Comments by "Michele Lyn" (@HRPFayetteville) on "Sky News Australia" channel.

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  23. And these are way too complex of things for a young child who's barely even been on this Earth. But a few years to even grasp this is abuse. This is mental abuse this is horrible horrible mental abuse and they're gonna figure it out God willing please figure it out qui'm sorry I used. To work in day care and my kids would been dead if I just let them. Do whatever they want think whatever they want be whoever they wanted to be. Are you kidding? They either kill themselves or kill each other wow what happened. To the. Adults oh I know all the mom's left the building. All the mom's left the party and resent having children because they don't want to raise their children. They want to stick them in day care. It's almost like more of a goal now could be by yourself get free day. Care so you can work all the time? And who are you raising a kid with multiple personalities raised by multiple people? With multiple. Different? Belief systems in fighting for attention against several multiple other children. You're same age. It's not a funny. Scenari was a two-year-old day care teacher and I had 12. And it was took everything. I had just to keep them from slapping biting point each other's hair pooping peeing where they're not supposed to hit any other with the wet. Diaper after nap time. I mean the list goes on and on now. It was fun for me because I was younger and I loved kids so but they did not get what they needed not like you do when you're going. Around everywhere with your parent or your mom especially your mom? Running around Aaron's going to different places to the library. You know kids don't get to go anywhere when they're in daycare. They're like in daycare and go outside maybe once A-day if the weather is OK and it can't be too hot and can't be too cold. And you aint right around no air conditioner with your mom going to Walmart? Yeah learn in watching people that's what it is like kids are not getting the cues. They used to get growing up going around with their mother in all these different places like we used to my mom work. But my friend's mom didn't and their dad was gone all the time cause he worked all the time we'd go all kinds of places to delay. Fuse to take us to the ski slopes and she'd sit in there and drink some hot chocolate and has the appetizer at the lodge and us kids. Be out there on the slopes. And I heard that another mom they were friends. They'd load us kids up and cut the neighborhood kids. We go to the lake we go down the mountain to the beach. I mean that's what you're supposed to be doing when you're raising your kids so that they can absorb and watch life and that's not a happening
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