Youtube activity of "The Shadow Man" (@theshadowman1398) on "VisualPolitik EN" channel.
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The Shadow Man
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Comments by video
"ARGENTINA: The world's most EXPENSIVE Political System? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Apple: In the spotlight for monopolistic practices? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Argentina and the Coronavirus: the LONGEST QUARANTINE in the WORLD? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Beyond Oil: Venezuela's Gold Struggle - VisualPolitik EN"
"Brunei: The World's Greediest and Most Sinister Monarchy? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Bukele: Hero or Dictator of the most violent country in the world? - VisualPolitik EN"
"COVID-19 VACCINE: Can it ARRIVE in Time? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Can Biden create an Asian NATO against CHINA? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Can China DESTROY the Hong Kong Financial Centre? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Carl Icahn: The Queens boy who made $21 billion - VisualPolitik EN"
"China vs. India: World War III? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Corona Bailouts: The Greatest MONETARY EXPERIMENT in History? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Could Arizona make Joe Biden President? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Could CHINA truly forge a strong ALLIANCE with RUSSIA? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Could ICELAND 🇮🇸 become the HONG KONG 🇭🇰 of cryptocurrencies ₿? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Could UKRAINE defend itself against an INVASION by RUSSIA? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Does POLAND want to create its own EUROPEAN UNION? The THREE SEAS initiative - VisualPolitik EN"
"Does PUTIN want to create his own EUROPEAN UNION? - VisualPolitik EN"
"ECUADOR: How did LENIN MORENO betray SOCIALISM of the 21st Century? - VisualPolitik EN"
"ELECTION FRAUD? The key points to the ASSAULT on the US CAPITOL - VisualPolitik EN"
"Europe's REARMING to defend itself against RUSSIA: A new era for the EU? - VisualPolitik EN"
"HERO or VILLAIN? The PROBLEM of Viktor ORBAN's HUNGARY - VisualPolitik EN"
"How did Japan's 🇯🇵 Great Financial Bubble 🎈 Develop and Burst 💥? - VisualPolitik EN"
"How did PERU GO WRONG? The great PROMISE of LATIN AMERICA - VisualPolitik EN"
"How does ISRAEL intend to STOP IRAN's nuclear program? - VisualPolitik EN"
"How does Joe BIDEN aim to BEAT Donald TRUMP? - VisualPolitik EN"
"How does 🗳️ Politics work in 🇨🇭Switzerland? - VisualPolitik EN"
"How has AIRBNB managed to be WORTH more than $100 billion? - VisualPolitik EN"
"How has Putin TRANSFORMED the Russian ARMY? - VisualPolitik EN"
"How has a COVID-19 VACCINE been created so QUICKLY? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Is CHINA more ISOLATED due to CORONAVIRUS? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Is CUBA 🇨🇺 facing the END of its communist REVOLUTION ✊? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Is China EXPANDING its EMPIRE in RUSSIA’S backyard? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Is DETROIT signalling the 'FAILURE' of the American DREAM? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Is JAPAN 🇯🇵 about to become EXTINCT? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Is Kamala Harris as RADICAL and SOCIALIST as Trump claims? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Is the US getting ready for a PEARL HARBOR in SPACE? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Jacinda Ardern: The NEW MYTH of the LEFT? - VisualPolitik EN"
"KALININGRAD, a Russian TROJAN HORSE in the heart of EUROPE? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Kazakhstan u0026 Ukraine: How does RUSSIA seek to DEPLOY its political and military POWER?"
"MYANMAR: All the Keys to the Coup D'état - VisualPolitik EN"
"Move HONG KONG to the UK: A RESPONSE to CHINA? - VisualPolitik EN"
"NORTH KOREA | What would happen if KIM JONG-UN disappeared? - VisualPolitik EN"
"NORTH KOREA: Is KIM YO-JONG taking CONTROL? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Naftali BENNETT: ISRAEL's new LEADER who wants to annex THE WEST BANK - VisualPolitik EN"
"POLAND: from COMMUNISM to CAPITALISM in just a few WEEKS - VisualPolitik EN"
"POLICE in the USA: How to fix the PROBLEM? - VisualPolitik EN"
"PUTIN, MERKEL, BIDEN and the pipeline of DISCORDY - VisualPolitik EN"
"Pennsylvania: the STATE that could KICK TRUMP OUT of the White House?- VisualPolitik EN"
"RECESSION | How to FACE THE CRISIS? Does a "GREEN RECOVERY" make SENSE? - VisualPolitik EN"
"RUSSIA's THREAT to NATO's BALTIC republics - VisualPolitik EN"
"Revolution in BELARUS: The END of the last DICTATORSHIP in Europe? - VisualPolitik EN"
"SHEIKHS in Distress: CRISIS in the PERSIAN GULF - VisualPolitik EN"
"SHEIKHS, the PERSIAN GULF and the most EXPENSIVE ARMIES in the world - VisualPolitik EN"
"SPY WAR on the KOREAN PENINSULA - VisualPolitik EN"
"Special Operations: the NEW WAR of the XXI Century? - VisualPolitik EN"
"TIBET: Why does CHINA want to KEEP IT so BADLY? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Thailand: Has the God-King lost his clothes? - VisualPolitik EN"
"The 1997 Crisis: The Greatest Asian Crisis in History? - VisualPolitik EN"
"The 4 Key factors to the Taliban Control of Afghanistan - VisualPolitik EN"
"The BATTLE for 5G | Is There an Alternative to HUAWEI? - VisualPolitik EN"
"The CHINESE DICTATORSHIP PLAN to continue CONTROLLING the country - VisualPolitik EN"
"The Collapse of the Baltic Tigers: How did Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania escape ruin?"
"The Conquest of Hong Kong - VisualPolitik EN"
"The Corporate DEBT WAVE that could SWAMP Wall Street - VisualPolitik EN"
"The DARK SIDE of TRUMP’S BUSINESS - VisualPolitik EN"
"The DONETSK and LUHANSK REPUBLICS: What can UKRAINE expect after the INVASION? - VisualPolitik EN"
"The EU's New Plan to Transform the Economy - VisualPolitik EN"
"The GENIUSES' Hedge Fund: The COLLAPSE of LTCM"
"The Great Crisis (and Recovery?) of the Cruise Industry - VisualPolitik EN"
"The INVISIBLE WALL: Is GERMANY still divided into TWO large BLOCKS? - VisualPolitik EN"
"The Madoff Empire: The Biggest Pyramid Scheme in History - VisualPolitik EN"
"The NIGHTMARE of NYC's 180,000 PUBLIC housing units ($32 billion GAP) - VisualPolitik EN"
"The PROBLEM with FAKE NEWS... and WIRECARD - VisualPolitik EN"
"The ROLLER COASTER of the BRAZILIAN economy - VisualPolitik EN"
"The UGLY FACE of racism in CHINA - VisualPolitik EN"
"The VisualPolitik 2021 ANTI-AWARDS"
"The biggest AVIATION CRISIS: the sector MOST DAMAGED by the CORONAVIRUS - VisualPolitik EN"
"The eternal DISPUTE for the uninhabited ISLANDS that keeps JAPAN awake - VisualPolitik EN"
"The great CRISIS of social democracy in EUROPE - VisualPolitik EN"
"The latest Wall Street scandal: Archegos Capital Management - VisualPolitik EN"
"The new artificial Chinese MEGACITY in SINGAPORE (that you’ve never heard of) - VisualPolitik EN"
"The problem with DROUGHT in BRAZIL, ARGENTINA and PARAGUAY - VisualPolitik EN"
"Tokyo 2020: The greatest Olympic failure in history? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Ukraine Loses Kursk: A Sign of Collapse? @VisualPolitikEN"
"United States Vs. China: The New Financial Cold War?"
"Uzbekistan and the PRIVATISATION of cotton cultivation - VisualPolitik EN"
"VIETNAM, the BIGGEST WINNER from the CORONAVIRUS? - VisualPolitik EN"
"VisualPolitik 2020 Awards: World's Greatest Leaders of the Year"
"What POLICIES are exterminating the HIV PANDEMIC? - VisualPolitik EN"
"What does Russia want from Ukraine? - VisualPolitik EN"
"What if RUSSIA were a COLONIAL empire? - VisualPolitik EN"
"What is TURKEY pursuing in NAGORNO-KARABAKH? - VisualPolitik EN"
"When ARGENTINA said NO to the IMF: the WORST CRISIS of the Gaucho Economy - VisualPolitik EN"
"Who holds the ECONOMIC POWER in RUSSIA? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why Does Switzerland Do More Trade in Coffee than Colombia? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why Won’t China Bail Out the Russian Economy? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why are American 🎓 Universities so 💰 Expensive? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why are FRENCH 🇫🇷 pensions UNSUSTAINABLE 💸 ? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why did the Soviet Union collapse? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why do OIL RICH MONARCHIES have so many IMMIGRANTS? (and why is this a problem?) - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why do RUSSIANS still think they are NOT AT WAR? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why do the BIG FORTUNES keep their WORKS OF ART in SWITZERLAND? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why does ESTONIA have the most COMPETITIVE TAXES in the WORLD? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why does MACAU want to become the NASDAQ of CHINA? (with Xi Jinping’s support) - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why does SAUDI ARABIA want to create a JURASSIC PARK? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why does the U.S. rely on LNG to consolidate its GLOBAL DOMINANCE? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why has CAPITALISM failed in RUSSIA? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why has St. Louis become the most dangerous city in the USA? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why is ALASKA on the verge of BANKRUPTCY? (Despite being SO RICH) - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why is ITALY'S ECONOMY a DISASTER (before and after Covid)? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why is POISON the FAVORITE weapon in PUTIN RUSSIA?"
"Why is SPAIN a hell for MILLENNIALS? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why is UKRAINE the POOREST country in EUROPE? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why is US INFRASTRUCTURE so BAD? (And what is BIDEN’s plan?) - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why is the INVASION OF UKRAINE a huge MISTAKE for RUSSIA? - VisualPolitik EN"
"Why should EUROPE accept RUSSIAN IMMIGRANTS (as soon as possible)? - VisualPolitik EN"
"🇯🇵 Japan: 👍 Achievements and 👎 Failures over the last Decade - VisualPolitik EN"
"💡 Lights and 🌑 Shadows of the Disney Empire 🏰 - VisualPolitik EN"