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పానకాలు పూనకం
Comments by "పానకాలు పూనకం" (@PanakaluPoonakam) on "ThePrint" channel.
@curious_Arjun India is NOT a secular country. India is a pluralistic country. The word secularism is inserted by Indira Gandhi during her emergency. India is a natural land for Hindus. It should be a Hindu rastra. India should have Israel like Citizenship law i.e. every Hindu in any corner of the world has right to seek citizenship of India .Cheers and best wishes!
@BharatThatIsIndia Jinnah is the best thing to happen to Hindus. We at least have a country to call our own. Othewise with ~60 cr M population (or more), we would definitely have become Faxtan. Whatever India is today it because of H and not M, for the most part. Don't quote exceptions; and even those exceptions you quote mainstream M don't consider pure M. Thanks for your understanding. Cheers and best wishes!
As always, DK is back with his brilliant analysis. Thanks
I am a political worker in Southern India but I do have an ear on things that go on in our MEA(Ministry of External Affairs of Foreign Office). Though I am a very small guy but I do get to listen to older diplomats, ambassadors and also IAS officers that are cabinet advisers. So here is what with India-Pakistan relations. Things won't move. And the reason actually is pretty mundane. Reason number 1 is that none of the diplomats are interested in working with Pakistan; they'd rather quit MEA and transfer to some other department than work on Indo-Pak relations. The reason being they think they would be wasting their career's valuable time in fruitless efforts that yield nothing after years of efforts. Most of our diplomats are eager to work with African countries - recently we had major breakthrough agreements with Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda and also Egypt. Now, that's a fruitful work. That's a feather in cap for our diplomats. OTOH, with Pakistan they are reasonably sure that their entire efforts will go waste working with Pakistan. So I don't think there will be any dialogue post elections. Indo-Pak relations are in cold storage, at least for foreseeable future.
@Leonlkkkk H/M Division has at least 800 year history behind it. And the division is irreconcilable. Congress has been using it for 65 years in one direction for electoral benefit and you didn't have any problem. Now if BJP does in reverse you have stomach ache? Sorry, kindly find a way to deal with it instead of vomiting on internet. Thanks. Cheers and best wishes!
@ravi-it3vj Can you answer one question? Can you give me ONE achievement of RG in his 20 years of political career from 2004-2024? He hasn't held any post that requires administrative skills. He wasn't CM of any state. He wasn't in cabinet and held a portfolio during UPA I and II. He didn't introduce even ONE bill. He didn't bring even a $1 as an investment into the country. He didn't champion any policy. .OTOH, Modi was CM for 3 terms, and a PM for 2 terms in 20 years. How are you comparing both vis a vis accomplishments? What are your grounds to support RG or Congress - an incompetent person in a dying party. Thanks. Cheers and best wishes!
Demography of WB is changed to such an extent that TMC's power is solid regardless of crime, economy, business situation in the state. Mamata's prospects are just fine even if she isn't held accountable. Come 2026, she will once again will win with a huge mandate. People from other states should carefully see and learn from WB. Once the 'green vote' reaches ~25%, your ability to influence your politics is out of your hands. Just like Bengalis of WB you will be forced to migrate to other states for decent living. Devil has taken over the state. And there is no turning back now. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Cheers and best wishes!
@bankruptcy-9 They teach "gazwa-e-hind" at Dar-ul-uloom Deoband.
Rubbish Kumar will get you all the dark you want.
Sometimes it almost feels like RaGa is like Shakuni. Eating away the party from within.
@sitarampradhan8488 Yes today's China doesn't practice "mutual respect" but in the long run, it would. Meanwhile we should stand firm, defend out borders well and grow strong economically. There would be a day, not too far in future when we'd easily stand tall with China. With as big a neighbor as China, it would be in our interest to not be "anti china" but pro India and pro Indian interests and we should project it as such.
@PK-tt5kk Bhai, we got your message about Solar energy. Can you please stop copy pasting it everywhere and spamming the page?
IDK what is the point you are trying to arrive at. If a man and woman are roommates and engage in sex, they can - but it is NOT a relationship. Neither the man nor the woman will get any protection from state. If either of them want the state to be their arbiter in future, they will voluntarily declare their status of relationship to the state. Where is the question of privacy being violated?
Everyday I realize not having complete exchange of population in 1947 was such a mistake. You had to stay back only to become a major faultline of this country? Thanks for your understanding. Cheers and best wishes!
These lefties get that goody goody feeling in their stomachs when they think of 'aman tamasha" with a rouge state.
@okeng71487 An individual who has been radicalized with J I H A D has typically a lifetime ~ 50-60 years. Yes INC will be taking blame for next 50-60 years until all those die. INC has been a curse on India.
Try explaining why people vote for BJP.
@harishdeshpande1159 Sure BJ party is totally fine with me as long you call it INDI Alliance or better 4 dots alliance.
One of my close friends is from Bahinsa. He told me what AIMIM cadres have done to H I N D U community there. Don't believe me. Look up Bhainsa R I O T S. My friend lost his house in those R I O T S.
@umairkhan-fd9yi People should keep their mazab in their holy pants. How others worship shouldn't be your biziness. Your "green book" doesn't have a veto on how others worship. Kindly keep your book and its ideas within confines of your home. People should be free to worship a rock, a tree, a snake , sun or moon. They don't tell you how you should worship and you return the favor by not telling them how they should worship. Thanks. Cheers and best wishes!
And he calls this as "National Interest"!
DK is one of the best political analyst. He doesn't predict outcomes. And he made that very clear too in one of these episodes.
EVM is just fine in Telangana.
Without bindi they look like vidhwas (widows)
You still blame Brahmins after 75 years? You will keep blaming them even after 150 years. If you can't win today, you failed yourselves, you'll be left behind and you'll have only yourselves to blame.
@sleepingduty2987 Absolutely not. Come over to Vijayawada, where I live. Its a great small cute city. We can exchange mirch. Bring theeki mirch.
The problem is Military has lots of business interests. They run lot of businesses. Every business man needs political connections. So even if Army wants to get out of politics, their business interests come in the way of such a decision. And importantly few Military firms have a monopoly over market. If they leave politics alone, naturally politicians will walk into that space to distribute their political power. And that will compromise Military's financial interests. And to top it, Military has a gun. They don't hesitate to point it to the heads of politicians. You see what kind of a knotted situation it is? Even if someone gives an advice they can't carry it through without some serious bloodshed on streets.
Question for you: Is investment into ANYTHING a good thing? Inviting private investment in ANYTHING is a good thing or a bad thing? So, inviting private investment in agriculture is bad? That exactly is what farm laws about. People with money can invest - its not just Ambani or Adani. Tatas, Mahindras, Birlas, Goenks, Raheja .. everyone with money can invest. People like you were misled by AAP and Congress and deprived farmers of Punjab and Haryana the vital investment they could have received and which in turn could have turned around fortunes of millions. But then, you are as you are in blind h@tred for BJP and Modi oppose anything they do. Punjabi farmers are digging their grave by draining out water table. It is people like you who will have to answer when Punjab becomes a desert. Thanks for your understanding. Cheers and best wishes!
So a Muslim in an Islamic country persecuted for being a Muslim must be given citizenship in a Hindu majority country while the said Islamic country is formed by Muslims because didn't want to live together with Hindus. Singvi Sahib, did I get you right? Cheers and Best wishes!
@ashamsaud4737 Right, you are distributing bags of love that you feel entitled to love from others? Noice! Cheers and best wishes!
@mg.f.9023 You do know that once up on a time Khangress used to rule "cow belt"? Do you know that the route to Delhi passes through UP? Scamgress used to have "safe" seats in Rae Bareli and Amethi and now they both are BJP strong holds. Just 2 months ago, Rajasthan was one of "your's" because Khangress was ruling and today it has become "cow belt" ? In a decade you will see even South be voting BJP, its just a matter of time.
@MrAntonysimon Can you give me examples of repression by govt? People not electing Khangress is NOT repression BTW.
@sagarvk750 It all started with AAP sucking up to Khalistanis for campaign funds. Go back and read articles published during those times, when even Amarender Singh issued the warning. Now they are extracting their pound of flesh.
Right! And "The Print" is the place where we must look for "information" while the rest of them spread "mis information". And how do we know it? Oh yeah, you told us. Cheers and best wishes!
Would it make you happy if Ambani shuts down Jio, Reliance and Adani shuts down all ports, power projects run by his company? Please tell me what should Adani and Ambai do to make you happy?
@pmathewm If you come out of your cocoon, she meant ALL other currencies of the world were losing because of the dollar and rupee is no exception. Sir, aap chew-tiye hai. Cheers and best wishes!
While I don't appreciate Ashutosh's acerbic tongue, in this case I completely agree with Ashutosh. I share the pain of Ashutosh. I would have loved to see AAP succeed. I rooted for the party in its inception.
I am seriously disappointed with AAP and Kejriwal. This was one party that formed out of something that looked like a "revolution" way back in 2013. I wished they've took time and built a solid cadre, invited really good academicians, successful economists and great thinkers from our Indian diaspora etc. But instead he tried to fly high and spread too fast and wide too soon. In order to fund his ambition he indulged in corruption. Its a serious pity. The upshot of this is people are now disillusioned with "revolution" and it can happen. Ah! As an aspiring politician, this is a double disappointment to me.
@Star-ds4sd Yes Adani could also have donated. If you like even you can donate. Feel free to contribute. Cheers and best wishes!
Even if it is propaganda, its isn't crime. Movie should be released. You don't like it. don't watch. Period. People have right to watch propaganda. Cheers and best wishes!
@praneethjayasimha5943 Kejriwal has abused his position. He played nasty politics. He turned into an anarchist. Had it been someone more mature and good administrator like Sheila Dikshit Ji, things would have been very different.
@shekarnt I am not a Congressi nor BJP. I am an Andhra or ఆంధ్రుడు. To me, interests of my state is paramount, regardless of party. And delimitation is such a sensitive issue, it will have support cutting party/caste/religion/region lines. I cannot stress how "hot" the issue is if BJP (or any party at the center) shows stepmotherly treatment. You will find me (and hundreds of thousands like me) in Delhi protesting. Saheenbagh will look tiny.
I am shit scared about this delimitation exercise. I belong to political party down South. And you have no idea the kind of discussions that are internally taking place. Should Southern states representation diminish significantly, I am guaranteeing you that the country will burn. There will be an open rebellion. What you are seeing is just the quiet before the storm. I hope BJP is judicious and also a bit generous.
That exactly is what he refers to as "nuclear winter". Its hilarious!
TBH, RSS is inflicted with disease of sickularism. We need a proper and authentic and unapologetic H I N D U social organization.
@SaifurMohsin If you have gone to your country in 1947, you wouldn't have had this problem with Indian elections. Cheers and best wishes!
@va8085 Thanks for your kind words bro. People think that just because I am in US, I am minting money. But the fact is I am just a PIG (Poor Indian Graduate student). My scholarship barely covers my housing and food expenses. And with recent surge in inflation, it has become very difficult. I ration my food and I skip meals to save money. Hope things improve. I'll try to save up money to visit next year. Wish me good luck.
Give this tip to some journalist in "The Print" or some other news paper. They will investigate and expose it if there is anything to be exposed. What's the point in ranting about corruption in comments?
Thank you for your inputs. Now G T F O from here.
These generous people somehow ALWAYS want to distribute other's wealth not their' own.