Youtube activity of "Gill Helfman" (@user-ok2fe6vv4e) on "USHANKA SHOW" channel.
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- 38
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Comments by video
"Crime and Punishment. Getting in Trouble for Buying a Bottle of Vodka #ussr"
"Escaping Collective Farm Slavery. My Mother's Story. A Village Girl Moving to Kyiv #ukraine"
"Honey Money. Beekeeping in the USSR. How Expensive Was Honey in the Soviet Union?"
"How Expensive Was a Soviet Camper Trailer? #ussr"
"How People and Veterans With Disabilities Were Treated in the USSR? Ushanka Digest"
"How Soviet "Parasites" Profiteered on the Latest Fashion Trend: Japanese Umbrellas"
"KGB Had Eleven Reasons to Refuse Your Trip Abroad. Soviet Tourism #ussr, #kgb"
"Kremlin's Tools of Sovietization: Russification and Industrialization of Republics"
"LAZ-695, The SOULKILLER. The Most Mass-Produced Bus in the USSR"
"Learning About Russia and Russian History in the Soviet Schools #ussr"
"May of 1946, When Handicapped Veterans Disappeared From The Streets in the Soviet Union"
"Most Popular Arcade Games in the Soviet Union #arcadegames"
"Not So Exciting Life of a Soviet Rock Star. Music Bands in the USSR #sovietmusic"
"November 10, 1982, the Day Swan Lake Flooded Soviet Airwaves #brezhnev"
"Public transportation in the USSR. Flying AEROFLOT Airlines #ussr, #aeroflot"
"Religion in the Soviet Union. Part 1 #ussr, #religion"
"Should I Call You a Comrade or a Citizen? Addressing Soviet People #ussr"
"Soviet Officer in Reserve Military ID Review #sovietarmy"
"Soviet Underground Music Culture Discovered by Joanna Stingray #sovietmusic"
"The Cuba Tapes. Eavesdropping on America From the Soviet Spy Center "Lourdes""
"The Most Expensive Glass Recycling Program in the World #ussr"
"The Old Man and The Communism. A Story About Giving Away Kvass #ussr"
"They Steal Everything! 1980 Secret Report That Shocked the Soviet Government #USSR"
"What Proof Is My 1982 Bottle of Vodka From Ukraine?"
"When THE DAY AFTER (1983) Nuclear-Attack Movie Was Shown in the Soviet Union"
"Why Chess Was So Popular in the Soviet Union? #chess"