Comments by "SmallSpoonBrigade" (@SmallSpoonBrigade) on "Imposing Vegan Diet Could Land Parents In Prison" video.
First off, the burden of proof here is on vegans to demonstrate that their diet is sound. We have literally millenia of human experience that demonstrates that a well-balanced diet of meats, animal products and plant matter works. There's examples all over the world. Examples of vegans are much more localized and much more recent. At this stage we're still establishing what precisely it is that makes a diet healthy.
But, with that being said, vegan diets are typically deficient in fats, cholesterol, B-12 as well as having more exposure to various anti-nutrients and hormones that come in things like grains and soy. If you think that animal products are bad, just look at what soy and improperly prepared grains do to the body.
In short, the "benefits" that people generally tout in the vegan diet usually aren't. Cutting your cholesterol and fat intake has some pretty serious health consequences as cholesterol is what gives your cells their soft rubbery consistency and prevents them from freezing and the best sources of vitamins A, D, E and K are mostly from animals.
In some cases, like flax seed oil, the form of nutrients found aren't even usable to humans. But, the forms found in animal based oils are much more easily absorbed.
At the end of the day, humans have teeth like we do because we're supposed to be eating meat. Our digestive system isn't anywhere near long enough to be living a purely plant based dietary lifestyle and anybody who chooses to disrespect their body by cutting out the meat and animal products completely is going to cut a few years off their lives in the process.
The best dietary advice remains to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and meat and animal products in moderation. Stray too far from that and you'll get sick.