Comments by "MrSpamaccount" (@MrSpamaccount) on "VICE News" channel.

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  12. Thor Jørgensen Ok, try to prove somehow why Ukraine failed so badly economically, compared to totalitarian and ineffective Belarus. I'd love to hear how Ukraine would develop higher than it was all that time being 'independent' from Russia. All that Europe can suggest is the same Hitler wanted when attacked USSR, German concerns would use cheap Ukrainian labour in Ukraine, not letting them in Europe and giving them as little as its enough to survive, Ukraine already was one of the poorest countries of exUSSR while in 1991 was one of the richest and most developed, untouched by wars and civil conflicts. Lets throw you out of your house with one dollar, and then let you work as a slave for food and two dollars, your economic stance would definitely improved compared to period with one dollar in pocket and no place to live. You want to give comparable 'economic' arguments? That Ukraine that lost everything due to staged coup organized from Washington and paid by Ukrainian oligarchy who can not play into capitalism, but can bankrupt and sell state property to make some money to live for or to create own business would wonderfully develop with European help? Most likely it would just because its almost nowhere to fall. But it would have developed a lot faster and better if did not waste those 20 years for rusophoby and raised cooperation with Russia, like Belarus did. Belarus that is limited in everything including human resourses, not to say that has no natural resourses is fucking more developed than Ukraine with 40 million population and colossal industrial potential of the most industrially developed region of Russian Empire and later USSR.
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