teach is always right. I will go by the Word of God until you can show me different.
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  29.  @kodiak64  No, I do not argue that (Gentile) believers be circumcised, although Jewish believers may well be, as this is categorically made clear in the New Testament. What makes you think I would believe that? It makes no sense whatever! 🙃 Yes, I am currently looking after two chickens and am well aware of their omnivorous diet, but I would not dismiss the whole "unclean" matter completely. Let's take religion and the Bible out of the equation, seeing as you consider that permise to be "nonsense." I am a qualified Hilton Chef and when I was training at Catering College where religion plays no part, my secular tutors made it quite clear in quite categorical terms that animals such as pork and shellfish ("unclean" in the Bible) are "HIGH RISK" foods to be stored, prepared and cooked with utmost care in order not to risk human food poisoning. Lobsters have to be cooked alive for the same reason as their flesh will rot with enzymes almost immediately as they filter impurities from the water as do most shellfish, such as prawns/shrimps, crabs, mussels, crustaceans etc., and that's why pork meat has to be "cured" by pickling in a briny salt solution to prevent the flesh from rotting, as it is full of toxins from its diet and needs to be fully cooked due to its likelihood of having trichinosis worms or eggs in its flesh. Beef however can be hung for 28 days or more with no risk at all. You don't need to "cure" something unless it is sick! 🐖 🦐 John Gill may have his view, but I do not have to be indocrinated by his conclusions. Thankfully God gave us free thought to be able to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, and what we read in the Bible for ourselves was not made beyond our reach by a loving God who had His Word written in codices that are clear and consise and not in the least ambiguous, and in the original Hebrew it is even more clear without the prejudices of Gentile Bible translators at work. There was no written law in Abraham's time either, yet the Bible says that Abraham obeyed God's commandments. Just because it wasn't written down did not mean that pre-Sinai people were ignorant of His will. Otherwise they would all be atheists or else lawless restless people. How, for instance, did they know about sacrifices if there was not some instruction (or law/commandment) from God pertaining to it, or did man just make it up for himself? 🤔 Yes, meat eating began after the flood and the clean animals on board the Ark would have been part of that. People before the flood also lived till nearly 1,000 years old, so it was different. Peter refused God three times with the suggestion to eat unclean food in Joppa (Jaffa), where I lived for several years, but He did not do it! That was some 15 years after the resurrection. Why are you so concerned anyhow?! Why are Christians so concerned about a little obedience in this matter, which is ultimately for our health and benefit? At least according to my kidney transplant doctors, and they are not Christian. People will make a big religious thing of "fasting" for "Lent" and other man-made inventions, giving up chocolate or other luxuries, yet they cannot bring themselves to admit that God was sharing wisdom of the Creator by revealing the danger of eating unclean animals. As Yeshua said, they would strain at a gnat, yet swallow a camel! 🙃
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