Comments by "The Ultimate Reductionist" (@theultimatereductionist7592) on "Labour must rethink Brexit if elected - Andrew Marr | Election 2024 | The New Statesman" video.

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  3.  @andreaslind6338  If Brits are free to leave the EU without being shamed and humiliated and called traitors without being forced to physically move from where they were born, then Brits are free to leave the stupid childish monarchy and are free to overthrow the nation/the country & free Julian Assange without being shamed and humiliated and called traitors without being forced to physically move from where they were born. It is called LOGICAL CONSISTENCY: either ALL separatism movements are justified or NONE is. The INFINITE hypocrisy of nationalists to complain or ridicule or insult European collectivists who wish to remain with the EU. If you get to separate from the EU without physically moving, then anyone in the UK is allowed to break free of stupid unelected monarchy and form THEIR own separate province, without physically moving. I respect Sovereign Citizens and Anarchists who voted for or supported Brexit, but NOT hypocritical nationalists. And ZERO respect for Brexiters who don't take Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) seriously. You are free to Brexit, but you must be forced to live in a bubble and not force YOUR CO2 emissions onto anyone else. I remember back in 2011 when Greeks rose up against European banksters that THAT was the motivation for Brexit: to prevent banksters in Europe forcing austerity onto citizens. That was what Brexiters feared. So, did that happen? Did Brexit prevent massive austerity caused by European bankers or not? A so-called "criminal" of one country is the hero/patriot of another. Every individual is forced into the world without their consent by their breeders and therefore has ZERO obligation to maintain the status quo. Therefore NOBODY has ANY reason to feel ashamed about having political views that go against the status quo or nationalism.
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