Comments by "Scented-leaf Pelargonium" (@scented-leafpelargonium3366) on "Journalist Michael Walker challenges Eurovision’s exclusion standards" video.

  1. "Maybe it's you guys should leave the West Bank" says the anti-Israel Michael Walker. Since when was this territory called the nameless "West Bank" (of the Jordan River)? 🤔 If you read a Christmas card you will see that the Jew they are celebrating was born in Bethlehem of JUDEA ("Jew-dea"), NOT the so-called "West Bank"! This false name is just made up and used by the Jews' Semitic cousins the Arabs and other anti-Israelists in prder to cover up the historic and Biblical links to the territory which contains Hebrew cities. 🕎 It is convenient for such haters of Israel to deny the historical, spiritual and Biblical rights to Judea, which is named for them, just as the vast oil-rich territory of Arabia is named for the Arabs. Is it unfair for Jews to live in tiny Judea where their forefathers the Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac & Jacob (Israel) and their wives Sarah, Rebekah and Leah are buried or the huge expanse of Arabia to be allotted to the Arabs, as there were 12 Tribes of each people? The ancient community of Palestinian Jews was butchered and decimated in Hebron in 1929 in a brutal style reminiscent of the Arab attack on October 7th along with many other communities of Jews around the Holy Land and that was long before any State of Israel. The fact that the Gentiles (non-Jews) and Arabs declare by man-made preconceptions that Jews are illegal to live in Judea is one of the biggest travesties and dishonest attempts at ethnic cleansing in history, notwithstanding that some Jews have moved back there, just as many Arabs live in Israel proper. If Jews can't live in Judea, why allow Arabs to live in Israel? Under the Ottoman Turks for 400 years until 1917 and under British Mandate from 1917 to 1947 the Biblical land of Israel and Judea re-named as "Palestine" after the non-Semitic Philistines who were Israel's ancient and implacable foes, even though they only dwelt in the narrow coastal strip of Philistia where Gaza is today, not the whole land of the Bible, both Jews and Arabs were termed "Palestinian", the term never applying only to the Arabs, and both Jews and Arabs lived throughouf the Holy Land, not excluding Judea & Samaria. The myth that only Arabs can live in an Arab-only Jew-free Islamic racist Apartheid territory is just as unfair and discriminatory as any accusations of Apartheid levelled at Israel! 🙃 These claims are based on fallacy and a mis-handling, twisting and covering up of truth which of course suits the Arab narrative, and now peddled by activists such as Walker.