Scented-leaf Pelargonium
Middle East Eye
Comments by "Scented-leaf Pelargonium" (@scented-leafpelargonium3366) on "‘Netanyahu is terrified, he’s in a panic’ - Ofer Cassif on Netanyahu and the Hague | UNAPOLOGETIC" video.
@wiliamsusanto647 I lived in Israel for 10 years and I can categorically tell you that is NOT true! Most Israelis are lovely people and would live in peace tomorrow if the Arabs stopped hating them. They have been launching attacks on Jews long before the State of Israel. 🇮🇱
ZION is a very beautiful Biblical word and you distort it into something evil and bad, which it is not, so you are guilty of lying and mispresentation, if not slander & defamation and character assassination. ZION is ZTIYYON in Hebrew and comes from the related root word METZUYAN, meaning WONDERFUL or AMAZING, and it is God who coined it, not the Jews. Zionism simply refers to the aspiration to return to Zion, which is the mountain upon which Jerusalem is built some 3,000 feet above sea level, and is used in the Bible to describe the Holy City of Jerusalem with a wider application meaning the whole land of Israel as we read in the Psalms & Prophets.
The Palestinian Arabs also aspire to return to Jerusalem and the land 'between the River and the Sea' where Israel is today, so in technicality they are just as "Zionist" in aspiration as any Jew! 🤯
If they get their first racist Arab-only Jew-free Apartheid Islamist state or caliphate named after the non-Semitic Philistines with their capital in Jerusalem on Mount Zion re-named in Arabic as Al Quds, then, as I have already pointed out, the Arabs will then be as "Zionist" as is levelled at the Jews! Isn't it just when the truth turns back on you?! The Jews have called on Zion for the past 2,000 years, with the prayer at their Passover Table each year being, no matter where they ended up living, "Next Year In Jerusalem!" 🕎 They have called on it long before any Arabs did.
As we read in the Psalms of David:
"When the LORD shall build up Zion, He shall appear in His glory." 👑
Also when they were previously exiled in Babylon (some will know the Boney M pop song):
"By the rivers of Babylon, where we sat down, yea, we wept when we remembered ZION.
How shall we sing the LORD's song in a strange land?" 🌿
Zionism is not something evil and has been around for millennia! 🤍
It is just the aspiration to live in Zion, and the Palestinian Arabs have the same aspiration. 🙃