Comments by "Sean" (@sean2015) on "Investigator: New TWA theory 'bull crap'" video.

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  5.  @roquefortfiles  short circuits do not bring down a jumbo jet, my God you can’t be that dense. The pilot who flew the TWA jet from Athens to New York on its very last leg testified that he tested the fuel tank on that day and said it was in great shape and could not have exploded. Are you also willing to disregard… 1) the bomb residue found on the backs of certain seats and on some of the passengers’ bodies? (Which the gubmint alternately claimed was glue, then admitted it was a sample amount of bomb residue for training bomb-sniffing dogs? Yeah right!) 2) radar tapes which showed an unidentified blip merging with flight 800 the instant before it broke apart in mid-air? 3) the fact that the Navy was the first on the scene (despite the fact that the U.S. military has no jurisdiction in a civilian air crash) and blocked access by the NTSB’s “go team” for the first hours after the explosion? 4) the fact that the Navy admitted that a MOA (military operations area, clearly marked on aeronautical charts) off Long Island was active on the night of the tragedy. 5) the suspicious behavior of the Navy including conducting an extensive search of a radius that was far beyond the gliding capabilities of the stricken jet and well outside the known wreckage area? 6) the testimony of Pierre Salinger that the father of a sailor told him his son had confessed that the Navy had shot down the airliner 7) contradictions by Jim Kallstrom who initially denied there were any Navy ships in the area where Flight 800 exploded and was later caught on tape saying there were in fact THREE such ships ? 8) former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Thomas Moorer saying that all the evidence indicated a missile strike 9) a senate subcommittee chaired by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) which released testimony that a bomb or missile had downed the plane and called the FBI investigation (the lengthiest and costliest in history at that time) a “model of failure”. 10. The FBI (led by Kallstrom) preventing the testimony of nearly 400 witnesses (all with nearly identical accounts) who said they saw a flare or missile in the air in the same area as and at the exact time as the 747 went down. You weren’t there that night - nor was I. That’s why when close to 400 witnesses say they saw something, I absolutely believe them.
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