Comments by "Just Me" (@JustMe-ec2ph) on "Andrew Yang Explains His WEIRDEST Policies" video.
@yance0024 First, when talking about Social Security to say it stacks on top without ALSO saying it only stacks on top of SSA, the one you are referring to we all paid into, still because there is also Social Security supplemental income that can not be stacked on top of UBI yang supporters need to make sure they say it correctly since UBI does not stack on top of both!
Oh, it most definitely was a flip on SSA because Yang saw he was losing votes by not stacking it on top of UBI but point is that is still a flip AND Yang could very well if elected go back to his original position.
As for your min wage comments....
Seattle, one of the cities to more recently raise the minimum wage to $15, has seen large increases in employment and income. According to, not only have many of the businesses who opposed the increase seen higher employment numbers, some are even opening additional locations. In 2014, a study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research found that the 13 states that increased the minimum wage saw employment numbers increase faster than states that did not, an average of 0.85 percent compared to 0.61 percent in the other 37 states.
Don't think that many economists would sign onto it if it was as bad as you and others make it out to be. Please don't make excuses why Millionaires and Billionaires shouldn't pay their workers a living wage and it doesn't hurt small businesses the way it's alleged either!
As far as Bernie's record. It is that record regardless if someone agrees with a candidate's record that lets people know whether or not a candidate is likely to go back on their campaign promises. Yang does not have that record so anyway you look at it it's blind trust to trust him!
Tell me where was Yang when jobs were being out sourced? Before running for president did he ever say anything at all about any of the bad trade deals? NAFTA? TPP?
What protests has he been in for gay rights? For civil rights? For anyone's rights?
Any picket lines he has stood with workers on?
When Obama and Biden proposed Social Security and Medicare cuts did Yang speak out against that?
Where was Yang when Trump did cut Social Security and Medicare?
I like to know if Yang has protested against any of the wars?
Other than giving people jobs which is hardly a good enough resume to be President of the United States what has he done?
There are many important policies that are voted on and how a politician votes on them tells me if I want to vote for them or not. So tell me what policies has Yang voted on to show exactly where he stands on the issues? Oh, that's right he doesn't have a voting record.
He should had ran for local office first so we could know for sure what that man is all about other than coming out of nowhere wanting to be president.
I have read some comments from some conservatives that support Yang because of Yang's goal to eliminate social and welfare programs. Without that Yang wouldn't have near the support he does from them.
@cp987 Let me help you know what I see in Bernie!
Bernie pushed the Stop Bezos Act to increase minimum wage.
Disney followed suit after Bernie protested in Anaheim.
Six states have moved in that direction. 3 states — New Jersey, Illinois and Maryland — have enacted legislation phasing-in a minimum wage of $15 an hour. California, Massachusetts and New York are the other 3 states that have passed legislation that gradually increases the state minimum wage to $15.
He recently got the vote passed for a bill to halt the Yemen War.
This is the guy who wanted to break up the big banks and predicted the collapse of 2008. He was against the Bank bail outs.
He wants to stop military funding increases and predicted the false-pretense war in Iraq & the rise of extremists (ISIS) 10 years ahead.
He predicted the Patriot Act/NSA would break laws to invade our privacy.
He wanted to prevent NAFTA/TPP He voted against the Patriot Act while just about all of the others voted for it. Don't pretend to be for our freedoms if you are not speaking out against all of the politicians that voted for it.
Bernie is known as Amendment King. Those Amendments count as accomplishments, too!
I'm not saying I agree with every amendment that he has helped pass. I am simply noting this because of all the people that say Bernie has accomplished nothing when he clearly has!
As chair of the Senate Veterans affairs committee Sanders helped pass VA health care system reform in 2014.
He also predicted the Panama Papers tax evasion scandal. He predicted the tax breaks would cut into Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and he was right. This level of intuition, and his abilities as a strategist, are what I believe we need in a president.
He's been a public servant for the people for over 40 years. How many candidates do you know that have a similar congressional record? Who else brought these campaign ideas that everyone is holding into the mainstream? Bernie is a natural catalyst that incites change. And he's changing it from the ground-up, not top-down. He's walking the picket line with workers.
He took a lot of people to Canada to get their meds cheaper since they couldn't afford them here. He did that years ago then again recently.
Senator Sanders has the best voting record of any candidate on war and peace issues, especially on military spending. Opposing the oversized Pentagon budget, he has only voted for 3 out of 19 military spending bills since 2013. By this measure, no other candidate comes close, including Tulsi Gabbard. In other votes on war and peace, Sanders voted as requested by Peace Action 84% of the time from 2011 to 2016, despite some hawkish votes on Iran from 2011-2013. Bernie challenges the military industrial complex and HAS BEEN CHALLENGING THEM for decades.
In terms of stopping the war in Yemen, Sanders has been a hero. Over the past year, he and Senators Murphy and Lee have led a sustained effort to shepherd his historic War Powers bill on Yemen through the Senate. Congressman Ro Khanna, whom Sanders has chosen as one of his 4 campaign co-chairs, has led the parallel effort in the House. Of course, Trump vetoed it.
Bernie CLOBBERS Opponents On Trade & Outsourcing
Proof Bernie Is A BOSS
Ben Shapiro & Tucker Carlson Are 100% CORRECT About Bernie Sanders
He has always been for gay rights!
He has always been for civil rights!
He has always been for a woman's right to choose!
He has always been for everyone's rights even before some of them were politically popular!
He has always voted against any bills that would take our freedoms away such as the Patriot Act and the more recent anti-BDS Senate bill that even though he is against the movement because it threatened freedom of speech he voted against it. He spoke out against the peaceful Natives being brutalized at Standing Rock when none of the other candidates did except Tulsi.
He has always spoken out against Social Security and Medicare cuts! Even when Obama and Biden proposed it with just about every Dem on board.
He has always been against bad trade deals.
He has always been for Medicare for all.
He has always been for raising the min wage.
He has voted for the least Military Budget increases than the other politicians have!
That looks pretty consistent to me.
Seattle, one of the cities to more recently raise the minimum wage to $15, has seen large increases in employment and income. According to, not only have many of the businesses who opposed the increase seen higher employment numbers, some are even opening additional locations. In 2014, a study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research found that the 13 states that increased the minimum wage saw employment numbers increase faster than states that did not, an average of 0.85 percent compared to 0.61 percent in the other 37 states.
Gregory Martinek Yes, some of those are extreme cases on how much welfare they get but some still get that much and I gave a website that gave the averages, too, not just the extremes!
I'm not sure what the site you gave figures into what they wrote the average monthly payments are but most likely including those that have incomes from other sources which would make welfare assistance a lot lower for them! But I know for a fact JUST SSI can be a lot more than that for someone that has no other income and of course depending on family size how much they get and if any other income that other family members get that live in the same house! That's not counting food stamps, energy assistance, housing assistance, transportation allowances, someone social services sends in the home for those that qualify for that, and other cash like programs so there is a lot of families that get a heck of a lot more than what is quoted there. The more accurate average payment should be based on no other income, families with children and/or other family members in the same house with no other income to get an accurate picture of what they would have to give up to opt into UBI.
Now, I'm not going to keep on debating that when no matter how you put it, it is totally speculation on how many will opt out that Yang is using to say what the savings will be towards UBI when he should just give it on top of their incomes regardless!
I don't like Yang's version, don't believe that will pass AND Medicare for all and we need Medicare for all more. He's wishy washy on Medicare for all as well as with his flips who knows what his final position will be on whatever he would propose!
There is many reasons why I won't vote for him. You have centered on one and I have gave my reasons why I am not for that one but so many other reasons I have already posted.
Tell me where was Yang when jobs were being out sourced? Before running for president did he ever say anything at all about any of the bad trade deals? NAFTA? TPP?
What protests has he been in for gay rights? For civil rights? For anyone's rights?
Any picket lines he has stood with workers on?
When Obama and Biden proposed Social Security and Medicare cuts did Yang speak out against that? Since some of you yang supporters seem to think he is not going to eliminate social and welfare programs how about pointing me to when he has spoken out to protect them? Keep in mind I am talking about BEFORE he started running for President.
Where was Yang when Trump did cut Social Security and Medicare?
I like to know if Yang has protested against any of the wars?
Other than giving people jobs which is hardly a good enough resume to be President of the United States what has he done?
There are many important policies that are voted on and how a politician votes on them tells me if I want to vote for them or not. So tell me what policies has Yang voted on to show exactly where he stands on the issues? Oh, that's right he doesn't have a voting record.
And then there's all of the flip flops Yang has done, too, since he started running for president.
He should had ran for local office first so we could know for sure what that man is all about other than coming out of nowhere wanting to be president.