Comments by "bas kir" (@vinsin328) on "NDTV" channel.

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  27. noor37130 no I am not a lawyer. Interested in indian subcontinent history. Tried to read world history but gave up. But yes I do know thing that probably known to say 0.1% of indian but more and more are getting to know though internet. It has created huge problem for indian muslims now. I am staying will three kerala muslims and they all want to stay in india but don't want to follow indian laws. In order to show fake patriotism they will bad mouth pakistani and say kashmir is part of india. Basically I was lucky to study history under an American teacher. I didn't like it when she told so many issues created by nehru that most of us hated her. But things are turning ugly now, as predicted that might happen by Columbia university. You can also find a lot of unhrc petition by indian muslims to safe guard from secularism and Hindu gods. Most of the time they don't reply or ask for follow law of the land. Secretly all human rights officer say why Indian muslims don't move to pakistan if they have issues with hindus. What better offer any country can offer? So don't be surprised if hear a lot if riots in india in future or movement of many muslims to pakistan. I will accept any verdict as that of god or law of nature. It is the indian muslims who has to understand that riots will not take them far away, follow law of the land and the agreement of partition signed by muslim league and congress. My big concern is that If indian muslims act funny then whole world muslims community will be sidelined, segregated and neglected. Not good times for subcontinent muslims and muslims at large.
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