Comments by "Scented-leaf Pelargonium" (@scented-leafpelargonium3366) on "Middle East Eye" channel.

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  17. They're chanting "from the river to the sea - free Palestine" - do they know what they are saying? They are demanding the wiping out of an entire population because they are Jews! From the Jordan River (which is Hebrew, not Arabic) to the Mediterranean Sea in Israel is the entire historical land of Canaan (about the size of Wales), known as Judea after the Tribe of Judah who lived there, but "Palestine" that they call for to be free is not actually geographically or historically "from the river to the sea", but is the ancient land of PHILISTIA, where the ancient Philistines dwelt, who used to attack and terrorise ancient Israel, the most famous one being the giant Goliath. However, this territory is not Israel or Canaan, but the narrow coastal strip of land where Gaza is today. That is "Palestine"! 🙃 The Jewish boy king David felled the giant by a small pebble and a sling-shot. Israel may appear like little Jewish David among the many powerful oil-rich Arab nations that surround it, including the modern day Philistines or "Palestinians," although they are in reality migratory Arabs from Arabia, but being small does not mean that Israel will lose the battle. Ireland backs the Muslims in this case to wipe out all traces of Christian and Jewish holy places in the Land of the Bible by the Islamists in their new Caliphate, yet the churches in Ireland are named after Jews who lived in Israel, such as St Mary's, St Joseph's etc., and they worship a Jew who was born in Israel, not "Palestine", yet they hate the land of Israel! 🤯
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  81.  @ahintofhish07  Well obviously the authorities knew the Jewish family posed a much lesser risk to them than the people who are hostile towards Israel and many are ready to do harm. Security is a pain in the neck and an inconvenience but it is there to save lives. If you have a problem with it maybe you should direct your disatisfaction/anger to those who actively oppose Israel, even though it was legally founded by the United Nations. If haters stop so does security. There were always two long queues under scrutiny and in zoned off areas in airports when I travelled by air and they were only for Northern Ireland and Israel, two countries I have lived in. I grew up with security in Northern Ireland just like Israeli children do and I did not realise that other countries did not have this until I went to England and stood at a shop door waiting to be searched but no one was there and there was more than just one entrance and exit but many doors! The only thing that causes security is hatred and terror attacks, no other reasons. No one wants to inconvenience anyone or discriminate against any person, but risk is risk. The Arabs are famous for hating Israel & attacking, which is why the Jews don't trust them. Most Israelis I knew were moderate and simply wanted to live in peace. Arabs wanted Jihad. As they say in Israel you don't make peace with your friends, you make peace with your enemies, and Israel only has to lose ONE war! Not all Muslims are suicide bombers, but all suicide bombers are Muslim, in Israel anyhow. I've never heard of a Jewish suicide bomber yet. Both sides need to compromise, but while "from the river to the sea" remains a watchword the stalemate will remain, or worse. The sad thing is as cousins they both have a lot in common!
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  88.  @l-uk3xm  Britain abstained from the UN vote in 1948 when the nations of the world were deciding to recognise the State of Israel (after the Arabs had refused their's in the UN Partition Plan of 1947, and every offer of peace ever since). The only time Britain showed favour to the Jews having a homeland in Palestine, with the proviso that it would not affect the existing peoples already living there, was in the Balfour Declaration of 1917. Since then they have been ambiguous about Israel, and even the British State Broadcaster refers to Tel-Aviv as Israel's capital, not Jerusalem, and thus the British Embassy in there, not in the country's capital, which would be like France having their Embassy in Birmingham and not London. Britain has consistently sat on the fence when it comes to Israel, ever since they started appeasing the Arabs in the 1930's onwards due to their stakes in oil etc., whilst stopping Jewish immigration to the Holy Land, despite their historical Biblical links, in the British White Paper for Palestine in 1939. They have been biased towards the Arabs ever since, despite the Jews. 😒 With Her Majesty the Queen being some 70 years on the throne, yet the Foreign Office never permitted her a visit to the Land of the Bible, even as a pilgrimage as Head of the Church of England. Thus the power of politics and bias can even outstrip even the will of monarchy. 👑 Britain is at best a fairweather friend to Israel and every Israeli knows it all too well. 🙃🤯
  89.  @joeoreilly1479  I was born in County Down, Northern Ireland, so I can only speak of my own life experience from there. You can speak of Dublin from the persective that you have. There are Protestants in Dublin but they are Irish citizens so are you saying that the first terrorist bomb in Ireland was by an Irish movement in Dublin which was technically an Irish terrorist organisation run by Irishmen? 🤔 Did this have anything to do with the British Government or of Irish national unrest? 🤔 I am always keen to know the facts rather than blindly judge. My next door neighbours were Roman Catholics and I grew up playing with them as innocent children with no animosity. It was not until later that the older siblings forbade the youngest boy from playing with my twin brother and myself because we were Protestants, even though I had no real sense of what it meant to be a Protestant. Therefore I grew up treating both Catholics and Protestants as equal human beings, and I still do today. The father of that Catholic family worked in the legal system of the courts and was shot dead by the IRA for his role in putting away convicted IRA terrorists. Others call them freedom fighters. It is all about perspective, influence and life experience. My Catholic neighbour was killed by his own people, not by any Protestant gunman or terrorist. My own uncle was knee-capped by Protestant terrorists for dating a Roman Catholic girl. He now lives in England in a wheelchair. He was crippled by his own people, not by Catholics. I have seen 22 teenagers blown to smithereens in Tel-Aviv queuing up for a discotheque by the beach for much the same reasons. The BBC later interviewed the suicide bomber's family in their grief whilst teams of medics carefully picked up all those body parts and respectfully placed them in black plastic bags. It was too horrific to be shown on public television. The next morning at work in the Hilton Tel- Aviv where I was Chef de Partie for the prestigious King Solomon Fine Dining Restaurant a Jewish female colleague from Ukraine kept weeping. I asked her in our common language of Hebrew what was the matter and she told me that her next door neighbour lost two teenage daughters in the Arab attack and was inconsolable. She had to identify her kids from gold earrings and teeth. I witnessed grief and misery on both sides, as 40% of the Hotel staff were Arab and just like in Northern Ireland, no matter how bad the situation was on the ground people still have to go to work and work together with individuals from across both divides. I befriend Jews and Arabs and Protestants and Catholics. I see no human difference in them. I do witness the one-sidedness you accuse me of, but you really have never met me. I have written to the Queen and also the Pope (and got replies from both) and sent poems to the President of Ireland and also to the British Prime Minister (whom I fed at the Tel- Aviv Hilton) so I believe in communication with differing 'sides' for it was not me that formed those 'sides.' I wrote to former IRA sympathiser Martin McGuinness before he died after just stepping down from his role of Deputy First Minister for Northern Ireland as I was diagnosed with the same terminal illness as he, Amyloidosis, as I could empathise with his physical suffering and treatment and he flew to London to attend the same hospital that I still attend that specialises in this rare illness and I have just returned from that same hospital two days ago for tests & checks which I have to do annually. Last year I was in the waiting room on 8th September in London when the Queen died. The Queen and Martin McGuinness were stoic in meeting each other. I was born into one side, just as others are born into another side. Very few are born in the middle. Not all Catholics are equal-minded when it comes to their view of Protestants. I also know some very anti-Catholic Protestants. I met Ian Paisley Senior before he died who had befriended the late Martin McGuinness as we both sat on the front row before giving talks, and he had mellowed a lot with age, and my attitude towards Martin McGuinness was open like his. I wrote articles about Amyloidosis for the Catholic Irish News newspaper and the Protestant News Letter in Belfast because so few had heard of this illness until Martin McGuinness died. You may bet that I'm not a native of Northern Ireland, for it really doesn't matter. My 'research' is living my life which is only viewed as 'propaganda' if the reader disagrees with something I write. If I wrote a praiseworthy article about the virtues of the Irish state and its Republical Army would that be 'propaganda' or unbiased truth? Still the perspective comes from life and experience. I may never match your erudition concerning terrorism in Dublin but I am not making things up. You may doubt where I was born, but I am a citizen of the world that values peace. 🕊
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  92. Is Hebron (Hebrew placename) not the burial place of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob and their wives who were the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the Jewish/Israel nation, so how is their presence there "illegal"? Most of the placenames in the Holy Land are in Hebrew, not Arabic. The Arabs lived in Arabia, and the Jews lived in Judea, each area named after the people, but now the Arabs claim Judea too, saying the Jews belong nowhere. They are both Semitic ("Shemitic") peoples (from Noah's son Shem) and descend from a common Patriarch Abraham and both were allocated land in the Middle East. Surely both peoples have a right to live in their historic lands. The problem is the worldview that only Arabs can live in the Middle East and have erased the Hebrew name of Judea and Israel into replacement terms of "West Bank" & "Palestine," named after the Philistines, not the Jews/Israel, which was the land of Philistia which roughly corresponds with the coastal Gaza strip today, not the whole land of Canaan. Before 1948, under both British and Turkish governance, the Arabs and Jews were both called "Palestinian," the name never only pertaining to the Arabs only, and many Jews living there today had parents and grandparents who were "Palestinian" so it should really be "Arab Palestinians" in these political debates, just as the term "anti-Semitic" cannot apply to an Arab as he is Semitic too. But the world prefers the 'softer' Semitic term rather than the more accurate "anti-Jewish." Even modern Bible maps use titles like "Palestine in the Time of Jesus" which is innacurate, if not biased, as the Gospel of St Matthew clearly describes an angel telling St Joseph when the Holy Family had fled to Egypt for protection from the killing of Jewish babies in Bethlehem (a Jewish town where King David was born), that he was to take the Child and His Mother and return to the "Land of Israel," (not "Palestine"), yet the Bible publishers write "Palestine"! Political debate is important, but so is the correctness of the terminology and names we use if we want to stick to the truth of history and not be swayed by one-sided rhetoric & propaganda. I'm sure there are many "Palestinian" Jews who can remember their families' homes in Hebron (Hevron) before the Arab massacre of the Jewish community there in 1929. And that was long before there was a State of Israel. There are grievances in every conflict, but dig into Jewish history as well to get a bit of balance and you might find that the Arabs haven't fared as badly. I worked with both peoples for over a decade and they have more in common that you'd think.
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  94. This reporter is the rudest kind. Her tone is hate-filled as is her face. She constantly interrupted and talked over this official representative of Israel who was explaining that their intelligence had revealed that the hospital had taken a hit from a failed rocket from Islamic Jihad! This is journalism at its worst amd she hypocritically interviewed other people supporting the Palestinians in a completely different tone not interrupting once. So much for impartial journalism and news reporting. Her own bitter bias shows through. None of the news agencies required proof from Hamas to see if their claims were true. She forcefully required it only of Israel and asked just how soon would the proof be available! This is the media trusting the word of a terrorist group over a democracy. The first reports on all channels immediately jumped to conclusions immaturely and without verification caused a storm of hatred and overreaction against Israel globally by saying that ISRAEL had bombed a hospital in Gaza! It was only after Israel clearly denied this that all the reporters and interviewees started to say, "Well, it doesn't matter who did it." This means that they were quite content to let a lie or at least an unverified claim circulate around the world causing outrage that could lead to an all-Arab/Isamist conflagration in the Middle East by such lazy and one-sided and totally dishonest journalism. Disgraceful! These people will have more blood on their hands by their evil influence and manipulation of the headlines than any actions of the Israeli army who seek to neutralise Hamas. Those news stations have a responsibility to state that Israel denies involvement in clearer non-biased terms so that the Middle East will not into a multifront war zone. Soft-pedalling the truth will only fan the flames of Arab/Islamist hatred and reaction to Israel and a war will result that is built completely on a lie that will kill many thousands. This is the danger of such journalism and slanted reportage as it affects the free world.
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  112.  @wiliamsusanto647  I lived in Israel for 10 years and I can categorically tell you that is NOT true! Most Israelis are lovely people and would live in peace tomorrow if the Arabs stopped hating them. They have been launching attacks on Jews long before the State of Israel. 🇮🇱 ZION is a very beautiful Biblical word and you distort it into something evil and bad, which it is not, so you are guilty of lying and mispresentation, if not slander & defamation and character assassination. ZION is ZTIYYON in Hebrew and comes from the related root word METZUYAN, meaning WONDERFUL or AMAZING, and it is God who coined it, not the Jews. Zionism simply refers to the aspiration to return to Zion, which is the mountain upon which Jerusalem is built some 3,000 feet above sea level, and is used in the Bible to describe the Holy City of Jerusalem with a wider application meaning the whole land of Israel as we read in the Psalms & Prophets. The Palestinian Arabs also aspire to return to Jerusalem and the land 'between the River and the Sea' where Israel is today, so in technicality they are just as "Zionist" in aspiration as any Jew! 🤯 If they get their first racist Arab-only Jew-free Apartheid Islamist state or caliphate named after the non-Semitic Philistines with their capital in Jerusalem on Mount Zion re-named in Arabic as Al Quds, then, as I have already pointed out, the Arabs will then be as "Zionist" as is levelled at the Jews! Isn't it just when the truth turns back on you?! The Jews have called on Zion for the past 2,000 years, with the prayer at their Passover Table each year being, no matter where they ended up living, "Next Year In Jerusalem!" 🕎 They have called on it long before any Arabs did. As we read in the Psalms of David: "When the LORD shall build up Zion, He shall appear in His glory." 👑 Also when they were previously exiled in Babylon (some will know the Boney M pop song): "By the rivers of Babylon, where we sat down, yea, we wept when we remembered ZION. How shall we sing the LORD's song in a strange land?" 🌿 Zionism is not something evil and has been around for millennia! 🤍 It is just the aspiration to live in Zion, and the Palestinian Arabs have the same aspiration. 🙃
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  149.  @youssefazzabi1336  I didn't say Israel is above human rights but their laws are the ones that all other laws came from. The laws of war in the Bible are very different to those of today. In Bible times people had to fight against their enemies or be wiped out. You forget the existential threat that Israel faces as a small nation among so many Islamic nations bent on their destruction. They are the fly in the ointment. What human rights did the Palestinian Arab Government of Gaza exercise when they attacked Israel on October 7th. You don't seem to mention resolutions concerning the burning of innocent children piled into heaps with their hands tied behind their backs while their parents looked on? What resolution number covers that, or did you not hear of atrocties on the other side? The UN was founded because of Israel if you check its history as the League of Nations met to discuss the Jewish situation concerning Palestine after the horrors of the Holocaust meted out to them by the enlightened Christian nation of Germany which people now try to cover up. Do you not think the aspiration of the Palestinian Arabs, who are the Jews' Semitic cousins, to found a Jew-free Arab-only state/Caliphate of Palestine "from the River to the Sea" with Jerusalem on Mount Zion as their capital is not Apartheid too if not 'Zionist' as much as you accuse the Jews of, and are they not willing to use violence and jihad to achieve that end? You seem to condemn the Jews but give a by-ball to everyone else. At least be consistent.
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  166.  @CallThemAllOut  Well, unlike other countries in the less dangerous West, nearly all Israelis have to serve in the Army due to being under threat continually from the Arabs & other Islamic states, which countries and civilians in the West do not live under (yet!). They would prefer to live in peace with their Arab cousins, but up until now every suggestion has been rejected outrightly. Although some Israeli Arabs serve in the IDF, as do the minority people the Druze. Not all want to live in a racist Arab-only Jew-free Islamic state or caliphate of Palestine named after the non-Semitic Philistines, Israel's ancient and implacable enemies, who dwelt in Philistia, which is the narrow coastal strip of land where Gaza is today, never the entire land of Canaan, later Israel. If they get their Apartheid state with Jerusalem on top of Mount Zion re-named Al Kuds as their capital, then the Palestinan Arabs will be as Zionist as any accusation levelled at the Jews! 🤯 You say occupiers, yet any Jews living in the land prior to 1948 were Palestinian too, the term never applying solely to the Arabs, which they try to imply today in order to delegitimise Jewish claims to the land and giving the impression that the Jews are all foreign interlopers (as your accusation of "occupiers" so clearly demonstrates). If the towns and cities where the Arabs now claim have ancient Hebrew names, like Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Hebron etc., are not the Arabs "occupiers" too, as they clearly did not name the placenames or else they cover them up! 🙃 That's why you have a 'nameless' "West Bank" rather than the Biblical Judea or "Jew-dea"! 🕎
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  169. "Maybe it's you guys should leave the West Bank" says the anti-Israel Michael Walker. Since when was this territory called the nameless "West Bank" (of the Jordan River)? 🤔 If you read a Christmas card you will see that the Jew they are celebrating was born in Bethlehem of JUDEA ("Jew-dea"), NOT the so-called "West Bank"! This false name is just made up and used by the Jews' Semitic cousins the Arabs and other anti-Israelists in prder to cover up the historic and Biblical links to the territory which contains Hebrew cities. 🕎 It is convenient for such haters of Israel to deny the historical, spiritual and Biblical rights to Judea, which is named for them, just as the vast oil-rich territory of Arabia is named for the Arabs. Is it unfair for Jews to live in tiny Judea where their forefathers the Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac & Jacob (Israel) and their wives Sarah, Rebekah and Leah are buried or the huge expanse of Arabia to be allotted to the Arabs, as there were 12 Tribes of each people? The ancient community of Palestinian Jews was butchered and decimated in Hebron in 1929 in a brutal style reminiscent of the Arab attack on October 7th along with many other communities of Jews around the Holy Land and that was long before any State of Israel. The fact that the Gentiles (non-Jews) and Arabs declare by man-made preconceptions that Jews are illegal to live in Judea is one of the biggest travesties and dishonest attempts at ethnic cleansing in history, notwithstanding that some Jews have moved back there, just as many Arabs live in Israel proper. If Jews can't live in Judea, why allow Arabs to live in Israel? Under the Ottoman Turks for 400 years until 1917 and under British Mandate from 1917 to 1947 the Biblical land of Israel and Judea re-named as "Palestine" after the non-Semitic Philistines who were Israel's ancient and implacable foes, even though they only dwelt in the narrow coastal strip of Philistia where Gaza is today, not the whole land of the Bible, both Jews and Arabs were termed "Palestinian", the term never applying only to the Arabs, and both Jews and Arabs lived throughouf the Holy Land, not excluding Judea & Samaria. The myth that only Arabs can live in an Arab-only Jew-free Islamic racist Apartheid territory is just as unfair and discriminatory as any accusations of Apartheid levelled at Israel! 🙃 These claims are based on fallacy and a mis-handling, twisting and covering up of truth which of course suits the Arab narrative, and now peddled by activists such as Walker.
  170.  @annadentis9743  I'm sure you will find the same in Israel. It is a democracy like America. If the US detained a terrorist from Iraq in their prison system and the prisoner was released still harbouring anti-American sentiment even though he was treated humanely, and went back to his culture in Iraq where anti-American sentiment was very high, would that prisoner tell the Iraqis and those who hate America there that the Americans treated him with the utmost care and manners and that everything about his detention was positive and without fault, or would he say that they treated him not fairly because he is Iraqi and because he is a Muslim in satanic America? Obviously released Palestinian prisoners are not going to praise their captors, especially if their reason for being detained in the first place was to do harm to Israelis out of hate. Another side to this conflict is the war of words and propaganda, and if one little lie, untruth, exaggeration or embellishment has success travelling the globe on social media it helps the cause probably more successfully than any terror attacks or physical warfare on the ground. Sometimes you have to take some accounts of terrorists and criminals with a pinch of Dead Sea salt rather than impugning the legal system of a recognised democracy on that account. It is obviously in the interests of the Arab convicts to say anything to condemn Israel. Motives must always be borne in mind. An Arab terrorist is more likely to say negative things about Israel as the hatred is already embedded and it fits their agenda to lie about the Jews. On the other hand, what is there to gain from the Israeli legal system if they arbitrarily mistreat, torture and persecute political prisoners, as they know that any reports of such will damage the image of Israel's society at large? The truth will always come out in the end, but sometimes the lies that are believed can cause irreparable damage. We must not take everything at face value. That's what God gave us discernment for. Not just to blindly believe one side that you favour.
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  191.  @almas806  What the UN says is only an opinion. The Hamas Charter is the one Israelis know about as it declares the full destruction of the State of Israel, so just because people or a people create a Charter does not mean that it is righteous. A charter is just a piece of paper. Israel only gained extra territory after the Arabs launched attacks on them, and when the Arabs lost, they lost territory as a result. Thus hatred and violence of the "other" by the Arabs has created much of the misery and so-called "occupation" that the Palestinian and former Jordanian Arabs (in Jerusalem & the "West Bank"/Judea) later found themselves in. Before 1967, Jerusalem and Judea, re-named "West Bank" to cover up the territory's Jewish links, was under illegal occupation by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Prior to 1948 the whole country, including Transjordan, was governed or "occupied" by the British from 1917. Prior to 1917, the territory was occupied by the Turks, ruled from Constantinople, now Istanbul, so there have been many "occupiers", but no complains until the Jews came into the predominance, after being a vilified minority there for centuries. What there hasn't ever been in history is an "Arab sovereign state" of Palestine. Even prior to 1948, both Jews and Arabs were "Palestinian," the term never applying solely to the Arabs. Thus the UN Charter concering the "Palestinians" teachically includes those Jewish citizens too. The use of the name by the Arabs today helps to delegitimise the Jews rights to citizenry. The only reason any Jews began to seek refuge in Palestine from the 1890's onwards was because of the persecutions, pogroms and discrimination meted out to them in the Christian and Muslim nations to where they had been scatttered since being ethically cleansed from their land by Europeans from Rome in 135 CE, culminating in the Germans killing six million of them. The UN were not calling for THAT persecuted people to offer resistance, but ignored it! 🤯 No nations accepted them, and even in their ancient Biblical homeland they were unwanted by their own Semitic cousins, the Arabs. Technically it is the ancient land of Israel and Judea that is "occupied" by Arabs from Arabia who crossed the porous borders taking advantage of the Jewish land and empty cities after the Jews had been expelled, and now they claim it as their own. That is why so many "Arab" towns and cities like Bethlehem & Nazareth all have ancient Hebrew place names. They cannot even pronounce "Palestine" as there is no "P" in the Arabic alphabet. So the Jews are an occupied people too, and it goes back further than just a few generations. The oldest Charter that outlines the rights of the Jews to the land of Israel is the Holy Bible. In its pages there is a complete history of how it came into their possession replete with pronouncements by God to make it official, while the Arabs dwelt in oil-rich Arabia. But now the Arabs want Judea too, believing that the Jews have no rights anywhere. This is not how their forefather Abraham treated his two sons from whom the Jews and Arabs descend as he was fair to both, allotting land to both peoples, who had Twelve Tribes each, of Ishmaelites and Israelites. The Arabs got a vast area, while the Jews only got a tiny parcel of land. Still, it is that tiny parcel of land, that was negleected for centuries, that the Arabs suddenly want to rule with the world denigrating the Jews (what's new) and favouring the Arabs to found a Jew-free Apartheid Arab-only Islamic Caliphate called Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital. You can kiss those Holy Land Tours goodbye if that happens, along with religious freedoms for Jews and Christians. Just check any Islamic country in the region to check out that reality. The UN was basically formed because of situation in the Holy Land, and now it has become the Judge. Also the one-sidedness of that organisation against Israel is radically hostile to the Jews.
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  195. @@shanelong5602 There WAS. Look up "Celtic Church". Tell me your findings. The Celtic Church across Britain and Ireland differed greatly in doctrine and practice to the Church of Rome on the continent. Saints such as Patrick, Columba, Columbanus, Fursey, Gall and many others kept the Sabbath-keeping practices of the Quartodeciman ("14th") churches founded by John the Apostle across Asia Minor and kept Passover instead of the Roman invention of "Easter," as did Polycarp, Bishop of Smyna and Polycrates, Bishop of Ephesus in the 190's when they both wrote to the Bishop of Rome refusing to accept the new Roman "Easter." The Irish Christians followed suit, refusing also to eat unclean animals, such as pork and shellfish, and like the Jews did not have celibate clergy. Columbanus, from my home town of Bangor, County Down, wrote to the Pope calling him a heretic because of the papal "Easter," and was eventually imprisoned in Europe as the Roman bishops were against His teaching. This all changed at the Synod of Whitby, when the Roman prelates convinced King Oswy of Northumbria to accept "Easter" over over Passover (as it was deemed to be too "Jewish") and made the Irish missionaries headed up by Colman to be simple uneducated peasants. Thus the British Church turned Roman from that point, with even so-called "Protestants" keeping the Roman "holy days", such as the Mass of Christ ("Christ-Mass"), "Easter," and fasting on "Lent" etc without question even to this day. The Irish Christians retreated to the remote isles of Iona and Lindisfarne till they eventually ebbed into obscurity, so much so that people not educated in these matters will say that there was no such thing as a Celtic Church at all. ☘ The Celtic traditions kept going in small pockets, but with Roman Catholic emmissaries sent from Rome to galvinise the papal holidays and dogma the island of Ireland evetually too became "Roman" in Christian practice. Ireland was never colonised by Rome, but it did not escape the clutches of the Roman ecclesiastical system which wiped out Celtic Christianity island-wide. The last vestige of the Celtic Church was believed to be at the Hill of Tara in the 11th century, the word Tara coming from the Hebrew word "Torah" meaning "God's Law", by which time monasticism began to hold sway with the various orders of monks in many monasteries. Now some Catholic churches name their buildings after these Celtic "saints" but if they were alive today they would not have their names attached to the Sunday-keeping Roman churches, which now includes Protestants, that they fought so hard and taught against for centuries. I am interested where you got your information that there was no pre-Roman Celtic church in Ireland, as I am always happy to be proven wrong if the history books I have been reading over the past 40 years on this subject are all wrong. Of course, one must always try to find the earliest manuscripts as later hagiographies written by Roman-leaning historians will often write with a favour to the position they hold, and will often omit facts as a result or add some embellishments which must be analysed with the knowledge of the possibility of bias. For instance, Columba, from Movilla, six miles from where I live, became the Apostle of Scotland converting the Picts and settling on the island of Iona across from Mull & Oban. He was a Saturday Sabbath-keeper as all Celts were, and his death was recorded as being on the Sabbath, and as with Jews, this is believed to be a sign of an auspicious death from God. However, later Roman Catholic books write that Columba died on the "Lord's Day," which is cobbled up to be purpisely ambiguous, as most Catholics call Sunday the "Lord's Day," thus the history becomes changed and also helps to promote Roman Catholic practice and doctrine. Of course if using the term "Sabbath of the LORD" as found in Scripture, ostensibly it could also be described as the "Lord's Day," however, it is clear that the refusal to include the word "Sabbath" which at all times in the Bible refers to Saturday and never Sunday, is a delibetate attempt by Roman historians to effect the perception that Columba died on Sunday and not Saturday. These things may not seem important, but these were the very issues the Celts stood for. This erasure of history is very successful, hence your own admission of no Celtic Church. 🙃
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  197.  @worshipthecreator9081  In the Bible, where the origin of the Jews is recorded, and the territories in which they lived, the line of descent is patrinlineal, or through the father. However, there were proselytes from the nations who were Gentile converts who joined the people of Israel and worshipped the God of Israel, and these people got circumcised and were considered part of Israel, before the advent of Christianity when a much wider Gentile majority began to worship the LORD God of Israel through their belief in the Israeli Jew Yeshua, whose Name they later changed to "Jesus," thus the need to convert as before to Israel was lessened. A person who converts to Judaism today also must go through full circumcision (if male) and keep the Jewish laws, and are regarded as Jewish as far as religious observance is concerned, although some purists will still discriminate against them as not being "racially" Jewish. However, there are many strands of Judaism today, some more conservative than others, whilst others are more liberal and accepting, such as having women rabbis and accepting gay Jews. Where did you get your information for your claim that a person who converts to Judaism is not classed as a Jew? When I lived in Israel as a non-Jew from Northern Ireland for 10 years, I applied for citizenship but was turned down, however, the rabbis who check for Kosher observance from the hotel where I worked as a chef told me that I could stay in the country if I converted to Judaism or married a Jewish woman, as a non-Jewish spouse can reside there. This shows that Gentiles do get accepted in Israel and within Judaism under certain criteria, and even non-Jewish partners of gay people intending to marry can gain full Israeli citizenship. I wonder if people who convert to Islam are classed as Arabs, or do they discriminate too? 🤔 As like the Jews, the Arabs are a race or a people as opposed to just being a religion.
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  220.  @YouTuberculosis1337  Yes, I wonder why that hasn't happened yet? Doesn't Allah answer your prayers? He did for the Jews restoring them to their land that He gave them, only they call Him ELOHIM, who calls Himself the LORD God of Israel. He promised in the Holy Bible that the Jews would return to the Promised Land that He gave them, and it happened, and still is happening. What the Muslims do outside of that reality is their own affair, but they have plenty of land in Arabia named after them to live in without having to occupy and control Judea ("Jew-dea") named after the Jews, which the Arabs deviously re-name as the nameless "West Bank" in order to cover up any historical or Biblical Jewish links. With cousins like that who needs enemies? The Jews were ready to live in peace alongside their Semitic cousins but the Arabs said "No!" Will their Allah bless their resentment, greed and intransigence in taking over land that even their father Abraham said was to be an everlasting possession for the sons of Isaac & Jacob (Israel). Abraham bought the cave of Machpelah in Hebron to bury his wives and children there, so Israel's Patriarchs & Matriarchs are buried in Hebron of Judea, not Ishmael or Esau or anything pertaining to the modern anti-Jewish Arabs, yet the Arabs now insist that Jews are illegal there! Maybe your Ummah will come to pass when you improve relations with the Sons of Israel. 🕎 Until then there doesn't seem to be much blessing. "By their fruits ye shall know them." 🙃
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