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marre sjepie
Jake Broe
Comments by "marre sjepie" (@marresjepie1887) on "Jake Broe" channel.
@theculturedjinni They dó.. so, they order proper winter gear.. and the funds immediately disappear somewhere between signing the budget, and placing the order. Russia is só utterly, totally, completely corrupt that even a corrupt piece of You Know What likeTrump, or his butt-buddy Giuliani can only look on in total awe.
You'd be surprised HOW close that is to the actual truth. Russian propaganda is quite impressive in that regard.
Meh. The trolls are, by now, só desperate, that I saw some of them seriously claim that the villages Ukraine took back, were defended by just 500 men, and cost the Ukrainians tens of thousands of men.... That's a degree of delusion usually only seen in the closed wards of a psychiatric hospital.
It shows how well the Ukes are trained. Impeccable discipline too. No bravado, no vengeful kicking of POW's, just "To the point, down to business"
What was it that the POW tanker said "We only learned driving forward and backward.. and were immediately after, sent to the front with our gear"
Сербским троллям лучше заткнуться.
MAGA Republicans, Mike Johnson, Trump. They're like rotting carcasses, their stench infiltrating everywhere, and tainting EVERY American that's NOT in that bunch of traitors, with that stench. Thank you, MAGAts.. thanx to you, Americans will now be seen as ' part of them', even if they're vehemently opposed to EVERYTHING the MAGA shitstains stand for.
Oh, but they're here, en masse, just as their butt-licking compatriots from countries that should know better than to applaud a terrorist nation's dictatorial leader, Putin. However, many get nixed through people reporting them, before they can be properly read. Oodles of minty-fresh StPetersburg troll-bot accounts on YT also get wiped-out within hours. Nice. Youtube, apparently, has started to take reports from members pointing-out obvious trolls, seriously.
No-one did ànything when Russians blew a passenger plane full of ordinary Dutch and Malay civilians out of the sky. Russia lied, and pointed at separatists. Guess what leader was responsible, and now is an advisor to the orc-army? Ah.. a Russian plant under the guise of 'Being a separatist leader" No-one did anything, I repeat, no. one. And in 2008 everybody shrugged when Russia invaded Georgia.. which they repeated when the orcs annexed Crimea. They wagged their finger "Naughty Putin, you" That was it. It's already a miracle that at least sóme military hardware got to Ukraine properly.
Orrr... some people 'high-up' were promised nice, comfy seats at Gazprom.. Not unheard of. Check Germany's history under Schröder, and suddenly everything becomes clear. (Hint: Schröder pushed for NordStream 2.... and got a nice, comfy direction board job at a liaison of,... yup, You guessed it : Gazprom- as a reward.. "Not corruption... /sarc )
Pfft.. The USA did far, FAR more than, for instance, Germany.. a country that is at grave risk from these violent thugs in their neighbourhood.. but noooh.. Germany delays, sabotages, throws "no giving without proper administration' at those that want to give far more to Ukraine. Why? Ah.. because one of their former chancellors still has a whole lot of clout. Gerhard Schröder. Guess who pays Schröder's current income? Ah.. a liaison of Russia's Gazprom. Even bloody France stood-up and sent their best artillery. Germany's cowardly government is currently angering Europeans AND the German people themselves to a shocking extent. Scholtz and the SPD will lose the next elections in a terrible way. I won't be surprised if the SPD loses any influence as a political party, and Scholtz having to live-out his last days in infamy.
@Kevin_Finch February is, usually, the month that it gets really cold overthere. We’ll see. Remember the amount of freezing victims amongst the orcs in February, last year? Otherwise it will be in the spring, somewhere.
Freezing temps are actually better for an offensive. Ukraine is a muddy place. The móment the ground is frozen solid enough to carry tanks without turning into a mud bath, a full-on armoured offence, maybe even another 'Thunder Run' into the Donbass- will be a possibility. (Using the roads is far too dangerous, mines, tank-traps, road-blocks and whatnot.) Plùs, the cold, combined with their dysmal cold-weather gear, will make the orcs manning the anti-tank installations sluggish to react. We'll see. "Predictions are hard, especially about the future" (Yogi Berra)
They won't, because they're civilised human beings, contrary to the violent, stupid beast race, 'orcs' that we call the russian army nowadays. Ukraine takes a quite principled stance, and keep just hitting military targets.
The whole;e of the Russian Federation should be dismantled. Give all those annexed Asian republics their independence. Lèt them join the EU if they want ( Tajikistan already was in talks with the EU for trade and free movement.. shame the war put the kibosh on more RF states having ' a talk' with the EU) Dismantle the RF, and let the elites in Moscow and StPetersburg wallow in their own filth, I'd say. See if Moscovites can survive when the annexed states go their own ways.
I won't be surprised if Israel is already planning something, and the Iranian missile factory suddenly experiences 'spontaneous combusting' stocks, and/or their ICT-infra imploding..
Check-out Gerhard Schröder's sordid history as an SPD chancellor. Corrupt to a tee, and full-on in the pocket of Gazprom, and suddenly Germany's deplorable attitude of delaying, and outright sabotaging all attempts to give Ukraine the heavy armour they need, becomes clear as day.
@paulgibbon5991 Hah, even the trolls and bots in this thread are in a bit of a panic, pushing for 'negotiations' ..
'gone out of the window' if Scholtz and the SPD keep this up. No-one wants to buy weapons, if the provider still has a say on wether they can be used or sold-on, or not.
Just take-out a couple of electricity plants. No need to kill civilians directly. Make Muscovite's elite feel their toes freeze.
Well, at there least we would have the solution to the Fermi-Paradox: We haven't seen, or heard aliens.... because EVERY technologically advanced civilisation will eventually invent nukes, and obliterate itself and go back to the stone-age..
I, and many others, ended my subscription to the NYT. They won't get a penny from us, and they already were in dire straits. Let them implode. They used to have only one- or two Putin butt-lickers in the editorial staff, but apparently they procreated like rabbits, and the whole board is now infected. You'd almost wonder if some dark russian oligarch money is keeping the NYT afloat..
He, and the SPD, basically signed their own letter of dismissal. Germans are actually pissed-off with Scholtz and his 'Chamberlaining' The next elections are probably going to be a slaughterhouse for Scholtz and the SPD. Germany will most likely go full-on CDU, with a touch of Die Grünen again.
Welllll.. "Russia" wàs actually Ukrainian, when one goes back far enough in history... 😋
Pffft.. they would cry "Foul!!!" Bullies don't like it when people hit back...
*scratching head.. well.. Putain hasn't started gassing a specific ethnicity.. yet... The rest of it? Yup. 100% Hitler's playbook.
.. And its army and all hardware gets decimated beyond salvage.
Remember this fun-fact: No dictator, or despot èver survived losing a war. So here's hoping that Putin's demise is close at hand.. and while they're at it, they could also 'remove' the oligarch cronies in Putin's close circle.
Grift, utter corruption and lack of maintenance. Many MANY of the 'thousands of tanks' Russia has.... are rusting hulks stored in the open in, f.i. Siberia. There even are satellite pictures of those storages. Rusting hulks, stripped of anything useful (probably 50% having been illegally sold-on) Currently, Russia is running-out of ball-bearings, so those are stripped out from those stored tanks. The people running those facilities aren't suicidal, so they kéep reporting those stripped remains as full-on tanks. "Excel nèver lies!"🤣 Russia is -by now, a cancerous growth that has started to eat itself, it seems.
Like Putin and his billionaire oligarch cronies care about the 'serfs' .. They don't give a fig..
Putain: "Worth it!.. (because I now have 30.000 mercenaries less that I have to pay wages..)
"Why not both?"
Hard labour in their own Gulags..., or become a chain-gang that helps re-building Ukraine. And being 'old' or 'infirm'? Not an excuse. They didn't thought that a problem when they, basically, shanghai'd men from the streets for their 'mobilization'
Staying away from windows, I guess?
"S a variation on an old Soviet-joke: "How do we Russians know our newspaper is lying :There are words in the Pravda today, àctual words." There, indeed, wàs a time when Russians actually knew their government was continuously lying through its teeth. That knowledge, apparently, has faded, given the inane blabbering of those interviewed old crows..
@anitapodsudek8041 As are ALL humans, everywhere, sadly.
Arkham Asylum's Inmates.. Or severe cases of Stockholm-syndrome.. not sure yet.
There's also this:"No Dictator has ever survived losing a war" (forgot who stated that) A wisdom that has been proven true again, and again. An extra motivation for Putain to desperately try NOT to lose this war, even if the Russian Federation itself is already starting to crumble. (many suspicious fires in recruitment bureaus and Russian civil-services buildings in, especially, the Asian republics.. Shoot-outs between Russian border troops and local armies/militia's, the most recent leaving about 245 Russian troops dead, after they were caught trying to smuggle stolen military hardware... Just to name some )
@RobBCactive Putin's Special Mosquito-brigade counter-intelligence clerk checks weather map.. goes :"Dammit.. no way to actually accuse Ukraine then.." -thinks for a bit.. "Mêh.. our representative is stupid, I'll just keep silent"
You're not wrong. However, parts of Ukraine already had snow and freezing. It's mainly the countries with a sea-climate that will see another very mild winter (or more like an Autumn that keeps on going.. :P )
Frozen ground makes "Thunder Runs" outside of regular roads far easier. (look up "Thunder Run" for the details of how that works)
@alessandrovilla6759 🤣🤣😅😂
Vodka and Krokodil (look it up)
Ukrainians soldiers have DEET in their kits.. Suspicious!! They knów something!!! <--- Next speech of lunatic asylum inhabitant let loose on UN...
blue tac!
Ukraine doesn't actually need "attack mosquitos'.. Malaria is still "a thing" in many regions of the RF. The utter corruption that's everywhere, has doomed many an attempt to eradicate it in the RF.
It will be kept alive as an urban legend for years to come, me thinks.
Orrr.. Putain is scared that offing Prigo will get him heavily armed, battle-hardened, and vèry angry mercenaries that make short work of him, his siccophants and the Kremlin itself. Triggers another revolution of sorts, so to speak.
Pffft.. Orcistan and it’s republics are rìfe with them. Nothing new there.