Youtube activity of "rob young" (@robyoung-pl1gq) on "Breitbart News" channel.
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Comments by video
"A Taste of What's to Come! Trump's Border Czar Leaves AOC Sullen and Angry"
"Donald Trump Kamala Harris Must Not Become President Through the Back Door"
"Donald Trump Lays Out Evidence of Mail-In Voting Fraud to Reporters"
"Donald Trump: Bill Clinton Is 'Stone Cold Afraid' of Hillary"
"Donald Trump: Ruth Bader Ginsberg "Led An Amazing Life""
"Donald Trump: Salon Owner Who Turned in Nancy Pelosi Can Do My Hair Anytime"
"Google CEO Calls Banned Doctor Video 'Medical Misinformation Which Could Cause Harm'"
"House Democrats Shout Down Rep. Jim Jordan: 'Put Your Mask On!'"
"Kayleigh McEnany: Democrats Were Obsessed with Impeachment While Trump Admin Handled Early Pandemic"
"Kayleigh McEnany: Even ABC-CBS-WaPo Admit Risk of Mass-Mail Voting Fraud"
"Kevin McCarthy: I Don't Know What Communist China Has on Democrats, 'but It's Very Effective'"
"McEnany: 'Doesn't Make Sense' that L.A. County Has 117% Voter Registration"
"McEnany: If CNN Says You Can March During Pandemic, You Can Attend a Campaign Rally Too"
"Minnesota Trump Supporter: "90%+ Probability" State Will Go Red in November"
"Rep. Louie Gohmert Compares Rioters' Tactics to Marxist Revolutions"
"Trump Accuses Biden Family of "Selling Out Our Country Directly to the Chinese Military""
"Trump Announces Emergency Authorization of Coronavirus Treatment: Convalescent Plasma"
"Trump Explains Difference Between "Crooked Hillary" and "Slow Joe""
"Trump Polls Rally Attendees: Should SCOTUS Nominee Be a Man -- Or a Woman?"
"Trump Spars with Reporter: 'You're Just Incapable of Asking a Question in a Positive Way'"
"Trump Supporter: "It's Bordering on Elder Abuse" What Democrats are Doing to Joe Biden"
"Trump Tells Supporters "We're in the Rain Together" at Wet PA Rally"
"Trump Tests Reporter: ‘Finally, Someone Knows Something Before Asking a Question’"
"Trump Tries to Swat Mosquito at Rally: 'They'll Say It's Cruelty to Animals'"
"Trump VS CNN Reporter: 'Only CNN Would Ask That Question'"
"Trump on DNC Moderator Leaving Out ‘Under God’ in Pledge of Allegiance: ‘He Didn’t Make a Mistake’"
"Trump on Debate Preparation: I Take Questions from the Media "All the Time" — Biden Doesn't"
"Trump to Reporter: Tell 'Sleepy Joe' I'm Not Thinking of Changing Election Date"
"Trump: CNN Being 'Dishonest' in Coverage of Censored Doctors"
"Trump: I Will Fight with 'Every Single Ounce of My Strength' for the American Dream for Children"
"Trump: Now Is a 'Fantastic' Time for Payroll Tax Cut, But Democrats Are Blocking It"
"Trump: We Won’t Let Our Country ‘Go to H*ll’ as Crime Rises in Major Cities"
"WH Press Sec. Kayleigh McEnany Calls Out Media for Justifying Violence"