Comments by "Scented-leaf Pelargonium" (@scented-leafpelargonium3366) on "BBC News"
 @davedmusic3598 Name calling is not the sign of a good argument. Just like Andrew Neil couldn't answer sufficiently or righteously over Israel it seems neither can you. Neither had he decent questions to ask but was full of trickery and entrapment. "By their fruits ye shall know them." Israel was a nation when London was a marsh so Andrew Neil needs to go back to his tribal huddle in Scotland and do a Highland Fling. Israel will remain a nation forever, for the God of the Bible, the Book which courtrooms across the globe use to swear upon as a symbol of TRUTH, says that while there remains a sun and moon in the sky, so shall Israel remain a nation before the LORD God of Israel. It is the only land and people with "God" in it, and God names Himself after them, not the Arabs or anyone else, for "EL" is a contracted form of "ELOHIM" which is the Hebrew word for "God", thus the name "ISRA-EL" means quite uniquely "Prince of God."
Not even Andrew Neil can attach that to his family clan. The world clamours to say that Jews living in the Land of the Bible, their ancient Promised Land, given to them by God no less, (if anyone has watched the film The Ten Commandments about Israel's Exodus from Egypt), are "illegal" for in their opinion Judea should be given to the Arabs of Arabia as their State! 🙃🤯
Now that's the biggest 'strawman' argument I have ever heard, yet amazingly people fight for its cause, missing the bigger picture that the Arabs have nearly the whole of the Middle East, and the Jews hardly anything, even though they are both Semitic cousins descended from their common Forefather Abraham, after which the Arabs were allotted land in the huge expanse of oil-rich Arabia, and the Jews were given the tiny parcel of land called Judea, only about the size of Wales in the UK. Yet, the nations of the world insist, the Arabs must have that too, and the Jews expelled for being "colonial"! What an upside down world we live in which hates the Jews.
Strawmen? There are plenty of strawmen out there making false accusations about Israel. 🤯
Seeing as you are not a strawman, your response will be very welcome to match the response of Andrew Neil in like manner, seeing you think he was so bold and valiant. I await your reply.