Youtube activity of "Bender Bender" (@benderbender1233) on "Thomas Sowell" channel.
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Comments by video
""No One is Above The Law" - Is This Actually True in America? Thomas Sowell"
"3 Reasons Why Some CULTURES Are Better Than Others | Thomas Sowell"
"A Deep Dive into Affirmative Action Around the World | Thomas Sowell"
"Acting "White" for Trying to Get an Education? Thomas Sowell"
"Are Supreme Court Justices Busy Rewriting the Constitution? Thomas Sowell"
"Are there any differences between Democrats and Republicans? Thomas Sowell"
"Barack Obama u0026 Kamala Harris: They Thrive on Rhetoric Rather Than Reality | Thomas Sowell"
"Barney Frank u0026 The Ugly Truth Behind The Housing Boom u0026 Bust | Thomas Sowell"
"Black Culture Keeps Blacks Down, This is Why | Thomas Sowell"
"Colonization Helped Develop Poor Nations - Watch Before YouTube Deletes... | Thomas Sowell"
"DEI Programs: Thomas Sowell Said This 45 Years Ago u0026 No One Listened"
"Did Kwame Nkrumah and Socialism Ruin Ghana? Thomas Sowell"
"Dismantling America Through Illegal Immigration | Thomas Sowell"
"Do Cultures Play a Part in the Success u0026 Development of a People or Nation? Thomas Sowell"
"Economist Paul Krugman is TOTALLY Wrong On This | Thomas Sowell"
"Elon Musk Vs Thomas Sowell: Should Voting be a Birthright u0026 Does Your Vote Count?"
"Eloquence is No Substitute for Experience: Was Obama a Mistake for America? Thomas Sowell"
"H. L. Mencken: "Blacks Must Remain Inferior..." | Thomas Sowell"
"How Karl Marx Rose to Fame (Series - Part 4) | Thomas Sowell"
"How Liberals Call Conservatives 'Sellout' or Uncle Tom | Thomas Sowell"
"How Liberals Masquerade as Saviors of Blacks u0026 Other Minorities | Thomas Sowell"
"How Public Schools Have Become Indoctrination Centers | Thomas Sowell"
"I was a Democrat Until 1972 When This Happened... | Thomas Sowell"
"International History: The Dissolution of Czechoslovakia | Thomas Sowell"
"Is Western Degeneracy Irreversible? Thomas Sowell"
"It's All About The Family Unit But Liberals Ignore It | Thomas Sowell"
"It's Insane: The Left Keeps Redefining Words to Suit Its Agenda | Thomas Sowell"
"It's a Calculated Effort by the Elites to Dismantle America | Thomas Sowell"
"Lessons of the Trump Assassination Attempt | Thomas Sowell"
"My Journey From Marxism to Capitalism | Thomas Sowell"
"My Wife Said I Won't Last 20 Minutes in Washington - This is Why 😂 | Thomas Sowell"
"Obama's Playbook is Still Used by the Left Today | Thomas Sowell"
"Our Declining Society Celebrates Attention-Getters | Thomas Sowell"
"Political Pragmatism vs Principles: Conservatives Often Go Along to Get Along | Thomas Sowell"
"Race and Rhetoric: It Is Central to The Democrat's Campaign u0026 Existence | Thomas Sowell"
"Racism as Defined by Liberals and Intellectuals | Thomas Sowell"
"Robbing Peter to Pay Paul is not Compassion | Thomas Sowell"
"Should America Get Rid of the Spanish Language Like Britain Did with French? Thomas Sowell"
"Should Society Be Assumed to Be the Cause or Cure of Racial Disparities? Thomas Sowell"
"Slavery in the Americas: A History You Were Not Taught In School | Thomas Sowell"
"Socialism Ruined Tanzania - Can the Left Even Learn From History? Thomas Sowell"
"Socialist Democrats Don't Want You to Know This About The Soviet Union | Thomas Sowell"
"The 2008 Financial Crisis Explained | Thomas Sowell"
"The Arrival and Establishment of Jews in America From Eastern Europe | Thomas Sowell"
"The Cult of Intellectuals: Why are They so Adored as Saviors? Tyson, Chomsky... | Thomas Sowell"
"The Era of Excellent Black Education Before Democrats' Department of Education | Thomas Sowell"
"The Evolution of Progressives: From Radical Ideas to Liberal Mainstream Today | Thomas Sowell"
"The Hidden Truth Behind 1960s Welfare Programs That Changed America! Thomas Sowell"
"The Ignorance of the Left on Price Control | Thomas Sowell"
"The Left Hates It When You're Successful - This is Why | Thomas Sowell"
"The Most Inhumane Arab Slave Trade in Africa That Nobody Talks About | Thomas Sowell"
"The Racial Dogma in School Admissions | Thomas Sowell"
"The Rise of Black Conservatives in America | Thomas Sowell"
"The Role of Good Education in the Advancement of a Racial Group | Thomas Sowell"
"The Social Tyranny of the Majority: Were We Warned? Thomas Sowell"
"The Washington Swamp and Its Bureaucracy | Thomas Sowell"
"There's Always a Harvard Intellectual at the Center of Every American Disaster | Thomas Sowell"
"This is How to Cure Marxism | Thomas Sowell"
"Thomas Sowell EXPOSES the Left's War on Marriage and Family!"
"Thomas Sowell on Preferential Hiring and DEI | Thomas Sowell"
"Thomas Sowell: "I Pawned My Only Suit Just to Buy Food At Some Point in My Life""
"Thomas Sowell: Is America On the Brink of Collapse Like Rome?"
"Thomas Sowell: This is Why I Avoided TV Interviews"
"Trump Agrees with Thomas Sowell: Abolish the Department of Education | Thomas Sowell"
"Trump is Taking Action - Milton Friedman u0026 Thomas Sowell Said This Many Years Ago"
"Unmasking the Manipulators: How They Control Your Mind | Thomas Sowell"
"Walter Williams u0026 Thomas Sowell Discuss DEI u0026 Life at the Bottom"
"Want Reparations? More Than Half the Planet Would Qualify | Thomas Sowell"
"Was Slavery the Backbone of Western Prosperity? Thomas Sowell"
"What Can America Learn From Guest Worker Program u0026 Immigration in Europe? Thomas Sowell"
"What Was the Cost of Ending Slavery in America? Thomas Sowell"
"Who is the Greatest Threat to Democracy? | Thomas Sowell"
"Why Are We Normalizing This in Society? Thomas Sowell"
"Why Do 90% of Blacks Vote Democrat? Here is why... | Thomas Sowell"
"Why is Democracy Such a Sacred Word on the Left? Thomas Sowell"