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RKA - Truth Always Wins!
Comments by "RKA - Truth Always Wins!" (@rka-truthalwayswins5127) on "CRUX" channel.
Absolutely true!!
Ukraine is learning that it's not possible to fight on borrowed money & power!! Meanwhile, Mr. Mearsheimer is an honest & brilliant intellectual! It's a pity that India, has a very tiny number of honest public intellectuals, academicians, historians & journalists!!
What is that X; you born X??!!
@filippogrimaldi7228 There are MANY Germans & Europeans who have fled Europe for political reasons!!! WHY can't they keep their own people happy and why do they flee for political reasons??!!
WHAT IF Karma Strikes & Native Americans take back their lands in Americas ??!!
@pauldreze3414 Vraiment?? Vous êtes démocratique ou #PCC; communiste chinois?! Il est temps de voter maintenant !!
Saudis are indeed a violent, repressive, radical Islamist & brutal regime!! BUT did you ask the native Americans or Indians/Chinese & others colonized around the world about USA/Europe??!!
Sanctions imposed unilaterally is just economic terrorism!! A genuine world body which effectively represents at least three fourths of humanity is urgent!
Moral principles of the American & European Oligarchs you mean??!!
You forgot to mention that China also depends on land grabs just like the USA!! At least HALF of China is sitting on STOLEN lands such as TIBET as much as the US is sitting on stolen NATIVE American & Mexican lands!!
Vivek is right & no joke at all!! Russia will be too happy to oblige Vivek & DUMP Xi's China like dirty socks!!
They have specific policies that result in such events & SO.. They CAN NOT learn!!
As a Pakistani, you should be more concerned about radical Islamism, killing of minorities, your army licking boots of Chinese and taking away resources meant for the poorest!!
@aardque There is always hope provided people evolve as humans and cease being animals!! This requires work on self & society as it ain't an automatic process!!
They NEVER mattered or we wouldn't have had slavery, colonization's & endless petro-economic wars by the west!!
Genuine Democracies who are not American boot lickers like Europeans should be more concerned about Julian Assange, Snowden & so many other journalists persecuted by US led autocracy in democratic clothing!!
@carlabroderick5508 It's way better to improve self than go on blaming others!! That' what the US led west should be doing!! Else, there is ZERO difference between a Putin OR a Biden, a Sarkozy, a Bush..!! In fact, the latter are worse because they talk of democracy, human rights.. bla bla.. but ACT just like dictators!!
Good Joke!! A stolen land based on genocide with less than 4% of humanity does propaganda about human rights & democracy!! What about the freedoms of native Americans you brainwashed zombies??!!
Not just Julian Assange but they are countless other journalists & whistle blowers who have been persecuted by US led west! And.. what about the rights of native americans who are persecuted to this day or the Roms & others in Europe??!!
Don't be mad with poor Sholtz as he can't answer that damning question since he is just a puppet "Born for USA"!!
@susanaqueiroz9366 BS!! Is Niger not sovereign?? Was Burkina faso, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan.. not sovereign...??!!
Russia will benefit immensely from Vivek's plan for China!! Putin & several generations of Russian leaders & people will benefit!!
BS!! Ukrainians are suffering because of that clown circus monkey in cargo pants!!
As the birth place of this ideology, he definitely is modernizing Islam for it to be palatable for the rest of the world who may have to interact with Muslims!!
@abdurrahmankhan1145 DO NOT PEDDLE FAKE ISLAMIC STORIES THAT ARE NOT PROVABLE BY SCIENTIFIC/PRACTICAL MEANS!! SO DO NOT LIE!! ISLAM is a relatively recent religion which came way light years after polytheistic philosophies & religions like Dharma/Hinduism!! In fact, Islam is a copy of paste of Christianity and Jewish religions mixed with Arab camel & desert rituals!! Christianity & Judaism are themselves relatively recent religions!!
@avi8tor971 WHY do you Muslims & Christians always try to convert others as if you were some kind of salesmen for candies appointed by your gods that you are incapable to show or bring on earth??!! This is PATHETIC!!
NO!! Ordinary Muslims follow their leaders and leaders will have to STOP peddling unproven fantasies & fake stories about Islam!! Islam & all religions whose gods are NOT powerful enough to come on earth & prove themselves alive WILL HAVE TO DIE!!
@CRUX: What's the secret behind you saying Putin's nuclear bombs??!! Biden's nuclear bombs exist! & as far as one recall, it's his predecessors, NOT Putin's who intentionally used them TWICE!!!!
Kashmir was Always Indian; NEVER Pakistani, Muslim & Islamic!!
Third world as narrated by the weest was the most racist concept ever just as the race theory they promoted for the last 400+ years!! The 3rd. world also applied to nature & wildlife which the west essentially destroyed!!
The US led army of cowards & greedy Hyenas is the 8th. wonder of the world!!
He was an Ex-Muslim & Anti Islam!! He had warned the Germans that their govt. was ISLAM-IZING their nation!! He was a LEFTIST & said that they (the leftists!) were the worst criminals!!
Pakistanis, Uighur's in Xinjiang, Saudis or Iranians seem to line up to eat rotten pork pieces throw alternatively by the supremacist Han Chinese communists or Americans!!
@TheIdiosyncraticMe-t3u You are ignorant or a liar propagating LIES of the fascist Chinese communist party!! Tibet, Xinjiang & many other regions were NEVER part of China!! They were more closer to Indian civilzation!! Hell! Tibetans ruled over Chinese just like the Mongols!! In fact, Tibet gave China civilzation & invaded it's own masters!! Today, China is following US-European imperialist policy like indentured slaves of the west!! Even Chinese films demonstrate the SLAVERY of the Chinese to the western culture that had colonized them earlier!!
@TheIdiosyncraticMe-t3u Lolz!! Communist LIES again!! Tibet or even Xinjiang were civilization-al & geographically closer to India than they ever were to China!! There is ZERO logic for it to be part of China then & no reason now!! China is at best 2500-3000 years old while India is 5000-10000 + years old!! There is NO chance in hell that Tibet & the region were part of China!!
@abdulkhaderpp8883 You are a liar as all readers of your ideological book!! Chinese ideological & imperialist slaves of the Americans!!
FREE TIBET China & Marxist/Nehruvian Winnie the Pooh!!
Europe became rich because of looted wealth & knowledge from India & partly from Africa!! Now bad Karma & chickens will come home to roost!!
Indian mainstream media / CRUX remain colonized coolies of the west copy/pasting their narratives, articles & thinking!!
@JasonVaroo Sharia law has MAJOR impact on Non Muslims!! Their lives, their religion, their places of worship, their women & children are all at risk!! Ask the Indian/Hindus or East European/Christians who have seen Islam & Sharia in action!!
He was an Ex-Muslim & Anti Islam!! He had warned the Germans that their govt. was ISLAM-IZING their nation!! He was a LEFTIST & said that they (the leftists!) were the worst criminals!!
He had warned the Germans that their govt. was ISLAM-IZING their nation!! He was a LEFTIST & said that they (the leftists!) were the worst criminals!!
He was an Ex-Muslim & Anti Islam!! He had warned the Germans that their govt. was ISLAM-IZING their nation!! He was a LEFTIST & said that they (the leftists!) were the worst criminals!!
He was an Ex-Muslim & Anti Islam!! He had warned the Germans that their govt. was ISLAM-IZING their nation!! He was a LEFTIST & said that they (the leftists!) were the worst criminals!! That is probably the reason the mainstream LEFTIST global media is tagging him as "far right" & linking him to AFD & Elon Musk!!
No sane & independent leader (except the Pakistan's/China's...) make laws against their people!! BUT.. French & most European leaders are neither sane, nor independent!! They have abandoned their sovereignty & are obliged to abide to EU dictates which itself is under American boots!! The French know this reality as also the Ukraine war provoked inflationary pressures & are in no mood to relent ;))!!
What about the ungrateful, traitor European elites & governments encouraging such people & ideologies??!!
He was a LEFTIST & said that they (the leftists!) were the worst criminals!!
Europe was a multi-god civilization for a very long time before being invaded by the Church!!
@sharmasudhir7243 NO!! This was not because of that!! He was an Ex-Muslim & Anti Islam!! He had warned the Germans that their govt. was ISLAM-IZING their nation!! He was a LEFTIST & said that they (the leftists!) were the worst criminals!!
@flyhigh4000 He was an EX-Muslim!!