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Comments by "" (@vadimvasilyev1750) on "WION" channel.
Zimbabwe shouldn't apply gold currency because it will be washed by others countries in exchange of paper currency. It should perform denomination, to reduce significantly zeros on the banknotes and to reduce inflation. It also should fit incomes with spendings. I also advice to issue bonds to avoid to print excessive money and to sell it inside and outside.
African countries should unite in front of imperialistic West in spite of ambitions of local leaders. And build military factories.
In Russia there is a same situation (workers died and the body placed out of warehouse and police ignored on the reason of death and didn't investigate the crime) in warehouses of grid shops "Familia" in Moscow. One woman told me about it.
It will be hot in this uniform.
Do not be dictated by IMF otherwise you will go to the poverty.
Agreement of collective security is a progressive solution. Central and South America could be united in the military organisation.
Iran security forces and intelligence should work thoroughly on security in the country. It is obvious that there are many problems in it! They must listen all informational channels: internet, phone, radio.
The same happened all over the world I suppose. Black sea has been blocked since the time of Russian-Ukrainian war. It caused food shortages. It also caused rise of oil prices and oil products. All of them has influenced on inflation all over the world.
Rather disaster because of every human demands an electric power, electric energy, different food (milk, meat, grains, vegetables, fruits etc.), water. Every person produce wastes (sanitary safety). And this is about security (true criminal rate)! Can India provide all of these resources for every citizen? That is the question of your discussion!
Free education is a very right step.
They should protest in front of their companies who is ingnoring on environment, producing and selling unquality goods. Auchan is selling many goods which have low quality and reliability. Toys, sportswear, sport accessories, shouse, furniture, appliances.
Sri Lanka could produce ethanol and add it in gasoline to save money on import of gasoline. It is also possible to use ethanol as a fuel for cooking. Clean and cheap. It can be produced from unconditioned fruits and sugar.
😄It is otherwise better for Russia. More gold will stay in the country. All demand is covering by GCC and Asia I suppose.
😆Bears are walking on the streets of cities in Russia. And lions with leopards are walking on the sreets of Pakistan.
Then military volunteers from different countries will come to Iran to fight with the US and Israel. Pakistan should help to Iran because of after Iran they will come to Pakistan if democracy will not in Pakistan.
Quake must be in Moscow. Moscow city deserves it because of officials don't fear anybody and anything, total impunity for negligence and corruption.
In my viewpoint there is a sense for Africa to create military union like NATO. Your interests are similar, security. And with agreement of colective security you could protect each other from "international society" (UN and imperialistic western countries).
I advice to protesters to require from the government to create state grid of shops with lower prices on socially significant products (bread, national grains, pasta, milk, eggs, herring, apples, flour etc.) than in private shops and wholesale prices on social significant goods for disabled people, orphans till 20 years old. And require market salaries for workers in this state grid of shops.
I think he should eat less animal protein food (circles under eyes).
Iran government should improve the economy, to invest in production of precious goods.
In my viewpoint China should develop disputed gas and oil fields together with involved countries (Vietnam and Philippines). I advice them to agree to create a joint company, invest money together and develop these oil and gas fields.
I advice Turkey to ban IKEA to work in Turkey and import of some swedish goods (Volvo's vehicles etc.).
He looked like a kind person. Don't understand why he didn't use internet technologies for agitations. My condolences.
It is better to take a tax from buying of foreign currency by people and to allow them to sell and buy expensive metals without taxes.
Do not do what IMF says to you.
Nice business idea, ukrainian movie companies can earn money on these landscapes and destroyed buildings. Horror movies, apocalypsis movies, movies about construction and construction specialists, war movies and even romantic movies. Because of imperialism they are there.
Pomegranades, corn, fruits are very expensive now in shops in Russia. 2-4$/kg.
The same I would say about clothes from Bangladesh and India. Bangladesh and India don't have high corruption? 😏And these countries pay more than 1$/h for producing of clothes?
N.K. is doing the right business! It is the question of security and future. It is only a threat for imperialistic countries and their alies. No sanctions for N. K. Every imperialistic country did the same.
Business is guilty in it. Enrichment even on social goods and services. It is restricted in Islam to enrich by providing money in debt with percents.
No, it is a threat for imperialistic countries. Ofcourse it is not a threat for Botswana, Namibia, Mauritania, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru etc.
Simply don't fry and the meal will be healthier.
People - one thing, politics - other thing. They are imposing the war and try to get points of popularity.
It is doesn't matter who will be a president of Brazil. Anyway it will be under huge influence of USA and american companies.
It is regress for the country if somebody don't have an opportunity for getting a education.
Myanmar should transfer part of power (civil bodies and institutes) to smartests and patriotic citizens who follows national interests of the country.
Ban PepsiCo chips.
"Very smart" solution!
Without helmet he is a perfect target.
Top officials are not guilty in the crisis. The crisis is created by the war in Ukraine and consequences of it: difficult shipping in Black sea, Blatic sea and in Europe, perspective lower level of crops in Ukraine, higher prices for oil, gas and oil products. Officials are only guilty in that they don't attract outstanding teachers in universities in Sri Lanka from abroad countries, don't provide to people free middle and special education.
It will fix itself only in case if they will get high engineering education, build different factories which produce high cost goods. And if they will export more than import. It is doesn't matters who will be in power! Everything depends on people.
I advice to attract to Sri Lanka outstanding foreign maths, physics and chemistry teachers.
Advice to people to require from government to nationalize of oil fields, oil pipelines and oil refineries. It is the main problem in such countries.
Syrians should be united, it will help to overcome economical difficulties.
Why Iran and Pakistan don't want to build gas pipeline? Pakistan could get cheaper gas than by buying LNG.
It is due to war in Ukraine. Oil prices and prices for oil products have become higher. It is dvery difficult now to ship oil products and oil from Russia in Black Sea. Officials are not guilty in the crisis.
I suppose they are very expensive! I think Philippine people are able to make the same missile and save huge sum of money for their country. Philippine government should create state company which will be develop it.
I advice them to build system of centralized cooling on the basis of fan-coils, absorbtion refrigerator and combined heat and power plants in cities. To use fan-coils in rooms in offices, in apartments, in social buildings (shops, shopping malls, administrative buildings, museums, schools, universities, courts etc.).
They don't pay off. They are still too expensive.
jail for criminal powers!