Scented-leaf Pelargonium
Sky News Australia
Comments by "Scented-leaf Pelargonium" (@scented-leafpelargonium3366) on "'Highly comical but sinister' London LGBTQ+ flag display: Douglas Murray" video.
@bethyngalw I just checked my messages and I did not realise that your response to me was so heavily edited for public consumption. I would not like you to think that I did not read your retort in its entirely or have ignored some of the points you have raised that you obviously feel so strongly about, so I will try to properly address your objections in a better more fulsome reply, hopefully without repeating what I have already said in my initial reply. I can tire easily as a terminally ill kidney patient with Amyloidosis so sometimes I need energy to fully reply on here.
So for the 'jabs' that didn't show on the public forum, I will try my best to answer in some way for you (if you are indeed interested, and I am not just wasting my valuable time and energy on a point-proving exercise). As the Bible says, "There is none so deaf as those who will not hear," so I would hate to ignore that erudite advice by casting pearls before swine, after which the Bible tells us, they will only turn on you and attack you.
I will try to satisfy the "curiosity" of yours that you mention, especially on whether I believe in the Trinity. I do believe in the concept/doctrine/Biblical belief in the Father (YHVH), the Son (YESHUA) and the Holy Spirit (RUACH HA-KODESH) as they appear in the original texts. I do agree with you, that just because the word "Trinity" is a later man-made invention, that it does not take away from the fact that the Bible supports the existence of the Eternal Triune Godhead, (both non-Biblical words to describe a Biblical thing/concept). No, it does not nullify the Bible!
I would have thought that that would be clear to most Christians without any argument.
However, you then try to use the valid point above to try to justify Xmas, in that because the veneration of a date and name for the Mass of Christ did not exist in the early Church as a 'holy day' or festival, that it could somehow nullify the the contents of the Gospels describing Yeshua's birth. But I have never said or indicated that, rather, just as with the "Trinity" the concept and Biblical account of the Messiah's miraculous virgin birth is never under question here, only what GOD might think of some of the things going on that people say they want.
Do you think Yeshua will thank you on Judgement Day for helping Him to "celebrate" His "birth-day" every year by buying presents for your family and friends and receiving just as many from them in return, all in 'honour' of His incarnation? Why is it that "Nativity Scenes" show Yosef & Miriam (before the Gentiles transmogrified their names) and the baby Yeshua showing "three wise men" at the manger, when they were not even present at His birth, nor does the Bible say there were only three of them. As Yeshua said to the religious of His day, that their "tradition" made the Word of God of none effect. "Christ-Mass" is a MAN-MADE ecclesiastical "tradition" and to try to promote it as anything else is being downright dishonest. Xmassers try to put guilt on people that they are not acknowledging Yeshua's incernation just because they don't observe the Roman invention of the "Christ-Mass" when the opposite it true. They are not "nullifying" or ignoring what the Bible says on these things, but looking to the Bible HOW to celebrate them.
If we are NOT commanded to do it, we DON'T HAVE TO,no matter what X-Massers say about it.
No, I don't celebrate my own "birth"-day, and my family respect that, as I do feel it only brings attention to ME by all the cake, cards, festivity, decorations, presents, and unecessary decadence and over-spending along with the obligatory singing of "Happy "Birth"-day dear COLIN," which makes me feel uncomfortable, and I would prefer to direct praise, glory and honour to GOD alone.
And I don't personally use the pagan names of the days and months when the calendar that Yeshua used is in the Bible for us all to see, with names of the week and the lunar months. It is possible for a nation that respects God to do that, just as the State of Israel does, no matter what the 'Christian' nations do. But most Christians don't care that the Bible says not to even have the name of other gods on your lips, yet Christians celebrate the resurrection (again not commanded in the Bible to do so) on "Ishtar" "SUN"-Day 🌞 instead of honouring the SON. No Jew would mention any false god or try to change the terminology that God gave in Genesis.
The Bible has only the following designations:
I hope that shows a little of the "consistency" of my thoughts, based on the BIBLE, and not the imaginations and machinations of MEN, whether they be clerics, theologians or Church leaders.
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight." 🙏
@abcxyz2927 you post to me, although it does not appear publicly on here, that I am still covering up my "seething atheism" with the vernacular, and how "this story is about an entire London street used as a display to tell others how to live their lives... keep your sectarianism to yourself."
Firstly, I am not an atheist by any means, although I do not like how religious people judge gay people as if they were the only valid voice on the planet. Being disgruntled with the rude and unkind nature of so many who claim to be Christians and follow God does not make me an atheist. It would be much easier to be an atheist as then one would not have a care at all.
You say that a display of flags in a street is telling others how to live their lives, and yet this is exactly what Christians do whether they use flags or not. Christians just get annoyed when they feel are not getting the upper hand any more or are losing control of people's free wills which they normally vanquish through constant indocrination. How can you blame gays for copying some of the same tactics? You will find more Christian churches in your community than you will a gay bar in most normal settings, so who is the most successful at seeking dominance?
I am not sectarian, in fact I left Nothern Ireland and broadened my mind by living and working abroad, mostly in the Middle East, and also in England where the racists there called me Paddy.
I cannot help the place where I was born, but I do not subscribe to N.I. politics or religion.
@abcxyz2927 Please stop posting FALSE INFORMATION online about me being an atheist. I am making no such public judgement against your character. Neither am I sad or lonely, as I am VERY HAPPY WITH A GORGEOUS LOVING AND CARING BOYFRIEND, unlike the icebergs in the churches 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶 and certain segments of society where falling in love with a life partner is still viewed as a mortal sin. Some of my fiercest critics, however, are very sad and lonely, and often caught up in a web of deceit and indocrination that keeps them hating and judging others.
I do not care about Brexit as you claim nor do I care if the city of Belfast is relevant on the world's stage which you assume in some kind of fantasy notion, which is so far from reality. I grew up in a war torn country but that was only a quirk of fate, as it just as easily could have been someone like yourself without the peaceful suburbs of mainland Britain thereby making your life experience somewhat different to the one you seem happy enough to enjoy today.
Some of us did not have that luxury. Yes, I know how the rest of the UK don't want us, as I felt when applying for a seasonal chef's job there after my mother remarried and moved there, when the lady in the social security office said, "Why don't you go back to Ireland where you belong!"
Funny she made no differentiation about the political administration in Northern Ireland but just lumped everyone together into one foreign unwanted "Irish" category that was unwelcome.
Yes, if a referendum was given to the rest of the UK they would be happy to detach from us, and perhaps they would do the same if given the opportunity to get rid of Scotland too, then England could eventually sit alone as a sovereign nation with no formal allies or friendly neighbours.
You may have cut us loose decades ago if given the chance, but don't forget that the reason we are in this bloody mess at all is because we were colonised by the British Empire and were not given a choice who our overlords were. Had you considered that we also might want to be free of you too if we had the chance decades ago? It would have saved a lot of bloodshed and death.
@lastjellyontheplate8828 I love the way that Christians always judge others so harshly, even those attempting to understand their religion. It is very disillusioning and makes one feel small and pointless to be constantly belittled by so many perfect Christians who let you know how better they are than you by their praiseworthy erudition and expertise in comparision to you.
There's really little point in even trying to attach onesself to this genre of people as it is very demeaning and discouraging and I find secular people to be much kinder, empathetic and less icy 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶 to engage with. I only mentioned that point about the "last days" as I heard it once from a Christian pastor (who must only have had a smattering of God's Word, and not read it properly) and I thought it was a good point that we often overlook that the first Christians believed they were in the last days and were expecting the imminent return of the Messiah back then.
I am sorry for mentioning it and that pastor must have been wrong and sceptical as you say for not also mentioning the many, many verses pertaining to the last days, telling us to be vigilant as these things have to happen but the end is NOT YET as he should have when he pointed this out. I really should not have listened to him or even attended that heretical church it would seem.
Believe it or not this infidel has read the Bible and my itchy ears managed to pick up Biblical Hebrew fluently during my 10 years as a missionary in Israel which allowed me to also read it in its entirety in that holy tongue in which it was originally written and I spoke, read and wrote with great ease in that tongue with the locals in regard to the smattering of God's Word that I had not read properly, and they were appreciative despite me not knowing it all to receive Hebrew cards and letters in their language with Hebrew quotations from their own holy history Book which seemed to touch their hearts even if mine remained skeptical only hearing what I wanted to hear.
I thank you for your admonition, the result of which has shown me that I have wasted many years of my life thinking I knew it all when in fact I still need to be shown truth and to read the Bible properly with a prayerful heart. It is strange that even if one were to do that one would still get shot into the ground for whatever one quotes or for the way in which it was delivered.
The reason why I may lack the perfection that you seek for my life is largely due to lack of energy and drive as a result of being a terminally ill Amyloidosis patient with End-Stage Kidney Disease after 5 years of chemotherapy and gruelling dialysis which is literally very draining and after a solid-organ renal transplant I remain constantly immunosupprssed which leaves me tired and listless, so I may fail in my delivery at times compared to the energy and vigour of others who may not be as disillusioned as I am with the whole gambit of religion accompanied by cold 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶 judgemental Christians who cast judgement on others who may struggle to grasp a few straws, but I stand upbraided and admonished by you for my insolence and lack of Biblical knowledge which only proves that even a little knowledge is no use in the kingdom of God.
However, before I got sick I conducted many open-air Gospel meetings on the seafront of our town and orchestrated conventions and special Christian events at various churches where I had a good relationship with many missionary organisations, but all that is dross when one's life is draining away due to chronic illness that the Almighty in His wisdom sought to bestow on me.
I feel I must have got it all wrong and therefore am not really a part of these people at all as I can never reach their high and lofty standards that they expect and it is with a prayerful heart indeed that I bow out much defeated. 😑
@gooble69 I am quite familiar with the "two camps" analogy as it's quite common for people with differences not to agree, such as with the peoples with differing outlooks and flags in the countries I lived in the most, Northern Ireland and Israel respectively, and the "two camps" reality is still alive and well in those countries. That is why I applied it to the opposing parties here, as they look very unlikely to agree. I know you are looking to one side to blame, which happens in any conflict situation, but often you have to look at the grievances of BOTH sides in order to make any progress with either peace, reconciliation or a de-escalation of rhetoric or violence.
Yes, most nation states have a single flag and all citizens are under their laws, but there are exceptions, such as the two places where I have lived where certain laws and flags may not be recognised at all. You say equality is desired by most people, yet say that civilisation is moving away from unity due to certain groups that you do not name, except for the term "woke" which I do not have any clear knowledge of, except that I "woke" up from my sleep to answer this text.
I did think your description equally applies to the Christian Church when you mentioned the promotion of special interest groups with special membership based on immutable traits with dedicated flags of their own that they force on you and demand you recognise (the Vatican) 🇻🇦
Thankfully I am not a member of any "group" religious or otherwise, but I do know that any "groups" will always cause division as they often exclude those who do not agree with them.
Bigotry has been eating away at our society, but not just from this new word "woke," but for centuries already the most bigotted minds have come from the ranks of organized religion.
The name of that bigotry goes by the name of Christianity (their word not mine). 🙃
@dankamp2872 well murder, rape and theft are criminal acts so they would hardly be "paraded" as such, but there certainly is no shame in adultery or divorce anymore, and although not exactly "paraded" on the streets, the general moral decline of the nation is "paraded" or on constant display on every area of the media, including films, television, online computers, literature, it is all pervasive, so I don't think it is only one segment of society showing lewdness or a decline in morals. The original concept behind the parades was to be accepted and to have the same right as anyone else to love and to be loved. I do not think gaudy or rude displays help anyone. 🙃
@j.thomas7128 well they were using the Biblical Hebrew calendar when I lived in Israel. I get your point about not bothering if other people celebrate other religions, beliefs, calendars, and cultures, but at the same time you seem to be saying that it depends on percentages, such as 2% of the population having no right, but a majority are able to plaster the city and hold parades.
I don't want to endlessly argue over shadows, as I haven't the energy today as an end-stage kidney patient I haven't the stamina for it. I simply put up some comments, but maybe I should have kept my own counsel. I'm just glad to be alive and to see and smell flowers in the garden.
Everything else is peripheral, including all the opinionated comments that can be found on here.
I wish you well. I was being a bit protective as this year I found a very beautiful person who loves and cares for me despite my being terminally ill with Amyloidosis after 40 years of trying to keep up the standards of institutionalized Christianity since age 15. Now at age 56 I enter into a relationship which has made me very happy that has made me happy and secure, but I know so many church and other people will condemn because it is a hated and much maligned gay relationship and already people in my town cross the street when they see me. It is a bittersweet experience because of other people's judgements, but I am the happiest in my life and prepared to defend that. That does not mean that I support ostentation or lewd displays of sexuality.
But I am too tired to fight, but I am thankful I was able to feel this way once before I die. 🌿
@Leokat334 I would say the majority of the world doesn't believe in Him. What about the broad and narrow way? Have you changed that around? Christians now rule the world and the minority of non-Christians are on the narrow path??? The Bible refers to a "little flock."
You may hate the gay flag, even though hatred often only engenders more hatred, but when I lived in Israel the Jews did not like the symbol of the cross, with even adding up their sums in school as 2 T 2 = 4 instead of 2 + 2 = 4 in orthodox circles in order to avoid writing it. This is not because of anything Yeshua the Messiah did, later re-named "Jesus Christ" by non-Jews or Gentiles, but because of the murder and pillage of Jews in the name of Christianity, such as communities of Jews being burnt alive in their synagogues in Jerusalem by the Crusaders with flags and banners emblazoned with the Christian cross. You may be proud of this symbol and not want "Jesus Christ" to be compared to "gays and their flag," but I can assure you that flags with your beloved cross symbol is responsible for more hatred and murder than any 'gay' flag.
For that reason a whole race of people, the Jews, and others offended by it, also pay that symbol no attention for what it represents for the actions meted out by those in "Jesus' " name.
At least the Jews knew the Messiah's real given Name (Yeshua, meaning "salvation"), even if they didn't follow Him. The main reason they don't is because of the example of Christians.
As the Bible clearly says of such, "their blood I will require from your hands." You may hate very well symbols and flags of your choice, but your Christian symbols should have more respect if more adherents of Christianity showed the true love, empathy and compassion of YESHUA. ❣
@j.thomas7128 putting the 'trivialities' of Xmas & Pride behind us by comparison, your story is indeed heartbreaking and I was taken back by your openness and genuine sentiments which did not harbour the negativity that I am so used to in some circles. I could empathise with much of what you shared. My partner was previously married heterosexually for many years but went through a very bitter divorce, which I had never encountered before in terms of considering a relationship, and he has custody of his two teenage kids, who both get on well with me.
He suffered the same calumny that you did in regard to custody etc only his wife decided she did not want the children, and he is such a good and loving father to them, but he often tells me of how his heart was broken during the months of separation from his children while custody decisions were being initally decided by the authorities, which naturally favoured the mother, so what you say is true concerning the discrimination against single (or divorced) fathers.
I know he loves his daughter and son very much, so I can only try to imagine how you felt losing your daughter after losing your beloved wife. We are all appreciative of both life and love from the diversity of our experiences, yet we are a happy fun-loving little 'family' without acrimony.
I have taken some videos of me pottering in the greenhouse and in my wheelchair at the gala opening night of the new ABBA concert in London when I met Benny from the group, so I am making 'memories' and keepsakes as I go along. I am sentimental so there will be no shortage of 'mementos.' I just want to thank you again for being so personal and so human, a rare commodity these days. May life still fill you with peace, serenity and fulfilment and joy.
Shalom from Colin 🌿🌹🦋
@bethyngalw You can say what you like, but the Bible nowhere commands the observance of "Christmas" or " Easter." They are both man-made festivals with man-made names and as such no one is obligated to keep them, despite the pressure from man-made holiday people like yourself. Yeshua, later re-named "Jesus" by the Gentiles, never instructed anyone to venerate His birth or His resurrection with weekly, yearly special days or otherwise. This is ecclesiology.
The only thing Yeshua (meaning "salvation") commanded to remember was His atoning sacrificial death as the Lamb of God which took place exactly on the Day of Passover, the Biblical date of Nisan 14th still in Jewish calendars today, which was set in place by God as an "Appointed Time" or "moed" and observed by Yeshua since age 12 at the Temple and which was His last day on earth. It was on this day that the Passover lambs were being led out for slaughter for the Passover sacrifices in the Temple as a remembrance of God's redemption of His people.
This holy day has been superceded by the man-made "Easter," which even if you claim it is not pagan, neither is it from God for God already had His "Appointed Times" ("moadim") in place.
Yeshua asked His followers to remember His DEATH, not His birth or resurrection, as although they were both miraculous, as was the ascension, they do not provide salvation, only Yeshua's shed BLOOD does that, which is why He asked to think of that blood when drinking wine at Passover and the unleavened Passover bread ("matza") as His sinless broken body, "as often as ye do this," i.e. at Passover, not "do this as often as you like," which is basically what most churches do nowadays. The pre-Roman Celtic Church in Ireland & Britain kept the Passover of the LORD on Nisan 14th until the new Roman "Easter" took over after the Synod of Whitby in 664 when some Roman prelates won King Oswy of Northumbria over by clever arguments and got Passover cancelled across the British Isles from that point on, which you now 'celebrate.' 🙃
@annep.1905 I am not learned by any means, so you may call me an ignoramus if you like. I accept your Christian admonition with all the zeal that it portends. I believe in order to be reachable one has to be teachable, and I have listened to Christians' teachings on this matter, which may not be considered as research, but it is how many people attending churches get their information.
Actually, very few explain the meaning of the word "Easter" when they celebrate it year in year out, so it can be pretty elusive getting accurate information, such as yours, on the subject.
At least I know the origin of the word "Christmas" from the Roman Catholic "Mass of Christ," or "Christ-Mass," although I have never attended a Roman Catholic Mass myself in person, but I know this is what most people call the festival. Differing denominations have taught me differently of course, all based on varying interpretations of the Bible, and some based on tradition. The same with Christian individuals and their 'views.' Either I avoid listening to any of them, or I listen to some of them in the hope that some of them are right, and try to decide which ones are telling the real truth. This anomaly extends to many who may wish to learn about the tenets of Christianity and its traditions, celebrations and theology, and some 'positions' are defended very fiercely.
The reason I alluded to "Easter" being pagan was to do with a reference to it in the writings of the Venerable Bede, who apparently connected the Anglo-Saxon month of Eosturmonath with the goddess Eostre, who I can only presume was pagan and not Christian. It is not for me to know or prove, but I can cite a source on the topic.
I will not type all in one go as sometimes a long text does not send. I am in bed terminally ill with Amyloidosis & End-Stage Kidney Disease which prevented me from replying earlier, and another good reason why I lack so much research and show so much ignorance as my energies are limited to the amount I can study and absorb, as my body is weak from 5 years of chemotherapy and kidney dialysis, not that I want to make excuses, but you are very right.
I will try to quote a little bit about what I had learned about "Easter," not to prove you wrong, but to let you know where I may have got some of my misconceptions. I trust you will forgive me.
@bethyngalw forget any "pagan" claims then, but just as you say, "Christ-Mass" and "Easter" were designed by Christians for Christians, but NOT by God or Jesus (Yeshua). They are MAN-MADE ecclesiastical feasts nowadays imposed on most of the Church, but they didn't exist before the Fourth Century if you study the history of the Sabbath-keeping Quartodeciman churches founded by John the Apostle across Asia Minor and the pre-Roman Celtic Church in Ireland and Britain who remembered the Lord's death on the Day of Passover, Nisan 14th, as opposed to the new Roman "Easter" before the Synod of Whitby in 664 when King Oswy of Northumbria, England, was swayed by the Roman prelates to reject the Biblical date of Passover with the man-made "Easter" and the British Church has observed these Roman festivals ever since without question. Even if not pagan, they do replace God's holy "Appointed Times" or "moadim." "Christ-Mass" takes its name from the Roman Catholic Mass which actually commemorates Yeshua's death more than it does His birth at least ceremony-wise.
Some Christian deominations do not recognise the Roman Catholic "Mass" yet still invoke its memory each times they say the word "Christ-Mass" or "Christmas," so is this "of God" or men?
I am sorry if I projected ideas that you never articulated, and you can celebrate how you like.
Maybe I should keep my counsel to myself. There are none so deaf as those who will not hear.
@chrishilton3626 Yes, but we are not commanded to keep it so you can't apply some sentimental 'pressure' to be part of this man-made invention if one does not see an essential need to do so.
It is doubtful that Dec 25th is a true date anyway, so is it good to uphold a LIE? Yes, Yeshua was changed to Iesous via Greek because all Greek male names, especially of gods, end in an "s" sound, like Perseus, Zeus etc, whilst female names were open ended with an "a" or "e" vowel sound, such as Diana, Aphrodite etc., so a Hebrew name like YESHUA could have been miscontrued in THAT language as female, hence the ending "s." HOWEVER, there is no such grammatical or cultural need in OTHER languages, so YESHUA would be perfectly fine and His original given Name meaning "salvation" which has now been shrouded from most Christians.
Call Him what you like, if you prefer Greek, but the Name that EVERY KNEE shall bow to will be YESHUA. God named Him that via the Angel Gabriel, so it must have some significance, but even Christians can outrule God by insisting on re-naming His Son with a name He never knew. 🙃
The gift of Yeshua is SALVATION (His Name) and not celebrating His supposed "birth-day." 🎄
@chrishilton3626 Yes, most people do not know His given Name (above ALL 'other' names).
He will say when people claim to have done miraculous works "in His name," - "Depart from Me, I never KNEW you!" At least "SATAN" survived the "translation" from Hebrew to Greek to English without any alterations, yet the All-powerful Name of YESHUA is basically unknown or respected.
And the saddest thing is, no one really CARES! 🙃 Even Coca-cola gets more more internationality than the Name of of YESHUA, and they didn't need to change that four-syllabled word into other languages for it to be understood or 'acceptable' or even 'easier to pronounce'.
Other Hebrew words were not changed, such as AMEN, HALLELUJAH, HOSANNA, ARMAGEDDON etc., but the Name that He asked us to pray for things in is lost forever.
I thought Christians would have "cared" more once they realise this demonically inspired deception and injustice, but they DON'T CARE and insist that YESHUA (or "Jeezus") does not care either! That is a PRESUMPTION, as He just MIGHT! He cares that people love Him, as you say, but one way of loving someone, showing respect for them, and a proof that you know them INTIMATELY is if you get their name right and least use it, especially as all Hebrew names have intrinsic special meanings, such as YESHUA meaning "salvation," whereas "Jeezus" means NOTHING. There is no specific date for Xmas, which is why it is futile to set one on Dec 25th.
If you know it's UNTRUE, why keep up the LIE? There is no logical reason to celebrate the Messiah's birth date "all year round" as you suggest, simply because it's a man-made fallacy.
🥳🎅🎄🦌☃️❄ 🎁🦃🥂
@thet1375 I hear this from many apologists for "Easter" but still not supplied with any PROOF, save the writings of the Venerable Bede who mentioned Eosturmonath as the month in April in "Old English" that you mention which he says is named after the pagan godess EOSTRE.
Maybe you can refute this historical Christian writing as "heretical" by supplying your PROOF of the "EAST" being the true meaning of this word that has replaced the Passover of the LORD.
Passover takes place in the "EAST" too, so why was that not good enough, if God ordained it as an "Appointed Time" or "moed" and Yeshua, later changed to "Jesus" by the Gentiles, observed it since He was 12 years old until His death on the actual Day of Passover on Nisan 14th, which He asked us to remember "as often as ye do this," i.e. celebrate Passover, not "do this as often as you like," which is basically what goes on today in most Gentile churches. The New Testament clearly says that "Christ (Messiah) our PASSOVER (not our "Easter") was slain for us, therefore LET US KEEP THE FEAST" (of Passover). Yeshua is the Passover Lamb, not an "Easter Bunny"! 🐰 🙃
@bethyngalw I would say God would not be "offended" if some people want to celebrate His birth, even though there is no Biblical need or requirement to, but it is the way that people do that that I often wonder about, even if I chose not to personally object or say a single word about it.
If some want to celebrate His birth why is so much pressure put on to others who may not wish to? (Just try not buying presents or giving a card to your family or firiends!!) If some people want to celebrate Yeshua's birth, even though many have changed His Name and attribute the holiday to the Roman Catholic Mass ("Christ-Mass") which technically would preclude non-Catholics, why do you choose a random date like December 25th to do so, while the Orthodox churches do so on January 6th? Surely your God who never changes would have a handle on this confusion, especially if these Christians are led by the Holy Spirit? Surely your God who forbids having any other gods before Him would scratch His head at the pagan holly, ivy, mistletoe, evergreen trees that decorate homes including Christians sanctuaries used to worship Him that pre-date the Christian "Chist-Mass" with those things being used to worship false deities and other gods?
If some people want or need to celebrate the birth of their God, why do so many of their children focus much of their attention on another miraculous person for whom they have to be very good so that he will visit them and miraculously fly through the sky on a sleigh with reindeer? Some might view this not to based wholly on truth, just as with the dates chosen for these 'holidays', and the Biblical expression for something that is UNTRUE is a LIE. If this 'holy season' turns people into repetitive wilful LIARS how does that honour the Saviour that they claim to follow?
If one wishes to celebrate the birth of the Son of God, why do so many eat unclean scavenger sewage-imbibing "seafood" such as prawn cocktails which God proscribed in His Holy Word as an ABOMINATION (FOUR TIMES in 3 verses to emphasize it to be noticed) or to serve up ham and bacon which are all UNCLEAN foods that Yeshua never would have eaten as a Jew. If you were honouring a Hindu god in India would you deliberately choose to eat some "holy cow"?!
Noah the Gentile knew about these differences between "clean & unclean" when God boarded the animals on the Ark, long before there were any Jews or laws given at Mount Sinai, so it goes back a long time in the history of the Gentiles, yet so many Gentiles today ignore God's laws.
As I said, people are free to do all these things, but why close banks, schools and force others to take time off work because you choose to celebrate this uncommanded thing on a date that not even God has revealed in Scripture, when there might be some who do not wish to do that?
It is the forceful nature of the 'holiday' imposed on so many by such birth-celebrating Christians that even forces non-believers to celebrate this same 'holiday' with drunkenness and crass commercialization all supposedly in honour of Jesus Christ, or as He would have called Himself before the Gentiles changed it, Yeshua the Messiah, which means "the Anointed who Saves."
What other people might think or feel (often sincerely) of all of this may have no bearing on how you glorify your God on "that day" (while others do it contradictingly on ANOTHER day, Jan 6th) may cause you to think that some who may not wish to attach themselves to this (out of the same respect that you have in order to also glorify God) are guilty of being in a trap of legalism.
However, I find that it is the pressure to attend Xmas dinners, staff parties, church services, and the compulsive buying of presents and cards to all and sundry to be far more LEGALISTIC in the expected nature of many of these man-made traditions, which Yeshua warned make the Word of God of none effect. You do not hurt or hinder me, but I do wonder how God is truly glorified in the above mixture of sacred and profane, when birthdays were never a part of the practice of God's people, and any Xmas celebrations were not part of the Church for at least the first three centuries. So how did these early Christians glorify their God without the spectacle of Xmas? 🙃