Comments by "The Ultimate Reductionist" (@theultimatereductionist7592) on "Meet the Animal Rights Activists Facing Prison Time for Rescuing Ducks, Piglets from Factory Farms" video.

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  2. If these Jan 6 terrorists are not put into prison, then we REAL patriots: Greens, Antinatalists, and Animal Rights Vegans and climate activists have the right to declare ANY ELECTION that does not go OUR way ILLEGAL. We get to declare the 2016 election ILLEGAL and STOLEN and that Dr Jill Stein was the REAL winner. And the 2020 election was ALSO illegal and stolen and that Howie Hawkins was the REAL winner So too Marxists, Communists, and Anarchists. And WE may legally gun down and kill any officials or officers who get in our way and overthrow any laws, governments, capitols WE want. Period. I don't give a shit what any government supreme court says: I will defend with GUNS women's right to get abortions and doctor's right to give abortion. Moreover, if you are not vegan you are not pro-life. I know a lot of antiabortionists who at least are vegan. My second girlfriend was. A mathematician (Art Dupre) I knew at Rutgers in the 1990s. We need to ARM LEFTISTS, LIBERALS, LABOR UNIONS, ANTINATALIST ANIMAL RIGHTS VEGANS (AARVs), ATHEISTS, ANTINATALISTS. Let's see cuntservaturds/nationalists/rightards defend REAL PATRIOTS like us AARVs and OUR right to bear arms. I want to see antivaxxer shitheads fight for a REAL cause: ending the UNIMAGINABLE TORTURE AND HOLOCAUST OF FACTORY FARMING: pigs and chickens forced in crates, FULLY CONSCIOUS. Fact: there is nothing wrong with outlawing conservatives, outlawing religion, and forcing all religionturds into tiny prison cells. They are incapable of thinking about consequences of actions and logical consistency and logistics. They blather on only hypocritically and inconsistently with garbage philosophy. There is NO scientific evidence that raping, killing, torturing, burning down the homes and businesses and governments of cuntservatives is a "negative" thing or causes them any "pain" or is "illegal" in any way. PROVE to me otherwise: SHOW ME MILLIONS OF PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC PAPERS THAT PROVE OTHERWISE.
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