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RKA - Truth Always Wins!
Comments by "RKA - Truth Always Wins!" (@rka-truthalwayswins5127) on "ThePrint" channel.
@eshaan1110 Sardar Patel had his weaknesses & did blunders too!! One of them was banning RSS; later embracing it though!! The other was quelling the Navy revolt against the fascist British invaders which led to British loyalist Nehru being SELECTED by Gandhi as PM!!
Way better than Khangress's Rahul Vinci Pakistani!!
@jaymabharti982 Not just Pakistan, the west & their minions in India used to label it as "Hindu growth rate" That was actually Nehruvian Pseudo secular leftist/communist growth rate!!
Will colonized Hindus vote for AAP after 2020 Delhi riots??
In any law abiding nation with a sane, non colonial constitution, DMK's Christian & "so called dravadian" fascist leaders would have been in jail for those remarks!!
Print ain't impartial at all but speaks truth & sense once in a while!
@Sreekanth-t5v What is truth?? It's NOT a tablet to eat!! One has to struggle & SEEK TRUTH for every issue at hand!!! Else, First learn the difference between Dharma & religion!! You also have no idea of history of religion & Dharma!! So go learn first!!
He &people like him are not just taklas from outside but from inside-upside too!!
Siddharth Sriram Sure!! USA was supplying 4th. grade wheat meant for animals to poor Indians!! This is despite the FACT that they largely benefited from the 50 trillion$ British & European/Christian LOOT from India!! How generous indeed!! They were also hailing freedom & democracy while persecuting native Americans & enjoying the stolen lands of those poor souls!!
Come out of your colonized mind set and learn the difference between Sanatan Dharma & religion!!
@MarxistNationalist Ignoring evil & devil DOES NOT take it away!!
@Print is part of Nehruvian Pakistani media!!
He is like daily laborer for fake protests!! These type of people should be in jail!!
@savetheworldagain Absolutely!
What's the point of democracy if parliament & laws are not respected??!! If the courts & foreign agents based in India can challenge everything parliament says, then better to have BJP lead a one party state like China that has delivered growth & NOT Marxist/congress secular poverty & hot air!!
@motei1853 BS!!
So called PPM??!!! Are You Pakistani??!!
What he said is absolutely true!!
Wonder how many people know though that during Nehruvian/Congress times, these awards were on sale to the highest bidder or the politically powerful; such that Indira & Nehru awarded themselves Bharat Ratna!! The difference with BJP is that they are being given to the common people and sometimes to genocide-rs & killers of the......... supposedly Majority community! If that can make Yadav's ditch Akhilesh's SP, I am willing to bear that insult for the bigger cause!! However, No one can & should forget the horrific killings of Ram Bhatkatas by Mulla Mullayam's bullets, nor the killing of Gau Rakshak's by Indira Gandi or the massacre of Palghar Sadhus by the psedo secular scoundrels of Thackeray/NCP/Congress!!
@mg.f.9023 IF Modi may have Jumlas BUT.. what did Nehru have when he robbed Indian lands to create Islamic Pakistan??!!
@srikar2311 SM krishna, PV Narasimha Rao etc. were exceptions to the Congress Misrule!! Else, on the whole, Congress/Nehru's & other pseudo secular parties have been catastrophic for this nation, it's economy & native culture!! Karnataka/Bangalore too is NOT in the USA ;))!! For a change, all Dharmic people incl. Hindus should start using their political brains after 1200 years of genocide, loot & persecution!! The only thing they must do is to push BJP to become more Dharmic & help sort out local issues!! Without Dharmic political unity, there is no Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist/Jain, no nation & no democracy!!
Exactly!! Indian journalists like their western masters have never defined Islam despite Islamic leaders saying there is no good or bad Taliban or radical Islam & not so radical islam!!!
Nehru led Congress was such a donkey but we had others from the same dynasty like Indira, Rajiv & even Rahul's party in Karnataka!!
I am interested what colonial Indian media & Coupta@ Print have to say about Hindus demography & well being in Islamic Pakistan/Bangladesh that their political godfather Nehru/congress created along with his Muslim brothers who have stayed in India!!
There is little doubt that PM Modi is doing selfless service like a true YOGI for development of the nation and up-lifting the poorest & the weakest elements of Indian society!! That is exactly what is required that the corrupt Congress & INDI alliance crooks can't match!! Nevertheless, PM Modi is applying no "religious Tadka" as Sanatan Dharma is way beyond mere religion!! He is applying Dharma to make India into Bharat; which was always an unmatched civilization-al, spiritual, economic & cultural giant!!
IF Islam has anything to do with humanity, WHY ARE Hindus, Buddhists & Sikhs disappearing in Pakistan, Bangladesh & Afghanistan's population since the last 70 years & even the last 1400 years??!!
Jab educated Mohammad ka sach sabko pata chalega!!
@gayathrirajesh1327 BS!! IF @Print is neutral than Rahul gandhi is a staunch Hindu & RSS worker!!
Colonial Democracy Has To Be DUMPED!! It's NOT the solution for India's problems or future development!! It has to be replaced By Native Indigenous Democratic System this splendid civilzation had for thousands of years!! !! China DID NOT develop because of democracy BUT because of A sound national & civilzation Centered Political system!!
@roadrash999 Hindu is DHARMA and there is no Bharat without Dharma or Hindus!! Get your FACTS RIGHT!!
@SatpalVerma000 You need to see many doctors!!
Your use of the word "pseudo liberals" is very appropriate because thinking people have NEVER seen ANYTHING LIBERAL about these apologists of Pakistani terror, congress/secular corruption, Anti Bharat social engineering & historic crimes against Hindu-stanis!!
Ye!! All dictators & media love monologues!!
Ye Soros, Coupta aur @Print ka Maama lagta hai kya???!!
They might have been "neutral" here though one might have argued WHY India as a democratic nation should follow unilateral dictatorial sanctions from the US & EU??!! That said @Print is generally Congress & left leaning pseudo liberal!!
@print Marxists/Islamist/Christianized paid for dudes don't understand the difference between Dharma & religion!! Hinduism is way beyond mere religion!! We Hindus do not worship Shree Ram because some imagined, unseen dude gave a commandment to say that he is "son of god" or god himself!! We worship Parushutam Shree Ram because he is "parushautam" or ideal man! Jai Shree Ram!!
Hindus worship Parushutam Shree Ram because he is "parushautam" or ideal man! We Hindus do not worship Shree Ram because some imagined, unseen dude gave a commandment to say that he is "son of god" or god himself!! As such, those who oppose Ram Temple and do propaganda against it in Bharat & around the world are viciously communal!! They have shown by their actions that they are not just ignorant of Sanatan Dharma/Hinduism BUT have a viciously theocratic mind set based on Christian, Islamic or communist values!! Yet!! These three ideologies have in history created mayhem on man & nature including Hindus & Jews & other native populations around the world!!
@Nateseun BS!! WHY would Hindu Mahasabha agree to Islamic Pakistan??!! They would have created Hindu Rashtra & Hindu Pakistan; NOT Islamic Pakistan!!
Mulayam Singh/Akhilesh Yadav's or that of Mamata Begum politics come directly from Nehru/Congress & MK Gandhi!!
BS!! They were killed by M's with participation of Congress/INDI alliance!!
@arshaddurrani3885 Peaceful coexistence is a sign of advancing civilization for sure BUT not sure if Pakistanis understand civilization like perhaps Indonesians; the largest Muslim caliph. Nations can't exist on false identities as Pakistan has been doing since long!! India too under Nehru's congress was on a colonial path but trying to reclaim it's identity & Pakistan must too!! Even real Muslims i.e.Arabs don't take Pakistanis & Bangladeshi's seriously or at best as third class Muslims & Hindu converts!! Both of these when in Europe & USA call themselves Indian & even name their restaurants as Indian!! So what gives??!!
@arshaddurrani3885 What extremists on both sides??!! It's NOT Indians but British, their loyalists Nehru+Jinnah as also Muslim voters that created Islamic Pakistan; no one else!!
Absolutely!! And check on their relatives to denounce these terrorists or seize their assets too!! Democracy that is soft on separatists & anti nationals must be challenged & reformed!!
@hpremjit It is NOT just the beauty of economies BUT also of the TRUTH!! People, Religions & Nations should strive to SEEK TRUTH & say the TRUTH!! Alas!! Truth hasn't been always told as Indian or European/American history books can testify!!
@varoonnone7159 The "M"are attacking French police stations & innocent policemen in the middle of the night & in the middle of the capital! It happened in "Ivry sur seine" & is Muslims regular sport!!
@arjunps6776 I bet no western European can distinguish between Polish, Hungarian and Czech without they speaking or wearing any typical clothing!!
WHY do you think MK Gandhi stayed at Birla House??!! Pakistaniyon ka saath, Birla ke haath!!
According to Nehruvian media: BJP/RSS success story is for all of India but "secular" Congress (creator of Islamic Pakistan) 70 years of failures is "Hindu rate of growth" ;))!!
Ha!! Ha!! You from Pakistan??!!
@chatpapdi So people like you forget the wise words of the dead??!! Is that how you treat your ancestors??