Comments by "A Foxy Fox" (@aFoxyFox.) on "The CJ Werleman Show" channel.

  1. You know, instead of fighting in these comments sections, you all can reach out to each other, despite your initial feelings and bad experiences, and try to talk to the human beings behind the comments, even if the comments seem bad or scary to you at first. This doesn't matter if you're a Muslim, a Hindu, a Jew, a Christian, or an Atheist. What we have in common is certainly that we are all human beings and stuck experiencing this world and what is going on in it, and you might find there a lot of fun and friendship and interesting stories to be had and heard if you all were to just put aside some of these contentious things for a moment and approach each other with curiosity, dignity, genuineness, authentically, human to human. That way, radicals on any side or all side can find better things to do, more things to enjoy, to stop obsessing about whatever they are obsessing about, fearing, or hating, and coming to expand all that they can enjoy and enjoy with others, even outside of their "cliques". Yes, Muslims, Atheists, every type and group, can be annoying and scary and hostile and there can be a lot of fighting and swearing, but you're all missing out on the great joy of being interested in each other and not just the stereotypes we believe or the tendencies we expect. We can talk to each other about things, relate to each other, look into things, share thoughts on things, it doesn't have to be so weird constantly. We can fight too of course, but every person is full of stories and feelings, there is so much more you can gain, even from each other, even from behind agency computers, those are still people too, even if you think they are being paid, everyone can start to be more human and more human with each other. Then you'll see that these things that we're allowing to rule us might actually be secondary, that they shouldn't rule us but we should be in charge of our ideas and not be controlled by mindless agendas and ideologies of any sort, we're people, so get to know each other! Does that sound too sappy for you all?
  2. Whoever liked this video (or even if you disliked it and would like to argue about it in the comments section below), please share this video as widely as you can (and others that you may like from this channel), so that more people can find out about, think about, and possibly discuss these issues. I'm really, deeply disturbed by what France has been doing and has been getting away with against women in general, forcing people to uncover, that is hideous oppression and tyranny, and I think the policymakers who keep putting these things in and through are basically the most despicable, anti-freedom authoritarian (fascists, dictator-like) monsters imaginable. There is no doubt that Muslims are the "New Jew" and that very little has changed in actuality from the time before WWII and today. They are gearing up for a "Children of Men" (a film starring Clive Owen) type scenario and WWIII basically with these kinds of actions. They did it even in medieval times with the Re-Conquista and other moves like this, they just can't get it out of their systems. If it wasn't the Muslims, it will be someone else, and when it isn't the Muslims, it is someone else, that is why everyone has to rally on the side of freedom and against any forms of oppression like this, because the Muslims are only the beginning, they will start imposing it on everyone else too, on Caucasians and "their own" Europeans and even the Jewish people should not cooperate with authoritarianism of this sort, they aren't immune to it, it will hurt them as well in the end, just because an "other" is being targeted is how everyone else gets lulled into accepting things that are bad for everyone on Earth, the ordinary human beings. You are never on the "side" of these Globalist and Corporate Rich Fascist Authoritarians who are making the rules. They are confusing people by pretending there is a serious "left" and "right" when they are all the same, they just want power, they are basically "Hydra" from the Marvel Comics and Films, they all just want complete control, a complete lack of freedom, a low quality of life for all of you, to make you all into "peasants" and frankly slaves, and Muslims and Women and darker pigmented people are just their first targets, but they don't care, they did it to the Irish, they did it to the Slavic people, they do it to anyone and everyone freely, so stop it when it is happening, to whoever it is happening to. So share this video everywhere, and always fight for what is right and freedom and being left alone by governments, being left free to practice what you wish, to wear a rag on your head if you want to and not have the government yank it off for goodness sakes, it is none of their darn business and never should be. You're not "helping (your enemies) the Muslims" by sharing this video and others like it around, you are helping the cause of general human rights for all people, for your own freedom to not be interfered with by governments and to make such interference "bad optics" and a "no no" and against the popular sentiments. It is important, for the sake of yourself, your children, everyone on Earth. Don't be fooled into this demonized "monster" group getting their butt kicked, it is ALL human beings who are secretly losing their freedoms and rights through these control measures, it is everyone who is being made to strip naked, take off their shoes, to have their freedom to travel limited, to be monitored inappropriately by law enforcement and violence-prone authorities. Don't sit silently either. Write comments, post and share videos over all social media, to strangers, to your families, to your friends, anonymously, whatever, get it out there and widely, and make it clear that the point is freedom for all human beings, all women, all minorities, all people, for white people, for black people, for religious and non-religious people alike.
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  5. You all can help by sharing this and other videos by CJ with the particular instructions to subscribe and spread it among their networks and friends or acquaintances online too. I've shown the videos and told numerous people to subscribe and help out CJ's channel because the information can help in a lot of ways ultimately by popularizing certain issues going on enough that the people behind the abuses and attacks start getting called out and opposed more overall, that it becomes popular to do so, all that is achieved through basically sharing and people speaking up and telling others and simply saying they don't like this bad stuff and want it stop happening. If a big portion of the world with more power, like non-Muslims basically, make a big enough social media stink about some these things by bringing it up often and boycotting nations and products and doing other things like that, and not falling for the usual tricks that these countries and Imperialists and Corporations employ to shut people up or keep them docile while they perpetrate atrocities and mass murders, then things might get somewhere. So the little thing we can do is tell everyone we know and get to know a lot of people in order to tell them also. You can mention the videos in comments sections as well of more popular channels that might be discussing similar issues so that people who are interested might also check out CJ's take and words on the issue. Muslims can definitely help and are likely to build a strong base, but then getting it out past Muslims and into the human rights and social justice type circles and to make it more mainstream to talk about and protest (as in writing statements of protest and complaint online in places viewed widely) can help as well. With any program for change, the idea to get it to move fast is unfortunately connected more to making it "trendy" for the half-hearted people who might just want a little investment to seem like they care about anything besides their public image. Their issues are not our problem though, but if they can end up somehow seeing something as the "trending" thing to speak out against, they might just make a movement get moving more and force some of these nations and groups to moderate some of their actions, or for change to occur. In the meantime, every minute people are living under extremely distressing circumstances and under a constant threat of harm, many have to hide to their religion or thoughts and statements due to the hate and danger surrounding them, so even if people who don't really care can end up helping out, the point is to get these horrible things to stop happening to people around the world. So if you have social media, if you're part of forums, if you see similar videos on YouTube, mention CJ Werleman by name and this channel, and search terms that they can look up his videos and direct them back here and tell them to subscribe if they like what CJ Werleman is doing and wants to help him and support him. There should also be a Patreon and Membership level that allows CJ to receive funding potentially so that he can dedicate more time and resources to these efforts. People are getting paid for a lot less relevant or important stuff they are doing, and even boring videos are counted as "entertainment" while these videos are actually talking about and dealing with the real lives of people and how Governments and Corporations around the world are basically flat out ending lives and destroying lives and torturing people and distracting the public with stupid things and clown shows so that they don't even know or think to rally against these things. Human beings are being harmed (and even animals) and people are just saying "who cares" because the word "Muslim" is attached to them, and that term has been so demonized now that people must think inside "good" or "it is for the best", just like the African American community in America has been largely demonized so that the real social problems aren't addressed and their are just caricatured and basically laughed at as they suffer and die. That is the same that they want to be the case for Muslims around the world, and even though the Muslim population is humungous, they've been rendered practically incapable of having any power or say, ignored, ridiculed, taken as jokes. Look at the kind of propaganda put out there like that made of an evil channel called "SyeTen", its so viciously racist and vile, just like the stuff made about Jews in the past and even worse, but because certain people are behind it and making it, it is totally protected and isn't even taken down. This is a war for the minds of people, and it has been decades of brainwashing going on over the whole world to think of Muslims in a certain way so that their resources can be r*p*d and stolen and they are totally dehumanized and ignored and slaughtered like pests.
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  14.  @yasmina1994  Why are you locked in this identification though as "Ex-Muslim" like an identity. Certainly you are more than that. I would absolutely despise it if I "left" something, and kept tying myself or being tied to it endlessly. Wouldn't that be worse? Like being tied to some sort of crime. I would want nothing to do with the thing, not hear of it, not associated with it, never to think of it, I would never "identify" as an "ex" whatever, I would never tie my identity to something I consider wrong and even dumb or despicable. So it is kind of weird how people do "hover" and constantly look up things and get attracted to stuff and keep returning to the subject. I'd be sick of it already. A lot of people seem secretly obsessed with their identity as a "former" of whatever, they keep going to the subject, keep relating to others with this new identity that still mentions the other thing, its yucky seeming to me. It is like a victim of sex attacks or something then forever being tied to it, not being able to discuss anything else much, always bringing back that story over and over, not truly being able to make it like nothing in their life and irrelevant, rather it becomes this bloated thing that one is forever tainted and diseased with. I don't like it, but that is just the way I see it. I'd hate other things too, like if I was East Asian looking and everyone would walk up to me and go "woeEoaoe" making Bruce Lee Martial Arts noises and moving their hands around, and I have to say "I'm not into that" over and over, or even worse "I'm an ex-martial artist" or something, horrifying, I'd hate even looking a way that causes me so much trouble and annoyance. Yet some people are going out of there way to keep on introducing situations like that.
  15. So mainly, the easiest thing anyone can do is spread around videos like this one or others you may find covering whatever issue you would like to bring attention to, so communication and making that communication widespread using whatever methods possible, the easiest and most convenient being the internet and internet social media accounts that are able to reach lots of people quickly and developing groups and populations that watch and view your comments or might see it otherwise, and then notifying people about whatever issue. Then, whatever government, corporation, product, chemical, is causing issues or is connected to something harming a population you care about, cut off all personal support if you can and use the same sort of communication methods to tell people about the problem and why it is helpful that they too might consider cutting off the use of certain products or whatever which are prolonging the problem (so like in the case of Israel, boycotting Israeli products, or reducing personal use of products attached to the gas and oil industry and stuff like that. People also need to be informed and educated on what they can do most easily and conveniently for themselves, since the more difficult or complicated something seems to be, people just won't do it, but they may think twice if someone shows atrocious things going on and then makes a direct connection between products which are ultimately helping to fund what is going on. One may have to do certain research to find out what those things may be. Now, only one person cutting out all these things won't be much of an impact, so people need to hear about it and actually do it as well, so they need to be reasoned with and convinced in efficient ways. Another step one can take besides creating online campaigns is to submit letters and make easy letters and forms people can use to send to their politicians, representatives, and lawmakers to bring this attention to them as well, no matter what countries they may be in, and sometimes one might find a politician who will take it seriously, especially if enough of their population seems to care and they fear that they might not be re-elected or supported in other ways if they ignore the issue. Overall, I agree it can feel pretty hopeless and fruitless sometimes, but at the very least one can feel like they are trying and doing something, and it starts with communication and personal actions, but it can really catch on from there, especially with some persistence. Another interesting way is to get the attention and bring it to the attention of people who have a lot of people watching them, such as celebrities, very vocal activists, YouTubers, YouTube Journalists, Journalists, and Academics, so that they can bring attention to issues as well once they feel enough people keep mentioning it to them. Basically, the nasty things happening in South Africa in the past, would never have changed or stopped, or even those things in the United States, without lots of people making a stink about it, lots of pressure, lots of constant attention and struggle, and boycotts and other things to make it so that whatever the issue is becomes unpopular and unsustainable. Anyway, if people don't give in at this level, it basically only gets worse and worse, and people have to fight however they are able to in order to survive peacefully and not be oppressed.
  16.  @kshitijsharan957  Thank you very much for taking the time to write all that you did, I appreciate it very much. Do you have any personal ideas or suggestions as to what should occur in Kashmir? Do you believe it should be made independent of both Pakistan and India? Should it be put under U.N. observation? Should India control it with a government that has representation for all the ethnic and religious groups living in the area with large enough populations as to warrant or justify representation? Should a joint government of Pakistani and Indian administrators be put to oversee the entire region? Should Pakistan be given the Muslim majority areas? As far as I can understand the situation, including through some of the information you provided, should a barrier be created which does not allow people to enter into India from Kashmir? If the Muslim portion and regions of Kashmir are consolidated into their own independent nation, would this probably be a problem for India? What exactly is of interest to the Indian government in Kashmir besides the Kashmiri Hindu population? Is it expected to someday provide a tourist destination or something? Do you personally see similarities between the situation in Palestine with the Israelis, Chechnya and Russia, Bosnia and Serbia (in Former Yugoslavia), The Uyghurs and China, The Filipinos and the Muslim regions in the Philippines, in Myanmar and South East Asian countries with their Muslim regions and populations, and even with the USA and their dealing with the Native Americans and movement of them into reservations or their desire to build a wall between Mexico and America? Is there any resemblance between these various issues in your opinion? Do you have feelings or opinions on how each of these might be or might have been better resolved?
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  19. I hope that everyone viewing these videos makes sure to let others know to watch them too and promote this channel as one of very few focused on helping the most attacked population in the world over the last few decades (all the Muslim populations). I am also requesting a number of channels do the following with this generic message for each of them: Would it be possibly to add segments to forthcoming and new videos where if an issue or a problem or bad thing is brought up, that possibly actions and solutions that ordinary people watching can try to make and the ways in which they can take those actions can be included in the videos too? That would be extremely helpful, and seems to be something that is lacking from a lot of these videos that bring up important things happening, but often don't really spend important time letting people who this information has reached get ideas or clear, step by step instructions, on actions they can personally take which can be explained as helpful towards making a change or getting something done, even if the suggestions won't work, at least something more on what anyone watching, no matter their level of resources, may be able to do and how, so that they might just be able to do that instead of just sitting by and hearing about how everything is seemingly impossible and horrible. This is a generic request that I'm making to various people, but if others can also possibly join in and request this from those that they watch, it would be very helpful and much appreciated. It is similar to how the YouTubers often give clear instructions on what to click and how to subscribe and whatever, but in this case it would be their suggestions of what can be done about whatever particular issue they bring up in videos like these and what the people watching may be able to do, and the more suggestions for actions that might help to solve issues or build pressure for positive results and change, the better. Since this is a generic message, I appreciate those who have done this at times in their videos, but I really think more clear instructions for solutions, whatever people can come up with and present, websites they can link to, petitions, information about participating in important events and votes, whatever, even training in producing content that can help to build pressure for change, all that would be helpful for those watching, who want to do something helpful but don't have any idea what at all they can do. This was originally a comment I left under Russel Brand's video entitled "In Less Than 60 Days Government Surveillance Changes FOREVER" but it can apply here too as a request for YouTubers and broadcasters trying to reach people with information, any who discuss any issues and who make calls for change to please give the ordinary people clear instructions on what exactly can and should be done and how to solve the problems they bring up or discuss, please (not just about this particular issue, but all issues that are ever brought up in a particular video and are clearly bad and not what most people would or should want, but people simply don't know what at all they can do about any of it, and that seems to be what is lacking from all these videos that expose these issues, there are never clear instructions on what ordinary people with little to no resources can do about it or what exactly they should do, laid out in an easy and clear way for them): Bringing attention to these issues is the first step, but what people also would really be benefitted by are clear proposals and instructions on what exactly the ordinary people watching this can do in a step by step way. They say "you did this, you voted for this", but people were not given much or any of a choice, they had an option to not vote on anything or to vote for one or another or another who is likely to win and would work to impose the same things, and if the people take any harsher measures, they are threatened, abused, or even made unable to function (or dead), so what exactly can anyone do even at this point? What could they have done in the past? Their taxes were used and misappropriated and put towards whatever the people in power wanted, the people in power had all the choices gamed in their favor. Alex Jones, all the various people who had talked about these issues for years and years, there were barely ever any solutions offered, we got to hear about how we're being harmed and crushed and are helpless to fight or do much of anything about it, the protesting seems to amount to very little, people are forced and pressured to go to work in order to barely survive and don't have time to dedicate their lives to any causes. What needs to be regularly broadcast on these sorts of videos, besides the important information about what is happening, is what any ordinary person can do from the comfort of their home, or what they can do in any other way, just like YouTubers tell people to "subscribe, click the notification bell, and comment", they need clear instructions on what can be done to stop these things and fight against them, who to rally behind and assist, what to write, where to write it, how to do so without it ruining our lives or getting us put on lists or in danger or unable to operate and live. The Rational National (David Doel) needs to give instructions, Kulinsky needs to give instructions, HasanAbi needs to give instructions, you too, CJ Werleman, Philip DeFranco, Sam Seder, every single person who talks about these sorts of issues and against tyranny and living under totalitarian strictures needs to not only just bring it to light and show how it is happening, but also to clearly figure out and instruct masses of people by broadcasting what any ordinary people can do, step by step, and all the steps, and all the ways to stop it and every issue ever brought up, otherwise it is just depressing and pointless, like how people in Gaza must feel, being told "you voted for this" and being destroyed, when they didn't even, people are just along for the horrible ride, and blaming people for it (as I see some jerks doing in comment sections) is not a solution either, and is all the more depressing and makes people completely unable to feel like there is anything to stop it. People can not rally towards any good measures if they don't know about it, or know who to trust, or what to do safely, and especially if there are not even any real options at all, that even the options that seem like they might be better are secretly bought and can't be trusted, besides being the least likely to win or gather support anyway. So it would be nice, and would get people, many people, to do something at least, if there were instructions and explanations of what anyone can really do, because voting for a likely loser, or voting for one poisonous corporate goon or another, on any "side", isn't the answer either clearly, and the whole of the governments are infiltrated by bribed agents of lobbying groups and corporate people and elitist rich people and their groveling slaves, so where is the hope at all? They don't give people an easy option of simply stopping to participating in work that drains one of all time and energy, in tax paying that goes for evil causes, and no one cares even if one sits at home and starves to death in protest, so what are the realistic options here that ordinary people without any presence in the media can actually do? They have made it so that a person will basically put the lives of their families and themselves in grave danger, and risk annihilation, by taking a stand or action, they will cut off bank accounts even, or people can't realistically break away from the system very easily and survive, and if they stop participating, they will still (perhaps unknowingly) be under the regime that is passing these laws regardless, and if discovered (out in the forest or wherever they are hiding "off grid") captured like wild animals and imprisoned and possibly even put to death (as the "rules" being made up get all the more terrible to keep people contributing and participating, helplessly and without their actual consent, a forced consent, which is just a lie and not real consent at all, because the only options are "contribute or die"). So could you, or others reading this, please make widely dispersed and easily accessible content that not only exposes major issues and calls for change, but also gives ordinary people with little to no resources clear instructions on what exactly they can and should do, where they should click, where they should go, what they should say, where they should write, how they should write, what they should vote, etc, where the petitions are, where are the places this can be stopped and how, who can be trusted, all the information needed to actually do something specifically and how? Without that information, and without clear ideas on what can be done, the people are just lost, and basically news like this is just depressingly telling people the various ways in which their life is about to become even more horrifying. It would also help if other people join in and ask the people with "influence" and who broadcast this information, to provide clear instructions on what we can each do, otherwise nothing much will or can get done, though exposure is a very helpful and useful first step, we are all really in need of instructions on what every individual sitting and watching without much in the way of time or resources can do to stop whatever bad thing is being discussed. Please.
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  22. Don't you guys know that everytime a Christian commits a crime, all Christians apologize on behalf of that Christian (just like Jesus being executed forgives all other people's crimes), and everytime a Jew or a Zionist commits a crime and does something heinous all Jews and Zionists are expected to apologize including Norman Finkelstein just because, and also when Buddhists and Hindus and even Sikhs commit crimes they all in unison chant their apologies to the world and each other? How about when the CIA commits crimes, or the Police or the Governments around the world, notice how they take responsibility for the actions they are deemed responsible for and even the agents they directly assign to tasks and missions? Every day we hear apologies from every group of people, we hear Trans and "They/Them" people apologizing for Ezra Miller, we hear Gays apologizing for Kevin Spacey and Ellen Degeneres, we hear people with cancer apologizing on behalf of criminals with cancer like for what Lawrence Singleton, and the apologies from the Lawyers, the Judges, the Jail, the inmates, the population at that time for what they did and didn't do to Lawrence Singleton. The Americans have all in unison apologized for what they have done to Muslims around the world. Every group is a hive-mind and we are all responsible for each other and what that other person does. Except when a Muslim commits a crime, Muslims are silent? Cat got your tongue or did a non-Muslim cut it out? Well, you deserve it don't you. Luckily, I'm one of a kind, so I can only offer this explanation: "I did it, myyyy wayyyy!"
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  26.  @TheCJWerlemanShow  Thank you very much for putting what you do together, I appreciate it a lot. I hope that other people might be motivated to do similar things as well, but what you've ended up compiling and trying to get people aware of is really tremendous and rare as well. Thank you very much for noticing what I wrote and replying, I appreciate it a lot! One of my comments in the earlier Kashmir video may have been automatically flagged or put into a hidden section so I lost the writing, it was in response to someone from India I think. If you manage to find it in the masked comments that are appearing hidden and could un-hide it, that might be a fun one for people to read and might even bring the person who was reading it and other people who are on the opposite side of Kashmiri freedom to reconsider their positions possibly. I'm not sure what it was I wrote in that comment that had it automatically put into a hidden section or something but I was hoping that it might be found and put up again so that I could save it to a text file since I thought it had some nice universal messages that could easily be edited to apply to numerous scenarios and circumstances. There is basically no YouTube channel that I know of that is doing the kind of work that you're doing on here, so I really hope that you receive a lot of support and success, which would ideally end up helping a lot of people out there in the world who scarcely have an advocate, things are going on and these people are being victimized and don't really have much of a voice, its terrible, so thank you so much for having a beautiful heart and spending some energy and making an effort towards all this, it is so much more than any of us would do or have done, so if people can funnel their resources towards someone doing a little more, that would be a great thing and a good direction for some money, charity, and support to go towards. Thank you so much for noticing and interacting as well, that really helps a lot too to get people to realize you're a real person and working hard at this in real life.
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  28. I wrote this message in one of the comment chains but I'd like more people to see it potentially. You may also like to add to your videos a request or statement for people to actually share your channel with others and with as many as possible, and also to set up more payment methods like Patreon and channel Memberships (perks aren't necessary) so that people can send in regular support (which I was very pleased to see that you've been doing! Maybe even more, or a quick mention in the beginning of the videos too in case people don't stay until the end but still believe that the work you're doing is important): "You all can help by sharing this and other videos by CJ with the particular instructions to subscribe and spread it among their networks and friends or acquaintances online too. I've shown the videos and told numerous people to subscribe and help out CJ's channel because the information can help in a lot of ways ultimately by popularizing certain issues going on enough that the people behind the abuses and attacks start getting called out and opposed more overall, that it becomes popular to do so, all that is achieved through basically sharing and people speaking up and telling others and simply saying they don't like this bad stuff and want it stop happening. If a big portion of the world with more power, like non-Muslims basically, make a big enough social media stink about some these things by bringing it up often and boycotting nations and products and doing other things like that, and not falling for the usual tricks that these countries and Imperialists and Corporations employ to shut people up or keep them docile while they perpetrate atrocities and mass murders, then things might get somewhere. So the little thing we can do is tell everyone we know and get to know a lot of people in order to tell them also. You can mention the videos in comments sections as well of more popular channels that might be discussing similar issues so that people who are interested might also check out CJ's take and words on the issue. Muslims can definitely help and are likely to build a strong base, but then getting it out past Muslims and into the human rights and social justice type circles and to make it more mainstream to talk about and protest (as in writing statements of protest and complaint online in places viewed widely) can help as well. With any program for change, the idea to get it to move fast is unfortunately connected more to making it "trendy" for the half-hearted people who might just want a little investment to seem like they care about anything besides their public image. Their issues are not our problem though, but if they can end up somehow seeing something as the "trending" thing to speak out against, they might just make a movement get moving more and force some of these nations and groups to moderate some of their actions, or for change to occur. In the meantime, every minute people are living under extremely distressing circumstances and under a constant threat of harm, many have to hide to their religion or thoughts and statements due to the hate and danger surrounding them, so even if people who don't really care can end up helping out, the point is to get these horrible things to stop happening to people around the world. So if you have social media, if you're part of forums, if you see similar videos on YouTube, mention CJ Werleman by name and this channel, and search terms that they can look up his videos and direct them back here and tell them to subscribe if they like what CJ Werleman is doing and wants to help him and support him. There should also be a Patreon and Membership level that allows CJ to receive funding potentially so that he can dedicate more time and resources to these efforts. People are getting paid for a lot less relevant or important stuff they are doing, and even boring videos are counted as "entertainment" while these videos are actually talking about and dealing with the real lives of people and how Governments and Corporations around the world are basically flat out ending lives and destroying lives and torturing people and distracting the public with stupid things and clown shows so that they don't even know or think to rally against these things. Human beings are being harmed (and even animals) and people are just saying "who cares" because the word "Muslim" is attached to them, and that term has been so demonized now that people must think inside "good" or "it is for the best", just like the African American community in America has been largely demonized so that the real social problems aren't addressed and their are just caricatured and basically laughed at as they suffer and die. That is the same that they want to be the case for Muslims around the world, and even though the Muslim population is humungous, they've been rendered practically incapable of having any power or say, ignored, ridiculed, taken as jokes. Look at the kind of propaganda put out there like that made of an evil channel called "SyeTen", its so viciously racist and vile, just like the stuff made about Jews in the past and even worse, but because certain people are behind it and making it, it is totally protected and isn't even taken down. This is a war for the minds of people, and it has been decades of brainwashing going on over the whole world to think of Muslims in a certain way so that their resources can be r*p*d and stolen and they are totally dehumanized and ignored and slaughtered like pests."
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  31. Did you see the Jazeera reports about Israel bombing Damascus/Syria and sending troops inside Syria now? Did you hear about the clam that armaments to oppose what is going on in Israel and by Israel were coming through a supply chain from Iran which is now disrupted? Did you see the Kyle Kulinski video about Biden bombing Syria now some 70 or more times? Did you see the reports of the "re-branding" of the group taking charge being something discussed with a U.S. general and the Pentagon? So is Israel about to "fall" soon or will we all have to watch the people turn to skeletons with missing limbs due to the starvation and ongoing attacks being totally ignored by the mainstream Western media? How do the people, being attacked in another operation like Operation Cast Thy Bread (everyone look it up while you still can and before they change the article too much), have enough energy to celebrate anything at all? Is it a "big win" if things are returned to the status quo with the people's lives, water, electricity, all being in control of their most malicious and r*c*st enemies? Are we really seeing anything other than a set up for more civilians to be harmed, particularly Muslim ones and poor people worldwide as they are being harmed right now anyway? That is why Biden had no major issues with all the initial conditions for a new reason to war profiteer and extract resources being ready and waiting, like the Taliban being back, and groups listed as T groups taking power in various places so that they can have an excuse to attack them at any moment without much in the way of repercussions. So many people seem to be understanding this now as compared to 20 years ago, but I wonder about those who can't see it, since it is pretty obvious these days.
  32. Thank you for making another video, I hope you might find more time to cover more stories and possibly create shorter videos also that require less time to research so that we might get more videos more often, I enjoy learning from what you make a lot. Just out of curiosity, what cameras, lights, and equipment do you use to produce these and also what editing software do you use to put them together (and any other software like color correction stuff or anything like that)? I've noticed changes in the quality so I wonder what you are filming with and what settings you might be using also. It would be really wonderful if you might somehow produce these more thoroughly researched pieces and also have a series or a type of video which occurs in between these more frequently and regularly, possibly even multiple times throughout a day, which don't necessarily require the better production value or appearance, where you discuss whatever news might be coming in and how you think it is being used or is likely to be used (like if it is going to be used towards passing draconian laws or to harm people, in particular Muslim populations). A YouTuber with the channel name of Smile2Jannah makes more comedic and mocking types of news videos but often gets some timely and contemporary stories out rapidly that others don't seem to cover. The Rational National and Kyle Kulinski cover stories pretty rapidly and frequently, with Kyle Kulinski having two different settings for his videos where he seems to get stories out the most frequently, both use a technique where they cut pieces from a livestream they film which is something you might also consider doing, though I think privately filmed sessions may be less stressful than livestreaming. I'm so pleased with the growth of this channel from the earlier days to now, and I hope that if you put out more content, and also a variant of content that appears to people more personal and "down to earth" and immediate, along with the slicker productions and video essays, that combined it might encourage even more growth, particularly if there is more content produced more often, an easier to put together type and a more difficult to put together type that is at the current rate of frequency. You're likely doing other work too, but YouTube is probably one of the most powerful tools to reach the most far flung people these days, and there aren't too many people seemingly who are working as diligently to help the decades long war that has been going on against so many people in the world by so many countries. I fear that with too much time between stories and videos, that people might end up falling off and forgetting to return as often because of a lack of frequently updated and new content, which is why a more casual, less formal, easily produced variant of content that you can produce short form topical or one event or issue specific videos throughout a day or throughout a week might keep people visiting more and also give more chances for the content to be shared if you end up showing things people want to show others, such as unique documents, footage, stories, or say something that represents the views and feelings of many people or something funny is said or brought up which also makes things shareable. I wonder also if the majority of your audience currently are Muslims or if other people are also visiting the channel regularly. Thank you so much for all your work throughout the years, I've always appreciated it and the sincerity and ethical reasoning that has always driven you and now your family as well towards saying and doing what you think is right and best against what becomes very apparent as clearly wrong and unjust. Your personal story of realizing how the media has been manipulating people and trying to cover up or justify its violence against poor people and ethnic minorities and religious groups is a really important one to mention, because it might encourage others that there is hope that people can realize the truth and shed the heavy brainwashing that goes on and is still going on. You may also do well, even though the Muslim issue is a major one and the stories for it are at this time and for many decades now seeming endless, to expand the range of injustices you also cover, to show how the Muslims are just the first group being terrorized and turned into perhaps a kind of future slave population that was used as the scapegoat and experimental group before the whole of humanity and society at large is turned towards poverty and treated the same and worse as the Muslims are being treated today, by an elite and wealthy minority hording all the resources for themselves. So your videos could potentially expand into how America has criminalized and returned to practical slave labor through free and extremely cheap labor through mass incarceration of their African American population in their very own sort of Palestine project, and how the Israelis admire what the Americans did to the Native Americans and Aboriginal people, and the Aboriginal issues and various native populations being terrorized around the world, similar to how the Muslims are being terrorized around the world. If you frequently make the case that this is intended to eventually reach and harm (using the Muslims as the initial excuse to pass laws which destroy liberty for everyone) the mass and general population, I think the audience may also grow due to it concerning themselves, since there may be an (idiotic but human) lack of empathy when people think that it is merely only these "others" that are being referred to, and it can never concern themselves or their ethnic group (Non-Muslims, Non-Muslim European descent populations). You may be able to draw in the concern from African descent people by bringing up similar cases and instances where these things have happened and are happening now pertaining to those populations as well as the Muslim populations so that empathy can be increased and association. There are also great clips from the time of Malcolm X which show how similar things were then and now and how little has been allowed to be changed really. I'm very disappointed with the various people from backgrounds like those of African descent who end up pandering to and taking the side of dangerous racist groups and assist in dangerously racist policies, like the Mayor of New York, various conservative commentators who have been found that support things from people who would just as quickly put them back into chains yet for money or whatever they think they can have a good life while supporting people and things which harm those like them around the world and would do so too in their own areas, they appear like total traitors and fools for taking the side of evil and oppression against ethnic groups and religious groups (like various Fox News and Daily Wire hires, even MSNBC people who espouse horrible things, as well as politicians who do the same, for example the doing away of "due process" because of "all the paperwork" and basically supporting just freely locking people up like they did to many Muslims without explanation indefinitely). If you can figure out ways in which the powerful and dominant populations in the world can be made sympathetic to the plight of the disenfranchised and those who injustice is being enacted upon, also through making them understand that these corporations and world leaders are not in their favor either but will use these very same measures against them to make their life a living hell just like Palestine, but Palestine for all humanity, they might start to understand how these issues are not just a "Muslim problem" or an issue for "foreigners, ethnic people" who they have trouble understanding are just ordinary people like themselves, so they need to understand somehow how it is going to come after them, how Israeli lobbyists are constantly trying to pass laws where people have no free speech, can not boycott them, lose government payments and funds and rights if they are found or even accused of having a stance against Israel (a story mentioned by TRT News), there are so many important ways in which you might be able to draw in a broader audience, while also successfully continuing to "preach to the choir", which I don't mean in any offensive way, it is just that generally the people who know this stuff and know to look for it may be the ones finding it here on this channel, but I think it would also help so much if you can (and maybe you are already) reach a much broader audience overall too, as a goal possibly for 2024. It would be so great if you really increase the output and scope of people who end up learning and correcting their understandings and views and who grow through your educational and even (though it covers sad things) funny and entertaining content (which helps make the information more easily digested by people, as well as more shareable) expands a whole lot more even from this point (and 200k is a tremendous achievement for this sort of coverage and content). Congratulations on everything and wishing you a great and successful New Year, and maybe some of these suggestions could be considered and even implemented for even more growth and range so that more pressure can start growing to solve all these horrific things going on everywhere for people, the Muslims, the poor, the various ethnic groups and "minorities" and immigrants to various countries, against hate, racism, terror, injustice, institutionalized bullying and oppression, all that stuff.
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  36. This was really nice information that is very rarely made available and publicized. Another powerful message to contrast with this could be juxtaposing the very genocidal and Nazi-like statements of important Israeli officials from the olden days briefly to all the more contemporary and recent ones focused upon and contrasted with the peaceful and logical statements of those who fairly and reasonably want to be able to live on the land their families lived on and which they are being tortured for living on or trying to keep. This next part of my comment might seem a little silly, but the leader you showed that was assassinated in 2004 after saying he doesn't want to kill anyone and doesn't hate people for their ethnicity, looks a lot like Christopher Lee who starred in two films around that time where he represented a leader of separatists and the opposition. In Lord Of The Rings (which was used as propaganda against Muslims for many years now), he is working as a leader of the foreign invaders and villains under Sauron as Saruman the Wizard, and in Star Wars he plays Count Dooku who was a separatist leader fighting against what ends up being an evil totalitarian regime of the Galactic Empire. As Count Dooku, and even as Saruman, he leads various monsters and alien nations who clearly represent Non-Western peoples in both film series, it is really unusual that he also so closely resembles the leader of Hamas at the time, and now I wonder if the filmmakers or producers were aware of this and actually representing this Palestinian leader who the general Western and maybe world public had for the most part never seen or heard of. Not only that, but the weirdness that the character designed to appear almost identical to this Palestinian leader, and that he is a religious character in all cases who is vilified and assassinated in both major franchises that dominated the whole decade pretty much in the public consciousness (along with the Harry Potter film franchise), and is in each depiction dealing with political resistance and working with foreign "savages, mongrels, aliens", and in both cases (but especially in the case of Star Wars) it leads to an uprising (even a Reconquista) where the alien invaders are subdued by totalitarianism and authoritarianism. In Star Wars, the earlier films which were based around the situation of American and British Imperialism in the world, then work with small and tribal groups in fight the powerful military imposing a kind of strict martial law on all the nations, and the Rebels are considered terroristic by the Empire. The third set of Star Wars films, created by staunch Zionists (and which are considered terrible by many people), seem to twist the messages of Star Wars to such a degree that the whole thing becomes an odd confusion, where the Empire is apparently back and more Nazi seeming than ever before, and the dominant winners of the previous war are somehow called the "Resistance", the way the IDF claims it is a "Defense Force" maybe, even though they should be the ones with the superior firepower and military against the failed remnants of the Empire. The films are apparently a mess and people have complained a lot about the strange story and messaging, which must be similar to how difficult it is for Zionists to justify their own position and re-telling of what they are currently doing and why they are doing it. So was the story and appearance of Saruman in the film series specifically and especially that of Count Dooku some kind of premonition for things to come, or was the Western Media, which is fully involved in politics and the military industrial complex, actually using certain figures familiar to them as models to match up with some of their characters and their character designs and their positions? It was right at that exact time period of the assassination and in the midst of what would be 20 years of hate against Muslim and the growth of the far right and Nationalists in every nation through targeted funding and support by various wealthy groups and individuals, that we saw these mass media tropes broadcast (even though nobody for the most part even thought about the guy that it may have been at least partially inspired by), and if the far right wing government of Israel has its way (and all the nations which have recently taken in far right wing leaders who are supported by Israel and likely are in support of Israel, probably due to being paid by Israel) the Muslims are in for decades more of hate and racism, the people of African descent around the world are in for terrible things too (as in America they are incarcerated and returned to free or cheap labor just like slavery while the highest population involved in "sex work" are against the population with African descent, and this kind of "secret re-slaving" is exactly what the old-fashioned imperialists of Zionist Israel would do to the Palestinians if ever they even were forced to live with them but allowed to still mainly control the conditions of living with them or influence the conditions, they would try to ghettoize them again and follow the steps that America has taken in obliterating the hopes and futures for so many people of African descent and also the indigenous population of the land now known as the United States Of America, trying to corrupt them, pumping drugs into their society and culture, exploiting their bodies in various ways, basically horror upon horror inflicted on people just because of thinking of them as not quite human and not quite the same.
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  59.  @untitled7184  Jews were taken to be a religion whenever mentioned as far as I'm aware, I doubt it would consider a Jew who defies everything in Judaism to still be a "Jew", or a Christian who defies everything in Christianity to be some "Christian ethnicity", I don't think that is a Qur'anic way of understanding how these words are used probably. It also says "the polytheists", is that taken to be the trait of every polytheist as an "ethnic polytheist"? Then even the various Muslims who converted would be ethnically these things. The Qur'an actually has verses on ethnicity and colors and stuff like that, have you ever read those? I think it isn't important though. Is your objective here to try to prove to Muslims who are a multi-ethnic religion that their religion is racist so that because of their religion being demonstrated to be racist by mentioning Jews as hostile to Muslims, you will cause people to leave Islam for this reason. What are they to do then, become Jews or Atheists? You mentioned something about "blackened" or something like that (or someone did, maybe a different person on shift), and were calling it "racist" but my comment was about how "blackness" or "blackening" is not inherently "racist" at all, for example if meat is cooked until it is "blackened" for example, or if a shade or shadow is upon a thing causing it to become darkened, and if a shadow upon a character is likened to an evilness or fear or concealment and threat related to a character, that also is not necessarily "racist". Racism, like you seem to be aware of, has to do with claims that a certain ethnicity or race is superior to others inherently, it is a kind of hubristic way of thinking (see hubris, which is putting down others to heighten oneself). So, for example, if one were to say "Arabs are superior to non-Arabs" or "Ethnically Jewish people are superior to the Gentiles and the Nations that are Non-Jewish" or "Aryans are superior to all other people" this is racism. It is also racism to say "whoever have naturally, biologically darker skin, is more evil and stupid always", but it is not racist to say "someone has darker skin than another person" or "someone with darker skin is less likely to get skin cancer", and it is not racist to say "a people standing in darkness, without light shining from them or upon them, is in this representation an evil bunch" because it has nothing to do with their race or genetics. The idea that Jews are exclusively an ethnicity is not necessarily an understanding that the people writing the Qur'an (you should assume that it was written by ignorant people) even had. They believed that Jews could convert to Islam (and many did), and they believed that Jews could go to their Paradise even without converting to Islam, if they were decent people. The Qur'an says "whether you are a Jew, Christian, whatever, if you believe in God and do good" and blah blah blah, you know, so it really didn't say any of what you're claiming, but why do you want to convince Muslims that it did say this? How would that help the Muslims to convince them to be even worse than they are? Do you think they will be like "Oh no, we're racists, I guess I'll leave Islam?" no, but instead you might just end up convincing them to be racists, so that is a stupid plan isn't it? The idea should be to moderate and control these people and move them towards conduct we would prefer, not conduct we would not prefer, correct? So anyway, I don't interpret mentioning Jews and mentioning them in a negative light, which even the Bible does, to be anything "ethnic specific" or inescapable due to ethnicity, they can become Christians or Polytheists or Muslims, then they cease to be Jews and the things that it says about those various factions or types or groups would apply to them, it didn't seem to have the notion that a Jew that converts to Christianity is still a Jew, or that a Jew that converts to Polytheism is still a Jew, or a Jew that becomes an Atheist is still a Jew, or that a Jew that becomes a Muslim is still a Jew. Also, this idea about "ethnicity" and especially "race" is a rather new one in many ways, an anachronistic interpretation of things. These Muslims were largely "black" Arabs, very dark skinned, in the sun, how could they be Caucasian or white or even only "lightly tanned" in the Arabian sun with the reflection of the sand and their conditions? I imagine that the people dealing with the Qur'an itself, were quite dark skinned, practically African or Sudanese looking, the Egyptians were Sudanese looking, everyone was very "black" and most of the Qur'an is full of the darkest skinned people being talked about, that is why Moses "hand turning white" is something of interest for the imagination, it would be rather stupid and bland if it was imagined to be a white skinned man whose hand just appeared as white as it always was or slightly whiter. Kind of like the film "Gods of Egypt" where the "Gods" appear just slightly taller than regular men, but otherwise just appear to be regular men for the most part haha. I think that the "hadiths" which you may really have read quite a bit from (as most people obsessed with Islam or threatened by it spend all their life reading those texts, which I think is a waste of life, especially for people who dislike Islam), were written in Persia and have a lot of inaccurate information, and that Persians and their population have lighter skins due to their atmosphere, and also Syrians and stuff like that, and that they are different from the Ethiopian looking or mixed, the Sudanese looking or mixed, the Bedouins of some types, the Yemenites, the very dark skinned people of East Africa and Saudia Arabia and South Arabia, who were out in the sun and receiving reflected sunlight, having dark pigment which is typical of very sunny and hot places in order to deal with and survive the light and heat. That is also why racists call them sand n*gg**s. There are funny stories though that make Muhammed out to be a white skinned, naturally red headed ginger man, which is hilarious, maybe he died of skin cancer then lol.
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  61.  @untitled7184  Yes, so what I'm thinking is that similar to saying "Jews are allying with Polytheists against Muslims", it might be similar to modern statements like "Zionists are assisting Hindus against Muslims". That isn't to say it is accurate, it is just to say that the ideas may not necessarily be "racist" since there may not have been these kinds of understandings of these groups as "races" which might be a more modern idea or otherwise might have been stated differently. The Qur'an does say stuff about the bedouins and seems to speak of them as an ethnicity, but this may again be a modern or anachronistic misunderstanding, since today we consider these groups of the same ethnicity, and they may have been separated by their functions in society or jobs or way of life rather than their blood or ethnic background or race, which they may have shared with the non-bedouin populace, differentiated by their way of life and modes of habitation rather than their ethnicity or race. The Qur'an says about "colors" or something that people were given various appearances and ways of life "so that you may know each other". It speaks of Jews and Christians, both seemingly as religions for the most part, and attributes to those, as well as polytheists, negative traits or statements and beliefs at times, beliefs which are said to be wrong and rejected, since Islam is trying to gain converts to the new religion perhaps. I don't find it personally very racist overall, and I think there is a lot more ethnic supremacy type stuff more clearly in the Jewish and Christian writing, where it seems much more clearly ethnicity based and bloodline obsessed if one is to compare it to the Qur'an which barely discusses such matters and seems to place no importance in them, probably also because the people it is talking to.
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  64.  @untitled7184  So do you want to convince Muslins for some reason that their book suggests to them to be ethnic supremacists? I don't see how convincing them of this will either cause them to abandon their religion (and why do you want them to? It appears according to the Qur'an, people were attempting the same even at the time it was being written.), or will assist you in any way. They might simply be like "oh yeah, I guess it is saying we are ethnically superior and the Jews are ethnically inferior", so how does convincing them of this help anyone at all? I think the strategy might be a little lame and miscalculated or short-sighted, as well as potentially dangerous by convincing Muslims to be radical instead of moderate. Their numbers are far greater than yours and will likely always be, do the idea should be to try to convince them, even using their own books or literature they subscribe to, to be moderate and not to interpret things the way you are trying to convince them to believe in things in a way that would be harmful to all of us ultimately. So these are the verses you mentioned: 2:47 2:122 3:33 3:110 9:29 98:9 I will copy paste these verses from IslamAwakened which has multiple translations of every verse of the Qur'an and you let me know what you think it is saying and also what you want the Muslims to think it is saying and what you think the safest way for all us is if the Muslims were to be convinced that it is saying something else, the better or more moderate interpretation that would make the Muslims more docile and easier to deal with.
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  77.  @AM-gm5jg  Thank you for taking the time to answer some of those questions I asked, they were not ill intended or meant to be hostile towards you at all. What Arab nation or nationality are they from? I was curious because I'd like to know more about their background and what sort of Islam these people were practicing maybe, like what their culture was and stuff. For you to become an Odin follower and worshipper is incredibly unique and rare, so it is very interesting. How do you pray to or worship Odin and what gave you the idea to do it in that fashion? Is your name an Arab style name still and would you consider changing it entirely? What would you name yourself if you could name yourself anything? Why are you still living with these people at the age of 25, and what age were you when you fought them and they finally accepted you? Are you able to maybe get a job and leave their company so you can be under less tension about them? What of their practices and beliefs conflict with yours? If you were to exchange the words in the Qur'an for terms you prefer, like the word Allah for Odin, the mention of thunder for Thor, putting in the Old Norse Terminology for certain words (or even creating a full translation in Old Norse), would you find the things the Qur'an says and describes (if you've read it and are familiar with it) to be similar or compatible with Norse religion? So the different Arab groups, there are like Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians, I'm interested in which nation or cultural group or nationality your family links themselves to or are from, are your parents first generation immigrants? Do you have siblings? What do they do? The reason I'm interested is because you have such a unique and rare story as far as I can tell, I'm not so sure it is very common for people identifying themselves as Arab to be into Norse Religion or following Norse religion from the age of 14? I'd love to hear about your journey, how you came to such conclusions, how you found Norse religion and read about it, what your favorite texts are. This is of interest to me because I'm hugely into Norse religion, and it is a pleasure to hear from someone else who is into it thoroughly.
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  82.  @kelanitweir4994  Feel free to mail me at theartismagistra at the g sort of email if you know which type I mean. A M has successfully figured out the mail and has mailed me as well, and I'd be very happy to discuss anything that you may be interested in. A lot of these people are so dedicated to their missions here that they just end up acting like robots basically, repeating things and copy pasting things and not really engaging with each other as people or having anything of interest to say or derive from one another. I am just an ordinary person with no agenda, and a curious person who is also creative, so I try to engage with people and have interesting discussions or learn about their thoughts and experiences and things like that, so that may be what you were intrigued by and noticed about me and my writing on here. I visit all types of videos, channels, websites, and I deal with all sorts of different kinds of art and media and topics. I'm often on a YouTube channel about toys called David Displays Model Behaviour or Displaying Model Behaviour, I check out cases discussed in a lighthearted manner by That Chapter, another YouTube channel, I sometimes look at news stories by The Rational National, or gossip by Philip DeFranco or Popcorned Planet. I watch films on YouTube or other websites or streaming formats. I enjoy the videos that CJ makes because he talks about things that a lot of people don't really often discuss these days, things that I feel are bad for all people, except people are giving in to these human rights abuses because the group being afflicted is considered a maligned "other" but really, the same freedoms that are being taken away are going to harm all the general public, and Islamic hatred, like the "new Jew", is just a way for Corporatists and Fascists / Authoritarians, for lack of better terms, are using to distract people and negatively impact their quality of life, to make lower standards and quality the new "norm". I'm 35 years old turning 36 this year, and I like that CJ is doing something, because I think most people feel pretty helpless overall. I just want to live a quiet, happy life, while I can, for as long as I can, and not to be interfered with by governments or most worldly sort of things which I have little interest in overall. I also enjoy finding "Lifetime" and "Television Movies" from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s and even up to date, for laughs and commentary. I enjoy shows like Law & Order SVU. Even though I have eclectic interests and read an unusually or uncommonly broad amount of materials covering a lot of ground, I think I'm pretty much just a person trying to be real and would hopefully never find myself caught up in the obsessions and illnesses that some of the people in these comments seem to be suffering, where they seem to dedicate their whole lives and all their time to stuff they oppose or dislike, which seems like a really weird way to go about living one's life.
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  84. The term "purify" was used recently in a speech by an Israeli figure when he spoke about purifying Mecca. It might be worth showing in a future video if you haven't yet, I think you might not have since it has been circulating recently, but I'm not entirely sure of the origin or the original date of the video which has been presented with the implication it is current. If you could make a video compiling hate speech against Muslims by politicians and political figures from around the world, and also another compilation that shows how Modi is quite literally being promoted as a God (reminiscent of the Qur'an's version of Pharaoh) and even "greater than (God)" with God supposedly a follower and devotee of Modi, it might be useful to showcase the horrendous things going on in the modern world as Evil, Imperialism, Totalitarianism, and Fascism is in full swing. Also a compilation or listing of all the crimes of Israel and Zionists since even before they might have been called that, all their crimes from the earliest days of their immigration there, that may also be of interest, with an emphasis on the numbers of displaced and their conditions afterwards, the permanently injured and maimed, and the dead. You could also make a video about France mentioning Iran involved in something recently, and also how the practice of Islam is being attacked, how Israel has trained various groups to attack Muslims, how the Rohingya are being burned, how the oppression by Chinese and Russians against Muslim populations is still in full swing, how the whole world is being taught to normalize hate against Islam while cautioning people against other forms of hatred, how the killing of civilians is being normalized and so the regular population, including non-Muslims, should be threatened by this being set as a precedent and turned into a norm. You can make a video about various nations Imperialistic plans for expansion have been discussed, especially when such includes manipulating or destroying Muslim populations. Though your videos are wonderfully researched and worth the wait, maybe you could also make some easier and shorter ones more regularly which might also help your channel grow further and people will keep checking back more often.
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Hi there, this comment is about a disturbing interview from around November 1st by Piers Morgan with Jordan Peterson, and in it, there is some really disturbing stuff at around 22:00 minutes and after where Jordan Peterson seems to insidiously blame the victims of tyranny and oppression and also uses the Bible to try to manipulate people into thinking that God is punishing them or something, it seemed really disgusting and I hope you could see that and extract that section and discuss it and the tactics these haters of humanity (and Muslims) use (I've used the below to try to bring attention to it at The Rational National channel of David Doel, Hasanabi, Philip DeFranco, and Russel Brand: You've got to see this, please, its so sick and disturbing and should get more attention how people are blaming people who couldn't possibly deserve what is happening to them (because they are children and babies in many cases, otherwise innocent young civilians and others who have nothing to do with any of what is happening to them and the conditions they were born into and are stuck in currently) In the Piers Morgan and Jordan Peterson Interview posted recently around November 1st or something, somewhere at or after 22:00 minutes into the interview, Jordan Peterson eventually says something like "those under totalitarian tyranny bare some responsibility for being oppressed", or at least something that amounts to that, and is arguing that the Palestinian civilians basically deserve what Israel is doing to them, misreading the Bible and using the Bible to justify it by saying "the sins and their punishments of the fathers pass down to the children and grandchildren" and on and on, when even the Bible has verses against that statement which the evil people were saying in the past apparently to justify ongoing tyranny against the descendants of their enemies and trying to harm their children (and vile attacks on innocents like children exist in the Bible) Comment 1: Yeah, so the big question here is something about "what was it that the Jews do to get the Nazis to gather them up and massacre them? What did the Native/Aboriginal people do in various countries to get the various colonial powers to wage campaigns of tyranny and oppression over them?" What did women do in order to be oppressed for generations and get attacked in various ways and killed? Certainly, they must hold some responsibility for getting attacked and treated badly right? That is what one part of this interview seemed to say, that the little babies getting torn to pieces by bombs from Israel, who never voted for Hamas because they weren't even born yet, and most of the people who live there now didn't vote for Hamas (also look up how Netanyahu has been funding Hamas for years and years to keep this conflict going since he keeps excusing his court cases for corruption from all this and keeps getting endless funding in the billions by a war that never ends like the book 1984) must have done something that keeps them in that situations (yeah, I guess he is right, being babies is why their stuck in hell and can't get out). Look how Piers talks to Peterson as compared to the other people who he keeps saying "do you condemn Hamas!?". Haha, when the Jews were oppressed by the Nazi government, somehow they compare that to the oppressed Palestinians being like the Nazis, when actually the Nazis were the eugenicist and ethnic supremacist government like the far right wing Zionists. Argh. Whatever, now I've made myself a target to the lunatics just by seeing the hypocrisy of all this (like most people do, and talking about it just gets people harassed and hacked and whatever else by fanatics). How they keep stating that the Palestinians are "like Nazis" lol, when the Fascists were a far right government that had kept people in a ghetto, made others of a certain ethnicity the worst second or third class or no class citizens being treated and talked about in dehumanizing ways and killed like they are nothing. Can anyone see it? No? You're all so afraid of being called "anti-semitic" by a bunch of fanatical Zionists? Luckily there is a Jewish movement that says "Not In Our Name" and they have become targets to these people too, because they, like Nazis, don't care about anything really except keeping power and wealth, and use ethnicity and the Bible and whatever else that they don't actually care about much as a weapon to control some and kill others. They are just psychopaths making excuses, and everyone fighting in their defense is complicit. People who care about innocent civilians and children being murdered indiscriminately is being attacked, the evil people will claim "you support terrorists by not supporting mass murder of civilians", it is double speak and all kinds of dirty tricks, wake up. Comment 2: Very good, I'm glad you're seeing the true colors of people who are just suddenly alright with certain innocent children and civilians being mass murdered in broad daylight right before everyone's eyes. Sick! Comment 3: Hi, what was wrong is that civilians and children are being indiscriminately bombed (imagine if it happened to you and your family just because someone claimed some criminals or terrorists are hiding among you or your family homes), and these guys aren't very vocal about that, suddenly they don't seem to really care all that much, and that is probably because those people are maybe a little tanned, maybe a little foreign seeming, maybe a little Muslim or whatever, and then suddenly mass murder and breaking rules of war and committing war crimes in vengeance is alright. Do you see? No? That is "emotions" lol. Yeah it is, people should have them, psychopaths don't. I was blocked from writing comments by YouTube for simply stating normal things like these.
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  91. Awesome, very uncommon and difficult to find information compiled here that I appreciate a lot. Any more on Zionist work throughout the years in radicalizing nations and creating anti-Muslim fervor (like in India, Myanmar, and among many other people, possibly even the other Muslim hating groups like China and Russia and whoever else, the Serbs, America, in countries that Zionists like to influence or take vacations to also), it would be great if you were able to compile a thorough list of their work in these places trying to foment hatred for Muslims and spreading racism and ethnic hatred and separatism, also their involvement with olden days National Socialists and the new versions of them and the ultra-right wing, and their work with South African white racists also, and various communities they hang out in and how they operate those closed communities. Everywhere that the Zionists go and have gone, they seem to spread hatred, racism, separatism, apartheid, different classes, major divisions in society, and merciless killing and cruelty, and exposing just how long of a tradition this is, and how much they do this, and all the places they have been linked to where this has occurred or where it has been the result or the outcome, would be informative to see, and should help solidify with people that this ideology is one that is harmful to everyone ultimately, it isn't just bad for Muslims, but will move on and spread hate, division, poverty, and crime wherever it can in order to exist and survive in the way that it is designed and what it uses to keep itself in power (which seems to be largely hubris). If you can somehow join the social media networks of people like Secular Talk (Kyle Kulinski), maybe channels and networks of people who are interested in Norman Finkelstein, and others like The Rational National (and there are surely many more people), this can help to get such information out and people to become more aware of your work beyond the Muslim majority of people who I think might be the main group finding your channel. This really needs to be known to more people around the world, also people who are not Muslims and who may have trouble empathizing with Muslims for whatever silly reasons which you are aware from experience can be an issue for people to overcome the brainwashing that they have now been raised with. It is important your content gets advertised in those communities and among those people and larger crowds, especially now when they are planning on ramping up a new era of wars and hatred and killing, and have already expanded beyond Gaza to bombing further areas despite the people of the world largely speaking out against it as a majority, the minority of evil hate-monger murderers are going ahead as planned with something that they might have pulled off more smoothly maybe 20 years ago during the Bush Jr. crimes and Putin's crimes from that time and those crimes of Sarkozy and many others like the British 20 years ago during the War On Terror, but they are starting it all up again, and no doubt will resort to Operation Gladio style false flag terror to justify extending and spreading the war wherever they please, blaming invented agents of terror attacking civilians and claiming this is the reason why they must go around killing people, possibly even putting Muslims and others in internment camps, harassing them, possibly deporting them.
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  97. Israel is currently escalating in violence against the Palestinians for no apparent reason, while the news makes it seem like Palestine can even fight back or do anything, Israel is killing civilians as usual and doing their yearly evil and oppression against random and innocent non-combatant human beings that they view as pests and vermin basically and treat like sub-humans and cattle for slaughter. The mainstream media and national news is talking about it though, in their usual way which misleads the public, but it is what has been reported for the last two days and is appearing on the national news, whereas their Ramadan attacks earlier this year were ignored by the media, now they are talking about their murders, but not as murders. I thought maybe you could make a video talking about some of the Anti-Muslim hatred and escalating violence going on around the world as Spy-Master Biden seems to be up to some funny business and having given the green light on many unsavory things, like more weapons funding to Israel but also a disturbing proxy war in the Ukraine and now starting trouble in Taiwan after some 40 years of a "status quo" situation. The Chinese have also been doubling down on their "dissidents", including Muslims, and it appears the whole alliance of evil (against the innocent, and Muslims) is kind of straining and preparing for all out war for some reason. Maybe it has to do with the hot weather, so that when these nations are frustrated they want to kill, and some of the first people they find easy targets and sitting ducks are their Muslim populations, before they turn on other civilians in general.
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  100. H & M Foundation may be how this story started to circulate. This is what it says on their website: "During 2015 more than 35,000 unaccompanied refugee children came to Sweden. These children are a particularly vulnerable group who are exposed to psychological stress and trauma, as they are separated from their family and care takers. It is a challenging situation for the Swedish society to make sure that the rights of these children are protected and that they receive adequate support which can enable participation and social inclusion in the local community. Together with the Swedish Red Cross, H&M Foundation had a project which reached 20,000 refugee children integrate into the Swedish society. Through different kinds of activities, planned and arranged by children and volunteers together, the project gave the children tools and social network needed to enable integration. The activities aimed at creating social inclusion and facilitate for unaccompanied minors, to meet people who are more established in the Swedish society, learn the language and how to navigate in their new context. The purpose of the project was also to connect the target group with other actors in society, such as sports clubs, civil society and the business sector. Local meeting places will also be created where refugee children will get adult support to reach their goals." Now, these supposed 35,000 unaccompanied (no adult present accompanying them) children or youths, were arriving in 2015, so now it has been around 7 years, so if they arrived as teenagers, now they are likely to be adults as well. These children were supposedly not accompanied by adults or family members, who may have remained behind in Syria or wherever. Online, stories have been circulated about "social service kidnappings" but this doesn't really appear to be the case as far as I can find. Footage was circulated which was misleading, since it was showing incidents that were not related to child protective services and children being dealt with by them, one such video was that of a security guard attacking a child for example, and was proliferated as evidence of child services kidnapping a child or abusing a child.
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  107.  @thegamechanger3317  Yeah, so what I'd expect really is that children who would otherwise be Muslim, from Muslim cultural families, are not frequently circulating in the social services or adoption system, and they are also not at an especially high risk of being trafficked either as part of the human trafficking and sex trade type illegal industry. They are also less likely to be involved in drug use, alcohol abuse, addictions, and therefor a reduced rate of involvement in violent crimes, except that Europeans are reporting that the low income individuals coming from North Africa and the Middle East who may have a culturally Islamic background, are committing crimes against ethnically Caucasian and European people, and possibly other immigrants from other nations, most particularly sex crimes and possibly robberies and shootings. The other commenter had suggested that there is an epidemic in Europe of Muslim children being taken from their families and put into social services and adopted by non-Muslims supposedly? Then a number of people requested that whoever has heard of such a thing should provide sources for the information, but no such sources seem to exist, so I don't know what they were talking about. It would be interesting if such a thing were actually happening, and thus adoption would be a way to assimilate the population by raising their children as non-Muslims, but I just don't think this is really happening or I have no reason to believe it is a real thing that is occurring, until further information is provided. Typically, Muslim families don't drink or do drugs, so they are less likely to abuse or neglect their children, so the children are less likely to fall into the hands of social services, and sending off Muslim or Ethnically Muslim children is incredibly rare in Islamic cultures, they would rather hand the child off to their relatives before absolute strangers, and especially not non-Muslim strangers. So I just don't believe this is occurring, but I'd like to know more if such a thing is actually happening.
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  114. So, lets say they stop finally, won't they basically get away with all they've done? North America and Europe and the Zionists and whoever turned a blind eye and had their media manipulations going on, and they will say "we stopped", but after doing all this and the people keep paying for politicians like these that approved of it and turned a blind eye to come into office again and again. People are forced to participate in this, they are forced to pay taxes that go towards this instead of towards infrastructure and the citizens who pay money, and no one can stop it, if you try to avoid it, you get arrested, and they are trying to make it even more tight, and the whole world under a totalitarian system like Gaza, monitored, in walled areas, without freedom to leave or move, forced to work, forced to pay, jailed without explanation, criminalized, scanned, mistreated, while the rich sit far away and "influence" people. This is just a little glimpse into what hell is and can be, and soon everyone will probably know it, as the underground water supplies in the U.S. have been allowed to run out and fissures are opening up across the areas which are lacking water but are still building houses regardless, because the system is broken, because psychopaths have gamed their way in and ruined the system from an early time, and the people feel totally helpless and can barely do a thing. It is reaching the boiling point, and every act of violence will be used to make even more extreme measures to prevent such things, with mass populations under surveillance to make revolution and coup impossible to throw out the criminals who have infested every political office of power across the world. Many people will decide that death is the best option of all when the world is like this, and people in Gaza have given up any hope in many cases and await freedom through being incinerated by a demonic Zionist bomb upon them so that they can be done with it all already. Even if they (the ethnocentric Zionist racists) stop, they will continue to treat humanity and human beings as below them and try everything to harm the quality of life for everyone around them and anyone who opposes them and ultimately all humanity through their corporate reach and lobbyists and world policy making. There is no end in sight. It is the land of the people who have been there for a long time, not the Imperialist Orientalist European Colonizers pretending they can take anything "like America did from the Native American Indians", but regardless of that, the walls need to be torn down for now, the people need to bomb their way out if they have to, and everyone should leave there forever by whatever means necessary, because living under those conditions and raising children under those conditions is also wrong (and they are locked in and unable to escape, they can not leave, but absolutely should leave by whatever means possible for survival if they ever can). The countries should evacuate them out. I wish the Zionists would face war crimes and be put to death even like their National Socialist Ethnocentrist predecessors and teachers before them, but I fear we live in an utterly hopeless hell hole with no justice whatsoever and I can't imagine these demons ever facing justice except if there is a hell waiting for them, and if there isn't, there is no justice at all for people this deeply evil and heartless, they belong no where else but an actual hell forever, but instead we see the innocent people of the world and humanity put into situations like hell by these monsters and their allies, repeatedly. No one should live under those conditions, even though that is rightfully their land and the Zionists will happily steal it all from them and never give it back and will use their enormous resources and clout and bullying tactics to make sure that they conquer all that they want to and expand as they wish forever. They will even making protesting them illegal around the whole world, they will make boycotting their products banned, they will punish all people who don't give them funds, it will go on and on and on so long as this insidious philosophy of ethnocentric supremacist, racist Zionist hate continues to exist. We'll see what happens, human intervention, divine intervention, half-arsed intervention, no intervention, what will be good enough after what they have done and what they are confident that they will have gotten away with? They will do it again and again and again, to this population and any other population, they will never stop, Gaza is just a demonstration of how they have dehumanized all humanity and don't care even about their supposed hostages either by bombing indiscriminately in locations where anyone could be including their supposed hostages, so it is clear they don't care about anyone or anything, just to show how mighty and powerful they are, how untouchable they are, how all the governments are actually fearful of them and totally under their control and are entirely "bought". They've "won", there is no fight, and yet when a true demonic force has "won", they are never satisfied, they don't stop, their cruelty will always continue, because that is what true evil is, the psychopathic serial killer can not stop, there is no amount of destruction that will ever sate their bloodlust and hate for humanity as a whole, so all the fools who thought "oh let the ethnocentric supremacists win so that they will be happy and calm" are totally wrong, they will not be happy and calm, can't you see? They will kill every single Arab and will start working on the next group and the next group, if it was just Jewish people, then they would start killing the other Jewish people (which they do and have done, for example how they attack other devout and religious Jews, because they don't care about any of that really). Sign all the papers, call for all the ceasefires, but know what every side of every major and powerful Western government is truly like and what they think of you, they hate you, they don't care what your religion or ethnicity is really, they want the ordinary people, the poor people, everyone "under" them to be crushed and to die or be a slave, and not one of them on either "side" can be trusted clearly, look how they all acted during this, when mass murder of non-combatant civilians with no weapons to defend themselves, little children and their mothers are being mutilated and buried alive on television, and we can just sit by and keep watching these disgusting news channels, these disgusting people on all these mainstream channels talking casually about it for the most part, and keep voting for these lunatics too "because you either choose one lunatic or another lunatic", what choice is that? What we need are clear cut answers and instructions broadcast repeatedly and regularly as to what the ordinary people at any level can do from their homes and outside of their homes to fix the world, and if there is nothing that can be done, then what?
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  126. Al Jazeera (funded by Qatar) has made a video recently about humanitarian aid needed in Syria, but the comments there are a lot of Israeli regulars (propaganda posters who are seen under multiple videos all over YouTube parroting lines from their bosses, they are organized and not people with any personal opinions) supporting what is going on and enjoying the bloodshed. Their long game seems to have been to remove Russian support from the area by removing the "Arab Socialist" Government being protected by Russia. Once they've installed a group that they will then say are "t*rr*r*s*s" (that they themselves assisted, just like they funded H*M*S) they will feel free to attack the way that they've freely attacked other places recently, and the U.S. and Western Allies will also say that they must fight them. They will be extracting the resources and pushing back the Russians the whole time, during the reign of the people they will later call the bad guys and afterwards, as they did in Afghanistan and Iraq and wherever else, though their main concern is pushing back "The East" everywhere, mainly Russia, but moves are being made to start more and more trouble with China and Chinese natural resource extraction as well, like in Africa, which is why Biden recently visited there also, and Israel and Ukraine are being used to stir trouble in African nations right now as well. The ones who are suffering and will suffer through these global games of the various "superpowers" or modern Imperialist Empires are the ordinary poor people, often simple Muslims being cut down and harmed at every turn. The villains "long game" is nothing to celebrate. They've been trying to install groups that they will call T-linked threats for a long time now, specifically to clear the way for future attacks that won't have as much Russian interference thereafter (or so they expect) once they've pushed out the Russian puppets or allies to Russia, but it is more than likely that Russia will try to plant their own replacements there, so it will be an ongoing conflict like Ukraine which also has Israel fully involved in that conflict also.
  127. One more little note that might help turn things?around (like what I'm seeing happen in the comments). The people are generally ready to believe Russia and even Assad are pretty bad, nut right now Russia is the only major threat to the U.S. and Israel in both their operations in Ukraine as well as in Syria and some other places. The Russians have been monstrous towards Muslims just like the Chinese and the Indians, but right now the Muslims have no powerful help, and they require hiding under one elephant fighting another elephant, but the American elephant is currently much more directly normalizing horror, and are well known to want to install groups in nations they plan to attack in order to get rid of the "terror", so the sincerity of any of these people fighting isn't the issue, nor are the innocents being harmed in the crossfire being called into question. What the people are far more likely to accept and want to hear at this point is that there are no good guys at all except the innocent civilians and honest reporting, and that there is a conspiracy of two bad groups fighting over the place for the contracts, natural resources, and even the "reconstruction" contracts. These revolutionary movements are to install groups, however sincere they may be regardless of funding and support, to lead to U.S. interventions and "liberation", and otherwise to try to exhaust Russian resources since America's major conflict are with the other superpowers and Islam is just an excuse and also a general threat due to its positions on certain things like banking which keeps the Western World in power over the vast majority of people increasingly in poverty. If you make a video exposing the ties that show no one is a good guy except the civilians in the crossfire, it might help a lot of viewers regain more trust in the content here which has been important. This is simply not the time that people are?willing to hear that Muslims of any sort, who are being targeted everywhere, are bad (the Shias being attacked too). When the major issues like the normalization of major crimes against humanity are stopped, then people during a more peaceful time may itch to cannibalize and turn against each other, which would seem to play in the had og Pharaonic dividers who wish to pit Muslim against Muslim and pay to watch them harm each other. The general public are much more willing to hear about ways that Muslims should be at peace with each other despite differences, and the seeming frozen stance of the Sunni governments opposed to the Shia governments being attacked currently makes the Sunni governments seem like stooges?and pawns and puppets of the U.S. who are convinced that they will be overthrown in a day if they stop supplying the U.S. and Israel with fuel for example, which they should of course do but can not because they will lose everything if they do that. Anyway, it looks like the people aren't up for this?right now and instead would prefer to know how to work against the most apparent enemies doing the worst things currently first.
  128.  @Dasaanudasa108  I think he might have thought it was those types because in the cases of other hate crimes around the world these days, they are committed by non-Muslims against Muslims in the cases where Muslims are involved. I had heard of another killing thing related to Mosques and stuff, and that was a member of the Mosque, usually some kind of mentally ill person who is putting themselves in danger by committing crimes. Hindu radicals have been involved in some anti-Islamic type crimes and attacks in India, so maybe that is why it came to mind for him, but in Canada there was a recent case where an entire family of Muslims was walking across the street and were mowed down by the vehicle of a person deliberately, killing all of them except one little child, and that was counted as a hate-crime that was anti-Islamic and was committed by a white / Caucasian person who might have been a white supremacist or "Alt-Right" or "Far Right" type of person as well, but I think they were young. I think it is possible the hate crimes against Muslims committed by Indian people happen more in India maybe, but in Canada there was a lot of reporting of Sikhs participating in gang related violence or shootings and having some sort of mafia. I don't think any of these people who are violent like this are genuinely religious, I think they are just criminals and crazy people no matter what religion they claim to be, but there are actual radical ideologies which some of these people espouse and use as excuses for their violence (and that includes some crazy radicals espousing Islamic claims, but also Hindus, Christians, Right Wing people, Communists, whateveR).
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  134. @Muzzamil Hussein Do you happen to have any knowledge or information regarding any kind of synthesis between Sufi Islam and Ladakhi or Tibetan or Buddhist culture and religion? Like was there any syncretism or mixture in beliefs that might also be lingering in the area or traditions that you are aware of? There certainly was some mixture in other regions where nominally Muslim or people practicing as Muslims in various regions or tribal areas in British controlled India (and prior) had syncretized or adopted and continued various practices and had certain beliefs which appeared to incorporate sanskrit or Hindu (Puranic / from the Puranas) ideas, others had Vedic ideas (from the Vedas) and in some regions in the North of Pakistan now they had ideas which were seemingly even older or more ancient, and had retained some of the things also which had been regionally popular, like at the times which Buddhism was in the region living along with other beliefs, as seen in coins and stuff, like the Greek influence and even older "Indo-European" sort of influence, which has the same roots as the Norse religion and Slavic beliefs of Ancient times. Similar to Tibetan as well, in that there was a lot of interest in or focus on wind and the use of wind. In these coins from Taxila and places like that, there was apparently "Oado" as one of the names of something possibly worshipped. I am very interested in all this sort of thing, so if you happen to have any information from your life, personal history, upbringing, I'd be very happy to hear about it all. I had another very wonderful dream, even frightening, and in it, it seemed to in some ways possess Buddhist style ideas, since it involved angry, mistreated people who became spirits, and the course of a vengeful one of an evil character who, if killed in their life in order to stop them at that time, goes on to influence many horrors for hundreds of years and into the future. I thought it was a pretty interesting concept and dilemma.
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  138. @Muzzamil Hussein Yes, but at this point it instantly creates an association with people who would assume based on your displayed name and image that you are a Muslim, but is that the purpose of your name? It isn't your real name is it? Do you have a sanskrit name instead? A Hindu name from Ladakh or whatever? Personally, I would be shy about having a Muslim name anywhere, whether online or offline, fake or real, because it would feel like I was making myself a target. So if I had a Muslim name or at least too obvious of one, especially the last name or some name like Muhammed or whatever, I would change it to make my life better, depending on where I lived. I live in the West (Canada) so I'd make my name whatever type for the majority of people I deal with and would want them to think of me as their own and whatever is the highest group that gets the best results. So, similarly, I'd never want a Jewish name, or a name that might be spelled like an English language word which might get mocked, like Butt or Pew or Bangs or Farter or something. So if I was living with Hindus or whatever, I might pick a name that would get me the best results with them, and I'd abandon any Muslim name if it was going to get me targeted, ridiculed, questioned, or harassed, or even given sideways looks from others. Is Ananda a good Indian name? Even Anand. I'd want to find which group is most well-treated and admired, which is not attacked or mistreated or even robbed, but respected, and I'd go for that one's name types and cues. For black or brown or very dark skin, that would be a problem, they can not rid themselves of it, and very white skinned or light skinned people might be targeted certain places too, but luckily they can wear things on their skin to darken their appearance so that they might not be harassed by people in public. Wherever I go, I'd like not to stand out, but to still be treated well or the best.
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  147.  @glorybetoalmighty9698  Nothing, I was not critiquing your comment, I was only using it as an opportunity to write more about the situation going on in India, the Zionist Intelligence connection to the Indian Intelligence community and their "counter terrorism" efforts which are just ways to terrorize and oppress villagers and poor people who are helpless against them, and that the Qur'an seemingly predicted this tendency as having also occurred at the earliest stages during the time that the Qur'an was being written down too, that very little has changed, and that the ethnic Jewish tendency to mingle with idolaters and break their own commandments in favor of attacking their perceived enemies vengefully is mentioned even in the Old Testament of the Bible or Tanakh (which is what they call it), they have done this sort of thing and have allied with people who worship idols against monotheists since the earliest times in history. I don't consider the Zionists to be anything other than ethnic Jews at best, or claiming to be Jews, but they are not really religious or devout people at all, nor do they really fear God in the slightest, they are arrogant, racial or ethnic supremacists, who think they are better than everyone else on the Earth and are taught that from the earliest times and also taught that everyone hates them for no reason at all. They are spreading their ideology into India and generating racist fanatics there who have been torturing Muslims in the country and elsewhere too, as well as online, whereas in India and Kashmir the torture and massacres are physical, they are attacking the call to prayer, they are attacking Islam in every way imaginable, and the world governments are letting it all go and protecting them in doing this, because America is controlled by the Zionist lobby and major corporations, including a system called "Black Rock" and "Aladdin" which basically feeds them information on what behaviors to do in order to raise the finances for their companies by obeying this computer program created and controlled by Zionist interests too. Now that the whole evil corporate industrial system is intertwined, the ordinary folks around the world will suffer at the hands of a tiny population of the "elite", many of which are staunch Zionists and believe themselves (even if they are not ethnically Jewish) to be superior to all of mankind. People need to be told about all this as much as possible, to become disgusted with it all, and to boycott them all as much as possible in order to bring them down more and reduce their resources, but they are making laws to try to make it practically illegal not to feed them money or buy into all these products, at the penalty of suffering more difficulties than if one simply gives in. These events, which are occurring now, are similar to those mentioned in the New Testament Book of Revelation. The truth is, this sort of thing has happened repeatedly throughout history where evil human beings repeatedly take power and corrupt their territories and the quality of life for everyone at the expense of those they govern and rule over.
  148.  @samawathe  Where did you get that idea? Just curious. Norman Finkelstein is an ethnically Jewish Atheist or Agnostic who supports human rights and civil rights for Palestine and Palestinians and gets into a lot of trouble for it because of Zionist harassment and bullying campaigns basically to make life nearly unlivable for people. The creator of this video, if one looks at their entire channel, seems to be extremely dedicated to the cause of reversing the misinformation they had bought into at the time they were Anti-Islamic and has devoted basically all of their work to the War on Islam that seems to be going on. That would be something interesting for a secular, materialist, Atheist to do for a people who are devoted to a religion and the practice of their religion, especially in a world where we see so many militant atheists attacking believers online and criticizing them. It is possible though, for people to be humanists who do not feel that religion is a problem or target it and are mainly concerned with human rights violations and the suffering of human beings. I do sort of find it hard to believe though, as I myself have mystical inclinations and can not imagine that a person can be so dedicated to first disliking Islam and then fighting in the cause of Islam can also be totally non-spiritual in their outlook, I think there must be at least an inkling of spirituality if not full blown religious activity and interest motivating what amounts to a crusade for justice towards oppressed people, and most particularly oppressed and harassed Muslims around the world. So I'm curious where you might have heard that they are an atheist? Many Muslims would likely consider him a Muslim, whether he wishes to be known as that or not, even whether he believes in the religion or any concept of God or not, simply because of their associating the idea of Islam and being a Muslim with being a person devoted to good, justice, and good deeds, it would be difficult for them to believe that such a person would actually burn in hell or be punished as a mushrik or atheist when they have been so kind and caring regarding assistance to the believers and the poor and helpless around the world. At the very least, if he isn't just straight up a Muslim which is a private matter between him and God and occurs for many people who are private Muslims who practice Islam after reading the Qur'an, then the Muslims likely believe that he will be rewarded and granted paradise for his efforts and good conduct regardless of his religion or even lack of a religion, even despite the Qur'an saying that anyone who dies in shirk (the idea that God shares power, which can extend to the idea that humans hold the power or that power doesn't belong exclusively to God alone) will face hell or not be forgiven for that thought crime for lack of a better term. From a mystical perspective, the acts and behaviors of people seem to reflect their thinking, even subconscious thinking, so that hints of their thinking might come through in what they say. All that appears extremely clear to me, is that the creator or presenter in these videos, reminiscent of myself, abhors evil and injustice. They also probably almost certainly have no fond wishes for those who perpetrate injustices and crimes against innocents and humans, including animals. That kind of fervor for justice also underlies the Qur'anic message and mentality overall, or as some might call it (in their negative and pejorative way), the Islamic Mind Virus lol. Hypocrisy is another thing which irritates any person dedicated to what is right and sound, such as how some people can present themselves as "non-violent" yet are fully sitting by and even backing violence against innocents, men, women, children, babies, and animals, like some Buddhist extremists for example.
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