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The Young Turks
Comments by "SmallSpoonBrigade" (@SmallSpoonBrigade) on "The Young Turks" channel.
If Sanders does win, you better believe that the DNC will find ways of losing as many seats as possible to make it look like Sanders cost us representation.
He's not electable. He'll go down the same way that Hillary did. He's doing nothing to earn our deserve our votes.
You're what's wrong with the world. Nobody is ignoring gunshot wounds to blame deaths in Corinna virus.
The other issue is that 2 elections in a row, the Democratic candidate is illegitimate. Neither Biden nor Hillary actually won their primaries, so, I'm not really sure why Trump is that much more of an existential threat to the country than the Democrats are.
LOL, you do realize that the Democrats chased those racists out of the party and they joined the GOP, right?
The national anthem had a racist third verse and even there it's a bit questionable as to whether the verse was racist or was said by a racist. Nobody sings it and few people are even aware that it was ever a part of the song.
Indeed, America isn't perfect, but there's never been a period in our entire history where we were as bad as the Nazis. The closest we came to that was when we were clearing the lands of the indigenous tribes and even that was not even remotely close to what the Nazis were doing. It's beyond regrettable that the infectious diseases that the settlers brought to the New World eradicated countless natives even before the settlers saw them, but really, the comparison is rather silly.
+John M, there's absolutely no reason that it has to be the mother. Women whine about how men aren't more involved with their children, but men don't get much in the way of paternity leave.
At least women get maternity leave, and a lot more than is necessary. Men generally don't get paternity leave and if they do get it, it's significantly less than what women get. In most cases, a woman can be back to work within a week of giving birth and historically that's what happened. The remaining time has little to do with pregnancy and everything to do with bonding with the baby.
If they're going to go blue, the DNC has to offer them something that's at least marginally palatable. I'm a progressive and I couldn't vote for her, so why would anybody even slightly conservative vote for her? BTW, I wrote in Bernie Sanders, there's no way in hell that I'm voting for Trump or Clinton.
Nobody should be doing these things, it's disrespectful of the other folks. But, if they're not enforcing that consistently, that's wrong.
Why shouldn't they be allowed to use the law? We don't know if he was guilty of theft, but if he said those things, then he absolutely does need to be held to the same standard that white people would. It's rather common these days for white people behaving like that to lose their livelihood when somebody takes offense. I'm not sure why being a person of color should be some sort of shield for obvious racist animus.
They're not, but if the cops were white, then yes, calling them Nazis, skinheads and the like would definitely be racist.
They're probably more concerned about the damage to their reputation, but I'll take it.
+robert karas There's a huge difference between killing yourself and getting assistance from other people. I think it was a poor decision, but having doctors aiding and abetting it is rather ridiculous.
No, not unless things are extremely close. We've been voting by mail for years here and it's rare for us to not know the result within a few days and usually we know by the next day. The longest counts were for governor when there was an extremely small margin of votes and it had to go to multiple recounts. But, even in those cases, it was a matter of weeks, not months.
Triggered? It's the same BS that they've been force-feeding to students for decades and it's even less true now than it was when I was a kid. Being white doesn't grant me any particular rights that other people don't have and it's a liability as often as it is an advantage. I don't remember people lining up to fund my education or encourage me when I was a kid, but I do remember being told over and over again how everything I had was stolen and that I didn't deserve any sort of success because it would be tainted. Bottom line here is that white privilege is a myth in modern America, money is the only source of privilege and more of that is being concentrated in a small number of hands anyways. At least if you're poor and black there's some hope that somebody will care.
He's prepared, but he'll do horrible things of he's elected.
Even if they did, Biden was VP when those cages were built.
Yep, this isn't a rightwing thing, Shoeonhead covered it and she's hardly a rightwinger. Yes, because there's no better way to fight hypersexualization of girls is by spending 95% of the film hypersexualizing girls only to have a very short bit at the end which implies that it's against that. And yeah, it's disgusting and rather anti-Muslim at that.
That's the thing, TYT is lying when they claim that this is just rightwingers that are disgusted. There are definitely prominent leftwingers that are disgusted by the film. It's hardly just a conspiracy to prop up Qanon.
AFAICT chokeholds are not something that cops are trained to do these days. I assume in the past that was the case, but it's just a very dangerous practice. Even applied correctly, you don't really know what's going to happen as a result. If you've blocked the blood supply enough, but not the air supply you can choke them out even as they complain about it.
For being a lawyer? That seems a bit harsh. If I were ever brought up on charges, I'd be angry if my attorneys didn't do everything within their power to get me off. The prosecutors will get to call witnesses to poke holes in those theories and if they're as ridiculous as it might seem the jury likely wont' buy it.
In the world that TYT advocates for, attorneys shouldn't do their jobs just because the defendant is guilty. It's not surprising, they are anti-cop and refuse to let go even when more facts come to light that change the appearance of what happened. In this case, I doubt that things like this will have much of an impact, but the attorneys have to do the best with what they have to work with.
Nonsense, they're just really opposed to basic arithmetic.
Videos like this are why I don't give TYT any money. Nothing is sufficient in their eyes to justify a police shooting, it doesn't matter if the perp has a loaded weapon aimed at the police and they've already fired shots. It's still not enough for them. This incident should be thoroughly investigated, but barring some actual evidence that the use of force wasn't appropriate, he should get back to work as soon as possible.
Barry Stamour I see, so I'm dealing with a troll. Kudos to you.
You make it sound like there's a choice. Around here the Catholic hospitals have been merging with the other hospitals and pretty soon it's going to be challenging to find care that isn't provided at these hospitals. So, even if the individual providers aren't Catholic, they're still bound by the hospital policies and can lose their lease if they break them. The problem here is a group of Catholics trying to control what non-Catholics do.
Historical Banana So, in other words, you're either a troll or you've got the morality of a klansman.
He definitely would. Why would Bernie supporters show up to vote when Biden isn't going to do anything for the American people. He'll do whatever minimum is necessary to look like he's not a Republican. I personally, won't be voting for any Democrat if Biden is the nominee.
After the HRC endorsed Cuomo over Nixon, we should be used to it. Passing over better qualified candidates in your demographic to support a crook.
If they don't abandon her, somebody needs to primary her in retribution for her behavior. It's not just that she backed off of popular positions, but she fought extremely dirty and left the progressive wing hanging in 2 straight Presidential elections.
I'm thinking it's got to be Elizabeth Warren. But yeah, no vote. They've shown no interest in the will of the people and giving us things that we need, so they don't get my vote.
Warren is in it for the power of being the first female President. She cares precisely 0 about anything other than her own feelings.
She won't be re-elected. She lost her own home state in the primary. If she can't convince the Democrats in her home state, what do you think is going to happen when she has to win Independent and GOP votes to be Senator?
I'm not sure how she could accept that deal after all those lies she told about him. She is holding out for something, but I don't see how she could accept a VP pick when she has tarred him as being sexist.
Could we please get through a video without the sexism and racism? There's a reason why you see so many countries where being white is a bit of an advantage, it's because for a couple millennia now the European countries have been contributing far more to the development of science and technology than other areas have been. It will change over time, but let's not pretend like this is something that happened due to skin color, it happened because Europe was fortunate enough to hit a specific milestone at the right time. It could easily have been various Asian or African groups had they developed a bit differently or earlier. As for men, are we really doing that well? Most of the sexual assault allegations that you see in the press are either from decades ago or are people that are too powerful to be able to charge and not get the conviction to stick. By most measures women are doing better than men are, so our patriarchy is pretty shitty.
Some goes for Hillary and Biden.
You can donate the money to somebody that needs it, if you don't. I'd be happy to take it off your hands, I've got tuition to pay.
I'd like to see some evidence of that. IQ is purely for the purpose of identifying people that are more or less capable of dealing with a specific academic environment. Nothing more, nothing less. People complain about it, but the only real problems with IQ is that it's a narrow set of tests and it's routinely misapplied to prove whatever fool notion people have about different groups of people. But, within it's intended use, it's a perfectly fine measure.
I bet Biden remembers how hard Trump worked to allow his election and grants him and his family pardons. I think it's more likely that Trump doesn't live long enough to run for reelection. He's currently 74 years old and would be 78 the next election cycle. He doesn't exercise, he eats garbage, he is significantly overweight, I'd be shocked if he doesn't have a massive stroke or heart attack during the next 4 years. Assuming he's even alive, he may well be in a condition worse than Biden is now and in need of medications to make him lucid enough to do anything in public. Biden only got away with it because the newsmedia wasn't asking any hard questions and he didn't need to campaign. In a normal election year, even against Trump, I doubt he'd have any hope of winning. Biden may still lose, but the margins either way are far closer than they should be.
All of them should have been executed for sedition along with the rest of the establishment insiders.
There's a very real possibility that they didn't. The exit polls in key states like Texas and Minnesota suggest that Bernie was the actual winner, even after the massive voter suppression efforts.
+SeanTheOriginal I'm pretty sure that the CEOs get to make most of the decisions, otherwise, why have them at all?
BLM is racist. They assume that when they're people are shot that it's because racism and I've yet to hear the admit when further evidence comes out that demonstrates conclusively that it was a reasonable use of force. After all these years, I have yet to hear them admit that Tamir Rice was a case of justified force. The whole thing is literally on camera. Why would anybody become a police officer if they were expected to be a bullet sponge without being allowed to neutralize the apparent threat? What would have happened if he had actually been carrying a real gun rather than a realistic fake and killed them?
Perhaps if you folks would have better judgment about whom you glorify you'd be taken more seriously. Most of the videos out there are about black people being shot that are inflaming tensions, threatening the cops and running away. There's little talk about what the community is doing to contribute to the problem and there's this incredible degree of hypocrisy involved with convicting the officers in the court of public opinion and then whining about the system being prejudiced. If there's a real problem here at all, it would probably be best to learn from Gandhi and stop fighting with the police and stop inflaming tensions to emphasize the difference between you and the police. It worked brilliantly in India, so I'm not sure why it wouldn't work here in the US where you have more rights.
That's how coded language works. She's using it with a nudge-nudge, wink-wink, say no more to segments of the population that are incredibly racist. Some people genuinely use the word thug to refer to people that are actually behaving in a thuggish manner, which is why they can use it as a code word. They can't use the word negro like that anymore because pretty much just racists and anthropologists use that term. And they're clearly not the latter.
Pretty much, I'm not sure how much faith I can have in her when she clearly has no spine. I used to like her, but she has no integrity.
Also, Biden didn't crap himself on stage. I'm surprised that the media didn't bother to point that out as that's roughly where the bar is right now. Anything shy of crapping the stage is a win for Biden.
This is why I don't give you money. There's no such thing as toxic masculinity. I'm not even sure why I have to say that. Nobody talks about toxic femininity, so why would toxic masculinity be a thing? Plus, you literally could not have this show without the contributions of men.