Comments by "James Neave" (@JamesNeave1978) on "Task & Purpose" channel.

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  36.  @luigimrlgaming9484  "I believe this was somewhere around the start of the war, yes?" No, current numbers "forcibly ambushing people in the streets for conscription" No, they're looking for people that have not responded to their mobilization call, they're not arbitrarily press ganging people. It's illegal to dodge the draft, these people are being arrested "Ukraine has been through 13 different mobilizations" Nope, 3rd wave started in April '24 "The AFU is still around a million strong, and Kyiv has been calling for ever increasing numbers of more conscripts." And? They're fighting for their lives, they need the numbers and NOT because of too many casualties, million strong army, ~60,000 casualties. But they need more than a million. "The AFU is suffering significant manpower shortages" Currently it's an issue, yes, they should have started the 3ed weave much sooner. Russia has exactly the same issue, worse in fact because they have no training infrastructure left, they sent all the instructors to die in Ukraine. "Ukraine often performs suicidal assaults for PR purposes, and it costs them a lot everytime." Nope. Russia does, although in their case it's because they're a crap, weak military, always was always will be. "Do the math, you'll find those casualty numbers are impossible." Math? The fuck are you talking about, you read reputable sources for casualty numbers Russia has all but exhausted its training infrastructure, medical infrastructure, artillery guns stockpile, tank stockpile, BTR stockpile and already can only fire missiles as far as they can produce them, real paint-still-wet stuff. Their massed terror attacks with ballistic, cruise and loitering weapons have have been neutralised, Ukrainian GBAD is now the very best of the best in the whole world. Russian air defence has failed though, they are powerless in the face of Ukrainian arial attacks on their oil infrastructure And now Ukraine and seized 1200 off square kilometres of Russian oblast because their defences were paper thin. Russia is not coming out of this a winner! 😂
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