Comments by "Joe Madden" (@joemadden4160) on "How Canada's Universal Health-Care System Works" video.

  1. This is what happened to me as a Canadian suffering from osteoarthritis. At 18 I started to suffer from severe left hip pain. My family doctor took a year to decide it was something he couldn't treat. A single CAT showed osteoarthritis. I had minor surgery to soften the tissues around the joint 3 months later. So...over a year from start to finish the first "flare". Cut to 30 years later and the pain was becoming intolerable after many years of living a relatively normal life. I was limping as well. Working at my job was very hard. I was offered higher doses of NSAIDS (which didn't help) and narcotics which I refused(I have a history of addiction in my family. Both my father and sister died from this). Finally, in order to GAME the system(which is what you have to do in certain cases in Canada to attain proper medical care) I told my primary care physician and her cousin, my rheumatologist, that the physical pain was affecting me psychologically and I was I was at my end and that ending it all was an option. I was feeling a lot of anger and disenchantment from both my disease and the way the system was treating me. In a few days I was set up with an orthopedic specialist and after reviewing my x-rays was shocked that I had handled such pain and bone growth for so long. 380 days later(the then Liberal government of Ontario stated the average wait times was only 60 days, but I digress) I had my left hip resurfaced and it changed my life. I can run again and walk and walk and walk and run. I knew that the problen was one of mechanics and that a resurfacing would work and I'm not even in the medical field. Why is that? This is not the ultra quick system some on this comment section would have you believe. Ever. Not even for cancer and it is class tiered. Any one who believes it isn't is a liar. The affluent go ahead of everyone else. Even in a national based health system like Canada. You must be an advocate for your OWN health at all times.
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