Comments by "MrSpamaccount" (@MrSpamaccount) on "VICE News"
Rémi Gauthier um, the thing you call 'extreme right group' in comparison to any Ukrainian legal party is mild, tolerant and civilized. Official Ukrainian state now glorifies Nazi collaborants openly, calling them heroes, for things like Volynhia massacre, not to speak of 'minor' incidents like Khatyn massacre that took place 72 years ago. You of course know of Oradour-sur-Glane massacre, but do you know of thousands of similar cases committed by Nazis and their collaborants from all these Baltic states and Ukraine in Belarus? I don't think so. And all Baltic states, and now Ukraine are ruled by people who glorify these murderers, and call them heroes, 'freedom fighters'. And you point us at a guy who is a member of National Front in France? All ruling parties in Ukraine are more far-right than National Front in France. But do they represent majority of Ukrainian population, obviously not. Ideology of Ukrainian nationalism is based on terror - either you are an Ukrainian patriot - or you die. With all respect - French do not give a fuck what had happened there, or in Yugoslavia. Its not about 90s, its since WW2 or sometimes even before. WW2 just divided assholes from humans.
Jenia Nefeodov communists linked up industrial Donbass region to Ukraine for one simple reason - communists relied on proletariat, while Ukraine was a backward rural medieval s̶t̶a̶t̶e̶ (oops no it was not) subject nation of german occupation administration without these territories, also without Kharkov, Zaporozhye and other better developed eastern regions. Nowadays we can witness how these still medieval Ukrainians from the west turned the most developed republic of USSR as communists left it into the poorest one, probably already competing with middle-Asian ones.
Honestly speaking, it was planned as adding industrially developed territories to rural agricultural west and centre in order so proletariat would influence population of these backward regions so these territories in future will keep these western territories in the Union. Unfortunately future policies did not try to russify western Ukrainians, but oppositely forced those Russians in eastern territories be ukrainized, taking these backward peasants as an example, not educated industrial workers.
Ironically its even more stupid, or maybe there's some evil irony, that example of 'good' Ukrainian in modern Ukrainian propaganda are those happy Nazi collaborants who were not part of Ukraine EVER, until 1939. These 'freedom' fighters were always somebodys slaves. And all they can 'teach' or show example to 'bad' Ukrainians - is how their owners did - like if they are addressing to cattle.
Thor Jørgensen citizens of countries that openly supported Hitler and now support Nazis in Ukraine would whine that Putin is like Hitler making lame comparisons.
Before comparing Putin to Hitler, did you fucking realize a simple thing, that Hitler was never hated for what he did before so-called Holocaust. And his aggression against USSR was praised, he is hated for losing to USSR and is blamed everything possible on him, including WW2 itself, though fault of those who let it happen and provoked him to start it is more than obvious. Even now, asshole western hypocrits and Hitler lovers who keep repeating the mantra of how much they despite Hitler, like Nazis in Ukraine, or Nazis in Europe, just because they are afraid of jews, deny any of soviet victims of Nazi aggression, 20 millions, who the fuck cares?
HolyShitAccess I have no problem with the particular video, but with 'vice' that reminds me of 'euronews' channel before war in Georgia. Pseudoneutrality in news stopped at once when it was necessary. Now this channel is a propagandistic piece of shit where there's no place even to fake neutrality like in 'Vice'.
Speaking of propaganda on both sides, for me its more than enough to see how investigation on MH17 is carrying on. For me its enough when I hear stories about 'people's revolution' in Ukraine, while its fucking obvious everything was paid, prepared and curated from and by Washington. Its fucking obvious too, that Russia only reacted, instead of actively participating in anything.
Propaganda for me is when sides positively show certain benefits. West or their Ukrainian puppets systematically tell lies. They tell lies since November of 2013 until now. They brainwash people, they used media to manipulate whole nation into believing all this cheap shit. All the similar shit happened in 2004, without murders though, because Yanukovich ceded his victory in elections to American candidate. Same shit happened in Russia in 1991 with several sacred victims. But when 'democratically elected' American puppet massacred hundreds and created bloodbath in Moscow, west applauded, because it was their puppet. I'm far from supporting Russian government, but I see nothing humane in Ukrainian or American, for instance.
Thor Jørgensen isn't it because you gave too many citizenships to actual terrorists? And how hypocritical as usual, instead of putting your 'citizens' to jail you let them keep doing their dirty business.
Speaking of freedom of speech - lol, i almost never supported my governments opinion, nor ever voted for Putin and his party and not going to, but its a fact that Russians in vast majority are supporting liberation movement in eastern Ukraine for simple reason - western Ukraine praises Nazis, if it was simply about European choice as those hypocrits claim, there'd be no problem at all, actually Russia had plans of incorporating itself into Europe for last 20 years, and USSR was destroyed to make it happen. If Nazis did not stage massacre in Kiev, did not burn people in Odessa and did not turn victory day in Mariupol (symbolically, over Nazis) celebrations into a bloodshed, nothing would happen. Crimea of course would be with us, Ukraine could have done its best in licking European ass for credits and destroying economy in favour of german concerns just like our 'democratic' president who came to power through massacre in Moscow and breaking of constitution with support of his American puppeteers.
Thor Jørgensen Ok, try to prove somehow why Ukraine failed so badly economically, compared to totalitarian and ineffective Belarus. I'd love to hear how Ukraine would develop higher than it was all that time being 'independent' from Russia. All that Europe can suggest is the same Hitler wanted when attacked USSR, German concerns would use cheap Ukrainian labour in Ukraine, not letting them in Europe and giving them as little as its enough to survive, Ukraine already was one of the poorest countries of exUSSR while in 1991 was one of the richest and most developed, untouched by wars and civil conflicts. Lets throw you out of your house with one dollar, and then let you work as a slave for food and two dollars, your economic stance would definitely improved compared to period with one dollar in pocket and no place to live. You want to give comparable 'economic' arguments? That Ukraine that lost everything due to staged coup organized from Washington and paid by Ukrainian oligarchy who can not play into capitalism, but can bankrupt and sell state property to make some money to live for or to create own business would wonderfully develop with European help? Most likely it would just because its almost nowhere to fall. But it would have developed a lot faster and better if did not waste those 20 years for rusophoby and raised cooperation with Russia, like Belarus did. Belarus that is limited in everything including human resourses, not to say that has no natural resourses is fucking more developed than Ukraine with 40 million population and colossal industrial potential of the most industrially developed region of Russian Empire and later USSR.
panokset this superiority gave nothing in finnish landscape, fucking three narrow roads to attack through with swamps all around, Red Army was not prepared for this kind of warfare obviously, it was preparing to fight big players like Germany, Japan, Britain and France, and obviously in open space, not in forests and marshland. Soviet Union had to move troops stationed in Ukraine to aid group stationed in Leningrad area. Also we hardly know realistic data on finnish losses, unlike we have with soviet ones.
And whole accusation of Soviet Union in aggression is based on a fake about Mainila incident being staged by NKVD and they killed own troops, proofs of which are obvious bullshit. For instance English wiki still contains this shit as a proof "Materials in the private archives of Soviet party leader Andrei Zhdanov heavily hint that the entire incident was orchestrated in order to paint Finland as an aggressor and launch an offensive. "
Unfortunately materials of these archives, meaning a shitty piece of paper with some writings was scanned yet in 90s and mistranslated by some degenerate who mixed up 'shelling/shooting' (in Russian 'obstrel/rasstrel' обстрел/расстрел) with radio station (ratsiya/рация in Russian).
Staged murder or use of radio station for purposes of informing population are obviously no difference for an honest western historian, aye?