Comments by "James Neave" (@JamesNeave1978) on "Task & Purpose" channel.

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  33. OK, got pen and paper? Write this shit down, umma lay you down some gold, 'K? ... Give civilians good reasons to join the military and they will join the military. Good Ideas: 1) College tuition in practical, marketable skills once they're back out in civvie street. Without the soul crushing debt. 2) The best healthcare which continues for the rest of your life 3) Base salaries more inline with regular high school graduation salaries 4) Increasing bonuses for long term service. Here in the UK, in the Royal Navy if you join at 18 and stay in until 50 (I think, maybe 55?) You get your gratuity. Lump sum of tax free cash into your bank, equal to your final salary. So if you finished on $50,000 that's a $50,000 cheque made out to you. 5) Military Mortgages, Military Housing Services. Give them the ability to buy some land and build a house on it, cutting red tape like HESH through a T-62. 6) Portray you're military as a force for good, for positive change around the world. Explain how the mistake of the past are consigned to the past. You need to softly rebuild trust in the American Military. Bad Ideas: 1) Appealing to their patriotism. Doesn't work, we were raised but Boomers and Xers and taught how to greed. 2) Saying "Woke Culture". I'm an old millennial and even I get fucked off when one of our defining social features is to practice equality for all. This shit is important to us. 3) Dispel the stench of being more with the Right than the Left. You're going out there to be a force for the protection of our Rules Based World. To rid the world of the shadow of authoritarianism. AND MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL All of this must be done with the UTMOST sincerity We are perceptive, we can see and smell bullshit a 100km away. There will be a rule in the contact that says if you are not held to your portrayed values then we are not held to our contractual obligations of service. We can walk if all you do is talk
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