Comments by "Scented-leaf Pelargonium" (@scented-leafpelargonium3366) on " Documentary" channel.

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  7.  @alhussain1108  Before "israel state" exist the Arabs butchered and murdered the ancient Jewish community in Hebron in 1929 just because they were Jews, and the British authorities in charge at the time just turned a blind eye. No there wasn't peace before the rebirth of the State of Israel. Even in the womb, the two twin sons of Yitzhak & Rivkah (Isaac & Rebeccah), namely Esau & Jacob (Esav & Ya'akov) - [Jacob later got re-named by God as "Israel"] - struggled in the womb, where the Bible stated that from Rebeccah TWO NATIONS would be SEPARATED. They were separated then and are still separate today, but their forefather Arbraham/Ibrahim (Avraham) allotted land to both peoples, who both had Twelve Tribes, and the Arabs got Arabia and the Jews got Judea, also called Israel after Jacob, but now the Arabs want Judea too and you wonder why there's conflict? They were given separate lands to keep them apart so as to avoid wars. However, after the Europeans from Rome ethnically cleansed the Promised Land and the Holy City of Jerusalem of Jews in 135 CE, the Arabs crossed the border and settled in the land of the Jews, and that is why so many of their towns and cities have HEBREW place names. What they didn't count on, however, was that the Jews would end up being treated so badly by both Muslims and Christians in the countries to where they were scattered, that they would seek to return to their ancient homeland to live in the only piece of land where they had a history. Together with co-operation the whole area could have been a prosperous region for both peoples, but the Arabs chose war over peace, and lost more land each time as a result. So your comment about peace may seem plausible to the simple-minded, but to anyone who seeks truth over lies and researches the history on both sides, you will find what is not true. 🙃
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